Vector surveillance

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Malaria impacts nearly 250 million individuals annually. Specifically, Uganda has one of the highest burdens, with 13 million cases and nearly 20,000 deaths. Controlling the spread of malaria relies on vector surveillance, a system where collected mosquitos are analyzed for vector species\' density in rural areas to plan interventions accordingly. However, this relies on trained entomologists known as vector control officers (VCOs) who identify species via microscopy. The global shortage of entomologists and this time-intensive process cause significant reporting delays. VectorCam is a low-cost artificial intelligence-based tool that identifies a mosquito\'s species, sex, and abdomen status with a picture and sends these results electronically from surveillance sites to decision makers, thereby deskilling the process to village health teams (VHTs).
    OBJECTIVE: This study evaluates the usability of the VectorCam system among VHTs by assessing its efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction.
    METHODS: The VectorCam system has imaging hardware and a phone app designed to identify mosquito species. Two users are needed: (1) an imager to capture images of mosquitos using the app and (2) a loader to load and unload mosquitos from the hardware. Critical success tasks for both roles were identified, which VCOs used to train and certify VHTs. In the first testing phase (phase 1), a VCO and a VHT were paired to assume the role of an imager or a loader. Afterward, they swapped. In phase 2, two VHTs were paired, mimicking real use. The time taken to image each mosquito, critical errors, and System Usability Scale (SUS) scores were recorded for each participant.
    RESULTS: Overall, 14 male and 6 female VHT members aged 20 to 70 years were recruited, of which 12 (60%) participants had smartphone use experience. The average throughput values for phases 1 and 2 for the imager were 70 (SD 30.3) seconds and 56.1 (SD 22.9) seconds per mosquito, respectively, indicating a decrease in the length of time for imaging a tray of mosquitos. The loader\'s average throughput values for phases 1 and 2 were 50.0 and 55.7 seconds per mosquito, respectively, indicating a slight increase in time. In terms of effectiveness, the imager had 8% (6/80) critical errors and the loader had 13% (10/80) critical errors in phase 1. In phase 2, the imager (for VHT pairs) had 14% (11/80) critical errors and the loader (for VHT pairs) had 12% (19/160) critical errors. The average SUS score of the system was 70.25, indicating positive usability. A Kruskal-Wallis analysis demonstrated no significant difference in SUS (H value) scores between genders or users with and without smartphone use experience.
    CONCLUSIONS: VectorCam is a usable system for deskilling the in-field identification of mosquito specimens in rural Uganda. Upcoming design updates will address the concerns of users and observers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mosquito surveillance data can be used for predicting mosquito distribution and dynamics as they relate to human disease. Often these data are collected by independent agencies and aggregated to state and national level portals to characterize broad spatial and temporal dynamics. These larger repositories may also share the data for use in mosquito and/or disease prediction and forecasting models. Assumed, but not always confirmed, is consistency of data across agencies. Subtle differences in reporting may be important for development and the eventual interpretation of predictive models. Using mosquito vector surveillance data from Arizona as a case study, we found differences among agencies in how trapping practices were reported. Inconsistencies in reporting may interfere with quantitative comparisons if the user has only cursory familiarity with mosquito surveillance data. Some inconsistencies can be overcome if they are explicit in the metadata while others may yield biased estimates if they are not changed in how data are recorded. Sharing of metadata and collaboration between modelers and vector control agencies is necessary for improving the quality of the estimations. Efforts to improve sharing, displaying, and comparing vector data from multiple agencies are underway, but existing data must be used with caution.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Live capture of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) (Zimmermann, 1780) is often necessary for research, population control, disease monitoring, and parasite surveillance. We provide our deer trapping protocol used in a tick-host vector ecology research project and recommendations to improve efficiency of deer trapping programs using drop nets in suburban areas. We captured 125 deer across two trapping seasons. Generally, lower daily minimum temperatures were related to increased capture probability, along with the presence of snow. Our most successful trapping sites were less forested, contained more fragmentation, and greater proportion of human development (buildings, roads, recreational fields). To improve future suburban deer trapping success, trapping efforts should include areas dominated by recreational fields and should not emphasize remote, heavily forested, less fragmented parks. Concurrently, our study illustrated the heterogeneous nature of tick distributions, and we collected most ticks from one trapping site with moderate parameter values between the extremes of the most developed and least developed trapping sites. This emphasized the need to distribute trapping sites to not only increase your capture success but to also trap in areas across varying levels of urbanization and fragmentation to increase the probability of parasite collection.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus are the main urban vectors of arthropod-borne viruses causing human disease, including dengue, Zika, or West Nile. Although key to disease prevention, urban-mosquito control has met only limited success. Alternative vector-control tactics are therefore being developed and tested, often using entomological endpoints to measure impact. Here, we test one promising alternative and assess how three such endpoints perform at measuring its effects.
    METHODS: We conducted a 16-month, two-arm, cluster-randomized controlled trial (CRCT) of mosquito-disseminated pyriproxyfen (MD-PPF) in central-western Brazil. We used three entomological endpoints: adult-mosquito density as directly measured by active aspiration of adult mosquitoes, and egg-trap-based indices of female Aedes presence (proportion of positive egg-traps) and possibly abundance (number of eggs per egg-trap). Using generalized linear mixed models, we estimated MD-PPF effects on these endpoints while accounting for the non-independence of repeated observations and for intervention-unrelated sources of spatial-temporal variation.
    RESULTS: On average, MD-PPF reduced adult-mosquito density by 66.3% (95% confidence interval, 95% CI: 47.3-78.4%); Cx. quinquefasciatus density fell by 55.5% (95% CI: 21.1-74.8%), and Ae. aegypti density by 60.0% (95% CI: 28.7-77.5%). In contrast, MD-PPF had no measurable effect on either Aedes egg counts or egg-trap positivity, both of which decreased somewhat in the intervention cluster but also in the control cluster. Egg-trap data, therefore, failed to reflect the 60.0% mean reduction of adult Aedes density associated with MD-PPF deployment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the widely used egg-trap-based monitoring may poorly measure the impact of Aedes control; even if more costly, direct monitoring of the adult mosquito population is likely to provide a much more realistic and informative picture of intervention effects. In our CRCT, MD-PPF reduced adult-mosquito density by 66.3% in a medium-sized, spatially non-isolated, tropical urban neighborhood. Broader-scale trials will be necessary to measure MD-PPF impact on arboviral-disease transmission.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a result of shifts in the habitable range of ticks due to climate change and the ongoing threat of exotic tick species introductions, efficient surveillance tools for these pests and disease vectors are needed. Wild pigs are habitat generalists, distributed throughout most of the United States, and often hunted recreationally or removed as part of management programs, making them potentially useful sentinel hosts for ticks. We compared ticks collected from captured wild pigs and standard tick dragging methods on a south-central Florida cattle ranch from May 2015-August 2017. Three hundred and sixteen wild pigs were surveyed, and 84 km spanning three habitat types (seminative pasture, improved pasture, and hammock) were dragged. In total, 1023 adults of four species (Amblyomma auricularium, Amblyomma maculatum, Dermacentor variabilis, and Ixodes scapularis) were collected from wild pigs, while 39 adults of three species (A. auricularium, A. maculatum, and I. scapularis) were collected from drags. Only one immature specimen, a nymph, was collected from a pig, while dragging collected 2808 larvae and 150 nymphs. Amblyomma maculatum comprised 96% of adults collected from pigs, while A. maculatum, I. scapularis, and A. auricularium comprised 38%, 33%, and 28% of adults collected from drags, respectively. Adults of all tick species found on drags were found on pigs, and wild pig surveillance detected adults of an additional species not found on drags. Dragging was far superior for collection of immatures but not for adults of most species found in this study. These findings suggest wild pigs could be used as a sentinel for the detection of tick species. When combined with ongoing wild pig research, hunting, or management, wild pig surveillance can provide an effective method to survey for adult tick presence of some species of interest and may assist in tracking the range expansion of some tick species.





