RNA silencing

RNA 沉默
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the major staple foods for global consumption. A major roadblock to global rice production is persistent loss of crops caused by plant diseases, including rice blast, sheath blight, bacterial blight, and particularly various vector-borne rice viral diseases. Since the late 19th century, 19 species of rice viruses have been recorded in rice-producing areas worldwide and cause varying degrees of damage on the rice production. Among them, southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus (SRBSDV) and rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV) in Asia, rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) in Africa, and rice stripe necrosis virus (RSNV) in America currently pose serious threats to rice yields. This review systematizes the emergence and damage of rice viral diseases, the symptomatology and transmission biology of rice viruses, the arm races between viruses and rice plants as well as their insect vectors, and the strategies for the prevention and control of rice viral diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants have evolved a variety of defense mechanisms to tackle virus attack. Endogenous plant proteins can function as virus suppressors. Different types of proteins mediate defense responses against plant viruses. Pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins are activated upon pathogen infections or in different stress situations and their production is one of many components in plant defense. Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) suppress translation by enzymatically damaging ribosomes and they have been found to have antiviral activity. RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) bind to target RNAs via specialized RNA-binding domain and can directly or indirectly function in plant defense system against RNA viruses. Proteins involved in silencing machinery, namely Dicer-like (DCL) proteins, Argonaute (AGO) proteins, and RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RDRs) confer innate antiviral defense in plants as they are able to degrade foreign RNA of viral origin. This review aims to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date picture of plant proteins participating in antiviral defense. As a result we discuss proteins conferring plant antiviral resistance and their potential future applications in different fields of life including agriculture and medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Naturally occurring antisense RNAs are small, diffusible, untranslated transcripts that pair to target RNAs at specific regions of complementarity to control their biological function by regulating gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. This review focuses on known cases of antisense RNA control in prokaryotes and provides an overview of some natural RNA-based mechanisms that bacteria use to modulate gene expression, such as mRNA sensors, riboswitches and antisense RNAs. We also highlight recent advances in RNA-based technology. The review shows that studies on both natural and synthetic systems are reciprocally beneficial.





