
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) remains a significant global health challenge, with high mortality rates and limited treatment options. Tumor vaccines have emerged as a potential therapeutic approach, aiming to stimulate the immune system to specifically target tumor cells.
    METHODS: This study screened 283 clinical trials registered on through July 31, 2023. After excluding data that did not meet the inclusion criteria, a total of 108 trials were assessed. Data on registered number, study title, study status, vaccine types, study results, conditions, interventions, outcome measures, sponsor, collaborators, drug target, phases, enrollment, start date, completion date and locations were extracted and analyzed.
    RESULTS: The number of vaccines clinical trials for NSCLC has continued to increase in recent years, the majority of which were conducted in the United States. Most of the clinical trials were at stages ranging from Phase I to Phase II. Peptide-based vaccines accounted for the largest proportion. Others include tumor cell vaccines, DNA/RNA vaccines, viral vector vaccines, and DC vaccines. Several promising tumor vaccine candidates have shown encouraging results in early-phase clinical trials. However, challenges such as heterogeneity of tumor antigens and immune escape mechanisms still need to be addressed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Tumor vaccines represent a promising avenue in the treatment of NSCLC. Ongoing clinical trials are crucial for optimizing vaccine strategies and identifying the most effective combinations. Further research is needed to overcome existing limitations and translate these promising findings into clinical practice, offering new hope for NSCLC patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bioassay-guided isolation of spiroaspertrione A from cultures of Aspergillus sp. TJ23 in 2017 demonstrated potent resensitization of oxacillin against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus by lowering the oxacillin minimal inhibitory concentration up to 32-fold. To construct this unique spiro[bicyclo[3.2.2]nonane-2,1\'-cyclohexane] system, a protocol for ceric ammonium nitrate-induced intramolecular cross-coupling of silyl enolate is disclosed.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial
    The clinical performance of the new Frameless IUD was compared with the TCu380A, the most widely used copper IUD in the world today. Insertions of the Frameless IUD were conducted with a prototype inserter (Flexigard). We report on the 6-year results from a randomized comparative clinical trial conducted at the Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research, as part of an international multicenter WHO clinical trial, involving 200 women, respectively recruited for use of each device. The cumulative 6-year pregnancy rates were 0.0 per 100 women for the Frameless IUD and 3.3 for TCu380A. Termination due to partial expulsion was significantly less for the Frameless IUD as compared with TCu380A (0.0 and 4.3 per hundred women, respectively). Complete expulsion, bleeding, pain, bleeding and pain and other medical reasons for termination did not differ significantly between the two devices. The net cumulative continuation rates at six years per 100 women were 80.8 for TCu380A, and 83.0 for the Frameless IUD. Both Frameless IUD and TCu380A are highly effective, safe and acceptable contraceptive devices, because of low pregnancy rates (per 100 women), and low termination rates due to expulsion, pain, bleeding, and bleeding and pain. Due to its anchoring, the Frameless IUD is significantly more effective than the TCu380A IUD as regards proper retention of the IUD in the uterine cavity. This may also explain its lower failure rate.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examines the delay between first marriage and first live birth in China among a sample of women who married between 1980 and 1992. Most couples in China only use contraception after the first child is born. Most sample women had their first child within 2 years of marriage. However, there are significant rural-urban differences in the first birth interval, indicating that there was most probably deliberate fertility regulation after marriage among many urban couples. Survival analysis shows that place of residence, level of education, age at first marriage and marriage cohort affect the first birth interval.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial
    This study was conducted to evaluate a new and improved inserter (GyneFix) for the anchoring of the Frameless IUD in the uterine cavity. Previous studies conducted with a prototype inserter (Flexigard) did not show fully the advantages of the new anchoring concept because of the shortcomings of the Flexigard inserter and the complexity of the insertion technique. The GyneFix IUD was compared with the TCu380A IUD in six centers in China in approximately 300 women in each group. Only parous women were included in the study. The data from this 3-year, ongoing study demonstrate that the shortcomings of the inserter have been corrected, resulting in better performance and a much reduced rate of failed insertion/expulsion of the frameless and anchored device. The cumulative expulsion rate with the GyneFix IUD was 3.0 at 3 years (annual rates 2.67, 0.33, and 0.0, respectively) compared with a cumulative expulsion rate of 7.38 at 3 years with TCu380A (annual rates 4.63, 1.76, and 1.04, respectively). This difference is statistically significant. The majority of the expulsions with the anchored IUD occurred early in the study, indicating improper anchoring technique. The study also shows that both devices are highly efficacious. No pregnancies occurred with the GyneFix IUD (cumulative pregnancy rate 0.0 at 3 years) versus one pregnancy with TCu380A (cumulative pregnancy rate 0.34 at 3 years). The total use-related discontinuation rate at 3 years was significantly lower with the GyneFix IUD (8.34) than with the TCu380A IUD (14.13) and results in a higher rate of continuation with the GyneFix IUD compared to the TCu380A IUD (90.73 vs 85.25). Neither perforations nor pelvic inflammatory disease cases were encountered with either device in this study, demonstrating the safety of the anchoring system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of the present survey was to assess the contraceptive status and sexual function of climacteric Chinese women. One cross-sectional study randomly recruited 742 premenopausal, perimenopausal, and naturally menopausal women aged 45-55 years from Beijing. Contraceptive methods were used by 75.6% of premenopausal and 54.2% of perimenopausal women. The primary methods were the IUD and barrier method. The women\'s choices of methods were related to parity and frequency of sexual activities. Sexual activity was related to the satisfaction of contraceptive methods. Perimenopausal and postmenopausal women were about half as likely to enjoy sexual activity and to experience orgasms than premenopausal women. Women of higher socioeconomic status had a lower risk for decreased sexual functioning. The IUD was the most popular and the most appropriate contraceptive method for perimenopausal women. Sexual function was associated with the women\'s satisfaction with the contraceptive method used, their menopausal status, and their socioeconomic class.
    A cross-sectional survey about contraception and sexuality in climacteric Chinese women was evaluated. Women aged 45-55 years were randomly sampled from the urban area of Beijing using a three-stage cluster sampling procedure. The sample was composed of 742 pre-, peri-, and naturally menopausal women. Results showed that contraceptive methods were used by 75.6% of 242 premenopausal women and 54.2% of 240 perimenopausal women. IUDs and barrier methods were the primary methods used. A comparison of IUD users by age at insertion, removal, or last clinic visit showed that women over age 40 tolerated IUDs better than did younger women. IUDs were commonly used because the barrier method (condom) caused vaginal dryness and even pain, especially among middle-aged women. The women of higher socioeconomic status had a lower risk of decreased sexual functioning. A higher level of educational attainment was associated with a lower risk of decreased sexual functioning among women aged 45-55 years. Women of higher class differed in several sexual variables from those of the lower class due to differences in level and quality of sexual education, awareness, and attitudes. In conclusion, the IUD was the most popular and appropriate method of contraception for perimenopausal women, and sexual function was associated with a woman\'s satisfaction with her contraceptive method together with her menopausal status and socioeconomic class.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The association between long-term use of depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) and bone mineral density (BMD) has been controversial, as seen in three case-control studies in New Zealand, Thailand, and the United Kingdom. In the present case-controlled study of BMD, a group of 67 Chinese women who had used DMPA from 5-15 years was compared with 218 women of the same age range who had not used any steroidal hormones. DMPA users were found to have a significantly lower BMD at lumbar vertebra (L2-4) (0.93 g/cm2), neck of femur (0.69 g/cm2), trochanter (0.59 g/cm2), and Ward\'s triangle (0.58 g/cm2), as compared with the control group, whose corresponding BMD values were 1.03 g/cm2, 0.83 g/cm2, 0.71 g/cm2, and 0.78 g/cm2, respectively (p < 0.001). The average percentage of bone loss per year was estimated to be 1.1% in L2-4, 2.3% in neck of femur, 2.4% in trochanter, and 3.5% in Ward\'s triangle. The percentage of bone loss in L2-4 was found to be more pronounced with age. This study provided information that the use of DMPA in a Chinese group for > 5 years in associated with bone loss, and a prospective study is needed to confirm these data, which are different from two case-control studies.
    The effect of long-term use of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) on bone mineral density remains controversial. The present study compared bone mineral densities in 67 long-term (5 years or more) DMPA users recruited consecutively from the Hong Kong (China) Family Planning Association with those in 218 age-matched controls recruited from 8 family health service clinics in Hong Kong. Mean age was 42.8 years (range, 34-46 years) in the DMPA group and 40.0 years (range, 34-46 years) among controls. Body mass index, calcium intake, and smoking were similar in both groups. The median duration of DMPA use was 6 years (range, 5-15 years). Long-term DMPA users had significantly lower bone mineral densities than controls at the lumbar vertebra (0.93 vs. 1.03 g/sq. cm), neck of femur (0.69 vs. 0.83 g/sq. cm), trochanter (0.59 vs. 0.71 g/sq. cm), and Ward\'s triangle (0.58 vs. 0.78 g/sq. cm). The percentage of bone loss in L2-4 was more pronounced with increasing age. For each year of DMPA use, the decrease in bone mineral density was estimated to be 0.011 g/sq. cm (1.1%) in L2-4, 0.0193 g/sq. cm (2.3%) in the neck of femur, 0.0169 g/sq. cm (2.4%) in the trochanter, and 0.0277 g/sq. cm (3.5%) in Ward\'s triangle.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A case of a 28-year-old gravida 3 para 2 woman with an ileal penetration by an intrauterine device (IUD) is reported. Four weeks following insertion of a Multiload-Cu 375, the woman underwent laparotomy due to persistent vague abdominal pain and translocation of the IUD. The device had perforated the fundal uterine wall and the two flexible side arms and the copper-bearing rod had completely eroded into the wall of the ileum with only the strings protruding outside the small bowel mesentery. Resection of an ileal segment with end-to-end anastomosis was performed. The woman made an uneventful recovery. It appears that a translocated Multiload-Cu 375 IUD body can penetrate and be entirely embedded within the bowel wall as early as 4 weeks following translocation. This report documents the shortest interval between insertion and proven bowel injury by an IUD.
    The frequency of IUD-associated uterine perforation has been estimated at 0.05-13.0/1000 insertions; 15% of such perforations lead to complications in the adjacent visceral organs, primarily the intestines. This paper describes the case of a 28-year-old gravida 3, para 2 woman with an ileal perforation associated with insertion of a Multiload-Cu 375 IUD at the 3-month postpartum visit. The insertion was noted to be difficult and painful. The woman presented to the clinic 25 days after insertion with abdominal pain and missing IUD strings. The IUD had perforated the full thickness of the anterior fundal uterine wall. The two flexible plastic arms and the vertical copper-bearing limb had completely eroded into the wall of the ileum. Resection of an ileal segment with end-to-end anastomosis was successful. The literature on IUD-related perforations--summarized in a table accompanying this article--reveals a median time interval of 17 months (range, 2 months to 13 years) post-insertion. Thus, the present case represents the shortest documented interval (4 weeks) between IUD insertion and proven bowel injury.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial
    A prospective randomized trial was conducted in 140 women to compare the efficacy of vaginal gemeprost with vaginal misoprostol for termination of second trimester pregnancy. Women requesting termination of second trimester pregnancy were randomized into two groups. Group A women were given 1 mg vaginal gemeprost every 3 h for a maximum of five doses in the first 24 h, whereas group B women were given 400 micrograms vaginal misoprostol every 3 h for a maximum of five doses in 24 h. The median induction-abortion interval in the vaginal misoprostol group (14.1 h) was significantly shorter than that in the gemeprost group (19.5 h). The percentage of women who achieved successful abortion within 24 h in the misoprostol group (80.0%) was significantly higher than that in the gemeprost group (58.6%). There was no significant difference in the incidence of side effects between the two groups except for diarrhea, which was more common in the gemeprost group. The incidence of fever was more common in the misoprostol group. It is concluded that vaginal misoprostol is more effective than gemeprost in termination of second trimester pregnancy.
    The efficacies of vaginal gemeprost and vaginal misoprostol for the termination of second-trimester pregnancies were compared in a prospective, randomized trial conducted in Hong Kong, China. 140 women 16-40 years of age requesting pregnancy termination at gestational ages of 14-20 weeks were allocated to receive either 1 mg of gemeprost every 3 hours up to 5 doses (n = 70) or 400 mcg of misoprostol every 3 hours up to 5 doses (n = 70). 56 women (80.0%) in the misoprostol group and 41 (58.6%) in the gemeprost group aborted within 24 hours. In primigravidas, the rate of successful abortion was significantly higher in the misoprostol group (83.3%) than the gemeprost group (55.3%). There were no significant between-group differences in this rate for multigravid women. The median induction-abortion interval was significantly shorter in the misoprostol group (14.1 hours) than the gemeprost group (19.5 hours). Blood loss during the procedure was similar in both groups. Although there was no significant difference in the incidence of side effects, diarrhea was less common in misoprostol acceptors (24.3%) than in women who received gemeprost (40.0%). In addition to being more effective at inducing abortion, misoprostol is substantially less expensive than gemeprost and does not require refrigerated transport and storage facilities. Thus, misoprostol, with or without mifepristone, should be the drug of choice for termination of mid-trimester pregnancies. Further studies are needed, however, to determine the optimal dose and frequency of administration.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    This paper addresses two questions: 1) What is the relation of hemoglobin in the second gestational month to preterm birth and low birth weight? 2) How does the relation differ when hemoglobin in the fifth or eighth month or the lowest pregnancy hemoglobin are examined in place of first trimester values? These relations were examined prospectively in 829 women from Shanghai, China in 1991-1992. The population was nearly homogeneous by race, parity, antenatal care, and smoking. Rates of birth outcomes were compared between hemoglobin categories based on 10 g/liter groupings, with 110-119 g/liter as the reference group. Rates of low birth weight and preterm birth (but not small-for-gestational age) were related to early pregnancy hemoglobin concentration in a U-shaped manner. The relative risks (95% confidence intervals) for preterm birth in women by g/liter of hemoglobin were 2.52 (0.95-6.64) for > or = 130 g/liter, 1.11 (0.41-2.99) for 120-129 g/liter, 1.64 (0.77-3.47) for 100-109 g/liter, 2.63 (1.17-5.90) for 90-99 g/liter, and 3.73 (1.36-10.23) for 60-89 g/liter. Use of hemoglobin values in the fifth or eighth month attenuated the association with preterm birth. When lowest pregnancy hemoglobin values were used, the association of anemia with both outcomes was obscured, and risk of preterm birth at high hemoglobin values increased dramatically.
    The association of hemoglobin in the second gestational month with preterm birth and low birth weight (LBW), as well as the impact on this relationship of using hemoglobin values collected at times other than the second month, were investigated in a prospective observational study of 829 pregnant women from Shanghai, China, in 1991-92. Rates of LBW and preterm birth were related to early pregnancy hemoglobin concentrations in a U-shaped manner. The relative risks for preterm birth by g/l of hemoglobin were 2.52 (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.95-6.64) for 130 g/l and above, 1.11 (95% CI, 0.41-2.99) for 120-129 g/l, 1.64 (95% CI, 0.77-3.47) for 100-109 g/l, 2.63 (95% CI, 1.17-5.90) for 90-99 g/l, and 3.73 (95% CI, 1.36-10.23) for 60-89 g/l. Use of hemoglobin values in the 5th or 8th month of pregnancy attenuated the association with preterm birth. When the lowest pregnancy hemoglobin values were used, the association of anemia with both outcomes was obscured and the risk of preterm birth at high hemoglobin values increased markedly.





