Seasonal variation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular characterization of organic aerosol (OA) is crucial for understanding its sources and atmospheric processes. However, the chemical components of OA remain not well constrained. This study used gas chromatography-Orbitrap mass spectrometry (GC-Orbitrap MS) and GC-Quadrupole MS (GC-qMS) to investigate the organic composition in PM2.5 from Xi\'an, Northwest China. GC-Orbitrap MS identified 335 organic tracers, including overlooked isomers and low-concentration molecules, approximately 1.6 times more than GC-qMS. The \"molecular corridor\" assessment shows the superior capability of GC-Orbitrap MS in identifying an expansive range of compounds with higher volatility and oxidation states, such as furanoses/pyranoses, di/hydroxy/ketonic acids, di/poly alcohols, aldehydes/ketones, and amines/amides. Seasonal variations in OA composition reflect diverse sources: increased di/poly alcohols in winter are derived from indoor emissions, furanoses/pyranoses and heterocyclics in spring and summer might be from biogenic emissions and secondary formation, and amides in autumn are probably from biomass burning. Integrating partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and potential source contribution function (PSCF) models, the source similarities and differences are further elucidated, highlighting the role of local emissions and transport from southern cities. This study offers new insights into the OA composition aided by the high mass resolution and sensitivity of GC-Orbitrap MS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Harvest season exerts great influence on tea quality. Herein, the variations in non-volatile flavor substances in spring and summer fresh tea leaves of four varieties were comprehensively investigated by integrating UHPLC-Q-Exactive based lipidomics and metabolomics. A total of 327 lipids and 99 metabolites were detected, among which, 221 and 58 molecules were significantly differential. The molecular species of phospholipids, glycolipids and acylglycerolipids showed most prominent and structure-dependent seasonal changes, relating to polar head, unsaturation and total acyl length. Particularly, spring tea contained higher amount in aroma precursors of highly unsaturated glycolipids and phosphatidic acids. The contents of umami-enhancing amino acids and phenolic acids, e.g., theanine, theogallin and gallotannins, were increased in spring. Besides, catechins, theaflavins, theasinensins and flavone/flavonol glycosides showed diverse changes. These phytochemical differences covered key aroma precursors, tastants and colorants, and may confer superior flavor of black tea processed using spring leaves, which was verified by sensory evaluation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The environment is one of the most important factors influencing the variation and diversity of the host gut microbiome in plateau areas. It is well-established that dietary variations substantially alter the rumen microbiota. However, there is limited research on the response of the rumen microbiota of grazing yaks to changes in seasonal diet composition under high-altitude environments. This study investigates the seasonal variations in rumen fermentation parameters, bacterial, and fungal communities in yaks, with a focus on the cold and warm seasons. Quantitative data revealed that in the cold season, yaks had an increased acetic acid proportion (p < 0.05) and acetic acid/propionic acid ratio (p < 0.05) compared to the warm season. The relative abundance of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes were 64.67% and 25.82% in the cold season, respectively, and 66.77% and 26.87% in the warm season. The fungal community showed a higher abundance of Ascomycetes (58.72% to 76.91%) and Neocallimastigomycota in the cold season. These findings highlight the adaptation mechanisms of yaks to seasonal dietary changes and their implications for optimizing yak husbandry practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contamination by neonicotinoid (NEO) insecticides in surface waters is a global problem. Nevertheless, the occurrence of NEOs in lakes is not well known. Hongze Lake, the largest impounded lake on the Eastern Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, was selected to investigate the distribution, ecological risks, and health risks of NEOs. Water samples from the lake and nearby rivers were collected and analyzed for 8 widely used NEOs in three seasons. The results indicated the average total NEO concentration in summer, winter, and spring was 222, 211, and 244 ng L-1 for the river water, and 265, 213, and 181 ng L-1 for the lake water, respectively, with no statistical seasonal difference. For the river water, the highest total NEO concentration in the three seasons was observed in the Andong River. For the lake water, the total NEO concentrations in summer were relatively high in sites near the inflow river estuaries due to the high riverine inputs during the flood period. The spatial difference in NEO concentration was relatively low in winter, which may be related to the wind-driven lake current. The seasonal variation in NEO compositions in the lake was generally similar to that in the river, indicating riverine input was the important source for the lake. Huai River was the largest contributor to the NEO inputs to the lake, and Sanhe Gate was the major output pathway. Clothianidin and imidacloprid in the river and lake water would produce moderate acute ecological risks in summer. Thus, the usage of the above two NEOs should be decreased or restricted. For integral NEO risks, 53% and 58% of the river and lake water sites exceeded the acute ecological threshold, respectively. Health risk assessment suggested drinking the water obtained from the lake would not produce a negative impact on public health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The gut microbiota plays an important role in the immunology, physiology and growth and development of animals. However, currently, there is a lack of available sequencing data on the gut microbiota of Asian badgers. Studying the gut microbiota of Asian badgers could provide fundamental data for enhancing productivity and immunity of badgers\' breeding, as well as for the protection of wild animals. In this study, we first characterized the composition and structure of the gut microbiota in the large intestines of wild and captive Asian badgers during summer and winter by sequencing the V3-V4 region of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. A total of 9 dominant phyla and 12 genera among the bacterial communities of the large intestines exhibited significant differences. Our results showed that Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were the most predominant in both wild and captive badgers, regardless of the season. Romboutsia, Streptococcus and Enterococcus may represent potential sources of zoonoses, warranting further attention and study. Our findings indicated that the diversity and availability of food resources were the most important influencing factors on the gut microbiota of Asian badgers, providing fundamental data for the protection and conservation of wild animals. Variation in the gut microbiota due to season, age and sex in both wild and captive Asian badgers should be considered in future research directions. Furthermore, combined multi-omics studies could provide more information for wild animal conservation, and enhancing our understanding of the molecular mechanism between the microbiota and host.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The river-connected Dongting Lake (DT) and Poyang Lake (PY), and the gate-controlled Taihu Lake (TH) and Chaohu Lake (CH) are the four important lakes in the Yangtze River Basin. The comprehensive Water Quality Index (WQI), the Eutrophication Integrated Index (TLI(Σ)), and the Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model were employed to evaluate water quality and the contribution of pollution sources for these lakes. The results show that WQI for all lakes indicated generally good water quality, with DT scoring 73.52-86.18, the highest among them. During the wet season, the eutrophication degree of river-connected lake was medium, and that of gate-controlled lakes was high. The surface runoff and agricultural non-point sources are the main pollution sources for both types of lakes, but their impact is more pronounced in gate-controlled lakes during the wet season. The study provides evidence support for scientific understanding of water quality problems and management strategies in these areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dissolved organic matter (DOM), a pivotal component in the global carbon cycle, plays a crucial role in maintaining the productivity and functionality of aquatic ecosystems. However, the driving factors of variations in the properties of riverine DOM in tropical islands still remain unclear. In this study, the spatiotemporal response of the optical characteristics of riverine DOM to seasonality and land use on Hainan Island in southern China was investigated. Our results revealed that DOM in the rivers of Hainan Island exhibited a relatively high proportion of fulvic acid and demonstrated strong terrestrial sources. The optical properties of DOM exhibited significant variations both seasonally and spatially. Land use exerted a dominant influence on riverine DOM. Specifically, during the wet season, riverine DOM exhibited larger molecular weight, increased chromophoric DOM (CDOM) abundance, and higher Fmax compared to the dry season. Furthermore, riverine DOM influenced by grassland and farmland showed higher CDOM abundance, Fmax, and humification degree in contrast to those impacted by forest and urban. Random forest and correlation analysis results indicated that grassland and farmland enhanced the Fmax of DOM by increasing levels of TP, NO3--N, Chl a, and NH4+-N in the dry season. However, during the wet season, the increased Fmax of DOM induced by grassland and farmland relied on the increments of Chl a and TP concentrations. This study improves our understanding of the spatiotemporal fluctuations of DOM in the rivers of Hainan Island, highlighting the effects of season and land use on DOM. It offers valuable support for improving water quality and contributes to enhancing human comprehension of the global carbon cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peatlands deliver a variety of beneficial ecosystem services, particularly serving as habitats for a diverse array of species. Hynobius amjiensis is a critically endangered amphibian initially discovered in a Sphagnum-dominated peatland in Anji, China. The unique habitat requirements of H. amjiensis make it highly vulnerable to environmental changes. Here, we investigated the different breeding pools of H. amjiensis in the Sphagnum-dominated peatland (the type locality) for a one-year period to evaluate the interactions among the egg sacs present, water quality, and microbial communities (16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicon). The numbers of egg sacs were higher in the breeding pools located at the marginal area than those at the core area of the peatland. Similarly, the α-diversity of bacteria, fungi, and protists were lower in the core region compared to those at the edge of the peatland, perhaps due to water eutrophication. The microbial communities and water quality differed significantly among breeding pools and sampling months. The simpler microbial networks of the breeding pools in the core wetland may impact the numbers and health of the egg sacs. This study contributes to a better understanding of the effect of water quality on biodiversity in peatlands, and it can also guide regulations for wetland conservation and the protection of endangered species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacteria and archaea are foundational life forms on Earth and play crucial roles in the development of our planet\'s biological hierarchy. Their interactions influence various aspects of life, including eukaryotic cell biology, molecular biology, and ecological dynamics. However, the coexistence network patterns of these microorganisms within natural river ecosystems, vital for nutrient cycling and environmental health, are not well understood. To address this knowledge gap, we systematically explored the non-random coexistence patterns of planktonic bacteria and archaea in the 6000-km stretch of the Yangtze River by using high-throughput sequencing technology. By analyzing the O/R ratio, representing the divergence between observed (O%) and random (R%) co-existence incidences, and the module composition, we found a preference of both bacteria and archaea for intradomain associations over interdomain associations. Seasons notably influenced the co-existence of bacteria and archaea, and archaea played a more crucial role in spring as evidenced by their predominant presence of interphyla co-existence and more species as keystone ones. The autumn network was characterized by a higher node or edge number, greater graph density, node degree, degree centralization, and nearest neighbor degree, indicating a more complex and interconnected structure. Landforms markedly affected microbial associations, with more complex networks and more core species found in plain and non-source areas. Distance-decay analysis suggested the importance of geographical distance in shaping bacteria and archaea co-existence patterns (more pronounced in spring). Natural, nutrient, and metal factors, including water temperature, NH4+-N, Fe, Al, and Ni were identified as crucial determinants shaping the co-occurrence patterns. Overall, these findings revealed the dynamics of prokaryotic taxa coexistence patterns in response to varying environmental conditions and further contributed to a broader understanding of microbial ecology in freshwater biogeochemical cycling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Domoic acid (DA) is a neurotoxin produced by marine microalgae. It tends to accumulate in marine shellfish and fish, posing a threat to aquaculture and seafood consumers\' health. In this study, DA in the surface and bottom seawater, sediment, and porewater of the Jiaozhou Bay, a typical mariculture bay in China, was systematically investigated for the first time over different seasons. Surprisingly, a high concentration of DA was discovered in the marine sediment porewater (maximum detected concentration: 289.49 ng/L) for the first time. DA was found to be extensively distributed in the water body and sedimentary environment of the Jiaozhou Bay. DA in the surface and bottom seawater of Jiaozhou Bay in spring was uniformly distributed, whereas DA showed obvious spatial variations in summer and winter. The high concentration areas of DA are located in the north of Jiaozhou Bay and decreased to the south areas. DA was also distributed in the sediment (spring mean: 316.57 ng/kg; summer mean: 10.22 ng/kg; winter mean: 237.08 ng/kg) and porewater (spring mean: 129.70 ng/L; summer mean: 53.54 ng/L; winter mean: 19.90 ng/L) of Jiaozhou Bay. The DA concentrations in the surface sediment and porewater were higher in the spring than in the winter and summer, contrary to the seasonal variation pattern observed in the surface and bottom seawater. The DA concentration in porewater was significantly higher than in the surface and bottom seawater, indicating that the risk of pollution contamination from DA to benthic fishery organisms may be underestimated. Overall, DA is widely distributed in the seawater and also in the benthic environment of Jiaozhou Bay and exhibited potential harm to fishery organisms varied greatly with seasons. It is an important discovery for marine algae toxins and has important guiding significance and important indicative role for the routine monitoring and management of DA pollution in water and benthic environment.





