innate memory

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The immune memory is one of the defensive strategies developed by both unicellular and multicellular organisms for ensuring their integrity and functionality. While the immune memory of the vertebrate adaptive immune system (based on somatic recombination) is antigen-specific, encompassing the generation of memory T and B cells that only recognize/react to a specific antigen epitope, the capacity of vertebrate innate cells to remember past events is a mostly non-specific mechanism of adaptation. This \"innate memory\" can be considered as germline-encoded because its effector tools (such as innate receptors) do not need somatic recombination for being active. Also, in several organisms the memory-related information is integrated in the genome of germline cells and can be transmitted to the progeny for several generations, but it can also be erased depending on the environmental conditions. Overall, depending on the organism, its environment and its living habits, innate immune memory appears to be a mechanism for achieving better protection and survival against repeated exposure to microbes/stressful agents present in the same environment or occurring in the same anatomical district, able to adapt to changes in the environmental cues. The anatomical and functional complexity of the organism and its lifespan drive the generation of different immune memory mechanisms, for optimal adaptation to changes in the living/environmental conditions. The concept of innate immunity being non-specific needs to be revisited, as a wealth of evidence suggests a significant degree of specificity both in the primary immune reaction and in the ensuing memory-like responses. This is clearly evident in invertebrate metazoans, in which distinct scenarios can be observed, with both non-specific (immune enhancement) or specific (immune priming) memory-like responses. In the case of mammals, there is evidence that some degree of specificity can be attained in different situations, for instance as organ-specific protection rather than microorganism-specific reaction. Thus, depending on the challenges and conditions, innate memory can be non-specific or specific, can be integrated in the germline and transmitted to the progeny or be short-lived, thereby representing an exceptionally plastic mechanism of defensive adaptation for ensuring individual and species survival.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microglial reactivity to injury and disease is emerging as a heterogeneous, dynamic, and crucial determinant in neurological disorders. However, the plasticity and fate of disease-associated microglia (DAM) remain largely unknown. We established a lineage tracing system, leveraging the expression dynamics of secreted phosphoprotein 1(Spp1) to label and track DAM-like microglia during brain injury and recovery. Fate mapping of Spp1+ microglia during stroke in juvenile mice revealed an irreversible state of DAM-like microglia that were ultimately eliminated from the injured brain. By contrast, DAM-like microglia in the neonatal stroke models exhibited high plasticity, regaining a homeostatic signature and integrating into the microglial network after recovery. Furthermore, neonatal injury had a lasting impact on microglia, rendering them intrinsically sensitized to subsequent immune challenges. Therefore, our findings highlight the plasticity and innate immune memory of neonatal microglia, shedding light on the fate of DAM-like microglia in various neuropathological conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In addition to circulating haemocytes, the immune system of the solitary ascidian Ciona robusta relies on two organs, the pharynx and the gut, and encompasses a wide array of immune and stress-related genes. How the pharynx and the gut of C. robusta react and adapt to environmental stress was assessed upon short or long exposure to hypoxia/starvation in the absence or in the presence of polystyrene nanoplastics. We show that the immune response to stress is very different between the two organs, suggesting an organ-specific immune adaptation to the environmental changes. Notably, the presence of nanoplastics appears to alter the gene modulation induced by hypoxia/starvation in both organs, resulting in a partial increase in gene up-regulation in the pharynx and a less evident response to stress in the gut. We have also assessed whether the hypoxia/starvation stress could induce innate memory, measured as gene expression in response to a subsequent challenge with the bacterial agent LPS. Exposure to stress one week before challenge induced a substantial change in the response to LPS, with a general decrease of gene expression in the pharynx and a strong increase in the gut. Co-exposure with nanoplastics only partially modulated the stress-induced memory response to LPS, without substantially changing the stress-dependent gene expression profile in either organ. Overall, the presence of nanoplastics in the marine environment seems able to decrease the immune response of C. robusta to stressful conditions, hypothetically implying a reduced capacity to adapt to environmental changes, but only partially affects the stress-dependent induction of innate memory and subsequent responses to infectious challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We assessed whether concomitant exposure of human monocytes to bacterial agents and different engineered nanoparticles can affect the induction of protective innate memory, an immune mechanism that affords better resistance to diverse threatening challenges. Monocytes were exposed in vitro to nanoparticles of different chemical nature, shape and size either alone or admixed with LPS, and cell activation was assessed in terms of production of inflammatory (TNFα, IL-6) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10, IL-1Ra). After return to baseline conditions, cells were re-challenged with LPS and their secondary \"memory\" response measured. Results show that nanoparticles alone are essentially unable to generate memory, while LPS induced a tolerance memory response (less inflammatory cytokines, equal or increased anti-inflammatory cytokines). LPS-induced tolerance was not significantly affected by the presence of nanoparticles during the memory generation phase, although with substantial donor-to-donor variability. This suggests that, despite the overall lack of significant effects on LPS-induced innate memory, nanoparticles may have donor-specific effects. Thus, future nanosafety assessment and nanotherapeutic strategies will need a personalized approach in order to ensure both the safety and efficacy of nano medical compounds for individual patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interaction of SARS-CoV-2 with the human immune system is at the basis of the positive or negative outcome of the infection. Monocytes and macrophages, which are major innate immune/inflammatory effector cells, are not directly infected by SARS-CoV-2, however they can react to the virus and mount a strong reaction. Whether this first interaction and reaction may bias innate reactivity to re-challenge, a phenomenon known as innate memory, is currently unexplored and may be part of the long-term sequelae of COVID-19. Here, we have tested the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 and some of its proteins to induce innate memory in human monocytes in vitro. Our preliminary results show that the Spike protein subunits S1 and S2 and the entire heat-inactivated virus have no substantial effect. Conversely, monocytes pre-exposed to the nucleocapsid N protein react to subsequent viral or bacterial challenges with an increased production of anti-inflammatory IL-1Ra, a response profile suggesting a milder response to new infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) affects almost half of the world\'s population and is a major cause of stomach cancer. Although immune cells react strongly to this gastric bacterium, H. pylori is still one of the rare pathogens that can evade elimination by the host and cause chronic inflammation. In the present study, we characterized the inflammatory response of primary human monocytes to repeated H. pylori infection and their responsiveness to an ensuing bacterial stimulus. We show that, although repeated stimulations with H. pylori do not result in an enhanced response, H. pylori-primed monocytes are hyper-responsive to an Escherichia coli-lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation that takes place shortly after infection. This hyper-responsiveness to bacterial stimuli is observed upon infection with viable H. pylori only, while heat-killed H. pylori fails to boost both cytokine secretion and STAT activation in response to LPS. When the secondary challenge occurs several days after the primary infection with live bacteria, H. pylori-infected monocytes lose their hyper-responsiveness. The observation that H. pylori makes primary human monocytes more susceptible to subsequent/overlapping stimuli provides an important basis to better understand how H. pylori can maintain chronic inflammation and thus contribute to gastric cancer progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assessing the impact of drugs and contaminants on immune responses requires methodological approaches able to represent real-life conditions and predict long-term effects. Innate immunity/inflammation is the evolutionarily most widespread and conserved defensive mechanism in living organisms, and therefore we will focus here on immunotoxicological methods that specifically target such processes. By exploiting the conserved mechanisms of innate immunity, we have examined the most representative immunotoxicity methodological approaches across living species, to identify common features and human proxy models/assays. Three marine invertebrate organisms are examined in comparison with humans, i.e., bivalve molluscs, tunicates and sea urchins. In vivo and in vitro approaches are compared, highlighting common mechanisms and species-specific endpoints, to be applied in predictive human and environmental immunotoxicity assessment. Emphasis is given to the 3R principle of Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research and to the application of the ARRIVE guidelines on reporting animal research, in order to strengthen the quality and usability of immunotoxicology research data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Innate immune memory, the ability of innate cells to react in a more protective way to secondary challenges, is induced by exposure to infectious and other exogeous and endogenous agents. Engineered nanoparticles are particulate exogenous agents that, as such, could trigger an inflammatory reaction in monocytes and macrophages and could therefore be also able to induce innate memory. Here, we have evaluated the capacity of engineered gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) to induce a memory response or to modulate the memory responses induced by microbial agents. Microbial agents used were in soluble vs. particulate form (MDP and the gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus; β-glucan and the β-glucan-producing fungi C. albicans), and as whole microrganisms that were either killed (S. aureus, C. albicans) or viable (the gram-negative bacteria Helicobacter pylori). The memory response was assessed in vitro, by exposing human primary monocytes from 2-7 individual donors to microbial agents with or without AuNPs (primary response), then resting them for 6 days to allow return to baseline, and eventually challenging them with LPS (secondary memory response). Primary and memory responses were tested as production of the innate/inflammatory cytokine TNFα and other inflammatory and anti-inflammatory factors. While inactive on the response induced by soluble microbial stimuli (muramyl dipeptide -MDP-, β-glucan), AuNPs partially reduced the primary response induced by whole microorganisms. AuNPs were also unable to directly induce a memory response but could modulate stimulus-induced memory in a circumscribed fashion, limited to some agents and some cytokines. Thus, the MDP-induced tolerance in terms of TNFα production was further exacerbated by co-priming with AuNPs, resulting in a less inflammatory memory response. Conversely, the H. pylori-induced tolerance was downregulated by AuNPs only relative to the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, which would lead to an overall more inflammatory memory response. These effects of AuNPs may depend on a differential interaction/association between the reactive particle surfaces and the microbial components and agents, which may lead to a change in the exposure profiles. As a general observation, however, the donor-to-donor variability in memory response profiles and reactivity to AuNPs was substantial, suggesting that innate memory depends on the individual history of exposures.





