• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Implicit poisoning in federated learning is a significant threat, with malicious nodes subtly altering gradient parameters each round, making detection difficult. This study investigates this problem, revealing that temporal analysis alone struggles to identify such covert attacks, which can bypass online methods like cosine similarity and clustering. Common detection methods rely on offline analysis, resulting in delayed responses. However, recalculating gradient updates reveals distinct characteristics of malicious clients. Based on this finding, we designed a privacy-preserving detection algorithm using trajectory anomaly detection. Singular values of matrices are used as features, and an improved Isolation Forest algorithm processes these to detect malicious behavior. Experiments on MNIST, FashionMNIST, and CIFAR-10 datasets show our method achieves 94.3% detection accuracy and a false positive rate below 1.2%, indicating its high accuracy and effectiveness in detecting implicit model poisoning attacks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Healthcare is crucial to patient care because it provides vital services for maintaining and restoring health. As healthcare technology evolves, cutting-edge tools facilitate faster diagnosis and more effective patient treatment. In the present age of pandemics, the Internet of Things (IoT) offers a potential solution to the problem of patient safety monitoring by creating a massive quantity of data about the patient through the linked devices around them and then analyzing it to estimate the patient\'s current status. Utilizing the IoT-based meta-heuristic algorithm allows patients to be remotely monitored, resulting in timely diagnosis and improved care. Meta-heuristic algorithms are successful, resilient, and effective in solving real-world enhancement, clustering, predicting, and grouping. Healthcare organizations need an efficient method for dealing with big data since the prevalence of such data makes it challenging to analyze for diagnosis. The current techniques used in medical diagnostics have limitations due to imbalanced data and the overfitting issue.
    UNASSIGNED: This study introduces the particle swarm optimization and convolutional neural network to be used as a meta-heuristic optimization method for extensive data analysis in the IoT to monitor patients\' health conditions.
    UNASSIGNED: Particle Swarm Optimization is used to optimize the data used in the study. Information for a diabetes diagnosis model that includes cardiac risk forecasting is collected. Particle Swarm Optimization and Convolutional Neural Networks (PSO-CNN) results effectively make illness predictions. Support Vector Machine has been used to predict the possibility of a heart attack based on the classification of the collected data into projected abnormal and normal ranges for diabetes.
    UNASSIGNED: The results of the simulations reveal that the PSO-CNN model used to predict diabetic disease increased in accuracy by 92.6%, precision by 92.5%, recall by 93.2%, F1-score by 94.2%, and quantization error by 4.1%.
    UNASSIGNED: The suggested approach could be applied to identify cancer cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G communication technologies in smart cities deliver promising services for heterogeneous applications. The application reliability banks on uninterrupted and seamless services experienced by the users. However, the increasing smart city application demands influence the experience reliability through augmented wait times. This article therefore introduces a Coherent Reliability Service Broadcasting Technique (CRSBT) for sustaining constructive application services. This technique incorporates linear regressive and digressive learning for application service improvements and restrictions. Based on the demand, the regressive process verifies the wait time and with the reducing demands, the service broadcast ratio is verified. These two factors are verified post the demand and response through 5G resource allocations and IoT computations. Both the service-oriented features are validated for regressive service broadcast and either of the one is used for digressive response. The coherence between the computations (IoT) and resources (5G) is verified on-demand and linearly. Therefore, the proposed technique is reliable in sustaining service broadcast, less wait time, and maximum flexibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research study demonstrates an efficient scheme for early detection of cardiorespiratory complications in pandemics by Utilizing Wearable Electrocardiogram (ECG) sensors for pattern generation and Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) for decision analytics. In health-related outbreaks, timely and early diagnosis of such complications is conclusive in reducing mortality rates and alleviating the burden on healthcare facilities. Existing methods rely on clinical assessments, medical history reviews, and hospital-based monitoring, which are valuable but have limitations in terms of accessibility, scalability, and timeliness, particularly during pandemics. The proposed scheme commences by deploying wearable ECG sensors on the patient\'s body. These sensors collect data by continuously monitoring the cardiac activity and respiratory patterns of the patient. The collected raw data is then transmitted securely in a wireless manner to a centralized server and stored in a database. Subsequently, the stored data is assessed using a preprocessing process which extracts relevant and important features like heart rate variability and respiratory rate. The preprocessed data is then used as input into the CNN model for the classification of normal and abnormal cardiorespiratory patterns. To achieve high accuracy in abnormality detection the CNN model is trained on labeled data with optimized parameters. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated and gauged using different scenarios, which shows a robust performance in detecting abnormal cardiorespiratory patterns with a sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 92%. Prominent observations, which highlight the potential for early interventions include subtle changes in heart rate variability and preceding respiratory distress. These findings show the significance of wearable ECG technology in improving pandemic management strategies and informing public health policies, which enhances preparedness and resilience in the face of emerging health threats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transition to smart manufacturing introduces heightened complexity in regard to the machinery and equipment used within modern collaborative manufacturing landscapes, presenting significant risks associated with equipment failures. The core ambition of smart manufacturing is to elevate automation through the integration of state-of-the-art technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, cloud technology, and expansive big data analytics. This technological evolution underscores the necessity for advanced predictive maintenance strategies that proactively detect equipment anomalies before they escalate into costly downtime. Addressing this need, our research presents an end-to-end platform that merges the organizational capabilities of data warehousing with the computational efficiency of Apache Spark. This system adeptly manages voluminous time-series sensor data, leverages big data analytics for the seamless creation of machine learning models, and utilizes an Apache Spark-powered engine for the instantaneous processing of streaming data for fault detection. This comprehensive platform exemplifies a significant leap forward in smart manufacturing, offering a proactive maintenance model that enhances operational reliability and sustainability in the digital manufacturing era.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amidst the rapid advancement of Internet of Things (IoT) technology and the burgeoning field of Multimodal Learning Analytics (MMLA), this study employs spatial positioning technology as a case study to investigate the potential of multimodal data in assessing children\'s social development. This study combines the spatial positioning data of preschool children collected during free play sessions in natural educational settings and the spatial metrics constructed based on observational studies to establish and validate a sociometric status Decision Tree classification model. The findings suggest that the model can overall accurately identify children with three distinct sociometric statuses, albeit with some variability in efficacy across different sociometric groups and age groups. Notably, the model demonstrates a high hitting rate in identifying the potentially neglected children, providing valuable support for educators in understanding and fostering children\'s developmental needs. This study also highlights the advantages of emerging technology and multimodal data application in child development assessment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A dynamic cooperation is poised to redefine the limits of athlete safety and performance optimization in the dynamic field of sports science. A new age in sports analysis is promised by the combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT), one in which data-driven insights not only improve our comprehension of athletic performance but also aid to reduce hazards. This academic work explores the complex interactions between AI and IoT in the context of sports. The IoT and AI integration appear to be a strong mix that has the potential to redefine the standards for athlete safety and performance improvement. This study explores the complex interactions between AI and IoT in the field of sports, emphasizing their combined potential for identifying risk factors in a variety of fields. There is a chance to proactively solve sports-related difficulties by utilizing the data-driven capabilities of IoT and the analytical power of AI, opening the door for better informed tactics and decision-making. Through an exploration of this symbiotic relationship, this paper seeks to underline the transformative potential of these technologies in fostering a safer and more performance-oriented sports environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the proliferation of smart devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly expanding. This study proposes a miniaturized controllable metamaterial with low control voltage for achieving low-power and compact designs in IoT node devices. Operating at a target frequency of 2.4 GHz, the proposed metamaterial requires only a 3.3 V control voltage and occupies approximately one-third of the wavelength in size. Experimental validation demonstrates its excellent reflective control performance, positioning it as an ideal choice for low-power IoT systems, particularly in the context of miniaturized and low-power IoT node applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous impediments beset contemporary art education, notably the unidimensional delivery of content and the absence of real-time interaction during instructional sessions. This study endeavors to surmount these challenges by devising a multimodal perception system entrenched in Internet of Things (IoT) technology. This system captures students\' visual imagery, vocalizations, spatial orientation, movements, ambient luminosity, and contextual data by harnessing an array of interaction modalities encompassing visual, auditory, tactile, and olfactory sensors. The synthesis of this manifold information about learning scenarios entails strategically placing sensors within physical environments to facilitate intuitive and seamless interactions. Utilizing digital art flower cultivation as a quintessential illustration, this investigation formulates tasks imbued with multisensory channel interactions, pushing the boundaries of technological advancement. It pioneers advancements in critical domains such as visual feature extraction by utilizing DenseNet networks and voice feature extraction leveraging SoundNet convolutional neural networks. This innovative paradigm establishes a novel art pedagogical framework, accentuating the importance of visual stimuli while enlisting other senses as complementary contributors. Subsequent evaluation of the usability of the multimodal perceptual interaction system reveals a remarkable task recognition accuracy of 96.15% through the amalgamation of Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) speech features with a long-short-term memory (LSTM) classifier model, accompanied by an average response time of merely 6.453 seconds-significantly outperforming comparable models. The system notably enhances experiential fidelity, realism, interactivity, and content depth, ameliorating the limitations inherent in solitary sensory interactions. This augmentation markedly elevates the caliber of art pedagogy and augments learning efficacy, thereby effectuating an optimization of art education.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ammonia (NH3) is a harmful atmospheric pollutant and an important indicator of environment, health, and food safety conditions. Wearable devices with flexible gas sensors offer convenient real-time NH3 monitoring capabilities. A flexible ammonia gas sensing system to support the internet of things (IoT) is proposed. The flexible gas sensor in this system utilizes polyaniline (PANI) with multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) decoration as a sensitive material, coated on a silver interdigital electrode on a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrate. Gas sensors are combined with other electronic components to form a flexible electronic system. The IoT functionality of the system comes from a microcontroller with Wi-Fi capability. The flexible gas sensor demonstrates commendable sensitivity, selectivity, humidity resistance, and long lifespan. The experimental data procured from the sensor reveal a remarkably low detection threshold of 0.3 ppm, aligning well with the required specifications for monitoring ammonia concentrations in exhaled breath gas, which typically range from 0.425 to 1.8 ppm. Furthermore, the sensor demonstrates a negligible reaction to the presence of interfering gases, such as ethanol, acetone, and methanol, thereby ensuring high selectivity for ammonia detection. In addition to these attributes, the sensor maintains consistent stability across a range of environmental conditions, including varying humidity levels, repeated bending cycles, and diverse angles of orientation. A portable, stable, and effective flexible IoT system solution for real-time ammonia sensing is demonstrated by collecting data at the edge end, processing the data in the cloud, and displaying the data at the user end.





