• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Optical tweezers have been used to trap and micro-manipulate several biological specimens ranging from DNA, macromolecules, organelles, to single-celled organisms. Using a combination of the refraction and scattering of laser light from a focused laser beam, refractile objects are physically captured and can be moved within the surrounding media. The technique is routinely used to determine biophysical properties such as the forces exerted by motor proteins. Here, we describe how optical tweezers combined with total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRF) can be used to assess physical interactions between organelles, more specifically the ER and Golgi bodies in plant cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic continues to threaten healthcare systems worldwide due to the limited access to vaccines, suboptimal treatment options, and the continuous emergence of new and more transmissible SARS-CoV-2 variants. Reverse-genetics studies of viral genes and mutations have proven highly valuable in advancing basic virus research, leading to the development of therapeutics. We developed a functional and highly versatile full-length SARS-CoV-2 infectious system by cloning the sequence of a COVID-19 associated virus isolate (DK-AHH1) into a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC). Viruses recovered after RNA-transfection of in vitro transcripts into Vero E6 cells showed growth kinetics and remdesivir susceptibility similar to the DK-AHH1 virus isolate. Insertion of reporter genes, green fluorescent protein, and nanoluciferase into the ORF7 genomic region led to high levels of reporter activity, which facilitated high throughput treatment experiments. We found that putative coronavirus remdesivir resistance-associated substitutions F480L and V570L-and naturally found polymorphisms A97V, P323L, and N491S, all in nsp12-did not decrease SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility to remdesivir. A nanoluciferase reporter clone with deletion of spike (S), envelope (E), and membrane (M) proteins exhibited high levels of transient replication, was inhibited by remdesivir, and therefore could function as an efficient non-infectious subgenomic replicon system. The developed SARS-CoV-2 reverse-genetics systems, including recombinants to modify infectious viruses and non-infectious subgenomic replicons with autonomous genomic RNA replication, will permit high-throughput cell culture studies-providing fundamental understanding of basic biology of this coronavirus. We have proven the utility of the systems in rapidly introducing mutations in nsp12 and studying their effect on the efficacy of remdesivir, which is used worldwide for the treatment of COVID-19. Our system provides a platform to effectively test the antiviral activity of drugs and the phenotype of SARS-CoV-2 mutants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synthetic protein-binding tools based on anti-green fluorescent protein (GFP) nanobodies have recently emerged as useful resources to study developmental biology. By fusing GFP-targeting nanobodies to well-characterized protein domains residing in discrete sub-cellular locations, it is possible to directly and acutely manipulate the localization of GFP-tagged proteins-of-interest in a predictable manner. Here, we describe a detailed protocol for the application of nanobody-based GFP-binding tools, namely Morphotrap and GrabFP, to study the localization and function of extracellular and intracellular proteins in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc. Given the generality of these methods, they are easily applicable for use in other tissues and model organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a powerful model to study cellular stress responses. Due to its transparency and ease of genetic manipulation, C. elegans is especially suitable for fluorescence microscopy. As a result, studies of C. elegans using different fluorescent reporters have led to the discovery of key players of cellular stress response pathways, including the mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPRmt). UPRmt is a protective retrograde signaling pathway that ensures mitochondrial homeostasis. The nuclear genes hsp-6 and hsp-60 encode mitochondrial chaperones and are highly expressed upon UPRmt induction. The transcriptional reporters of these genes, hsp-6::gfp and hsp-60::gfp, have been instrumental for monitoring this pathway in live animals. Additional tools for studying UPRmt include fusion proteins of ATFS-1 and DVE-1, ATFS-1::GFP and DVE-1::GFP, key players of the UPRmt pathway. In this protocol, we discuss advantages and limitations of currently available methods and reporters, and we provide detailed instructions on how to image and quantify reporter expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Discovery of biomedical drugs makes use of novel biological sources of limited availability and is often in need of fast, small-scale initial screening approaches. Here, we present a screening, based on the reporter Caenorhabditis elegans strain IG692, for identification of anti- and pro-inflammatory properties. The elaborated workflow is based on cultivation in fluid and by this, allows fast and reproducible seeding in 96 well plates. LPS and dexamethasone served as reliable controls, comparable to application in the human cell line THP-1. This in vivo approach offers a first step for selection of e.g. natural products or for repurposing of compounds from drug libraries and by this can serve as a tool in drug discovery for inflammatory human diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our knowledge of the structure, localization, and interaction partners of cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM) proteins is mainly based on cell culture studies that lack the physiology of a three-dimensional multi-tissue environment. Uncovering the subcellular localization and the dynamic behavior of CCM proteins is an important aspect of characterizing the endothelial cell biology of CCM scaffold formation and for describing interactions with other protein complexes. However, the generation of specific antibodies to locate CCM scaffolds within cells has been challenging. To overcome the lack of functional antibodies, here, we describe the methodology involved in the generation of a construct for the expression of a fluorescently labeled CCM fusion construct and in the establishment of a transgenic zebrafish reporter line. The transgenic expression of fluorescently labeled CCM proteins within the developing zebrafish vasculature makes it possible to study the detailed subcellular localization and the dynamics of CCM proteins in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nitrogen is an essential element for sugarcane growth and development and is generally applied in the form of urea often much more than at recommended rates, causing serious soil degradation, particularly soil acidification, as well as groundwater and air pollution. In spite of the importance of nitrogen for plant growth, fewer reports are available to understand the application and biological role of N2 fixing bacteria to improve N2 nutrition in the sugarcane plant.
    RESULTS: In this study, a total of 350 different bacterial strains were isolated from rhizospheric soil samples of the sugarcane plants. Out of these, 22 isolates were selected based on plant growth promotion traits, biocontrol, and nitrogenase activity. The presence and activity of the nifH gene and the ability of nitrogen-fixation proved that all 22 selected strains have the ability to fix nitrogen. These strains were used to perform 16S rRNA and rpoB genes for their identification. The resulted amplicons were sequenced and phylogenetic analysis was constructed. Among the screened strains for nitrogen fixation, CY5 (Bacillus megaterium) and CA1 (Bacillus mycoides) were the most prominent. These two strains were examined for functional diversity using Biolog phenotyping, which confirmed the consumption of diverse carbon and nitrogen sources and tolerance to low pH and osmotic stress. The inoculated bacterial strains colonized the sugarcane rhizosphere successfully and were mostly located in root and leaf. The expression of the nifH gene in both sugarcane varieties (GT11 and GXB9) inoculated with CY5 and CA1 was confirmed. The gene expression studies showed enhanced expression of genes of various enzymes such as catalase, phenylalanine-ammonia-lyase, superoxide dismutase, chitinase and glucanase in bacterial-inoculated sugarcane plants.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that a substantial number of Bacillus isolates have N-fixation and biocontrol property against two sugarcane pathogens Sporisorium scitamineum and Ceratocystis paradoxa. The increased activity of genes controlling free radical metabolism may at least in part accounts for the increased tolerance to pathogens. Nitrogen-fixation was confirmed in sugarcane inoculated with B. megaterium and B. mycoides strains using N-balance and 15N2 isotope dilution in different plant parts of sugarcane. This is the first report of Bacillus mycoides as a nitrogen-fixing rhizobacterium in sugarcane.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies have been invaluable tools to study proteins over the past decades. While indispensable for most biological studies including developmental biology, antibodies have been used mostly in fixed tissues or as binding reagents in the extracellular milieu. For functional studies and for clinical applications, antibodies have been functionalized by covalently fusing them to heterologous partners (i.e., chemicals, proteins or other moieties). Such functionalized antibodies have been less widely used in developmental biology studies. In the past few years, the discovery and application of small functional binding fragments derived from single-chain antibodies, so-called nanobodies, has resulted in novel approaches to study proteins during the development of multicellular animals in vivo. Expression of functionalized nanobody fusions from integrated transgenes allows manipulating proteins of interest in the extracellular and the intracellular milieu in a tissue- and time-dependent manner in an unprecedented manner. Here, we describe how nanobodies have been used in the field of developmental biology and look into the future to imagine how else nanobody-based reagents could be further developed to study the proteome in living organisms.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the most severe complications in aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries is the partial or total necrosis of a skin flap. In our experimental study, we demonstrated the use of adipose-derived stem cells in the increase of skin flap survival rates. Stem cells were isolated from the fat of Wistar rats and genetically modified to permanently produce a green fluorescent protein (GFP). Two random-pattern skin flaps (2 cm × 8 cm) were elevated on the dorsal area of the spine, and after being separated from the surgical wounds with a thin silicone sheet, they were placed back onto their original location. Then, the autologous GFP-producing cells were injected intradermally into the dorsal area of the rats. At the seventh day, after the implantation of the stem cells, a clinical and immunohistochemical control was performed. The fluorescence microscopy revealed green vascular formations, suggesting that autologous GFP stromal cells were converted into endothelial cells through neovascularization. In the control skin flaps, where no stromal cells were used, no fluorescence was observed. The statistical analysis showed significantly lower necrosis rates in the right-sided flaps (i.e., the flaps where adipose-derived stromal cells were injected) compared with the left-sided ones. Findings from our study demonstrate that adipose-derived stem cells play an important role in the improvement of skin flap survival. Neovascularization is an effective way of achieving it.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies in the field of developmental biology aim to unravel how a fertilized egg develops into an adult organism and how proteins and other macromolecules work together during this process. With regard to protein function, most of the developmental studies have used genetic and RNA interference approaches, combined with biochemical analyses, to reach this goal. However, there always remains much room for interpretation on how a given protein functions, because proteins work together with many other molecules in complex regulatory networks and it is not easy to reveal the function of one given protein without affecting the networks. Likewise, it has remained difficult to experimentally challenge and/or validate the proposed concepts derived from mutant analyses without tools that directly manipulate protein function in a predictable manner. Recently, synthetic tools based on protein binders such as scFvs, nanobodies, DARPins, and others have been applied in developmental biology to directly manipulate target proteins in a predicted manner. Although such tools would have a great impact in filling the gap of knowledge between mutant phenotypes and protein functions, careful investigations are required when applying functionalized protein binders to fundamental questions in developmental biology. In this review, we first summarize how protein binders have been used in the field, and then reflect on possible guidelines for applying such tools to study protein functions in developmental biology. This article is categorized under: Technologies > Analysis of Proteins Establishment of Spatial and Temporal Patterns > Gradients Invertebrate Organogenesis > Flies.






