
  • 文章类型: Review
    Our understanding of plant biology has been revolutionized by modern genetics and biochemistry. However, biochemical genetics can be traced back to the foundation of Mendelian genetics; indeed, one of Mendel\'s milestone discoveries of seven characteristics of pea plants later came to be ascribed to a mutation in a starch branching enzyme. Here, we review both current and historical strategies for the elucidation of plant metabolic pathways and the genes that encode their component enzymes and regulators. We use this historical review to discuss a range of classical genetic phenomena including epistasis, canalization, and heterosis as viewed through the lens of contemporary high-throughput data obtained via the array of approaches currently adopted in multiomics studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Developmental stability, canalization, and phenotypic plasticity are the most common sources of phenotypic variation, yet comparative studies investigating the relationships between these sources, specifically in plants, are lacking. To investigate the relationships among developmental stability or instability, developmental variability, canalization, and plasticity in plants, we conducted a field experiment with Abutilon theophrasti, by subjecting plants to three densities under infertile vs. fertile soil conditions. We measured the leaf width (leaf size) and calculated fluctuating asymmetry (FA), coefficient of variation within and among individuals (CVintra and CVinter), and plasticity (PIrel) in leaf size at days 30, 50, and 70 of plant growth, to analyze the correlations among these variables in response to density and soil conditions, at each of or across all growth stages. Results showed increased density led to lower leaf FA, CVintra, and PIrel and higher CVinter in fertile soil. A positive correlation between FA and PIrel occurred in infertile soil, while correlations between CVinter and PIrel and between CVinter and CVintra were negative at high density and/or in fertile soil, with nonsignificant correlations among them in other cases. Results suggested the complexity of responses of developmental instability, variability, and canalization in leaf size, as well as their relationships, which depend on the strength of stresses. Intense aboveground competition that accelerates the decrease in leaf size (leading to lower plasticity) will be more likely to reduce developmental instability, variability, and canalization in leaf size. Increased developmental instability and intra- and interindividual variability should be advantageous and facilitate adaptive plasticity in less stressful conditions; thus, they are more likely to positively correlate with plasticity, whereas developmental stability and canalization with lower developmental variability should be beneficial for stabilizing plant performance in more stressful conditions, where they tend to have more negative correlations with plasticity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Food web and gene regulatory networks (GRNs) are large biological networks, both of which can be analyzed using the May-Wigner theory. According to the theory, networks as large as mammalian GRNs would require dedicated gene products for stabilization. We propose that microRNAs (miRNAs) are those products. More than 30% of genes are repressed by miRNAs, but most repressions are too weak to have a phenotypic consequence. The theory shows that (i) weak repressions cumulatively enhance the stability of GRNs, and (ii) broad and weak repressions confer greater stability than a few strong ones. Hence, the diffuse actions of miRNAs in mammalian cells appear to function mainly in stabilizing GRNs. The postulated link between mRNA repression and GRN stability can be seen in a different light in yeast, which do not have miRNAs. Yeast cells rely on non-specific RNA nucleases to strongly degrade mRNAs for GRN stability. The strategy is suited to GRNs of small and rapidly dividing yeast cells, but not the larger mammalian cells. In conclusion, the May-Wigner theory, supplanting the analysis of small motifs, provides a mathematical solution to GRN stability, thus linking miRNAs explicitly to \'developmental canalization\'.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Developmental synchrony, the basis of uniform swarming, migration, and sexual maturation, is an important strategy for social animals to adapt to variable environments. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying developmental synchrony are largely unexplored. The migratory locust exhibits polyphenism between gregarious and solitarious individuals, with the former displaying more synchronous sexual maturation and migration than the latter. Here, we found that the egg-hatching time of gregarious locusts was more uniform compared with solitarious locusts and that microRNA-276 (miR-276) was expressed significantly higher in both ovaries and eggs of gregarious locusts than in solitarious locusts. Interestingly, inhibiting miR-276 in gregarious females and overexpressing it in solitarious females, respectively, caused more heterochronic and synchronous hatching of progeny eggs. Moreover, miR-276 directly targeted a transcription coactivator gene, brahma (brm), resulting in its up-regulation. Knockdown of brm not only resulted in asynchronous egg hatching in gregarious locusts but also impaired the miR-276-induced synchronous egg hatching in solitarious locusts. Mechanistically, miR-276 mediated brm activation in a manner that depended on the secondary structure of brm, namely, a stem-loop around the binding site of miR-276. Collectively, our results unravel a mechanism by which miR-276 enhances brm expression to promote developmental synchrony and provide insight into regulation of developmental homeostasis and population sustaining that are closely related to biological synchrony.






