Organization and Administration

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to develop the career growth scale for nurses (CGSN) and evaluate its psychometric properties.
    METHODS: This study was conducted in four phases: (1) creating a pool of potential items through a qualitative design; (2) developing a preliminary scale using a modified two-round Delphi process; (3) refining the preliminary scale to finalize the scale using a cross-sectional survey; and (4) evaluating the psychometric properties of the final scale using another cross-sectional survey. A sample of 858 registered nurses from 12 general hospitals was recruited for this study.
    RESULTS: The final scale consisted of 17 items categorized into three factors: career goal progress, professional ability and attribute improvement, and career promotion and prestige increase. The three factors accounted for 75.4% of the observed variance in career growth. The overall Cronbach\'s α was .96, and the intraclass correlation coefficient was .92. The content validity index was .97. Confirmatory factor analysis showed acceptable model fitness.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results showed that the CGSN has good psychometric properties and can be used to evaluate specific career growth among nurses. This new instrument can further help nurse managers and clinical nurses themselves assess career growth and identify unsatisfactory aspects of growth, thereby designing tailored training programs and evaluating the effectiveness of such interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of 3D printing in orthopedic trauma is supported by clinical evidence. Existing computed tomography (CT) data are exploited for better stereotactic identification of morphological features of the fracture and enhanced surgical planning. Due to complex logistic, technical and resource constraints, deployment of 3D printing is not straightforward from the hospital management perspective. As a result not all trauma surgeons are able to confidently integrate 3D printing into the daily practice. We carried out an expert panel survey on six trauma units which utilized 3D printing routinely. The most frequent indications are acetabular and articular fractures and malalignments. Infrastructure and manpower structure varied between units. The installation of industrial grade machines and dedicated software as well as the use of trained personnel can enhance the capacity and reliability of fracture treatment. Setting up interdisciplinary jointly used 3d printing departments with sound financial and management structures may improve sustainability. The sometimes substantial logistic and technical barriers which impede the rapid delivery of 3D printed models are discussed.
    UNASSIGNED: Der Einsatz des 3D-Drucks zur Versorgung von Frakturen wird durch klinische Evidenz gestützt. Vorhandene CT-Daten werden für eine verbesserte stereotaktile Identifizierung der morphologischen Frakturmerkmale und eine verbesserte Operationsplanung genutzt. Aufgrund komplexer logistischer, technischer Schwierigkeiten und Ressourcenbeschränkungen ist die Nutzung des 3D-Drucks aus Sicht des Krankenhausmanagements nicht einfach. Infolgedessen können nicht alle Unfallchirurgen den 3D-Druck in ihre tägliche Praxis integrieren. In 6 unfallchirurgischen Kliniken, die diesen in der Routine nutzen, wurde eine Expertenbefragung durchgeführt. Die häufigsten Indikationen sind Acetabulum- oder andere Gelenkfrakturen und Fehlstellungen. Infra- und Personalstruktur variierten zwischen den Einheiten. Die Installation von Industriemaschinen und dedizierter Software sowie der Einsatz von geschultem Personal können die Kapazität und Zuverlässigkeit der Frakturversorgung erhöhen. Die Errichtung von interdisziplinär gemeinsam genutzten 3D-Druck-Abteilungen mit einer soliden Finanz- und Managementstruktur kann die Nachhaltigkeit verbessern. Die z. T. erheblichen logistischen und technischen Barrieren, die die schnelle Lieferung von 3D-gedruckten Modellen behindern, werden diskutiert.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought an opportunity to increase investment in the nursing practice environment, which has greatly impacted patients, nurses, and organizations. However, there were limited studies concerning the changes in the practice environment since the COVID-19 pandemic and the way to improve it from nurses\' perspectives.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 460 nurses from seven hospitals in Sichuan, China. Both the quantitative and qualitative data were collected from an online questionnaire. The quantitative data were collected using the Chinese version of the Practice Environment Scale-Nursing Work Index and compared with available norms in 2010. The qualitative data were collected through an open question following the scale and analyzed by content analysis.
    RESULTS: The mean of the score of the practice environment scale was 3.44 (SD = 0.56) out of 4.00. The score of the total scale and the dimensions were significantly higher than the norms, apart from nurse-physician relations and nurse participation in hospital affairs. The qualitative findings revealed positive changes in nursing foundations for quality of care, nurse participation in hospital affairs and nurse-physician relations, and poor staffing and resource adequacy. The improvement in the working model and ward environment is the primary concern of nurses.
    CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic brought some positive changes in the nursing practice environment, but more efforts are needed to solve those nagging and important problems, such as staff shortages and low participation. Nursing managers and hospital leaders were encouraged to listen to nurses\' concerns and value this suitable opportunity for changing and improving to achieve better health services and coping ability to deal with emergency events going forward. Improving the ward environment and taking a professional model instead of sticking to the tedious process might be worthwhile.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The use of 3D printing in orthopedic trauma is supported by clinical evidence. Existing computed tomography (CT) data are exploited for better stereotactic identification of morphological features of the fracture and enhanced surgical planning. Due to complex logistic, technical and resource constraints, deployment of 3D printing is not straightforward from the hospital management perspective. As a result not all trauma surgeons are able to confidently integrate 3D printing into the daily practice. We carried out an expert panel survey on six trauma units which utilized 3D printing routinely. The most frequent indications are acetabular and articular fractures and malalignments. Infrastructure and manpower structure varied between units. The installation of industrial grade machines and dedicated software as well as the use of trained personnel can enhance the capacity and reliability of fracture treatment. Setting up interdisciplinary jointly used 3d printing departments with sound financial and management structures may improve sustainability. The sometimes substantial logistic and technical barriers which impede the rapid delivery of 3D printed models are discussed.
    UNASSIGNED: Der Einsatz des 3D-Drucks zur Versorgung von Frakturen wird durch klinische Evidenz gestützt. Vorhandene CT-Daten werden für eine verbesserte stereotaktile Identifizierung der morphologischen Frakturmerkmale und eine verbesserte Operationsplanung genutzt. Aufgrund komplexer logistischer, technischer Schwierigkeiten und Ressourcenbeschränkungen ist die Nutzung des 3D-Drucks aus Sicht des Krankenhausmanagements nicht einfach. Infolgedessen können nicht alle Unfallchirurgen den 3D-Druck in ihre tägliche Praxis integrieren. In 6 unfallchirurgischen Kliniken, die diesen in der Routine nutzen, wurde eine Expertenbefragung durchgeführt. Die häufigsten Indikationen sind Acetabulum- oder andere Gelenkfrakturen und Fehlstellungen. Infra- und Personalstruktur variierten zwischen den Einheiten. Die Installation von Industriemaschinen und dedizierter Software sowie der Einsatz von geschultem Personal können die Kapazität und Zuverlässigkeit der Frakturversorgung erhöhen. Die Errichtung von interdisziplinär gemeinsam genutzten 3D-Druck-Abteilungen mit einer soliden Finanz- und Managementstruktur kann die Nachhaltigkeit verbessern. Die z. T. erheblichen logistischen und technischen Barrieren, die die schnelle Lieferung von 3D-gedruckten Modellen behindern, werden diskutiert.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Strengthening quality of care without compromising nurse job outcomes by building a safer health care system is a common concern worldwide including in China. Most of the current evidence comes from cross-sectional studies conducted in western countries, which limits inferences of causality and generalization.
    OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this longitudinal study were to compare changes in quality of care, nurse job outcomes, nursing work environment, non-professional tasks, and nursing care left undone in acute hospitals in China between 2014 and 2018. Secondly, we wanted to determine the association of changes in nursing work environment, non-professional tasks, and nursing care left undone with nurse job outcomes and quality of care.
    METHODS: A prospective two-stage panel study conducted in 108 adult medical and surgical units from 23 hospitals in Guangdong province, China in 2014 and repeated in 2018.
    METHODS: Work environment was measured by the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index. Non-professional tasks were measured with a seven-item scale surveying the performance of and time spent on non-professional tasks. Nursing care left undone was measured by 12 items addressing necessary nursing activities. Nurse job outcomes included burnout, dissatisfaction, and retention. Quality of care was measured by four items indicating overall quality of care as assessed by nurses (three items) and patients (one item). Generalized estimating equations with linear regression were employed to analyze data.
    RESULTS: In 2018, compared with 2014, the nursing work environment had improved, and non-professional workloads had decreased minimally. The average number of the 12 nursing care tasks left undone had increased to 6.5 from 5.6 in 2014. Fewer nurses reported job dissatisfaction or intention to leave. Quality of care was improved slightly as assessed by nurses and patients. As for the changes of hospital organizational factors on quality of care, a better nursing work environment was related to better nurse job outcomes and quality of care. More non-professional tasks were related to higher levels of nurse job burnout. Less nursing care left undone was associated with better nurse-assessed quality of care. Units with more nurses experiencing job burnout and dissatisfaction were likely to have poorer nurse-assessed quality of care.
    CONCLUSIONS: Improving nursing work environment and supporting nurses to engage in professional and direct patient care as opposed to non-professional work may be beneficial to nurse job outcomes and promote quality of care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For the complicated operation process, many risk factors, and long cycle of urban logistics, it is difficult to manage the security of urban logistics and it enhances the risk. Therefore, to study a set of effective management mode for the safe operation of urban logistics and improve the risk prediction mechanism, is the primary research item of urban logistics security management. This paper summarizes the risk factors to public security in the process of urban logistics, including pick up, warehouse storage, transport, and the end distribution. Generalized regression neural network (GRNN) is combined with particle swarm optimization (PSO) to predict accidents, and the Apriori algorithm is used to analyze the combination of high-frequency risk factors. The results show that the method of combining GRNN with PSO is effective in accident prediction and has a powerful generalization ability. It can prevent the occurrence of unnecessary urban logistics public accidents, improve the ability of relevant departments to deal with emergency incidents, and minimize the impact of urban logistics accidents on social and public security.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Overconfidence, as a psychological feature that is difficult to measure, means that managers are overconfident in their management ability, investment judgment ability and knowledge richness, thus overestimating their ability and making irrational behavior. Based on the sample of Chinese listed firms from 2014 to 2018, we measure managerial overconfidence in terms of age, gender, education, position and salary, and analyzed the relationship between overconfidence, abnormal audit fees, and the balance mechanism of shareholders. The research results show that there is a significant positive correlation between managerial overconfidence and abnormal audit fees, and the balance mechanism of shareholders can significantly inhibit the positive correlation between managerial overconfidence and abnormal audit fees. The research results of this paper are conducive to the supervision department to further improve the relevant supervision measures, improve the audit quality, and provide theoretical support for the more specific requirements of audit fee information disclosure.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the relationship between supervisory behavior, conflict management strategies, and sustainable employee performance and inquires the mediating effect of conflict management strategies. Data were collected from the SMEs of the manufacturing industry of Pakistan. The significance of the model was assessed using the PLS-SEM (structural equation modeling). The findings of the study revealed a positive and significant relationship between supervisory behavior and sustainable employee behavior. Similarly, conflict management strategies had a positive effect on the relationship between supervisory behavior and sustainable employee behavior. This study adds in the current literature of supervisory behavior as a critical predictor of sustainable employee performance in two ways. Firstly, this study validates Conflict management strategies as an influential mediator between the relationship of supervisory behavior and sustainable employee performance. Secondly, this study provides substantial practical implications for managers at SMEs to enhance sustainable employee performance through supervisory behavior, stimulated by conflict management strategies. This study is based on cross-sectional data; more longitudinal studies can further strengthen the generalizability of relationships between the constructs. The study adds in the current literature of PLS-SEM as an assessment model for direct and mediation relationships.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ever-growing globalization and industrialization put forward impending requirements for green and sustainable logistics (G&SL). Over the past decades, G&SL initiatives triggered worldwide deliberations, aiming at easing negative transport externalities and improving supply chain performance. This review-based paper attempts to offer a joint quantitative and qualitative understanding for the overall evolutionary trend, knowledge structure, and literature gaps of the G&SL research field. Employing the science mapping approach, a total of 306 major paper published from 1999 to 2019 were retrieved, elaborated on, and synthesized. Visualized statistics regarding publication years, journal allocation/co-citation, inter-country/institution collaboration, influential articles, co-occurred keywords, and time view clusters of research themes were analyzed bibliographically. On this basis, a total of 50 sub-branches of G&SL knowledge were classified and thematically discussed based on five alignments, namely (i) social-environmental-economic research, (ii) planning, policy and management, (iii) application and practice, (iv) technology, and (v) operations research. Finally, the current knowledge obstacles and the future research opportunities were suggested. The findings contribute to portray a systematic intellectual prospect for the state quo, hotspots, and academic frontiers of G&SL research. Moreover, it provides researchers and practitioners with heuristic thoughts to govern transportation ecology and logistics service quality.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pallet is a very important innovation in logistics industry. Pallets are so widely used that we can find them in nearly every logistical operation scenario. In order to manage pallets efficiently, researchers have developed several pallet management strategies (PMS). The most common and widely accepted PMS includes extensive management of pallets (EMP), transfer of pallet\'s ownership (TPO), and pallet rent (PR). This paper addresses mainly on how to help pallet managers choose a certain kind of PMS from the perspective of supply chain cost. Firstly, cost models of three kinds of PMS are presented. Secondly, all parameters involved in the models are valued based on data that is collected from industry survey. The results show that the cost of PR is constantly lower than EMP, and also lower than TPO when the operation period is no more than 37 months. Finally, the effect of several important parameters on the cost is studied by sensitivity analysis. The selection strategies of PMS are proposed based on the results.






