Temperate forests

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mineral protection mechanisms are important in determining the response of particulate organic carbon (POC) and mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC) to temperature changes. However, the underlying mechanisms for how POC and MAOC respond to temperature changes are remain unclear. By translocating soils across 1304 m, 1425 m and 2202 m elevation gradient in a temperate forest, simulate nine months of warming (with soil temperature change of +1.41 °C and +3.91 °C) and cooling (with soil temperature change of -1.86 °C and -4.20 °C), we found that warming translocation significantly decreased POC by an average of 10.84 %, but increased MAOC by an average of 4.25 %. Conversely, cooling translocation led to an average increase of 8.64 % in POC and 13.48 % in MAOC. Exchangeable calcium (Caexe) had a significant positive correlation with POC and MAOC during temperature changes, and Fe/Al-(hydr)oxides had no significant correlation or a significant negative correlation with POC and MAOC. Our results showed that POC was more sensitive than MAOC to temperature changes. Caexe mediated the stability of POC and MAOC under temperature changes, and Fe/Al-(hydr)oxides had no obvious protective effect on POC and MAOC. Our results support the role of mineral protection in the stabilization mechanism of POC and MAOC in response to climate change and are critical for understanding the consequences of global change on soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite its small share of total forest biomass, ground vegetation plays an important role in biogeochemical cycles, being able to modify carbon (C) and nutrients fluxes. Global climate warming may affect plant nutrient uptake and the carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus (C:N:P) stoichiometry, the release of nutrients from the soil and soil organic matter, as well as significantly influence the tree stand nutrient supply. In this context, the response of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H.Karst) stands\' ground vegetation to warming is uncertain. An open-top chamber soil-warming simulation, lasting two growing seasons, was conducted in a spruce forest. At the end of each of the two growing seasons, before leaf senescence, European blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) aboveground biomass (leaves and stems) and mineral topsoil samples were collected from the plots. The C, N, P, micronutrient, and macronutrient concentrations were estimated in the samples. Warming caused significant decreases in C, N, and P in the soil. Warming also decreased the C:P and N:P stoichiometric ratios in the soil and increased the C:P ratio in plant stems. Significant increase in foliar C and decrease in foliar P in warmed plots were observed. The most evident effect was reduction of N and P in the soil, which directly affected the plant C:P and soil N:P stoichiometry. Our results show that warming has caused a significant decrease in the content of some nutrients in the aboveground plant tissues of blueberries. Given that N is a limiting factor of ecosystems productivity, its reduction in the soil caused by warming may be a serious threat to proper nutrient uptake and cause disruption of biogeochemical cycles. The decrease in nutrient content in aboveground tissues due to warming can result in disruptions to physiological processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Data on historical soil moisture is crucial for assessing and responding to droughts that commonly occur in climate change-affected countries. The Himalayan temperate forests in Pakistan are particularly at risk of climate change. Developing nations lack the means to gather surface soil moisture (SSM) information. Tree rings are one way to bridge this gap. Here, we employed dendrochronological methods on climate-sensitive tree rings from Abies pindrow to reconstruct the SSM in the Western Himalayan mountain region of Pakistan from 1855 to 2020. December (r = 0.41), May (r = 0.40), and June (r = 0.65) SSMs were found to be the limiting factors for A. pindrow growth. However, only the June SSM showed reconstruction possibility (coefficient of efficiency = 0.201 and reduction of error = 0.325). Over the studied period, we found 6 years (wet year) when June SSM was above the threshold of 32.04 (mean + 2 δ) and 1 year (dry year) when June SSM was below the threshold of 21.28 (mean - 2 δ). It was revealed that 1921 and 1917 were the driest and wettest SSM of all time, with means of 19.34 and 36.49, respectively. Our study shows that winter soil moisture is critical for the growing season in the context of climate change. Climate change has broad impacts on tree growth in the Western Himalayas. This study will assist various stakeholders in understanding and managing local and regional climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The primary productivity of temperate forests is commonly limited by nitrogen (N) supply, which may be aggravated by the removal of trees. After selective logging, whether and the mechanism by which the N limitation can be alleviated by the rapidly increasing nutrient turnover during the recovery processes, which is important for improving carbon sequestration in temperate forests, remain unclear. We investigated the effect of nutrient limitation (leaf N:Pcom: the leaf N:P ratio at the community level) on plant community productivity by selecting 28 forest plots including seven forest recovery periods (at the sites logged 6, 14, 25, 36, 45, 55, and 100 years ago) following low-intensity selective logging (13-14 m3/ha) and one unlogged treatment by measuring the soil N concentration, soil phosphorus (P) concentration, leaf N concentration, leaf P concentration, and the aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) of 234 plant species. The plant growth in temperate forests was limited by N, but the P limitation was observed at the sites logged 36 years ago, which showed a transition pattern of plant growth from N limitation to P limitation during the forest recovery process. Meanwhile, a robust linear trend in the community ANPP was observed with the increase in the community leaf N:P ratio, which suggests the enhancement in community ANPP with the release of N limitation after selective logging. Nutrient limitation (leaf N:Pcom) had a significant direct effect (56.0 %) on the community ANPP and showed a higher independent contribution (25.6 %) to the variation in the community ANPP than the soil nutrient supply and even the changes in species richness. Our results suggested that selective logging alleviated the N limitation, but a shift toward P limitation should also be highly regarded in learning the changes in carbon sequestration during the recovery processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High water-holding forests are essential for adapting to drought climates under global warming, and a central issue is which type of forests could conserve more water in the ecosystem. This paper explores how forest structure, plant diversity, and soil physics impact forest water-holding capacities. We investigated 720 sampling plots by measuring water-holding capacities from 1440 soil and litter samples, 8400 leaves, and 1680 branches and surveying 18,054 trees in total (28 species). Water-holding capacities were measured as four soil indices (Maxwc, maximum water-holding capacity; Fcwc, field water-holding capacity; Cpwc, soil capillary water-holding capacity; Ncpwc, non-capillary water-holding capacity), two litter metrics (Maxwcl, maximum water-holding capacity of litters; Ewcl, effective water-holding capacity of litters), and canopy interception (C, the sum of estimated water interception of all branches and leaves of all tree species in the plot). We found that water-holding capacity in the big-sized tree plots was 4-25 % higher in the litters, 54-64 % in the canopy, and 6-37 % in the soils than in the small-sized plots. The higher species richness increased all soil water-holding capacities compared to the lowest richness plot. Higher Simpson and Shannon-Wiener plots had 10-27 % higher Ewcl and C than the lowest plots. Bulk density had the strongest negative relations with Maxwc, Cpwc, and Fcwc, whereas field soil water content positively affected them. Soil physics, forest structure, and plant diversity explained 90.5 %, 5.9 %, and 0.2 % of the water-holding variation, respectively. Tree sizes increased C, Ncpwc, Ewcl directly (p < 0.05), and richness increased Ewcl directly (p < 0.05). However, the direct effects from the uniform angle index (tree distribution evenness) were balanced by their indirect effect from soil physics. Our findings highlighted that the mixed forests with big-sized trees and rich species could effectively improve the water-holding capacities of the ecosystem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pseudohydnum is characterized by gelatinous basidiomata with hydnoid hymenophores and longitudinally septate basidia. In this study, samples of the genus from North China were examined morphologically and phylogenetically using a dataset of the internal transcribed spacer of the ribosomal RNA gene and the nuclear large subunit rDNA. This study describes three new species, namely Pseudohydnum abietinum, Pseudohydnum candidissimum, and Pseudohydnum sinobisporum. Pseudohydnum abietinum is characterized by pileate and pale clay pink basidiomata when fresh, with a rudimentary stipe base, four-celled basidia, and broadly ellipsoid to ovoid or subglobose basidiospores (6-7.5 × 5-6.3 μm). P. candidissimum is characterized by very white basidiomata when fresh, frequently four-celled basidia, and broadly ellipsoid to subglobose basidiospores (7.2-8.5 × 6-7 μm). P. sinobisporum is characterized by ivory basidiomata when fresh, two-celled basidia, ovoid to broadly ellipsoid, or subglobose basidiospores (7.5-9.5 × 5.8-7.2 μm). The main characteristics, type localities, and hosts of Pseudohydnum species are listed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent policies and silvicultural management call for forest regeneration that involve the selection of tree species able to cope with low soil nutrient availability in forest ecosystems. Understanding the impact of different tree species on the rhizosphere processes (e.g., enzyme activities) involved in nutrient mobilisation is critical in selecting suitable species to adapt forests to environmental change. Here, we visualised and investigated the rhizosphere distribution of enzyme activities (cellobiohydrolase, leucine-aminopeptidase, and acid phosphomonoesterase) using zymography. We related the distribution of enzyme activities to the seedling root morphological traits of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies), the two most cultivated temperate tree species that employ contrasting strategies in soil nutrient acquisition. We found that spruce showed a higher morphological heterogeneity along the roots than beech, resulting in a more robust relationship between rhizoplane-associated enzyme activities and the longitudinal distance from the root apex. The rhizoplane enzyme activities decreased in spruce and increased in beech with the distance from the root apex over a power-law equation. Spruce revealed broader rhizosphere extents of all three enzymes, but only acid phosphomonoesterase activity was higher compared with beech. This latter result was determined by a larger root system found in beech compared with spruce that enhanced cellobiohydrolase and leucine-aminopeptidase activities. The root hair zone and hair lengths were significant variables determining the distribution of enzyme activities in the rhizosphere. Our findings indicate that spruce has a more substantial influence on rhizosphere enzyme production and diffusion than beech, enabling spruce to better mobilise nutrients from organic sources in heterogeneous forest soils.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To examine the perturbation of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition on soil N status and the biogeochemical cycle is meaningful for understanding forest function evolution with environmental changes. However, levels of soil bioavailable N and their environmental controls in forests receiving high atmospheric N deposition remain less investigated, which hinders evaluating the effects of enhanced anthropogenic N loading on forest N availability and N losses. This study analyzed concentrations of soil extractable N, microbial biomass N, net rates of N mineralization and nitrification, and their relationships with environmental factors among 26 temperate forests under the N deposition rates between 28.7 and 69.0 kg N ha-1 yr-1 in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region of northern China. Compared with other forests globally, forests in the BTH region showed higher levels of soil bioavailable N (NH4+, 27.1 ± 0.8 mg N kg-1; NO3-, 7.0 ± 0.8 mg N kg-1) but lower net rates of N mineralization and nitrification (0.5 ± 0.1 mg N kg-1 d-1 and 0.4 ± 0.1 mg N kg-1 d-1, respectively). Increasing N deposition levels increased soil nitrification and NO3- concentrations but did not increase microbial biomass N and N mineralization among the study forests. Soil moisture and C availability were found as dominant factors influencing microbial N mineralization and bioavailable N. In addition, by budgeting the differences in soil total N densities between the 2000s and 2010s, atmospheric N inputs to the forests were more retained in soils than lost proportionally (84% vs. 16%). We concluded that the high N deposition enriched soil N without stimulating microbial N mineralization among the study forests. These results clarified soil N status and the major controlling factors under high anthropogenic N loading, which is helpful for evaluating the fates and ecological effects of atmospheric N pollution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many woody and herbaceous plants in temperate forests cannot establish and survive in the absence of mycorrhizal associations. Most temperate forests are dominated by ectomycorrhizal woody plant species, which implies that the carrying capacity of the habitat for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is relatively low and AMF could in some cases experience a limitation of propagules. Here we address how the AMF community composition varied in a small temperate forest site in Germany in relation to time, space, two plant host species, and also with regard to the degree to which plots were covered with AMF-associating woody species. The AMF communities in our study were non-random. We observed that space had a greater impact on fungal community composition than either time, mycorrhizal state of the close-by woody species, or the identity of the host plant. The identity of the host plant was the only parameter that modified AMF richness in the roots. The set of parameters which we addressed has rarely been studied together, and the resulting ranking could ease prioritizing some of them to be included in future surveys. AMF are crucial for the establishment of understory plants in temperate forests, making it desirable to further explore how they vary in time and space.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forest resource use efficiencies (RUEs) can vary with tree age, but the nature of these trends and their underlying mechanisms are not well understood. Understanding the age dynamics of forest RUEs and their drivers is vital for assessing the trade-offs between forest functions and resource consumption, making rational management policy, and projecting ecosystem carbon dynamics. Here we used the FLUXNET2015 and AmeriFlux datasets and published literature to explore the age-dependent variability of forest light use efficiency (LUE) and inherent water use efficiency as well as their main regulatory variables in temperate regions. Our results showed that evergreen forest RUEs initially increased before reaching the mature stage (i.e., around 90 years old), and then gradually declined; in contrast, RUEs continuously increased with age for mature deciduous forests. Changing canopy photosynthetic capacity (Amax) was the primary cause of age-related changes in RUEs across temperate forest sites. More importantly, soil nitrogen (N) increased in mature deciduous forests through time but decreased in older evergreen forests. The age-dependent changes in soil N were closely linked with the age dynamics of Amax for mature temperate forests. Additionally, soil nutrient conditions played a greater role in deciduous forest RUEs than evergreen forest RUEs. This study highlights the importance of stand age and forest type on temperate forest RUEs over the long term.





