
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dorsal root ganglia (DRG), housing primary sensory neurons, transmit somatosensory and visceral afferent inputs to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. They play a pivotal role in both physiological and pathological states, including neuropathic and visceral pain. In vivo calcium imaging of DRG enables real-time observation of calcium transients in single units or neuron ensembles. Accumulating evidence indicates that DRG neuronal activities induced by somatic stimulation significantly affect autonomic and visceral functions. While lumbar DRG calcium imaging has been extensively studied, thoracic segment DRG calcium imaging has been less explored due to surgical exposure and stereotaxic fixation challenges. Here, we utilized in vivo calcium imaging at the thoracic1 dorsal root ganglion (T1-DRG) to investigate changes in neuronal activity resulting from somatic stimulations of the forelimb. This approach is crucial for understanding the somato-cardiac reflex triggered by peripheral nerve stimulations (PENS), such as acupuncture. Notably, synchronization of cardiac function was observed and measured by electrocardiogram (ECG), with T-DRG neuronal activities, potentially establishing a novel paradigm for somato-visceral reflex in the thoracic segments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of the avian wing pattern has been the subject of heated debate due to its special shape. The Suppressor of cytokine signaling 2 (SOCS2) gene encodes a negative regulator of growth hormone (GH) signaling and bone growth and is known to be strongly expressed in the third digit of chicken forelimbs. These observations suggest that SOCS2 might regulate the morphology of the avian wing, however, the function of SOCS2 in avian limb development remains unknown. Here, we reexamined SOCS2 expression in successive developmental stages of chicken limb development by in situ hybridization (ISH) and describe extended expression from the posterior of the stypolod to the third digit of the forelimbs. We used the RCAS avian retrovirus to overexpress SOCS2 in the developing chicken limb buds, which resulted in reduced or malformed chicken wings while hindlimbs developed normally. Transcriptome sequencing (mRNA-Seq) revealed changes in expression of genes known to be associated with growth and development in forelimbs with overexpressed SOCS2. This study highlights a pivotal role for SOCS2 during the development of the wing in the chicken and provides new insight into molecular mechanisms regulating avian limb development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Important transformations of the pectoral girdle are related to the appearance of flight capabilities in the Dinosauria. Previous studies on this topic focused mainly on paravians yet recent data suggests flight evolved in dinosaurs several times, including at least once among non-avialan paravians. Thus, to fully explore the evolution of flight-related avian shoulder girdle characteristics, it is necessary to compare morphology more broadly. Here, we present information from pennaraptoran specimens preserving pectoral girdle elements, including all purportedly volant taxa, and extensively compare aspects of the shoulder joint. The results show that many pectoral girdle modifications appear during the evolution from basal pennaraptorans to paravians, including changes in the orientation of the coracoid body and the location of the articulation between the furcula and scapula. These modifications suggest a change in forelimb range of motion preceded the origin of flight in paravians. During the evolution of early avialans, additional flight adaptive transformations occur, such as the separation of the scapula and coracoid and reduction of the articular surface between these two bones, reduction in the angle between these two elements, and elongation of the coracoid. The diversity of coracoid morphologies and types of articulations joining the scapula-coracoid suggest that each early avialan lineage evolved these features in parallel as they independently evolved more refined flight capabilities. In early ornithothoracines, the orientation of the glenoid fossa and location of the acrocoracoid approaches the condition in extant birds, suggesting a greater range of motion in the flight stroke, which may represent the acquisition of improved powered flight capabilities, such as ground take-off. The formation of a new articulation between the coracoid and furcula in the Ornithuromorpha is the last step in the formation of an osseous triosseal canal, which may indicate the complete acquisition of the modern flight apparatus. These morphological transitions equipped birds with a greater range of motion, increased and more efficient muscular output and while at the same time transmitting the increased pressure being generated by ever more powerful flapping movements in such a way as to protect the organs. The driving factors and functional adaptations of many of these transitional morphologies are as yet unclear although ontogenetic transitions in forelimb function observed in extant birds provide an excellent framework through which we can explore the behavior of Mesozoic pennaraptorans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neural mechanisms underlying amputation-related secondary pain are unclear. Using in vivo two-photon imaging, three-dimensional reconstruction, and fiber photometry recording, we show that a microglial activation cascade from the primary somatosensory cortex of forelimb (S1FL) to the primary somatosensory cortex of hindlimb (S1HL) mediates the disinhibition and subsequent hyperexcitation of glutamatergic neurons in the S1HL (S1HLGlu), which then drives secondary mechanical hypersensitivity development in ipsilateral hindpaws of mice with forepaw amputation. Forepaw amputation induces rapid S1FL microglial activation that further activates S1HL microglia via the CCL2-CCR2 signaling pathway. Increased engulfment of GABAergic presynapses by activated microglia stimulates S1HLGlu neuronal activity, ultimately leading to secondary mechanical hypersensitivity of hindpaws. It is widely believed direct neuronal projection drives interactions between distinct brain regions to prime specific behaviors. Our study reveals microglial interactions spanning different subregions of the somatosensory cortex to drive a maladaptive neuronal response underlying secondary mechanical hypersensitivity at non-injured sites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spinal cord injury (SCI) results in stalled motor function recovery under the chronic phase. One of the reasons due to the presence of ongoing inflammation. Therefore, regulating the status of immune cells may help reopen the window for neural repair, which represents a potential therapeutic target. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether this could be achieved in mice with cervical 5 crush CSCI (4 W) by utilizing a concentration of 0.5 mg/kg of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to stimulate microglia/macrophages. Additionally, the mice underwent rehabilitation training for another 6 weeks. Our results showed that systemic injection of LPS enhanced the effects of forelimb rehabilitation training, as evaluated through single pellet grasping (SPG). Electrophysiological studies revealed the restoration of cortical drive to the injured side\'s forelimb muscles in the training combined with LPS group. Tract tracing studies demonstrated the reconstruction of cortical innervation to the cervical spinal cord. Furthermore, the levels of pro-inflammatory phenotype markers, such as inducible nitric oxide synthase (INOS) and CD68, decreased, while the expression of anti-inflammatory phenotype markers, including arginase 1 (ARG-1) and CD206, increased. Importantly, this phenotypic switch in microglia/macrophages was accompanied by an increase in phagocytic activity markers as indicated by BODIPY + IBA1 + staining. Collectively, our data suggests that low-dose LPS improves the effects of rehabilitation training by regulating the phenotypic transformation of microglia/macrophages in CSCI. This study provides a fresh perspective and intervention direction for the clinical treatment of chronic spinal cord injuries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extant cicada (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea) includes widely distributed Cicadidae and relictual Tettigarctidae, with fossils ascribed to these two groups based on several distinct, minimally varying morphological differences that define their extant counterparts. However, directly assigning Mesozoic fossils to modern taxa may overlook the role of unique and transitional features provided by fossils in tracking their early evolutionary paths. Here, based on adult and nymphal fossils from mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber of Myanmar, we explore the phylogenetic relationships and morphological disparities of fossil and extant cicadoids. Our results suggest that Cicadidae and Tettigarctidae might have diverged at or by the Middle Jurassic, with morphological evolution possibly shaped by host plant changes. The discovery of tymbal structures and anatomical analysis of adult fossils indicate that mid-Cretaceous cicadas were silent as modern Tettigarctidae or could have produced faint tymbal-related sounds. The discovery of final-instar nymphal and exuviae cicadoid fossils with fossorial forelegs and piercing-sucking mouthparts indicates that they had most likely adopted a subterranean lifestyle by the mid-Cretaceous, occupying the ecological niche of underground feeding on root. Our study traces the morphological, behavioral, and ecological evolution of Cicadoidea from the Mesozoic, emphasizing their adaptive traits and interactions with their living environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Allometric growth of the forelimb and hindlimb is a widespread phenomenon observed in vertebrates. As a typical precocial bird, ducks exhibit more advanced development of their hindlimbs compared to their forelimbs, enabling them to walk shortly after hatching. This phenomenon is closely associated with the development of long bones in the embryonic stage. However, the molecular mechanism governing the allometric growth of duck forelimb and hindlimb bones is remains elusive. In this study, we employed phenotypic, histological, and gene expression analyses to investigate developmental differences between the humerus (forelimb bone) and tibia/femur (hindlimb bones) in duck embryos. Our results revealed a gradual increase in weight and length disparity between the tibia and humerus from E12 to E28 (embryo age). At E12, endochondral ossification was observed solely in the tibia but not in the humerus. The number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) gradually increased at H12 vs. T12, H20 vs. T20, and H28 vs. T28 stages consistent with phenotypic variations. A total of 38 DEGs were found across all 3 stages. Protein-protein interaction network analysis demonstrated strong interactions among members of HOXD gene family (HOXD3/8/9/10/11/12), HOXB gene family (HOXB8/9), TBX gene family (TBX4/5/20), HOXA11, SHOX2, and MEIS2. Gene expression profiling indicated higher expression levels for all HOXD genes in the humerus compared to tibia while opposite trends were observed for HOXA/HOXB genes with low or no expression detected in the humerus. These findings suggest distinct roles played by different clusters within HOX gene family during skeletal development regulation of duck embryo\'s forelimbs versus hind limbs. Notably, TBX4 exhibited high expression levels specifically in tibia whereas TBX5 showed similar patterns exclusively within humerus as seen previously across other species\' studies. In summary, this study identified key regulatory genes involved in allometric growth of duck forelimb and hindlimb bones during embryonic development. Skeletal development is a complex physiological process, and further research is needed to elucidate the regulatory role of candidate genes in endochondral ossification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amplexus is a type of mating behavior among toads that is essential for successful external fertilization. Most studies have primarily focused on the behavioral diversity of amplexus, and less is known regarding the metabolic changes occurring in amplectant males. The aim of this study was to compare the metabolic profiles of amplectant Asiatic toad (Bufo gargarizans) males in the breeding period (BP group) and the resting males in the non-breeding period (NP group). A metabolomic analysis was conducted on the flexor carpi radialis (FCR), an essential forelimb muscle responsible for clasping during courtship. A total of 66 differential metabolites were identified between the BP and NP groups, including 18 amino acids, 12 carbohydrates, and 8 lipids, and they were classified into 9 categories. Among these differential metabolites, 13 amino acids, 11 carbohydrates, and 7 lipids were significantly upregulated in the BP group compared to the NP group. In addition, a KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) enrichment analysis identified 17 significant metabolic pathways, including ABC transporters, aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis, arginine biosynthesis, pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis, and fructose and mannose metabolism. These results suggest that amplectant male toads are metabolically more active than those during the non-breeding period, and this metabolic adaptation increases the likelihood of reproductive success.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Ischemia and hypoxia are the main factors limiting limb replantation and transplantation. Static cold storage (SCS), a common preservation method for tissues and organs, can only prolong limb ischemia time to 4 - 6 h. The normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) is a promising method for the preservation of tissues and organs, which can extend the preservation time in vitro by providing continuous oxygen and nutrients. This study aimed to evaluate the difference in the efficacy of the 2 limb preservation methods.
    METHODS: The 6 forelimbs from beagle dogs were divided into 2 groups. In the SCS group (n = 3), the limbs were preserved in a sterile refrigerator at 4 °C for 24 h, and in the NMP group (n = 3), the perfusate prepared with autologous blood was used for the oxygenated machine perfusion at physiological temperature for 24 h, and the solution was changed every 6 h. The effects of limb storage were evaluated by weight gain, perfusate biochemical analysis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and histological analysis. All statistical analyses and graphs were performed using GraphPad Prism 9.0 one-way or two-way analysis of variance. The p value of less than 0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance.
    RESULTS: In the NMP group, the weight gained percentage was 11.72% ± 4.06%; the hypoxia-inducible factor-1α contents showed no significant changes; the shape of muscle fibers was normal; the gap between muscle fibers slightly increased, showing the intercellular distance of (30.19 ± 2.83) μm; and the vascular α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) contents were lower than those in the normal blood vessels. The creatine kinase level in the perfusate of the NMP group increased from the beginning of perfusion, decreased after each perfusate change, and remained stable at the end of perfusion showing a peak level of 4097.6 U/L. The lactate dehydrogenase level of the NMP group increased near the end of perfusion and reached the peak level of 374.4 U/L. In the SCS group, the percentage of weight gain was 0.18% ± 0.10%, and the contents of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α increased gradually and reached the maximum level of (164.85 ± 20.75) pg/mL at the end of the experiment. The muscle fibers lost their normal shape and the gap between muscle fibers increased, showing an intercellular distance of (41.66 ± 5.38) μm. The contents of vascular α-SMA were much lower in the SCS group as compared to normal blood vessels.
    CONCLUSIONS: NMP caused lesser muscle damage and contained more vascular α-SMA as compared to SCS. This study demonstrated that NMP of the amputated limb with perfusate solution based on autologous blood could maintain the physiological activities of the limb for at least 24 h.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The origin of birds from theropod dinosaurs involves many changes in musculoskeletal anatomy and epidermal structures, including multiple instances of convergence and homology-related traits that contribute to the refinement of flight capability. Changes in limb sizes and proportions are important for locomotion (for example, the forelimb for bird flight); thus, understanding these patterns is central to investigating the transition from terrestrial to volant theropods. Here we analyse the patterns of morphological disparity and the evolutionary rate of appendicular limbs along avialan stem lineages using phylogenetic comparative approaches. Contrary to the traditional wisdom that an evolutionary innovation like flight would promote and accelerate evolvability, our results show a shift to low disparity and decelerated rate near the origin of avialans that is largely ascribed to the evolutionarily constrained forelimb. These results suggest that natural selection shaped patterns of limb evolution close to the origin of avialans in a way that may reflect the winged forelimb \'blueprint\' associated with powered flight.





