Vector surveillance

  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the distribution of malaria vector Anopheles in Sichuan Province from 2011 to 2021, so as to provide the scientific evidence for improving the surveillance of malaria vector Anopheles and preventing re-establishment of imported malaria in Sichuan Province.
    METHODS: The density and species of Anopheles mosquitoes were investigated using human-bait trapping and light trapping techniques in malaria vector surveillance sites of Sichuan Province from 2011 to 2021. The number, population and density of captured Anopheles mosquitoes were collected and descriptively analyzed, and the geographical distribution map of malaria vectors was plotted using the software ArcGIS 10.7 in Sichuan Province.
    RESULTS: A total of 152 243 Anopheles mosquitoes were captured in malaria vector surveillance sites of Sichuan Province from 2011 to 2021, including 150 987 An. sinensis (99.18%) and 1 256 An. anthropophagus (0.82%), and no other Anopheles species were captured. The annual densities of An. sinensis and An. anthropophagus were 0.64 to 1.27 mosquitoes/(person-hour) and 0 to 0.07 mosquitoes/(person-hour) by the human-bait trapping technique, and 6.46 to 26.50 mosquitoes/(light-night) and 0 to 0.82 mosquitoes/(light-night) by the light trapping technique in malaria vector surveillance sites of Sichuan Province from 2011 to 2021. A relatively higher density of An. anthropophagus was seen in Renshou County, Jianyang City, Weiyuan County and Mabian Yi Autonomous County [> 0.40 mosquitoes/(person-hour)] by the human-bait trapping technique, and in Cuiping District and Gaoxian County in Yibin City [> 1.00 mosquito/(light-night)] by the light trapping technique in Sichuan Province from 2011 to 2018, with no An. anthropophagus captured from 2019 to 2021, and a relatively higher density of An. sinensis was detected in Emeishan City, Lushan County, Luojiang District, Tongchuan District and Zhaohua District [> 4.00 mosquitoes/(person-hour)] by the human-bait trapping technique, and in Huili County, Yuexi County, Dechang County, Langzhong City, Pingchang County and Xuanhan County [> 40.00 mosquitoes/(light-night)] by the light trapping technique in Sichuan Province from 2011 to 2021.
    CONCLUSIONS: Malaria vectors were still widespread in Sichuan Province from 2011 to 2021, and An. sinensis was the dominant species of malaria vectors. There is still a risk of local re-establishment of imported malaria in Sichuan Province, and it is needed to continue to improve the surveillance of imported malaria cases and malaria vectors.
    [摘要] 目的 分析2011—2021年四川省传疟媒介按蚊分布, 为进一步提高传疟媒介按蚊监测质量、制定防止输入性 疟疾再传播措施提供科学依据。方法 2011—2021年, 于四川省传疟媒介监测点分别采用人诱法和灯诱法开展按蚊密 度及种群调查, 对按蚊捕获数量、种群及密度等进行描述性统计分析, 采用ArcGIS 10.7软件绘制四川省传疟媒介分布 图。结果 2011—2021年, 四川省传疟媒介监测点累计捕获按蚊152 243只, 其中中华按蚊150 987只 (占99.18%)、嗜人 按蚊1 256只 (占0.82%), 未捕获其他按蚊。2011—2021年, 四川省传疟媒介监测点采用人诱法调查发现, 中华按蚊年密 度为0.64 ~ 1.27只/(人·h)、嗜人按蚊年密度为0 ~ 0.07只/(人·h); 采用灯诱法调查发现, 中华按蚊年密度为6.46 ~ 26.50 只/(灯·夜)、嗜人按蚊年密度为0 ~ 0.82只/(灯·夜)。2011—2018年采用人诱法调查发现, 仁寿县、简阳市、威远县和马边 彝族自治县嗜人按蚊密度较高[> 0.40只/(人·h)]; 采用灯诱法调查发现, 宜宾市翠屏区和高县嗜人按蚊密度较高[> 1.00 只/(灯·夜)]; 2019—2021年未捕获嗜人按蚊。2011—2021年采用人诱法调查发现, 峨眉山市、芦山县、罗江区、通川区和 昭化区等5个监测点中华按蚊密度较高[均> 4.00只/(人·h)]; 采用灯诱法调查发现, 会理县、越西县、德昌县、阆中市、平 昌县和宣汉县等6个监测点中华按蚊密度较高[均> 40.00只/(灯·夜)]。结论 2011—2021年, 四川省传疟媒介依然广 泛分布, 中华按蚊为传疟优势按蚊; 输入性疟疾引起本地再传播风险依然存在, 需持续加强四川省输入性疟疾病例及传 疟媒介监测工作。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Dengue is the most prevalent mosquito-borne disease in the world, with China affected seriously in recent years. 65.8% of dengue cases identified in mainland China since 2005 were reported from the city of Guangzhou.
    METHODS: In this study, we described the incidence rate and distribution of dengue cases using data collected form National Notifiable Infectious Disease Reporting Information System data in Guangzhou for 2001 to 2016. All dengue cases were investigated using standardized questionnaire.
    RESULTS: A total of 42,469 dengue cases were reported, with an average annual incidence rate of 20.99 per 100,000 resident population. Over this time period, the incidence rate of indigenous cases increased. Dengue affected areas also expanded sharply geographically from 58.1% of communities affected during 2001-2005 to 96.4% of communities affected in 2011-2016. Overall 95.30% of the overseas imported cases were reported during March and December, while 99.79% of indigenous cases were reported during July and November. All four dengue virus serotypes were identified both in imported cases and indigenous cases. The Aedes albopictus mosquito was the only vector for dengue transmission in the area.
    CONCLUSIONS: Guangzhou has become the dengue epicenter in mainland China. Control strategies for dengue should be adjusted to the epidemiological characteristics above and intensive study need to be conducted to explore the factors that driving the rapid increase of dengue.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the vector surveillance results during the stage of malaria elimination, so as to provide the evidence for assessing the local transmission risk of imported malaria and carrying out the surveillance work after malaria elimination in Jiangsu Province.
    METHODS: From 2011 to 2017, the mosquito population was monitored and human biting rates were calculated by the half overnight human baiting trapping method and overnight lamp trapping method in 7 surveillance sites from June to October. The insecticide resistance level was tested by the force contact method recommended by WHO.
    RESULTS: A total of 5 106 Anopheles mosquitoes were captured by the half over-night human baiting trapping method in the 7 sites from 2011 to 2017, and all the mosquitoes were identified as Anopheles sinensis. The annual human biting rates were 1.075, 0.786, 1.057, 0.787, 0.790, 1.797 and 1.185 mosquitoes/ (human·hour), respectively. Totally 28 186 Anopheles mosquitoes were caught by the overnight lamp trapping method, and all the mosquitoes were An. sinensis. The densities of Anopheles mosquitoes were 57.950, 50.932, 14.800, 4.405, 58.070, 72.406, and 17.145 mosquitoes/ (night·lamp), respectively. In 2012, the resistance indexes of An. sinensis to deltamethrin, DDT and malathion were at R level in Jiangsu Province.
    CONCLUSIONS: The major vector is An. sinensis and no An. anthropophagus is found in Jiangsu Province. An. sinensis has a high level of resistance to deltamethrin, DDT and malathion.
    [摘要] 目的 分析江苏省消除疟疾阶段媒介监测结果, 为输入性疟疾在本地传播的风险评估和消除疟疾后监测提供 科学依据。方法 2011-2017年每年6-10月, 在江苏省媒介按蚊监测点采用半通宵人饵诱捕法、室外全通宵诱蚊灯法诱 捕按蚊, 进行按蚊种群和密度监测; 采用WHO推荐的强迫接触筒法进行杀虫剂抗性监测。结果 2011-2017年, 在江苏 省7个媒介按蚊监测点采用半通宵人饵诱捕法共捕获中华按蚊5 106 只, 年均叮人率分别为1.075、0.786、1.057、 0.787、0.790、1.797只 (/ 人·h) 和1.185只 (/ 人·h); 采用室外全通宵诱蚊灯法共捕获中华按蚊28 186只, 年均灯诱密度分 别为57.950、50.932、14.800、4.405、58.070、72.406只 (/ 灯·夜) 和17.145只 (/ 灯·夜)。2012年中华按蚊对溴氰菊酯、DDT和 马拉硫磷的敏感性、抗性指数均为R级。结论 江苏省传疟媒介主要为中华按蚊, 未发现嗜人按蚊; 部分疟疾流行区中 华按蚊已对溴氰菊酯、DDT和马拉硫磷产生高度抗性。.





