
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The goal was to review mobile apps with COVID-19 digital vaccination certificates between November 2022 and March 2023 and evaluate: (a) compliance with the WHO Proof of Vaccination Scenario requirements, (b) risk levels of app permissions using a Permission Accumulated Risk Score (PARS), and (c) readability and transparency of the app\'s privacy policies using a Privacy Transparency Index (PTI) score. We found 49 mobile apps with COVID-19 digital vaccination certificates from across 32 countries. Most apps were developed by governments (37/49, 75.51%). We discovered a high positive correlation between the country-wide app total installs and the people vaccinated with at least one dose in the country (r = 0.93, P = <.001). Most apps (97.96%) had sources of information available for compliance with WHO Proof of Vaccination Scenario requirements. Only two apps included all the required data items, while most apps (75%) included five or more data out of nine items. We found that most (97.96%) apps had a Google Play link to generate the Exodus platform permission report, and most (95.92%) apps had an associated privacy policy available. We identified 80 unique permissions; some (23.75%) were dangerous or special. We also found 28 types of trackers. The average PARS was 28.58 (IQR 23.25, range 15-38.25). Most of the apps\' privacy policies documents were difficult or very difficult to read (median grade level 14, IQR 2.6, range 13-15.6). The average PTI was 50.43 (SD 14.73; range 22.5-75). In conclusion, higher compliance with the WHO Proof of Vaccination Scenario requirements is desirable to support interoperability. Developers should limit the number of permissions for essential needs and disclose their purpose. Developers should write privacy policies that a wider audience can understand.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Fabry disease is a rare, progressive X-linked lysosomal storage disorder. It is caused by mutations in the GLA gene resulting in deficiency of α-galactosidase A (α-Gal A), leading to peripheral neuropathy, cardiovascular disease, stroke, end-stage renal disease, gastrointestinal disorders and premature death. Given the long-term nature of disease progression, trials in Fabry disease are often not powered to capture these clinical events. Clinical measures such as estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and left ventricular mass index (LVMI) are often captured instead. eGFR and LVMI are believed to be associated with long-term Fabry disease clinical events of interest, but the precise relationships are unclear.
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to identify published literature exploring the link between eGFR/LVMI and long-term clinical events in Fabry disease.
    METHODS: A comprehensive literature search was conducted in Embase® and MEDLINE® (using, and a targeted literature review was conducted. Studies reporting a quantitative relationship between eGFR and/or LVMI and clinical events in Fabry disease were extracted, and narrative synthesis was conducted to understand these predictive relationships.
    RESULTS: Eight studies, consisting of seven patient-level retrospective analyses plus one prospective cohort study, met the inclusion criteria. Seven of these studies reported eGFR and six reported LVMI, with five reporting both. All studies presented results for either a composite measure including a range of key Fabry disease clinical events, or a composite outcome that included at least one key Fabry disease clinical event. All studies employed Cox proportional hazards survival modelling. The studies consistently reported that eGFR and LVMI are predictors of key clinical events in Fabry disease, with the findings remaining consistent regardless of the therapy received by patients in the studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: The evidence identified suggests that eGFR and LVMI outcomes may be appropriate indicators for long-term clinical events in Fabry disease, and all identified papers implied the same directional relationship. However, additional research is needed to further understand the specific details of these relationships and to quantify them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The traditional genetic epidemiological studies are necessary to improve accurate risk communication to service users and their families. This scoping review aimed to describe the volume and scope of existing research evidence on family, twin and adoption studies of severe mental disorders (SMDs) in SSA. This is with a view to identifying gaps in the literature and the adequacy of data for a systematic review and meta-analysis.
    METHODS: Literature search was done for all original peer-reviewed research articles on the topic in SSA using PubMed and MEDLINE. Publications included were peer-reviewed original articles, irrespective of their quality, carried out in the region from the 1970s till 9th March, 2022, which were available in English or translated to English. Case reports, abstracts, and studies among populations living outside the region were excluded.
    RESULTS: A total of five studies that met the inclusion criteria across the 46 countries in the region were identified. Of the three thematic areas of focus, only family studies on SMDs had research work in SSA. These studies provided evidence of familial clustering of SMDs in SSA. There were no twin and adoption studies on SMDs in the region. However, the review noted the establishment of two twin registries in Guinea-Bissau and Nigeria. A huge gap exists in the area of twin and adoption studies on SMDs in SSA.
    CONCLUSIONS: The volume of research evidence on traditional family genetic studies of SMDs is grossly inadequate to consider a systematic review in SSA. We have suggested studies to remedy the situation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study describes how industrial symbiosis is reposed in studies dealing with the Brazilian context. This study was based on a systematic literature review in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, relying on the Prisma method and a research protocol. The results embrace quantitative and qualitative aspects such as the number of publications, the territorial scope of the studies, authors and keywords networks. The sample was also segregated into three categories, theoretical works, opportunities and formed networks, reporting the presence of industrial symbiosis in Brazil in the extant literature. The main contribution of this research is to aggregate the studies already published in the international literature, demonstrate how the IS is reported and how they can be expanded in territories or business cases not yet portrayed.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Early psychosocial rehabilitation of young people presenting mental disorders is a major challenge. In France, the therapeutic residential care called \"soins-études,\" combining care and educational provision, in the Fondation Santé des Etudiants de France (FSEF) can have a role in this rehabilitation. After recalling the history and the concept underpinning soins-études in psychiatry, we performed a systematic review of the literature based on the PRISMA statement via a search for quantitative studies on soins-études facilities. Eleven quantitative studies on 10 different samples of young people hospitalised in psychiatry in FSEF were identified between the opening of the first unit in 1956 and 2016. The young people involved were mostly aged 16-20 years, which reflects the curricula covered in the FSEF establishments. These young people generally presented severe chronic psychiatric disorders. Their previous care trajectory had lasted for more than 3 years and 24-55% of them had attempted suicide at least once. Their stays lasted more than 6 months. Depending on the severity of the disorders, 44-63% of the young people were considered to have improved at discharge. The contribution of soins-études appears valuable for these young people, since there was a clinical improvement for 54-74% of them 1-15 years after their hospitalisation, with resumption of schooling, professional training or entry into employment in 60-75% of the cases. These results are compared with data in the international literature concerning therapeutic residential care, and lines for future research are identified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ventral hernias (VHs) often recur after surgical repair and subsequent attempts at repair are especially challenging. Rigorous research to reduce recurrence is required but such studies must be well-designed and report representative and comprehensive outcomes.
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to assesses methodological quality of non-randomised interventional studies of VH repair by systematic review.
    METHODS: We searched the indexed literature for non-randomised studies of interventions for VH repair, January 1995 to December 2017 inclusive. Each prospective study was coupled with a corresponding retrospective study using pre-specified criteria to provide matched, comparable groups. We applied a bespoke methodological tool for hernia trials by combining relevant items from existing published tools. Study introduction and rationale, design, participant inclusion criteria, reported outcomes, and statistical methods were assessed.
    RESULTS: Fifty studies (17,608 patients) were identified: 25 prospective and 25 retrospective. Overall, prospective studies scored marginally higher than retrospective studies for methodological quality, median score 17 (IQR: 14-18) versus 15 (IQR 12-18), respectively. For the sub-categories investigated, prospective studies achieved higher median scores for their, \'introduction\', \'study design\' and \'participants\'. Surprisingly, no study stated that a protocol had been written in advance. Only 18 (36%) studies defined a primary outcome, and only 2 studies (4%) described a power calculation. No study referenced a standardised definition for VH recurrence and detection methods for recurrence varied widely. Methodological quality did not improve with publication year or increasing journal impact factor.
    CONCLUSIONS: Currently, non-randomised interventional studies of VH repair are methodologically poor. Clear outcome definitions and a standardised minimum dataset are needed.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When patients suffer from incurable cancer, drug-based, systemic anticancer therapy is usually used with the aim of longer survival, while minimizing toxicity and ensuring a tolerable quality of life. It is unclear to what extent and with what degree of success systemic tumor therapy can be used to specifically improve pre-existing pain and an already compromised quality of life (QoL).
    Therefore, a systematic review of oncological therapy studies (PubMed) was conducted. Only studies that identified the pain-relieving and QoL-enhancing effects of systemic anticancer therapy as the primary endpoint were selected and evaluated descriptively.
    Of the 2229 abstracts identified using a piloted search string, only 13 studies met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 10 studies showed an improvement in QoL-parameters through the use of systemic tumor therapies.
    Only a few studies focused primarily on the improvement of parameters related to quality of life-although this is the primary therapeutic goal for many patients suffering from incurable and advanced cancer. The study results encourage regular inclusion of symptom- and QoL-related data in clinical studies and to more explicitly address the potential of systemic anticancer therapy in relieving pain and other symptoms, thereby supporting the goals of palliative care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this systematic review was to summarize longitudinal studies on swimming physiology and get implications for daily practice. A computerized search of databases according to the PRISMA statement was employed. Studies were screened for eligibility on inclusion criteria: (i) present two testing points; (ii) on swimming physiology; (iii) using adult elite swimmers; (iv) no case-studies or with small sample sizes. Two independent reviewers used a checklist to assess the methodological quality of the studies. Thirty-four studies selected for analysis were gathered into five main categories: blood composition (n=7), endocrine secretion (n=11), muscle biochemistry (n=7), cardiovascular response (n=8) and the energetic profile (n=14). The mean quality index was 10.58 ± 2.19 points demonstrating an almost perfect agreement between reviewers (K = 0.93). It can be concluded that the mixed findings in the literature are due to the diversity of the experimental designs. Micro variables obtained at the cellular or molecular level are sensitive measures and demonstrate overtraining signs and health symptoms. The improvement of macro variables (i.e. main physiological systems) is limited and may depend on the athletes\' training background and experience.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    Life history data provide a wealth of information and dynamic analysis. Life history data from Hubei Province, China, are used to analyze the mutual effects of marriage and migration and the effects of socioeconomic factors. The models are based on mathematical models proposed by Professor Daniel Gourgeau. The nonparametric model is used to analyze the mutual effects of marriage and migration, and the semiparametric model is used to examine the effects of other factors, which might be independent or correlative. Survey data was collected in 1988 among 4390 households in 52 communities in Hubei Province (7702 individuals over the age of 15). Information was obtained on the community, family households, and individuals about the history of marriage, occupation, migration, and childbirth. Migration meant change of usual residence. Data was grouped by age into those born prior to 1950 (first generation), between 1950 and 1959 (second generation), and after 1960 (third generation). The generational patterns were similar and were characterized by more men migrating and more single persons. Government policies have affected migration, particularly in the 1960s when there was more migration. Third generation migrants responded to the growth and prosperity of the urban market economy and migrated to cities. Migration of second generation unmarried men over the age of 25 years also showed increases. The first generation showed no change in migration pattern. First generation women married early, around the age of 17 years. During the 1970s, when family planning policy was being implemented, marriage ages concentrated between 23 and 30 years. In the 1980s, marriage occurred earlier than second generation women by 3 years due to changes in aspirations, the New Marriage Law, and complicated socioeconomic factors. In the semiparametric model, correlative variables are number of births before migration and occupation after migration; independent variables are education and birthplace. The findings indicate that higher levels of education have a clear effect on the increased likelihood of migration; the beta is higher for women than men in all generations. After marriage, birthplace has a positive effect, and migration is slightly higher in the rural areas. The number of children in every generation is significant and negative. Migration has little effect on marriage.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Comparative Study
    The future of the family in Brazil is examined in the context of convergence theory concerning family transformation. In particular, the author considers whether industrialization and urbanization will affect the family in different societies in the same way. Factors considered include declining fertility, increased life expectancy, increased female labor force participation, sexual liberation, the fragility of conjugal relationships, and growing individualism. (SUMMARY IN ENG)





