• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fluorescent proteins (FPs) have been widely used to investigate cellular and molecular interactions and trace biological events in many applications. Some of the FPs have been demonstrated to cause undesirable cellular damage by light-induced ROS production in vivo or in vitro. However, it remains unknown if one of the most popular FPs, tdTomato, has similar effects in neuronal cells. In this study, we discovered that tdTomato expression led to unexpected retinal dysfunction and ultrastructural defects in the transgenic mouse retina. The retinal dysfunction mainly manifested in the reduced photopic electroretinogram (ERG) responses and decreased contrast sensitivity in visual acuity, caused by mitochondrial damages characterized with cellular redistribution, morphological modifications and molecular profiling alterations. Taken together, our findings for the first time demonstrated the retinal dysfunction and ultrastructural defects in the retinas of tdTomato-transgenic mice, calling for a more careful design and interpretation of experiments involved in FPs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diatoms such as Phaeodactylum tricornutum arose through a process termed secondary endosymbiosis, in which red alga-derived plastids are surrounded by a complicated membrane system. Subcellular marker proteins provide defined localizations on the compartmental and even sub-compartmental levels in the complex plastids of diatoms. Here we introduce how to use subcellular marker proteins and in vivo co-localization in the diatom P. tricornutum by presenting a step-by-step method allowing the determination of subcellular localization of proteins in different membranes of the secondary plastid. This chapter describes the materials required and the procedures of transformation and microscopic observation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and multipotent progenitors (MPPs) play a pivotal role in maintaining lifelong hematopoiesis. The distinction between stem cells and other progenitors, as well as the assessment of their functions, has long been a central focus in stem cell research. In recent years, deep learning has emerged as a powerful tool for cell image analysis and classification/prediction.
    METHODS: In this study, we explored the feasibility of employing deep learning techniques to differentiate murine HSCs and MPPs based solely on their morphology, as observed through light microscopy (DIC) images.
    RESULTS: After rigorous training and validation using extensive image datasets, we successfully developed a three-class classifier, referred to as the LSM model, capable of reliably distinguishing long-term HSCs, short-term HSCs, and MPPs. The LSM model extracts intrinsic morphological features unique to different cell types, irrespective of the methods used for cell identification and isolation, such as surface markers or intracellular GFP markers. Furthermore, employing the same deep learning framework, we created a two-class classifier that effectively discriminates between aged HSCs and young HSCs. This discovery is particularly significant as both cell types share identical surface markers yet serve distinct functions. This classifier holds the potential to offer a novel, rapid, and efficient means of assessing the functional states of HSCs, thus obviating the need for time-consuming transplantation experiments.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study represents the pioneering use of deep learning to differentiate HSCs and MPPs under steady-state conditions. This novel and robust deep learning-based platform will provide a basis for the future development of a new generation stem cell identification and separation system. It may also provide new insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying stem cell self-renewal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autophagy is a key process that maintains cellular homeostasis. Autophagy contributes to various physiological and pathophysiological processes. Development of methodologies for autophagy detection has greatly facilitated the research on autophagy. Among these methodologies, GFP-LC3 reporter has been popularly used in the literature. In this chapter, we will detail step-by-step the GFP-LC3 reporter protocol we have adapted in our lab. This protocol begins with the generation of lentivirus expressing GFP-LC3. Then, the cells are transduced with titrated virus. After selecting the positive cells, single colonies are isolated, characterized, validated, and used in further study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human fibroblast growth factor 21 (hFGF21) is a promising candidate for metabolic diseases. In this study, a tobacco chloroplast transformation vector, pWYP21406, was constructed that consisted of codon-optimized encoding gene hFGF21 fused with GFP at its 5\' terminal; it was driven by the promoter of plastid rRNA operon (Prrn) and terminated by the terminator of plastid rps16 gene (Trps16). Spectinomycin-resistant gene (aadA) was the marker and placed in the same cistron between hFGF21 and the terminator Trps16. Transplastomic plants were generated by the biolistic bombardment method and proven to be homoplastic by Southern blotting analysis. The expression of GFP was detected under ultraviolet light and a laser confocal microscope. The expression of GFP-hFGF21 was confirmed by immunoblotting and quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbnent assay (ELISA). The accumulation of GFP-hFGF21 was confirmed to be 12.44 ± 0.45% of the total soluble protein (i.e., 1.9232 ± 0.0673 g kg-1 of fresh weight). GFP-hFGF21 promoted the proliferation of hepatoma cell line HepG2, inducing the expression of glucose transporter 1 in hepatoma HepG2 cells and improving glucose uptake. These results suggested that a chloroplast expression is a promising approach for the production of bioactive recombinant hFGF21.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past two decades, heavy metal pollution has been a common problem worldwide, greatly threatening crop production. As one of the metal pollutants, Mercury (Hg) causes damage to plant cells and reduces cellular and biochemical activities. In this study, we identified a novel cytochrome P450 family gene, BrCYP71A15, which was involved in Hg stress response in yeast. In Chinese cabbage, the BrCYP71A15 gene was located on chromosome A01, which was highly expressed in roots. Additionally, the expression level of BrCYP71A15 was induced by different heavy metal stresses, and the BrCYP71A15 protein exhibited a strong interaction with other proteins. Overexpression of BrCYP71A15 in yeast cells showed no response to a number of heavy metal stresses (Cu, Al, Co, Cd) in yeast but showed high sensitivity to Hg stress; the cells grew slower than those carrying the empty vector (EV). Moreover, upon Hg stress, the growth of the BrCYP71A15-overexpressing cells increased over time, and Hg accumulation in yeast cells was enhanced by two-fold compared with the control. Additionally, BrCYP71A15 was translocated into the nucleus under Hg stress. The expression level of cell wall biosynthesis genes was significantly influenced by Hg stress in the BrCYP71A15-overexpressing cells. These findings suggested that BrCYP71A15 might participate in HG stress tolerance. Our results provide a fundamental basis for further genome editing research and a novel approach to decrease Hg accumulation in vegetable crops and reduce environmental risks to human health through the food chain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chloroplast transformation is a robust technology for the expression of recombinant proteins. Various types of pharmaceutical proteins including growth factors have been reported in chloroplasts via chloroplast transformation approach at high expression levels. However, high expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in chloroplasts with the technology is still unavailable.
    The present work explored the high-level expression of recombinant EGF, a protein widely applied in many clinical therapies, in tobacco chloroplasts. In this work, homoplastic transgenic plants expressing fusion protein GFP-EGF, which was composed of GFP and EGF via a linker, were generated. The expression of GFP-EGF was confirmed by the combination of green fluorescent observation and Western blotting. The achieved accumulation of the recombinant fusion GFP-EGF was 10.21 ± 0.27% of total soluble proteins (1.57 ± 0.05 g kg- 1 of fresh leaf). The chloroplast-derived GFP-EGF was capable of increasing the cell viability of the NSLC cell line A549 and enhancing the phosphorylation level of the EGF receptor in the A549 cells.
    The expression of recombinant EGF in tobacco chloroplasts via chloroplast transformation method was achieved at considerable accumulation level. The attempt gives a good example for the application of chloroplast transformation technology in recombinant pharmaceutical protein production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal-derived anti-IgG secondary antibodies are currently employed to stain and screen of human monoclonal antibody(mAb)-producing cells, but using animal-derived antibodies may raise the concerns of high cost, complicated operations and biological safety issues in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. Nanobodies(VHHs) are attractive forms of antibodies for their straightforward engineering and expression in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic systems. Using phage-displayed immune llama VHH library, we identified new anti-Fc VHHs that could bind to human Fc with high affinity. In GFP fusion format, the anti-Fc VHH-GFP generated dramatically stronger FACS signals than AF488 conjugated anti-IgG antibodies when used for staining mAb-producing CHO cells. Furthermore, preparative sorting of CHO cells based on anti-Fc VHH-GFP staining resulted in the enrichment of cell lines capable of synthesizing mAb at high productivity. This safe and cost-efficient anti-Fc VHH-GFP may optimize the process of generating highly productive cell lines for therapeutic mAb production compared to conventional animal-derived fluorescent antibodies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Biotechnologists seeking to develop marker-free transgenic plants have established co-transformation methods. For co-transformation using mixed Agrobacterium strains, the mix ratio of Agrobacterium strains and selection scheme may influence co-transformation frequency. This study used fluorescent GFP and RFP markers to compose different selection schemes for observation of the selective dynamics of transformed rice cells and to investigate the factors affecting co-transformation efficiency.
    RESULTS: We utilized GFP and RFP markers in co-transformation and tested the combinations of an antibiotic-selectable vector (pGFP-HPT) and a single RFP vector (pRFP) and of two antibiotic-selectable vectors (pGFP-HPT and pRFP-HPT) in rice. The pGFP-HPT/pRFP combination resulted in 70.9% to 81.2% of co-transformation frequencies while lower frequencies (56.6% on average) were obtained with the pGFP-HPT/pRFP-HPT combination. Based on GFP/RFP segregation patterns, 55% of the pGFP-HPT/pRFP co-transformants contained unlinked T-DNAs and segregated single RFP progeny, which simulated the selection process of marker-free transgenic plants that carry an actual gene of interest. Transgene expression levels in the rice lines varied as revealed by RT-PCR, and tandem-linked T-DNAs were detected in co-transformants, suggesting that transgene expression might be affected by duplicated T-DNA structures.
    CONCLUSIONS: Co-transformation via mixed Agrobacterium strains is feasible, and approximately 55% of the pGFP-HPT/pRFP co-transformants contained unlinked T-DNAs and segregated single RFP progeny. The pGFP-HPT/pRFP and the pGFP-HPT/pRFP-HPT vector combinations showed distinctive selective dynamics of transformed rice cells, suggesting that co-transformation efficiency depends on both vector system and selection scheme.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clonostachys rosea is an important mycoparasite, with great potential for controlling numerous plant fungal diseases. Understanding the mechanisms and modes of action will assist the development and application of this biocontrol fungus. In this study, the highly efficient C. rosea 67-1 strain was marked with the green fluorescent protein (GFP), and the transformant possessed the same biological characteristics as the wild-type strain. Fungal interactions with Botrytis cinerea during co-culture and encounter on tomato leaves were assessed by fluorescence confocal and electron microscopy. The results indicated that once the two fungi met, the hyphae of C. rosea grew alongside those of B. cinerea, then attached tightly to the host and developed special structures, via which the biocontrol fungus penetrated the host and absorbed nutrients, eventually disintegrating the cells of the pathogen. Mycoparasitism to B. cinerea was also observed on tomato leaves, suggesting that C. rosea can colonize on plants and act following the invasion of the pathogenic fungus.





