
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study was conducted to determine the senses that facilitate prey detection in the marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata) larvae. The ingestion ratios of live (generate chemical and mechanical stimuli) or frozen Artemia nauplii (generate chemical but no mechanical stimuli) by the intact or free neuromast (mechanoreceptor)-ablated O. marmorata larvae (11 mg/L streptomycin treatment before feeding) under the light or dark (fish vision was obstructed) condition were examined. Vision, mechano-, and chemoreceptions were all found to be essential in prey detection of the O. marmorata larvae. Prey movement has a significant influence as a visual stimuli on the O. marmorata larval feeding as the Artemia nauplii ingestion ratio was approximately 40% higher with significant (p = 0.001, d = 3.0), when the intact larvae were fed with the live (78.1 ± 1.5%), rather than the frozen (40.9 ± 2.8%) Artemia nauplii, under the light condition. This result was assured when no significant difference (p = 0.572, d = 0.2) was found between the ingestion ratios of frozen Artemia nauplii by the intact O. marmorata larvae under light and dark conditions. These findings demonstrate that prey detection in the O. marmorata larvae was facilitated by multi-modal senses, allowing O. marmorata larvae to survive in their natural habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The central leptin signaling system has been found to facilitate breathing and is linked to obesity-related hypoventilation. Activation of leptin signaling in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) and retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) enhances respiratory drive. In this study, we investigated how medullary leptin signaling contributes to hypoventilation and whether respective deletion of SOCS3 in the NTS and RTN could mitigate hypoventilation in diet-induced obesity (DIO) male mice. Our findings revealed a decrease in the number of CO2-activated NTS neurons and downregulation of acid-sensing ion channels in DIO mice compared to lean control mice. Moreover, NTS leptin signaling was disrupted, as evidenced by the downregulation of phosphorylated STAT3 and the upregulation of SOCS3 in DIO mice. Importantly, deleting SOCS3 in the NTS and RTN significantly improved the diminished hypercapnic ventilatory response in DIO mice. In conclusion, our study suggests that disrupted medullary leptin signaling contributes to obesity-related hypoventilation, and inhibiting the upregulated SOCS3 in the NTS and RTN can alleviate this condition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemical communication is widespread among insects and exploited to adjust their behavior, such as food and habitat seeking and preferences, recruitment, defense, and mate attraction. Recently, many studies have revealed that microbial symbionts could regulate host chemical communication by affecting the synthesis and perception of insect semiochemicals. In this paper, we review recent studies of the influence of microbial symbionts on insect chemoreception. Microbial symbionts may influence insect sensitivity to semiochemicals by regulating the synthesis of odorant-binding proteins or chemosensory proteins and olfactory or gustatory receptors and regulating host neurotransmission, thereby adjusting insect behavior. The manipulation of insect chemosensory behavior by microbial symbionts is conducive to their proliferation and dispersal and provides the impetus for insects to change their feeding habits and aggregation and dispersal behavior, which contributes to population differentiation in insects. Future research is necessary to reveal the material and information exchange between both partners to improve our comprehension of the evolution of chemoreception in insects. Manipulating insect chemoreception physiology by inoculating them with microbes could be utilized as a potential approach to managing insect populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most butterflies feed on nectar, while some saprophagous butterflies forage on various non-nectar foods. To date, little is known about the genomic and molecular shifts associated with the evolution of the saprophagous feeding strategy. Here, we assembled the high-quality chromosome-level genome of Hestina assimilis to explore its saprophagous molecular and genetic mechanisms. This chromosome-level genome of H. assimilis is 412.82 Mb, with a scaffold N50 of 15.70 Mb. In total, 98.11% of contigs were anchored to 30 chromosomes. Compared with H. assimilis and other Nymphalidae butterflies, the genes of metabolism and detoxification experienced expansions. We annotated 80 cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes in the H. assimilis genome, among which genes belonging to the CYP4 subfamily were significantly expanded (p < 0.01). These P450 genes were unevenly distributed and mainly concentrated on chromosomes 6-9. We identified 33 olfactory receptor (OR), 20 odorant-binding protein (OBP), and six gustatory receptor (GR) genes in the H. assimilis genome, which were fewer than in the nectarivorous Danaus plexippus. A decreased number of OBP, OR, and GR genes implied that H. assimilis should resort less to olfaction and gustation than their nectarivorous counterparts, which need highly specialized olfactory and gustatory functions. Moreover, we found one site under positive selection occurred in residue 996 (phenylalanine) of GR genes exclusive to H. assimilis, which is conservative in most lineages. Our study provides support for the adaptive evolution of feeding habits in butterflies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Grapholita funebrana, also known as the plum fruit moth, is an oligophagous pest species that causes enormous economic losses of the fruits of Rosaceae. An eco-friendly method for the control of G. funebrana besides chemical control has not yet been developed. The sex pheromone communication system plays an important role in moth courtship and mating, in which pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) are critical. In this research, we identified four PBPs, namely, GfunPBP1.1, GfunPBP1.2, GfunPBP2, and GfunPBP3, from the antennae of G. funebrana. The results of real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) showed that all four GfunPBPs were overwhelmingly expressed in the antennae and that GfunPBP1.2 and GfunPBP2 showed male-biased expression patterns, whereas GfunPBP1.1 and GfunPBP3 were equally expressed between sexes. The results of ligand-binding assays illustrated that although all four recombinant GfunPBPs (rGfunPBPs) had binding activity with the tested sex pheromone compounds, their preferred ligands were significantly different. rGfunPBP2 had the strongest binding affinity to Z8-12:Ac and Z8-12:OH; rGfunPBP1.1 preferred to bind Z8-14:Ac, Z10-14:Ac, and 12:OH more than to the other three GfunPBPs; and rGfunPBP1.2 exhibited stronger binding affinity to E8-12:Ac than to the other rGfunPBPs. Molecular docking results demonstrated that hydrophobic forces, especially van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonds, were the most important forces that maintained GfunPBP-pheromone ligand complexes. This study will improve our understanding of the sex pheromone recognition mechanisms of G. funebrana and promote the development of novel strategies for controlling G. funebrana.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The evolution of feeding habits leads to speciation in insects. Bactrocera true fruit flies display diverse feeding habits across species. We combine behavioral and functional genomic studies to probe the divergence between the specialist B. minax and the generalist B. dorsalis. We find that both vision and olfaction contribute to their respective host preferences, with a dominant effect of vision over the olfaction in short range. Correspondingly, host location-related genes are significantly enriched in the phototransduction pathway, of which the long-wavelength rhodopsin confers the color preference in both species and has been subject to selection in the specialist. We also find a massive expansion of olfactory receptors in the generalist, along with signatures of conditional expression and positive selection. The phylogenetic context suggests an ancestrally important role of vision in the host location of Bactrocera, as well as the increased performance and plasticity of olfaction alongside the arising of generalism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insect general odorant-binding proteins (GOBPs) play irreplaceable roles in filtering, binding, and transporting host odorants to olfactory receptors. Grapholita funebrana (Treitscheke) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), an economically important pest of fruit crops, uses fruit volatiles as cues to locate host plants. However, the functions of GOBPs in G. funebrana are still unknown. Three GOBP genes, namely, GfunGOBP1, GfunGOBP2, and GfunGOBP3, were cloned, and their expression profiles in different tissues were detected by the method of real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). The binding properties of recombinant GfunGOBPs (rGfunGOBPs) to various ligands were investigated via fluorescence binding assays. The three GfunGOBPs were mainly expressed in the antennae of both male and female moths. All these three rGfunGOBPs could bind to sex pheromones, while having varying affinities toward these pheromones. The three rGfunGOBPs also displayed a wide range of ligand-binding spectrums with tested host odorants. The rGfunGOBP1, rGfunGOBP2, and rGfunGOBP3 bound to 34, 33, and 30 out of the 41 tested odorants, respectively. Three rGfunGOBPs had overlapping binding activities to β-myrcene, (-)-α-phellandrene, and ethyl isovalerate with the Ki less than 3.0 μM. The rGfunGOBP1 and rGfunGOBP3 could selectively bind to several insecticides, whereas rGfunGOBP2 could not. Three rGfunGOBPs had the dual functions of selectively binding to sex pheromones and host odorants. Moreover, the rGfunGOBP1 and rGfunGOBP3 can also serve as \'signal proteins\' and bind to different insecticides. This study contributed to elucidating the potential molecular mechanism of the olfaction for G. funebrana, and thereby promotes the development of effective botanical attractants or pheromone synergists to control G. funebrana.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Odorant receptors (ORs) of ladybird Hippodamia variegata play vital chemosensory roles in searching and locating preys. In the current study, 37 ORs were initially identified from the antennal transcriptome of H. variegata. The quantitative polymerase chain reaction demonstrated that several HvarORs including HvarOR25 were specific or enriched in ladybird antennae. In two-electrode voltage clamp recordings, recombinant HvarOR25 was narrowly tuned to six chemical ligands including aphid-induced, aphid-derived, and plant-derived volatiles. In electroantennogram assays, all six volatiles elicited electrophysiological responses. Among the six volatiles, cis-3-hexenyl acetate, hexyl butyrate, hexyl hexanoate, and 3-methyl-3-buten-1-ol were attractive for both sexes of H. variegata. Additionally, molecular docking indicated that HvarOR25 was bound to all ligands with high binding affinities. Taken together, HvarOR25 facilitates perception of preys by recognizing relevant allelochemicals from hosts and habitat. Our findings provide valuable insights into understanding biological functions of HvarORs and help to develop a novel biocontrol strategy based on olfactory-active compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphology, microstructure, and distribution of antennal sensilla were compared between female and male Pseudosymmachia flavescens (Brenske) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae). Lamellate antennae of P. flavescens were shown to have typical scape, pedicel, and flagellum segments. The flagellum consists of a four-segmented funicle and a three-segmented club. The lengths of their pedicel and funicle were found to be similar in females and males. Distinct sexual differences were observed in the length of lamellar segments. Nine types/subtypes of sensilla were identified on the antennae of both sexes, including Böhm sensilla, sensilla trichodea, sensilla basiconica (SB), and two subtypes for sensilla chaetica, sensilla coeloconica, and sensilla placodea each. Olfactory sensilla (e.g., SB and placodea) are mainly located on three lamellar segments of the antennal club. Variation was also seen in abundance of various types of antennal sensilla, with males possessing significantly more sensilla than females. Sensilla placodea were the most abundant, and their number in males was twice of that in females, showing a clear sexual dimorphism. The difference in the distribution of sensilla placodea might reflect their roles in sexual chemical communication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The olfactory system must detect and discriminate various semiochemicals in the environment. In response to such diversity, insects have evolved a family of odorant-gated ion channels composed of a common receptor (coreceptor, Orco) and a ligand-binding tuning odorant receptor (OR) that confers odour specificity. This study aims to examine the expression pattern of Orco gene of Grapholita molesta (GmolOrco) and to elucidate the role of GmolOrco in detecting G. molesta sex pheromone and green leaf volatiles by using gene silencing via RNA interference (RNAi) coupled antennal electrophysiological (EAG). Multiple sequence alignment showed that GmolOrco shared high sequence similarities with the Orco ortholog of lepidopterans. The results of real-time quantitative PCR detection demonstrated that GmolOrco was predominantly expressed in adult antennae and had the highest expression quantity in adult period among the different developmental stages. Compared with the noninjected controls, GmolOrco expression in GmolOrcodouble-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-injected males was reduced to 39.92% and that in females was reduced to 40.43%. EAG assays showed that the responses of GmolOrco-dsRNA injected males to sex pheromones (Z)-8-dodecenyl acetate (Z8-12:OAc) and (Z)-8-dodecenyl alcohol (Z8-12:OH) were significantly reduced, and the GmolOrco-dsRNA-injected female to green leaf volatile (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate also significantly declined. We inferred that Orco-mediated olfaction was different in male and female G. molesta adults and was mainly involved in recognizing the sex pheromones released by female moths.





