digital platform

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy of the integrated data platform of cloud hospital combined with dietary management for adults with type 2 diabetes.
    METHODS: We conducted a randomized controlled clinical trial. One hundred eighty patients with type 2 diabetes were randomly allocated into a control group (Group A) and an experimental group (Group B). Routine standard diabetes care was applied to the patients in Group A. The integrated data platform with dietary management was applied to Group B. Individualized diabetes education videos were sent to the patients through the platform. The primary endpoint was the change in HbA1c and change in body weight from baseline to Week 12 during the follow-up.
    RESULTS: At Week 12, HbA1c was 7.4 ± 0.7%, 6.9 ± 0.9% in Groups A and B, P < 0.01. The rate of fasting blood glucose <7 mmol/L, and glycosylated hemoglobin <7% was higher in Group B than in Group A. At Week 12, there was a significant weight loss and body mass index decrease in the overweight or obese patients of the experimental group. Those overweight or obese patients in the experimental group utilizing the appetite suppressant semaglutide achieved the most significant weight loss, with a 13.4% reduction after 12 weeks.
    CONCLUSIONS: The integrated data platform combined with personalized diabetes education video delivery was verified to be a more effective management mode for diabetes. For overweight or obese adults with diabetes, the use of semaglutide in conjunction with dietary management and the integrated data platform led to greater weight loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the swift advancement of the global digital economy, data has emerged as a critical component in fostering the integration of large enterprises with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Nevertheless, due to disparities in resources and capabilities between these entities, there is a deficiency in the willingness to share data, hindering the full actualization of data\'s potential value. Hence, it is imperative to facilitate a novel cooperative development paradigm wherein platforms enable data sharing among large enterprises and SMEs. In this paper, we construct a tripartite evolutionary game model encompassing large enterprises, SMEs, and digital platforms, examine the evolutionary stable strategies adopted by these entities in the data sharing, and use numerical simulation to explore the system\'s evolutionary stability under various influencing factors. Contrasting with prior research, this study considers the heterogeneity of enterprise scale and delves into the data sharing dynamics between large enterprises and SMEs. Simultaneously, it positions the digital platform as a player in the game, examining its impact on data sharing among the enterprises. Findings indicate that: (1) SMEs exhibit greater eagerness for data sharing compared to large enterprises, which display a U-shaped influence during the process; (2) Digital platforms are particularly sensitive to costs, with the platform\'s initiative and the service quality will affect enterprises strategic choices; (3) Government subsidies positively encourage tripartite cooperation, and robust data security governance framework is crucial for enterprises. Finally, based on the results of the study and combining with the current situation of digital economy development, it puts forward the suggestions for promoting platforms to empower large enterprises and SMEs to realize data sharing and the prospects for future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper aims to explore the intersection of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and public health within the context of digital platforms. Specifically, the paper explores the impact of digital platforms on the sustainable development practices of enterprises, seeking to comprehend how these platforms influence the implementation of environmental protection policies, resource management, and social responsibility initiatives.
    To assess the impact of digital platforms on corporate environmental behavior, we conducted a questionnaire survey targeting employees in private enterprises. This survey aimed to evaluate the relationship between the adoption of digital platforms and the implementation of environmental protection policies and practices.
    Analysis of the survey responses revealed a significant positive correlation between the use of digital platforms and the environmental protection behavior of enterprises (r=0.523;p<0.001), Moreover, the presence of innovative environmental protection technologies on these platforms was found to positively influence the enforcement of environmental policies, with a calculated impact ratio of (a∗b/c=55.31%). An intermediary analysis highlighted that environmental innovation technology plays a mediating role in this process. Additionally, adjustment analysis showed that enterprises of various sizes and industries respond differently to digital platforms, indicating the need for tailored environmental policies.
    These findings underscore the pivotal role of digital platforms in enhancing CSR efforts and public health by fostering improved environmental practices among corporations. The mediating effect of environmental innovation technologies suggests that digital platforms not only facilitate direct environmental actions but also enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of such initiatives through technological advances. The variability in response by different enterprises points to the importance of customizable strategies in policy formulation. By offering empirical evidence of digital platforms\' potential to advance CSR and public health through environmental initiatives, this paper contributes to the ongoing dialogue on sustainable development goals. It provides practical insights for enterprises and policy implications for governments striving to craft more effective environmental policies and strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Participatory surveillance (PS) has been defined as the bidirectional process of transmitting and receiving data for action by directly engaging the target population. Often represented as self-reported symptoms directly from the public, PS can provide evidence of an emerging disease or concentration of symptoms in certain areas, potentially identifying signs of an early outbreak. The construction of sets of symptoms to represent various disease syndromes provides a mechanism for the early detection of multiple health threats. Global Flu View (GFV) is the first-ever system that merges influenza-like illness (ILI) data from more than 8 countries plus 1 region (Hong Kong) on 4 continents for global monitoring of this annual health threat. GFV provides a digital ecosystem for spatial and temporal visualization of syndromic aggregates compatible with ILI from the various systems currently participating in GFV in near real time, updated weekly. In 2018, the first prototype of a digital platform to combine data from several ILI PS programs was created. At that time, the priority was to have a digital environment that brought together different programs through an application program interface, providing a real time map of syndromic trends that could demonstrate where and when ILI was spreading in various regions of the globe. After 2 years running as an experimental model and incorporating feedback from partner programs, GFV was restructured to empower the community of public health practitioners, data scientists, and researchers by providing an open data channel among these contributors for sharing experiences across the network. GFV was redesigned to serve not only as a data hub but also as a dynamic knowledge network around participatory ILI surveillance by providing knowledge exchange among programs. Connectivity between existing PS systems enables a network of cooperation and collaboration with great potential for continuous public health impact. The exchange of knowledge within this network is not limited only to health professionals and researchers but also provides an opportunity for the general public to have an active voice in the collective construction of health settings. The focus on preparing the next generation of epidemiologists will be of great importance to scale innovative approaches like PS. GFV provides a useful example of the value of globally integrated PS data to help reduce the risks and damages of the next pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the digital era, third-party food delivery operations are very popular all around the world. However, to achieve a sustainable operation for food delivery businesses is a challenging issue. Motivated by the fact that there is a lack of consolidated view towards the topic in the literature, we conduct a systematic literature review to identify how to achieve a sustainable operation for third-party food delivery and highlight the recent advances in this important area with the discussion of real-world practices. In this study, first, we review the relevant literature and apply the triple bottom line (TBL) framework to classify prior studies into economic sustainability, social sustainability, environmental sustainability, and multi-dimensional sustainability. We then identify three major research gaps, including inadequate investigation on the restaurant\'s preferences and decisions, superficial understanding on the environmental performance, and limited examination on the multi-dimensional sustainability in the third-party food delivery operations. Finally, based on the reviewed literature and observed industrial practices, we propose five future areas that deserve an in-depth further investigation. They are namely applications of digital technologies, behaviors and decisions of the restaurants, risk management, TBL, and post-coronavirus pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rise of digital platforms intensifies the price competition among agents. Agents often use low price strategies to attract consumers. However, the low-price strategy is often filled with false information and consumers perceive the non-truthfulness of the price information. Then, consumers\' trust in agents gradually decreases, which inhibits the growth of online shopping. Blockchain is seen as a solution to the trust crisis between agents and consumers. Our research is based on two competing agents selling the same type of goods on the same platform. We discuss agents\' blockchain technology application strategies in three scenarios, which are defined by whether agents choose to apply blockchain technology to improve consumer trust. The results show that the application of blockchain technology is beneficial to agents only when consumer trust is low. Furthermore, the YN strategy is regarded as a possible equilibrium strategy, which depends on the blockchain application cost and consumer trust. Some extended cases are discussed for post-blockchain consumer welfare, cost-sharing contracts, dishonesty penalties, and variable blockchain costs, and the results show that the analysis in this manuscript is robust. Our findings have important practical significance for promoting the application of blockchain technology and alleviating the problem of price information asymmetry in platform shopping.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    Despite the surge of interest in digital globalization, its social dimensions have received far less attention than deserved. The lack of conversation between the two prominent areas of IB research, digitalization, and corporate social responsibility, presents a valuable opportunity for extending the agenda Ioannou and Serafeim (J Int Bus Stud 43(9):834-864, 2012) pioneered a decade earlier. We briefly depict the organizational differences between multinational enterprises (MNEs) and multinational platforms (MNPs), followed by a closer look at how social responsibility of digital platforms might depart from our conventional understanding derived from MNEs. We then propose the notion of ecosystem social responsibility emphasizing social value co-creation before categorizing the main areas of social issues specific to MNPs. Based on these ideas, we derive several new insights into the social challenges faced by firms governing global platforms versus multidomestic platforms, respectively, as they serve international markets. Lastly, we discuss future research directions and, in particular, the implications for ecosystem sustainability.
    Malgré le regain d\'intérêt pour la globalisation numérique, ses dimensions sociales ont reçu beaucoup moins d\'attention qu\'elles ne le méritent. L\'absence de conversation entre les deux principaux domaines de recherche en affaires internationales, à savoir la numérisation et la responsabilité sociale des entreprises, constitue une occasion précieuse d\'étendre le programme que Ioannou et Serafeim (2012) ont lancé une décennie plus tôt. Nous décrivons brièvement les différences organisationnelles entre les entreprises multinationales (Multinational enterprises - MNEs) et les plates-formes multinationales (Multinational platforms - MNPs). Puis, nous examinons de plus près comment la responsabilité sociale des plates-formes numériques pourrait diverger de notre compréhension conventionnelle dérivée des MNEs. Nous proposons ensuite la notion de responsabilité sociale de l\'écosystème en mettant l\'accent sur la cocréation de valeur sociale, et ce avant de catégoriser les principaux domaines de problèmes sociaux propres aux MNPs. Sur la base de ces idées, nous élaborons plusieurs nouveaux renseignements sur les défis sociaux auxquels sont confrontées les entreprises qui régissent des plates-formes multidomestiques vs globales durant leurs exploitations des marchés internationaux. Enfin, nous discutons de futures directions de recherche et, en particulier, des implications pour la durabilité des écosystèmes.
    Pese al auge del interés por la globalización digital, sus dimensiones sociales han recibido mucha menos atención de la que merecen. La falta de conversación entre las dos áreas prominentes de la investigación de negocios internacionales, la digitalización y la responsabilidad social corporativa, presenta una valiosa oportunidad para ampliar la agenda que Ioannou y Serafeim (2012) iniciaron una década antes. Describimos brevemente las diferencias organizacionales entre las empresas multinacionales (EMN) y las plataformas multinacionales (MNPs por sus iniciales en inglés), seguidas de un análisis más detallado de cómo la responsabilidad social de las plataformas digitales podría apartarse de nuestra comprensión convencional derivada de las empresas multinacionales. A continuación, proponemos la noción de responsabilidad social del ecosistema, que enfatiza la co-creación de valor social, antes de clasificar las principales áreas de los asuntos sociales específicos de las plataformas multinacionales. Sobre la base de estas ideas, derivamos varios aportes nuevos sobre los retos sociales a los que se enfrentan las empresas que dominan las plataformas globales versus las plataformas multidomésticas, respectivamente, cuando sirven a los mercados internacionales. Por último, discutimos las direcciones futuras de la investigación y, en particular, las implicaciones para la sostenibilidad del ecosistema.
    Apesar do aumento do interesse pela globalização digital, suas dimensões sociais receberam muito menos atenção do que merecem. A falta de diálogo entre as duas proeminentes áreas de pesquisa em IB, digitalização e responsabilidade social corporativa, apresenta uma oportunidade valiosa para estender a agenda que Ioannou e Serafeim (2012) introduziram uma década antes. Descrevemos brevemente as diferenças organizacionais entre empresas multinacionais (MNEs) e plataformas multinacionais (MNPs), seguidas de um olhar mais atento sobre como a responsabilidade social de plataformas digitais pode se afastar do nosso entendimento convencional derivado de MNEs. Em seguida propomos a noção de responsabilidade social ecossistêmica enfatizando a cocriação de valor social antes de categorizar as principais áreas de questões sociais específicas de MNPs. Baseados nessas ideias, derivamos vários novos insights sobre os desafios sociais enfrentados pelas empresas que governam plataformas globais versus plataformas multidomésticas, respectivamente, ao atender mercados internacionais. Por fim, discutimos futuras direções de pesquisa e, particularmente, as implicações para a sustentabilidade ecossistêmica.
    尽管人们对数字全球化的兴趣激增, 其社会维度受到的关注却远远少于应得的关注。国际商务(IB)研究的数字化和企业社会责任这两个突出领域之间对话的缺乏为扩展Ioannou和Serafeim (2012) 十年前所开创的研究议程提供了宝贵的机会。我们简要描述了跨国企业 (MNE) 和跨国平台 (MNP) 之间的组织差异, 然后仔细研究了数字平台的社会责任可能会如何偏离我们对MNE的传统理解。我们然后提出了生态系统社会责任的概念, 强调社会价值共同创造, 然后对 MNP 特有的社会问题的主要领域进行了分类。基于这些想法, 我们提出了一些关于管理全球平台对比多国内平台的公司在服务国际市场时所面临的社会挑战的新见解。最后, 我们讨论了未来研究方向, 特别是对生态系统可持续性的启示。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent years have witnessed the rapid growth of an emerging digital healthcare service - online medical consultation (OMC). Despite its popularity, many OMC platforms have encountered issues in initial adoption and continuance use among patients. We posit that many of the hesitation and resistance may arise from a lack of trust toward OMC, which is a complex phenomenon that involves both interpersonal and technological-oriented considerations. This study seeks to clarify the conceptualization of online trust in the context of OMC. It compares two plausible explanations (i.e., trust as a direct cause vs. trust as a moderator) regarding how interpersonal and technological trust contributes to the service continuance decision in OMC. By contextualizing the valence framework, we identify the critical factors in making the risk-benefit assessment of patients\' OMC decision. We conduct an online survey of 365 experienced OMC users and analyze our structural model using a partial least square approach. Our results show that the multidimensional conceptualization approach, which incorporates both interpersonal and technological aspects of trust, is superior to the unitary approach. Besides, our findings suggest that the role trust plays in determining service continuance decisions in OMC is more of a direct cause than a qualifier that buffers the impacts of risk-benefit evaluation. We believe the findings can help both researchers and practitioners recognize the multidimensional perspective of trust and better understand the role trust plays in OMC and other online healthcare delivery problems.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mixed teaching model combines the advantages of traditional teaching and network teaching in the \"Internet +\" era, which has become one of the important trends in the higher education teaching development. In order to follow this development trend, the human parasitology teaching team makes a reasonable use of modern information techniques, actively promotes the construction and application of online resources, and conducts mixed online and offline teaching based on MOOC resources and the experimental teaching digital platform. This mixed teaching model has shown a positive impact on both teaching and learning among teachers and students; however, students\' personalized independent and deep learning remains unsatisfactory. It is suggested that the online course resources construction, teaching design and digital literacy remain to be increased, so as to create a high-level, innovative and challenging online-offline mixed \"golden course\".
    [摘要] “互联网+” 时代的混合式教学模式融合了传统教学和网络教学的优势, 已成为高等教育教学发展的重要趋 势之一。为顺应这一发展趋势, 人体寄生虫学课程团队合理运用现代信息技术手段, 积极推进网络课程资源建设 与应用, 开展基于慕课和实验教学数字平台的线上线下混合式教学。实践表明, 混合式教学模式对师生的教与学 均具有积极影响, 但学生个性化自主学习和深度学习仍不够理想。今后在网络课程资源建设、教学设计以及数字 素养等方面还需要不断提升, 以期打造具有高阶性、创新性、挑战度的线上线下混合式 “金课”。.





