
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sialadenitis is a prevalent salivary gland disease resulting in decreased salivary flow rate. To date, little is known about the exact changes and mechanism of ductal cells in sialadenitis. This study aims to establish an efficient method to identify and isolate ductal cells, thereby facilitating further research on this specific cell type. Immunofluorescence for cytokeratin 13 and cytokeratin 19 was conducted in salivary glands to confirm their specificity as ductal cell markers. The dissected ducts were assessed through PCR and Western blot of cytokeratin 19 and digested by dispase and collagenase. The functionality of the isolated ductal cells was determined by measuring intracellular calcium. Cytokeratin 19 and cytokeratin 13 were expressed in all segments of human ducts. Cytokeratin 19 was limited to ducts excluding granular convoluted tubules in rat and mouse. The purities of the obtained ductal cells were approximately 98% in humans and 93% in rats. Furthermore, intracellular free calcium increased with time and concentration of carbachol treatment. Cytokeratin 19 serves as a dependable marker for identifying ductal cells in salivary glands, except for granular convoluted tubules. Moreover, we have successfully developed an efficient method for isolating ductal cells from salivary glands.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leucine rich repeat containing G protein-coupled receptor 5(Lgr5) is widely expressed in multiple tissues and can be used as a stem cell marker in a variety of epithelial organs (including the small intestine, colon, stomach and hair follicles). In this study, we used Lgr5-CreERT2+/- and Rosa26-mTmG hybridized transgenic mice to investigate the expression of Lgr5 in both ductal epithelial cells during pancreas development and in vitro cultured pancreatic duct organoids. After induction with Tamoxifen, the Lgr5 expression was analyzed by detecting the enhanced green fluorescence protein in the pancreatic tissue sections in adult animals and embryos at different developmental stages. The results showed that Lgr5 expression was detected neither in adult pancreatic duct epithelia nor in the embryonic pancreatic tissues at day 15.5 or in newborn mice. However, when 4-hydroxy-Tamoxifen was supplemented to the culture medium, EGFP could be detected in the primary pancreatic duct organoids from Lgr5-Cre ERT2+/-; Rosa26-mTmG mice. These results suggested that Lgr5 was not expressed in adult and embryonic pancreatic tissues; but could be expressed in the cultured pancreas ductal organoids. The research lays the foundation for exploring specific gene expression patterns in stem/progenitor cells during pancreatic development.
    富含亮氨酸重复序列G蛋白偶联受体5 (leucine-rich repeat containing G protein-coupled receptor 5, Lgr5)在体内分布广泛,可以作为多种上皮组织(包括小肠、结肠、胃和毛囊)中干细胞的标记物。为了探究小鼠(Mus musculus)胰腺发育过程中导管上皮细胞及体外培养的胰腺导管类器官中Lgr5的表达情况,本研究利用Lgr5-CreERT2+/-和Rosa26-mTmG杂交后的转基因小鼠,经Tamoxifen (他莫昔芬)诱导后,观察不同发育阶段胰腺组织切片的荧光表达情况,并通过三维培养建立成体小鼠胰腺导管类器官,观察诱导后类器官细胞中的荧光变化。结果显示:Tamoxifen诱导的正常成体转基因小鼠胰腺导管内未检测到表达Lgr5的细胞;通过对孕鼠及哺乳母鼠注射Tamoxifen,在胚胎发育15.5 d和新生小鼠胰腺中也未发现Lgr5阳性细胞;但是将4-hydroxy- Tamoxifen (4-羟基-他莫昔芬)添加到培养基中,在Lgr5-CreERT2+/-;Rosa26-mTmG转基因小鼠胰腺导管来源的类器官中检测到部分细胞表达Lgr5。本研究结果证实,在成体及胚胎胰腺组织中没有检测到Lgr5表达,但在体外培养的胰腺导管类器官细胞中检测到Lgr5表达。本研究为探索胰腺发育过程中干/祖细胞特异性表达基因奠定了基础。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our previous findings show that insulin-produced cells are found in human pancreatic ducts. However, the underlying molecular mechanism of transdifferentiation in pancreatic ductal cells is not yet totally uncovered. High-fat diet (HFD) and high-glucose diet (HGD) fed mice were subjected to the biochemical tests in sera. And the pancreatic samples were used for immunostaining and immunoblotting assays, respectively. These serological findings showed that fasting blood glucose, insulin, blood lipids (triglyceride, total cholesterol), liver functional enzymes (glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase) were increased in HFD fed mice. Immunostaining observations showed that insulin protein was positively expressed in pancreatic islets and ducts, characterized with elevated immunoreactive cells of insulin, neurogenin-3, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), and reduced F-box/WD repeat-containing protein 7-positive cells in pancreatic islets and ducts of HFD and HGD fed mice. Interestingly, immunoblotting assays suggested that intrapancreatic expressions of insulin, Krüppel-like Factor 2, PARP, p42/44MAPK proteins were upregulated in HFD and HGD exposed mice, while Fbxw7 protein content in pancreas samples were reduced. Taken together, the current findings reveal that there may be potential transdifferentiation of insulin-producing cells in pancreatic ducts through inducing a pathway of intracellular Fbxw7 ubiquitination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Previous studies demonstrate that eccrine sweat glands are innervated by both cholinergic and adrenergic nerves. However, it is still unknown whether the secretory coils and ducts of eccrine sweat glands are equally innervated by the sympathetic nerve fibers. To well understand the mechanisms on sweat secretion and reabsorption, the differential innervation of secretory coils and ducts in human eccrine sweat glands was investigated in the study.
    METHODS: From June 2016 to June 2017, six human skins were fixed, paraffin-embedded, and cut into 5 μm-thick sections, followed by costaining for nerve fiber markers protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), and eccrine sweat gland markers K7, S100P, and K14 by combining standard immunofluorescence with tyramide signal amplification (IF-TSA). Stained sections were observed under the microscope, photographed, and analyzed.
    RESULTS: The fluorescent signals of PGP 9.5, TH, and VIP were easily visualized, by IF-TSA, as circular patterns surrounding eccrine sweat glands, but only PGP 9.5 could be observed by standard IF. The IF-TSA method is more sensitivity than standard IF in detecting antigens expressed at low levels. PGP 9.5, TH, and VIP appeared primarily surrounding the secretory coils and sparsely surrounding the sweat ducts.
    CONCLUSIONS: Sweat secretion is mainly controlled by autonomic nerves whereas sweat reabsorption is less affected by nerve activity.
    人汗腺分泌部和导管部神经支配的差异表达摘要背景: 先前的研究表明人汗腺受胆碱能和肾上腺素能神经双重支配,但并不太清楚是否分泌部和导管部等同受到交感神经纤维支配。本研究的目的是调查分泌部和导管部的差异神经纤维支配。 方法: 从2016年6月-2017年6月,六个人皮肤标本常规固定、石蜡包埋、切成5 μm 厚的切片。采用共免疫荧光组织化学-酪氨酸信号放大系统(IF-TSA)方法检测神经标志物:蛋白基因产物 9.5 (PGP 9.5), 酪氨酸羟化酶 (TH)和血管活性肠肽(VIP),和汗腺标志物:K7,S100P 和K14,的表达。显微镜下观察、拍照和分析染色结果。 结果: IF-TSA 方法能够很容易的检测到PGP 9.5,TH和VIP荧光信号呈环状分布于汗腺周围,而传统的IF法仅检测到PGP 9.5在汗腺的表达。IF-TSA方法比传统的IF法在检测低表达抗原方面更敏感。PGP 9.5,TH和VIP主要分布于分泌部周围,较少分布于导管部周围。 结论: 汗液分泌主要受神经支配,而汗液重吸收较少受神经影响。.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sjögren\'s syndrome and autoimmune pancreatitis are disorders with decreased function of salivary, lacrimal glands, and the exocrine pancreas. Nonobese diabetic/ShiLTJ mice and mice transduced with the cytokine BMP6 develop Sjögren\'s syndrome and chronic pancreatitis and MRL/Mp mice are models of autoimmune pancreatitis. Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a ductal Cl- channel essential for ductal fluid and HCO3- secretion. We used these models to ask the following questions: is CFTR expression altered in these diseases, does correction of CFTR correct gland function, and most notably, does correcting ductal function correct acinar function?
    We treated the mice models with the CFTR corrector C18 and the potentiator VX770. Glandular, ductal, and acinar cells damage, infiltration, immune cells and function were measured in vivo and in isolated duct/acini.
    In the disease models, CFTR expression is markedly reduced. The salivary glands and pancreas are inflamed with increased fibrosis and tissue damage. Treatment with VX770 and, in particular, C18 restored salivation, rescued CFTR expression and localization, and nearly eliminated the inflammation and tissue damage. Transgenic overexpression of CFTR exclusively in the duct had similar effects. Most notably, the markedly reduced acinar cell Ca2+ signaling, Orai1, inositol triphosphate receptors, Aquaporin 5 expression, and fluid secretion were restored by rescuing ductal CFTR.
    Our findings reveal that correcting ductal function is sufficient to rescue acinar cell function and suggests that CFTR correctors are strong candidates for the treatment of Sjögren\'s syndrome and pancreatitis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Secretory coils and ducts are two components of eccrine sweat glands with different structures and functions. In our previous study, we combined keratins and α-SMA to distinguish between secretory coils and ducts. However, the key deficiency of the method was that none of the antibodies used was specific for ducts. In this study, we first examined the co-localization of K5/K7, α-SMA/K14, K7/S100P and α-SMA/S100A2 by double-immunofluorescence staining to confirm the localization of S100P and S100A2 in native human eccrine sweat glands, and second we identified secretory coil-like and duct-like structures in the 3D reconstituted eccrine sweat gland spheroids by double-immunofluorescence staining for K7/S100P and α-SMA/S100A2. In native human eccrine sweat glands, S100A2 immunoreactivity was confined to the outer layer and S100P to the inner layer of the duct. In 12-week Matrigel plugs containing eccrine sweat gland cells, double-immunofluorescence staining for K7/S100P and α-SMA/S100A2 could easily distinguish duct-like structures from secretory coil-like structures. We conclude that S100A2 and S100P can be used as specific duct markers in eccrine sweat glands, and combined use of S100P or S100A2 with keratins enables easy to distinction between secretory coils and ducts.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Eccrine sweat glands are comprised of secretory coils and ducts, which are distinct in morphology and function. To better understand the roles of the two parts in development, homeostasis, wound repair and regeneration of eccrine sweat glands, we must distinguish between them. In this study, the localization of keratins and alpha-SMA in human eccrine sweat glands was examined by immunofluorescence staining. Based on the differential localization of keratins and alpha-SMA in different cell types, four pairs of antibodies (K5/K7, K5/alpha-SMA, K14/K7 and K14/alpha-SMA) were used to differentiate secretory coils from ducts by double-immunofluorescence staining. Immunofluorescence staining showed that myoepithelial cells of secretory coils expressed K5, K14 and alpha-SMA, whereas secretory cells of secretory coils expressed K7, K8, K15, K18 and K19. Ductal cells expressed K5, K8, K14 and K19. Double-staining showed that the secretory coils were K5(+)/K7(+), K5(+)/alpha-SMA(+), K14(+)/K7(+) and K14(+)/alpha-SMA(+), whereas ducts were K5(+)/K7(-), K5(+)/alpha-SMA(-), K14(+)/K7(-) and K14(+)/alpha-SMA(-). In conclusion, by combining use of keratins and alpha-SMA antibodies, secretory coils can be easily differentiated from ducts in morphology.





