Parasitic nematode

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ribosome biogenesis is the process of assembling ribosome complexes that regulate cell proliferation and differentiation with potential regulatory effects on development. Many factors regulate ribosome biological processes. Nin one binding protein (Nob1) has received widespread attention as key genes regulating ribosome biogenesis-the 3\' end of the 20S rRNA is cleaved by Nob1 at cleavage site D to form 18S rRNA, generating translationally capable 40S subunit. As a ribosome biogenesis factor, Nob1 may regulate the development of organisms, but almost nothing is known about the function of Nob1 for any parasitic nematode. We explored the functional role of NOBP-1 (the homologous gene of Nob1) encoding gene from a parasitic nematode-Strongyloides stercoralis.
    METHODS: The full-length cDNA, gDNA and promoter region of Ss-nobp-1 was identified using protein BLAST in WormBase ParaSite according to the Caenorhabditis elegans NOBP-1 sequence to analyze the gene structure. RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data in wormbase were retrieved and analyzed to assess the transcript abundance of Ss-nobp-1 in seven developmental stages of S. stercoralis. The standard method for gonadal microinjection of constructs was carried out to determine the anatomic expression patterns of Ss-nobp-1. The interaction between Ss-NOBP-1 and partner of NOBP-1 (Ss-PNO-1) was assessed by yeast two-hybridization and bimolecular fluorescence complementarity (BiFC) experiments.
    RESULTS: The NOBP-1 encoding gene Ss-nopb-1 from the zoonotic parasite S. stercoralis has been isolated and characterized. The genomic DNA representing Ss-nobp-1 includes a 1599-bp coding region and encodes a protein comprising 403 amino acids (aa), which contains conserved PIN domain and zinc ribbon domain. RNA-seq analysis revealed that Ss-nobp-1 transcripts are present throughout the seven developmental stages in S. stercoralis and have higher transcription levels in iL3, L3 and P Female. Ss-nobp-1 is expressed mainly in the intestine of transgenic S. stercoralis larvae, and there is a direct interaction between Ss-NOBP-1 and Ss-PNO-1.
    CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, Ss-NOBP-1 has a potential role in embryo formation and the infective process, and findings from this study provide a sound foundation for investigating its function during the development of parasitic nematode.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many parasitic worms have a major adverse impact on human and animal populations worldwide due to the chronicity of their infections. There is a growing body of evidence indicating that extracellular vesicles (EVs) are intimately involved in modulating (suppressing) inflammatory/immune host responses and parasitism. As one of the most pathogenic nematodes of livestock animals, Haemonchus contortus is an ideal model system for EV exploration. Here, employing a multi-step enrichment process (in vitro culture, followed by ultracentrifugation, size exclusion and filtration), we enriched EVs from H. contortus and undertook the first comprehensive (qualitative and quantitative) multi-omic investigation of EV proteins and lipids using advanced liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and informatics methods. We identified and quantified 561 proteins and 446 lipids in EVs and compared these molecules with those of adult worms. We identified unique molecules in EVs, such as proteins linked to lipid transportation and lipid species (i.e., sphingolipids) associated with signalling, indicating the involvement of these molecules in parasite-host cross-talk. This work provides a solid starting point to explore the functional roles of EV-specific proteins and lipids in modulating parasite-host cross-talk, and the prospect of finding ways of disrupting or interrupting this relationship to suppress or eliminate parasite infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nematodes are one of the largest groups of animals on the planet. Many of them are major pathogens of humans, animals and plants, and cause destructive diseases and socioeconomic losses worldwide. Despite their adverse impacts on human health and agriculture, nematodes can be challenging to control, because anthelmintic treatments do not prevent re-infection, and excessive treatment has led to widespread drug resistance in nematode populations. Indeed, many nematode species of livestock animals have become resistant to almost all classes of anthelmintics used. Most efforts to develop commercial anti-nematode vaccines (native or recombinant) for use in animals and humans have not succeeded, although one effective (dead) vaccine (Barbervax) has been developed to protect animals against one of the most pathogenic parasites of livestock animals - Haemonchus contortus (the barber\'s pole worm). This vaccine contains native molecules, called H11 and H-Gal-GP, derived from the intestine of this blood-feeding worm. In its native form, H11 alone consistently induces high levels (75-95%) of immunoprotection in animals against disease (haemonchosis), but recombinant forms thereof do not. Here, to test the hypothesis that post-translational modification (glycosylation) of H11 plays a crucial role in achieving such high immunoprotection, we explored the N-glycoproteome and N-glycome of H11 using the high-resolution mass spectrometry and assessed the roles of N-glycosylation in protective immunity against H. contortus. Our results showed conclusively that N-glycan moieties on H11 are the dominant immunogens, which induce high IgG serum antibody levels in immunised animals, and that anti-H11 IgG antibodies can confer specific, passive immunity in naïve animals. This work provides the first detailed account of the relevance and role of protein glycosylation in protective immunity against a parasitic nematode, with important implications for the design of vaccines against metazoan parasites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The insulin-like signaling (IIS) pathway is considered to be significant in regulating fat metabolism, dauer formation, stress response and longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans. \"Dauer hypothesis\" indicates that similar IIS transduction mechanism regulates dauer development in free-living nematode C. elegans and the development of infective third-stage larvae (iL3) in parasitic nematodes, and this is bolstered by a few researches on structures and functions of the homologous genes in the IIS pathway cloned from several parasitic nematodes. In this study, we identified the insulin-like receptor encoding gene, Acan-daf-2, from the parasitic nematode Angiostrongylus cantonensis, and determined the genomic structures, transcripts and functions far more thorough in longevity, stress resistance and dauer formation. The sequence of Acan-DAF-2, consisting of 1413 amino acids, contained all of the characteristic domains of insulin-like receptors from other taxa. The expression patterns of Acan-daf-2 in the C. elegans surrogate system showed that pAcan-daf-2:gfp was only expressed in intestine, compared with the orthologue in C. elegans, Ce-daf-2 in both intestine and neurons. In addition to the similar genomic organization to Ce-daf-2, Acan-DAF-2 could also negatively regulate Ce-DAF-16A through nuclear/cytosolic translocation and partially restore the C. elegans daf-2(e1370) mutation in longevity, dauer formation and stress resistance. These findings provided further evidence of the functional conservation of DAF-2 between parasitic nematodes and the free-living nematode C. elegans, and might be significant in understanding the developmental biology of nematode parasites, particularly in the infective process and the host-specificity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vitro methods have been developed for the detection of anthelmintic resistance in a range of nematode species. However, the life cycle of Ascaris suum renders the commonly used egg hatch assay and larval development assay unusable. In this study we developed a combined multi-well culture and agar gel larval migration assay to test the effect of benzimidazole and tetrahydropyrimidin/imidazothiazole anthelmintics against nine isolates of A. suum collected from locations in China and Denmark. Drugs tested were thiabendazole, fenbendazole, mebendazole, levamisole, and pyrantel. The percentages of larvae that migrated to the surface of each treated and control well were used to calculate the drug concentration which inhibits 50% of the larvae migration (EC50). The values of EC50 of thiabendazole, fenbendazole, mebendazole, levamisole, and pyrantel against A. suum isolates ranged 74-150, 4.9-13.9, 2.3-4.3, 358-1150 and 1100-4000nM, respectively. This combined multi-well culture and agar gel larval migration assay was a sensitive bioassay for anthelmintic activity and could serve as an in vitro method to detect for lowered drug efficacy against A. suum or possibly to screen for anthelmintic drug candidates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infective L3s (iL3s) of parasitic nematodes share common behavioural, morphological and developmental characteristics with the developmentally arrested (dauer) larvae of the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. It is proposed that similar molecular mechanisms regulate entry into or exit from the dauer stage in C. elegans, and the transition from free-living to parasitic forms of parasitic nematodes. In C. elegans, one of the key factors regulating the dauer transition is the insulin-like receptor (designated Ce-DAF-2) encoded by the gene Ce-daf-2. However, nothing is known about DAF-2 homologues in most parasitic nematodes. Here, using a PCR-based approach, we identified and characterised a gene (Hc-daf-2) and its inferred product (Hc-DAF-2) in Haemonchus contortus (a socioeconomically important parasitic nematode of ruminants). The sequence of Hc-DAF-2 displays significant sequence homology to insulin receptors (IR) in both vertebrates and invertebrates, and contains conserved structural domains. A sequence encoding an important proteolytic motif (RKRR) identified in the predicted peptide sequence of Hc-DAF-2 is consistent with that of the human IR, suggesting that it is involved in the formation of the IR complex. The Hc-daf-2 gene was transcribed in all life stages of H. contortus, with a significant up-regulation in the iL3 compared with other stages. To compare patterns of expression between Hc-daf-2 and Ce-daf-2, reporter constructs fusing the Ce-daf-2 or Hc-daf-2 promoter to sequence encoding GFP were microinjected into the N2 strain of C. elegans, and transgenic lines were established and examined. Both genes showed similar patterns of expression in amphidial (head) neurons, which relate to sensation and signal transduction. Further study by heterologous genetic complementation in a daf-2-deficient strain of C. elegans (CB1370) showed partial rescue of function by Hc-daf-2. Taken together, these findings provide a first insight into the roles of Hc-daf-2/Hc-DAF-2 in the biology and development of H. contortus, particularly in the transition to parasitism.






