RNA silencing

RNA 沉默
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viral pathogens not only threaten the health and life of humans and animals but also cause enormous crop yield losses and contribute to global food insecurity. To defend against viral pathogens, plants have evolved an intricate immune system to perceive and cope with such attacks. Although most of the fundamental studies were carried out in model plants, more recent research in crops has provided new insights into the antiviral strategies employed by crop plants. We summarize recent advances in understanding the biological roles of cellular receptors, RNA silencing, RNA decay, hormone signaling, autophagy, and ubiquitination in manipulating crop host-mediated antiviral responses. The potential functions of circular RNAs, the rhizosphere microbiome, and the foliar microbiome of crops in plant-virus interactions will be fascinating research directions in the future. These findings will be beneficial for the development of modern crop improvement strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viral suppressor RNA silencing (VSR) is essential for successful infection. Nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat (NLR)-based and autophagy-mediated immune responses have been reported to target VSR as counter-defense strategies. Here, we report a protein arginine methyltransferase 6 (PRMT6)-mediated defense mechanism targeting VSR. The knockout and overexpression of PRMT6 in tomato plants lead to enhanced and reduced disease symptoms, respectively, during tomato bush stunt virus (TBSV) infection. PRMT6 interacts with and inhibits the VSR function of TBSV P19 by methylating its key arginine residues R43 and R115, thereby reducing its dimerization and small RNA-binding activities. Analysis of the natural tomato population reveals that two major alleles associated with high and low levels of PRMT6 expression are significantly associated with high and low levels of viral resistance, respectively. Our study establishes PRMT6-mediated arginine methylation of VSR as a mechanism of plant immunity against viruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA silencing, a conserved gene regulatory mechanism, is critical for host resistance to viruses. Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) is an important mechanism in regulating various biological processes. Emerging studies suggest RNA helicases play important roles in microRNA (miRNA) production through LLPS. In this study, we investigated the functional role of RNA helicase 20 (RH20), a DDX5 homolog in Arabidopsis thaliana, in RNA silencing and plant resistance to viruses. Our findings reveal that RH20 localizes in both the cytoplasm and nucleus, with puncta formation in the cytoplasm exhibiting liquid-liquid phase separation behavior. We demonstrate that RH20 plays positive roles in plant immunity against viruses. Further study showed that RH20 interacts with Argonaute 2 (AGO2), a key component of the RNA silencing pathway. Moreover, RH20 promotes the accumulation of both endogenous and exogenous small RNAs (sRNAs). Overall, our study identifies RH20 as a novel phase separation protein that interacting with AGO2, influencing sRNAs accumulation, and enhancing plant resistance to viruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Citrus is the natural host of at least eight viroid species, providing a natural platform for studying interactions among viroids. The latter manifests as antagonistic or synergistic phenomena. The antagonistic effect among citrus viroids intuitively leads to reduced symptoms caused by citrus viroids, while the synergistic effect leads to an increase in symptom severity. The interaction phenomenon is complex and interesting, and a deep understanding of the underlying mechanisms induced during this viroid interaction is of great significance for the prevention and control of viroid diseases. This paper summarizes the research progress of citrus viroids in recent years, focusing on the interaction phenomenon and analyzing their interaction mechanisms. It points out the core role of the host RNA silencing mechanism and viroid-derived siRNA (vd-siRNA), and provides suggestions for future research directions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tobamoviruses are a group of plant viruses that pose a significant threat to agricultural crops worldwide. In this review, we focus on plant immunity against tobamoviruses, including pattern-triggered immunity (PTI), effector-triggered immunity (ETI), the RNA-targeting pathway, phytohormones, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and autophagy. Further, we highlight the genetic resources for resistance against tobamoviruses in plant breeding and discuss future directions on plant protection against tobamoviruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA silencing (or RNA interference, RNAi) is a conserved mechanism for regulating gene expression in eukaryotes, which plays vital roles in plant development and response to biotic and abiotic stresses. The discovery of trans-kingdom RNAi and interspecies RNAi provides a theoretical basis for exploiting RNAi-based crop protection strategies. Here, we summarize the canonical RNAi mechanisms in plants and review representative studies associated with plant-pathogen interactions. Meanwhile, we also elaborate upon the principles of host-induced gene silencing, spray-induced gene silencing and microbe-induced gene silencing, and discuss their applications in crop protection, thereby providing help to establish novel RNAi-based crop protection strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) is a key intermediate product used for biosynthesis of molting hormone. This is achieved through a series of hydroxylation reactions catalyzed by the Halloween family of cytochrome P450s. Neverland is an enzyme catalyzes the first reaction of the ecdysteroidogenic pathway, which converts dietary cholesterol into 7-DHC. However, research on the physiological function of neverland in orthopteran insects is lacking. In this study, neverland from Locusta migratoria (LmNvd) was cloned and analyzed. LmNvd was mainly expressed in the prothoracic gland and highly expressed on days 6 and 7 of fifth instar nymphs. RNAi-mediated silencing of LmNvd resulted in serious molting delays and abnormal phenotypes, which could be rescued by 7-DHC and 20-hydroxyecdysone supplementation. Hematoxylin and eosin staining results showed that RNAi-mediated silencing of LmNvd disturbed the molting process by both promoting the synthesis of new cuticle and suppressing the degradation of the old cuticle. Quantitative real-time PCR results suggested that the mRNA expression of E75 early gene and chitinase 5 gene decreased and that of chitin synthase 1 gene was markedly upregulated after knockdown of LmNvd. Our results suggest that LmNvd participates in the biosynthesis process of molting hormone, which is involved in regulating chitin synthesis and degradation in molting cycles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA interference, or RNA silencing, is an important defence mechanism against viroid infection in plants. Plants encode multiple DICER-LIKE (DCL) proteins that are key components of the RNA silencing pathway. However, the roles of different DCLs in defence responses against viroid infection remain unclear. Here, we determined the function of tomato DCL2b (SlDCL2b) in defence responses against potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) infection using SlDCL2b loss-of-function tomato mutant plants. Compared with wild-type plants, mutant plants were more susceptible to PSTVd infection, developing more severe symptoms earlier and accumulating higher levels of PSTVd RNAs. Moreover, we verified the feedback mechanism for the regulation of SlDCL2b expression by miR6026. Functional blocking of tomato miR6026, by expressing its target mimics, can enhance resistance to PSTVd infection in tomato plants. These findings deepen the current understanding of RNAi-based resistance against viroid infection and provide a potentially new strategy for viroid control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Citrus chlorotic dwarf-associated virus (CCDaV) is an economically important citrus virus associated with leaf curling, deformation, and chlorosis found in China. Plants have evolved RNA silencing to defend against viral infections; however, the mechanism by which CCDaV suppresses RNA silencing in citrus remains unknown.
    UNASSIGNED: Six proteins encoded by CCDaV were ectopically expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana 16c using the pCHF3 vector to identify RNA-silencing suppression activities.
    UNASSIGNED: V2 protein encoded by CCDaV suppressed local RNA silencing and systemic RNA silencing triggered by GFP RNA, but did not impede short-distance movement of the RNA silencing signal in N. benthamiana 16c. GFP fluorescence observations showed that the ability of V2 protein to suppress RNA silencing was weaker than tomato bushy stunt virus P19. Deletion analysis showed that the putative nuclear localization signal (NLS, 25-54 aa) was involved in the RNA silencing suppression activity of V2 protein. Furthermore, V2 protein cannot block dsRNA-triggered RNA silencing. The subcellular localization assay suggested that V2 protein was localized to nucleus of N. benthamiana.
    UNASSIGNED: Overall, the results of this study demonstrate that CCDaV-V2 acts as an activity of silencing suppression. This is the first reported RNA-silencing suppressor encoded by Citlodavirus and will be valuable in revealing the molecular mechanism of CCDaV infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) and citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd) are two important viroids that infect citrus plants and frequently occur as mixed infections in orchards. However, the mechanism of antagonism between the two viroids in mixed infections remains unclear. The CEVd/CBCVd-citron system and small RNA sequencing (sRNA-seq) were used to study the antagonism. When CBCVd was inoculated before CEVd, the CEVd titre was significantly reduced and the symptoms were attenuated. Viroid-derived sRNAs (vd-sRNAs) from CEVd and CBCVd were predominantly 21-nucleotide (nt) and 22-nt in length and had similar 5\' base biases. Homologous sequences of the two viroids in the terminal right (TR) region are rich in vd-sRNAs, and the high frequency vd-sRNAs selected from the CBCVd TR region can be used to degrade the transcripts of CEVd in vivo directly. These results suggest that RNA silencing may play an important role in the antagonism of the two viroids, thus deepening our understanding of the molecular interaction of long noncoding RNAs in woody plants.





