Mutation Rate

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemical mutagenesis-driven forward genetic screens are pivotal in unveiling gene functions, yet identifying causal mutations behind phenotypes remains laborious, hindering their high-throughput application. Here, we reveal a non-uniform mutation rate caused by Ethyl Methane Sulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis in the C. elegans genome, indicating that mutation frequency is influenced by proximate sequence context and chromatin status. Leveraging these factors, we developed a machine learning enhanced pipeline to create a comprehensive EMS mutagenesis probability map for the C. elegans genome. This map operates on the principle that causative mutations are enriched in genetic screens targeting specific phenotypes among random mutations. Applying this map to Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data of genetic suppressors that rescue a C. elegans ciliary kinesin mutant, we successfully pinpointed causal mutations without generating recombinant inbred lines. This method can be adapted in other species, offering a scalable approach for identifying causal genes and revitalizing the effectiveness of forward genetic screens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High spontaneous mutation rate is crucial for obtaining ideal phenotype and exploring the relationship between genes and phenotype. How to break the genetic stability of organisms and increase the mutation frequency has become a research hotspot. Here, we present a practical and controllable evolutionary tool (oMut-Cgts) based on dual genetic level modification engineering for Corynebacterium glutamicum. Firstly, the modification engineering of transcription and replication levels based on RNA polymerase α subunit and DNA helicase Cgl0854 as the \'dock\' of cytidine deaminase (pmCDA1) significantly increased the mutation rate, proving that the localization of pmCDA1 around transient ssDNA is necessary for genome mutation. Then, the combined modification and optimization of engineering at dual genetic level achieved 1.02 × 104-fold increased mutation rate. The genome sequencing revealed that the oMut-Cgts perform uniform and efficient C:G→T:A transitions on a genome-wide scale. Furthermore, oMut-Cgts-mediated rapid evolution of C. glutamicum with stress (acid, oxidative and ethanol) tolerance proved that the tool has powerful functions in multi-dimensional biological engineering (rapid phenotype evolution, gene function mining and protein evolution). The strategies for rapid genome evolution provided in this study are expected to be applicable to a variety of applications in all prokaryotic cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mutation rate is a pivotal biological characteristic, intricately governed by natural selection and historically garnering considerable attention. Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing and analytical methodologies have profoundly transformed our understanding in this domain, ushering in an unprecedented era of mutation rate research. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and methodologies frequently employed in the study of mutation rates. It examines various types of mutations, explores the evolutionary dynamics and associated theories, and synthesizes both classical and contemporary hypotheses. Furthermore, this review comprehensively explores recent advances in understanding germline and somatic mutations in animals and offers an overview of experimental methodologies, mutational patterns, molecular mechanisms, and driving forces influencing variations in mutation rates across species and tissues. Finally, it proposes several potential research directions and pressing questions for future investigations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To analyze the amino acid substitution caused by mutations in the major hydrophilic region (MHR) of the S-region genes in the serum samples of occult hepatitis B virus infection (OBI), and to explore the reasons for the missed detection of HBsAg.
    UNASSIGNED: The full-length gene of the S-region in hepatitis B virus(HBV) in the chronic hepatitis B virus(CHB)(10 samples) and OBI groups(42 samples) was amplified using a lab-developed, two-round PCR amplification technology. The PCR amplification products were sequenced/clone sequenced, and the nucleotide sequences of the S-region gene in HBV were compared to the respective genotype consensus sequence.
    UNASSIGNED: Only 20 of the 42 samples in the OBI group had the S-region genes successfully amplified, with the lowest HBV DNA load of 20.1IU/ml. As S-region genes in HBV, 68 cloned strains were sequenced. In the OBI and CHB groups MHR region, with a mutation rate of 3.21% (155/4828) and 0.70% (5/710). The genetic mutation rate was significantly higher in the OBI group than in the CHB group (P<0.05). The common mutation types in the MHR region were: I126T, L162R, K122E, C124R, and C147Y.Mutations at s122, s126, and s162 were associated with subgenotypes, most of which being C genotypes. The high-frequency mutation sites L162R and K122E found in this study have not been reported in previous literature.
    UNASSIGNED: The results of this study confirmed that MHR mutations can cause the missed detection of HBsAg, giving rise to OBI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    N 1-methyl adenosine (m1A) is a widespread RNA modification present in tRNA, rRNA, and mRNA. m1A modification sites in tRNAs are evolutionarily conserved and its formation on tRNA is catalyzed by methyltransferase TRMT61A and TRMT6 complex. m1A promotes translation initiation and elongation. Due to its positive charge under physiological conditions, m1A can notably modulate RNA structure. It also blocks Watson-Crick-Franklin base-pairing and causes mutation and truncation during reverse transcription. Several misincorporation-based high-throughput sequencing methods have been developed to sequence m1A. In this study, we introduce a reduction-based m1A sequencing (red-m1A-seq). We report that NaBH4 reduction of m1A can improve the mutation and readthrough rates using commercially available RT enzymes to give a better positive signature, while alkaline-catalyzed Dimroth rearrangement can efficiently convert m1A to m6A to provide good controls, allowing the detection of m1A with higher sensitivity and accuracy. We applied red-m1A-seq to sequence human small RNA, and we not only detected all the previously reported tRNA m1A sites, but also new m1A sites in mt-tRNAAsn-GTT and 5.8S rRNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Time always leaves its mark, and our genome is no exception. Mutations in the genome of somatic cells were first hypothesized to be the cause of aging in the 1950s, shortly after the molecular structure of DNA had been described. Somatic mutation theories of aging are based on the fact that mutations in DNA as the ultimate template for all cellular functions are irreversible. However, it took until the 1990s to develop the methods to test if DNA mutations accumulate with age in different organs and tissues and estimate the severity of the problem. By now, numerous studies have documented the accumulation of somatic mutations with age in normal cells and tissues of mice, humans, and other animals, showing clock-like mutational signatures that provide information on the underlying causes of the mutations. In this review, we will first briefly discuss the recent advances in next-generation sequencing that now allow quantitative analysis of somatic mutations. Second, we will provide evidence that the mutation rate differs between cell types, with a focus on differences between germline and somatic mutation rate. Third, we will discuss somatic mutational signatures as measures of aging, environmental exposure, and activities of DNA repair processes. Fourth, we will explain the concept of clonally amplified somatic mutations, with a focus on clonal hematopoiesis. Fifth, we will briefly discuss somatic mutations in the transcriptome and in our other genome, i.e., the genome of mitochondria. We will end with a brief discussion of a possible causal contribution of somatic mutations to the aging process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SARS-CoV-2 as a severe respiratory disease has been prevalent around the world since its first discovery in 2019.As a single-stranded RNA virus, its high mutation rate makes its variants manifold and enables some of them to have high pathogenicity, such as Omicron variant, the most prevalent virus now. Research on the relationship of these SARS-CoV-2 variants, especially exploring their difference is a hot issue. In this study, we constructed a geometric space to represent all SARS-CoV-2 sequences of different variants. An alignment-free method: natural vector method was utilized to establish genome space. The genome space of SARS-CoV-2 was constructed based on the 24-dimensional natural vector and the appropriate metric was determined through performing phylogenetic analysises. Phylogenetic trees of different lineages constructed under the selected natural vector and metric coincided with the lineage naming standards, which means lineages with same alphabetical prefix cluster in phylogenetic trees. Furthermore, the relationships between the various GISAID clades as depicted by the natural graph primarily matched the description provided in the GISAID clade naming.The validity of our geometric space was demonstrated by these phylogenetic analysis results. So in this research, we constructed a geometry space for the genomes of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which allows us to compare the different variants. Our geometric space is valuable for resolving the issues insides the virus.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Mutation accumulation in somatic cells contributes to cancer development, aging and many non-malignant diseases. The true mutation frequency in normal cells is extremely low, which presents a challenge in detecting these mutations at such low frequencies. The emergence of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology enables direct detection of rare mutations across the entire genome of any species. This breakthrough overcomes numerous limitations of traditional mutation detection techniques that rely on specific detection models and sites. However, conventional NGS is limited in its application for detecting low-frequency mutations due to its high sequencing error rate. To address this challenge, high-accuracy NGS sequencing techniques based on molecular consensus sequencing strategies have been developed. These techniques have the ability to correct sequencing errors, resulting in error rates lower than 10-7, are expected to serve as effective tools for low-frequency mutation detection. Error-corrected NGS (ecNGS) techniques hold great potential in various areas, including safety evaluation and research on environmental mutagens, risk assessment of cell and gene therapy drugs, population health risk monitoring, and fundamental research in life sciences. This review highlights a comprehensive review of the research progress in low-frequency mutation detection techniques based on NGS, and provides a glimpse into their potential applications. It also offers an outlook on the potential applications of these techniques, thereby providing valuable insights for further development, research, and application of this technology in relevant fields.
    体细胞突变的累积与衰老、肿瘤及多种疾病的发生密切相关。在正常组织细胞中,基因组中自发突变和诱发突变的变异等位基因频率极低,对这类低频突变的检测一直面临挑战。第二代和第三代高通量测序(next-generation sequencing,NGS)技术的出现,可以实现任意物种全基因组上变异的直接检测,克服传统突变检测技术的诸多局限性。但是常规NGS由于测序错误率较高从而限制了其在低频突变检测上的应用,基于分子一致性测序策略进行错误矫正的高准确性NGS测序技术作为有效的低频突变检测工具,有望在环境诱变剂的评价与研究、细胞与基因治疗药物风险评估、人群健康风险监测和生命科学基础研究领域发挥重要作用。本文对比经典突变检测方法,对基于NGS的低频突变检测技术研究进展进行综述,并对应用前景进行展望,以期为该技术的进一步开发、研究和在相关领域的应用提供参考。.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Objective: To investigate the characteristics of gene mutations in angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL). Methods: Seventy-five AITL cases diagnosed at the Department of Pathology, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China from June 2021 to June 2023 were included. Their formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded or fresh tissues were subject to targeted next generation sequencing (NGS). The sequencing data was collected, and the distribution and type of gene mutations were analyzed. Results: 492 potential driver mutations were identified in 74 out of the 84 genes. Targeted sequencing data for the 75 AITL patients showed that the genes with mutation frequencies of ≥10% were TET2 (89.3%), RHOA (57.3%), IDH2 (37.3%), DNMT3A (36.0%), KMT2C (21.3%), PLCG1 (12.0%), and KDM6B (10.7%). There were significant co-occurrence relationships between TET2 and RHOA, TET2 and IDH2, and RHOA and IDH2 gene mutations (P<0.05), respectively, while TET2 and KDM6B gene mutations were mutually exclusive (P<0.05). Conclusions: The study reveals the mutational characteristics of AITL patients using NGS technology, which would provide insights for molecular diagnosis and targeted therapy of AITL.
    目的: 探讨血管免疫母细胞性T细胞淋巴瘤(angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma,AITL)的基因突变特征。 方法: 收集2021年6月至2023年6月经上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院病理科诊断为AITL,并用石蜡包埋组织或新鲜组织进行靶向测序检测的75例病例资料,分析AITL患者的突变基因分布和突变类型。 结果: 在75例AITL标本中均检测出基因突变,共检测到492个变异位点,分别位于84个基因列表中的74个基因。在≥10%的AITL病例中检测到的突变基因依次是TET2(89.3%)、RHOA(57.3%)、IDH2(37.3%)、DNMT3A(36.0%)、KMT2C(21.3%)、PLCG1(12.0%)和KDM6B(10.7%)。TET2和RHOA、TET2和IDH2、RHOA和IDH2基因突变之间均具有显著的共现关系(P<0.05),TET2和KDM6B基因突变之间具有显著的互斥关系(P<0.05)。 结论: 应用二代测序技术可揭示AITL基因突变的独特特征,为AITL的诊断和靶向治疗提供参考依据。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ciliate genus Paramecium served as one of the first model systems in microbial eukaryotic genetics, contributing much to the early understanding of phenomena as diverse as genome rearrangement, cryptic speciation, cytoplasmic inheritance, and endosymbiosis, as well as more recently to the evolution of mating types, introns, and roles of small RNAs in DNA processing. Substantial progress has recently been made in the area of comparative and population genomics. Paramecium species combine some of the lowest known mutation rates with some of the largest known effective populations, along with likely very high recombination rates, thereby harboring a population-genetic environment that promotes an exceptionally efficient capacity for selection. As a consequence, the genomes are extraordinarily streamlined, with very small intergenic regions combined with small numbers of tiny introns. The subject of the bulk of Paramecium research, the ancient Paramecium aurelia species complex, is descended from two whole-genome duplication events that retain high degrees of synteny, thereby providing an exceptional platform for studying the fates of duplicate genes. Despite having a common ancestor dating to several hundred million years ago, the known descendant species are morphologically indistinguishable, raising significant questions about the common view that gene duplications lead to the origins of evolutionary novelties.





