Ebbinghaus illusion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A simple button press towards a prime stimulus enhances subsequent visual search for objects that match the prime. The present study investigated whether this action effect is a general phenomenon across different task domains, and the underlying neural mechanisms. The action effect was measured in an unspeeded size-matching task, with the presentation of the central target and the surrounding inducers of the Ebbinghaus illusion together to one eye or separately to each eye, and when repetitive TMS was applied over right primary motor cortex (M1). The results showed that a prior key-press significantly reduced the illusion effect compared to passive viewing. Notably, the action effect persisted with dichoptic presentation of the Ebbinghaus configuration, but disappeared with the right M1 disruption. These results suggest that action guides visual perception to influence human behavior, which mainly affects the late visual processing stage and probably relies on feedback projections from the motor cortex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have proposed two cognitive mechanisms responsible for the Ebbinghaus illusion effect, i.e., contour interaction and size contrast. However, the neural underpinnings of these two mechanisms are largely unexplored. The present study introduced binocular depth to the Ebbinghaus illusion configuration and made the central target appear either in front of or behind the surrounding inducers in order to disturb size contrast instead of contour interaction. The results showed that the illusion effect, though persisted, was significantly reduced under the binocular depth conditions. Notably, the target with a larger perceived size reduced early alpha-band power (8-13 Hz, 0-100 ms after stimulus onset) at centroparietal sites irrespective of the relative depth of the target and the inducers, with the parietal alpha power negatively correlated with the illusion effect. Moreover, the target with a larger perceived size increased the occipito-parietal beta-band power (14-25 Hz, 200-300 ms after stimulus onset) under the no-depth condition, and the beta power was positively correlated with the illusion effect when the depth conditions were subtracted from the no-depth condition. The findings provided neurophysiological evidence in favor of the two cognitive mechanisms of the Ebbinghaus illusion by revealing that early alpha power is associated with low-level contour interaction and late beta power is linked to high-level size contrast, supporting the claim that neural oscillations at distinct frequency bands dynamically support different aspects of visual processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A target circle surrounded by small circles looks larger than an identical circle surrounded by large circles (termed as the Ebbinghaus illusion). While previous research has shown that both early and high-level visual regions are involved in the generation of the illusion, it remains unclear how these regions work together to modulate the illusion effect. Here, we used functional MRI and dynamic causal modelling to investigate the neural networks underlying the illusion in conditions where the focus of attention was manipulated via participants directing their attention to and maintain fixation on only one of the two illusory configurations at a time. Behavioural findings confirmed the presence of the illusion. Accordingly, functional MRI activity in the extrastriate cortex accounted for the illusory effects: apparently larger circles elicited greater activation than apparently smaller circles. Interestingly, this spread of activity for size overestimation was accompanied by a decrease in the inhibitory self-connection in the extrastriate region, and an increase in the feedback connectivity from the precuneus to the extrastriate region. These findings demonstrate that the representation of apparent object size relies on feedback projections from higher- to lower-level visual areas, highlighting the crucial role of top-down signals in conscious visual perception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Converging evidence has found that the perceived visual size illusions are heritable, raising the possibility that visual size illusions might be predicted by intrinsic brain activity without external stimuli. Here we measured resting-state brain activity and 2 classic visual size illusions (i.e. the Ebbinghaus and the Ponzo illusions) in succession, and conducted spectral dynamic causal modeling analysis among relevant cortical regions. Results revealed that forward connection from right V1 to superior parietal lobule (SPL) was predictive of the Ebbinghaus illusion, and self-connection in the right SPL predicted the Ponzo illusion. Moreover, disruption of intrinsic activity in the right SPL by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) temporally increased the Ebbinghaus rather than the Ponzo illusion. These findings provide a better mechanistic understanding of visual size illusions by showing the causal and distinct contributions of right parietal cortex to them, and suggest that spontaneous fluctuations in intrinsic brain activity are relevant to individual difference in behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Threat has long been supposed to affect human cognitive processing including visual size perception. Whether such threat-related modulation effect varies as a function of spatial frequency is largely unexplored. Here we used low- or high-pass filtered threatening animal and fearful face images as primes and measured their effects on the processing of the Ebbinghaus illusion. Results showed that threatening-animal primes relative to neutral ones significantly decreased the illusion magnitude in low-spatial-frequency rather than in high-spatial-frequency ranges. However, fearful- and neutral-face primes had a comparable effect on the illusion magnitude in both spatial frequency ranges. Notably, when inhibitory transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied to the left temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), fearful-face primes significantly decreased the illusion magnitude in low-spatial-frequency rather than in high-spatial-frequency ranges. However, the opposite pattern of results was observed with right TPJ stimulation. The findings suggest that threat shapes basic aspects of visual perception in a spatial frequency-specific manner, possibly via magnocellular projections from both subcortical and cortical fear-processing systems to early visual cortex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Action and perception interact reciprocally in our daily life. Previous studies have found that object manipulability can affect visual perceptual processing. Here we probed the neural mechanisms underlying the manipulability-related modulation effect using the well-known Ebbinghaus illusion with the central circle replaced by a high (i.e., a basketball) or a low (i.e., a watermelon) manipulable object. Participants (N = 30) were required to adjust the size of a comparison circle to match that of the central object in the Ebbinghaus configuration. The results showed that the perceived illusion magnitude for the basketball target was significantly reduced than that for the watermelon target, and the manipulability-related modulation effect was manifested in self-connections in the left primary visual cortex and the left superior parietal lobule (SPL), as well as reciprocal connections between the left lateral occipital cortex (LOC) and SPL. Notably, the disparity of the illusion magnitude between the watermelon and the basketball target was positively correlated with the extrinsic connectivity from the left LOC to SPL. The findings suggest that object manipulability can modulate the Ebbinghaus illusion, likely through accentuating the high-manipulability object along the visual processing streams. Moreover, they provide clear evidence that manipulability-related modulation of visual perception relies on the functional interactions between the ventral and dorsal visual pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As exemplified by the Ebbinghaus illusion, the perceived size of an object can be significantly biased by its surrounding context. The phenomenon is experienced by humans as well as other species, hence likely evolutionarily adaptive. Here, we examined the heritability of the Ebbinghaus illusion using a combination of the classic twin method and multichannel functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Results show that genes account for over 50% of the variance in the strength of the experienced illusion. Interestingly, activations evoked by the Ebbinghaus stimuli in the early visual cortex are explained by genetic factors whereas those in the posterior temporal cortex are explained by environmental factors. In parallel, the feedforward functional connectivity between the occipital cortex and the temporal cortex is modulated by genetic effects whereas the feedback functional connectivity is entirely shaped by environment, despite both being significantly correlated with the strength of the experienced illusion. These findings demonstrate that genetic and environmental factors work in tandem to shape the context-dependent visual size illusion, and shed new light on the links among genes, environment, brain, and subjective experience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human visual size perception results from an interaction of external sensory information and internal state. The cognitive mechanisms involved in the processing of context-dependent visual size perception have been found to be innate in nature to some extent, suggesting that visual size perception might correlate with human intrinsic brain activity. Here we recorded human resting alpha activity (8-12 Hz), which is an inverse indicator of sustained alertness. Moreover, we measured an object\'s perceived size in a two-alternative forced-choice manner and the Ebbinghaus illusion magnitude which is a classic illustration of context-dependent visual size perception. The results showed that alpha activity along the ventral visual pathway, including left V1, right LOC and bilateral inferior temporal gyrus, negatively correlated with an object\'s perceived size. Moreover, alpha activity in the left superior temporal gyrus positively correlated with size discrimination threshold and size illusion magnitude. The findings provide clear evidence that human visual size perception scales as a function of intrinsic alertness, with higher alertness linking to larger perceived size of objects and better performance in size discrimination and size illusion tasks, and suggest that individual variation in resting-state brain activity provides a neural explanation for individual variation in cognitive performance of normal participants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The context sensitivity of visual size perception can be enhanced by prior exposure to low-spatial-frequency (LSF) relative to high-spatial-frequency information. Whether LSF priming affects low- or high-level mechanisms of contextual influence remains to be clarified. By using the Ebbinghaus illusion, which is a classic example of context-dependent size perception, we reduced the lightness contrast of surrounding inducers relative to the background and the shape similarity of the central target and surrounding inducers to diminish or eliminate low-level contour interaction and high-level size contrast, respectively. The results showed that LSF-related enhancement of context influence was unaffected by a change to the surround elements\' contrast but not by a change to the shape similarity between the target and surround. The findings provide evidence that LSF priming primarily affects high-level rather than low-level mechanisms of contextual influence, possibly by weakening the suppressive function of feedback connections from higher visual regions to the early visual cortex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global precedence has been found to decline or even shift to local precedence with increasing age. Little is known about the consequence of this age-related decline of global precedence on other aspects of older adults\' vision. The global and local processing has been preferentially associated with the low-spatial-frequency (LSF) and high-spatial-frequency (HSF) channels, respectively. Here, we used low- and high-pass filtered faces together with the Ebbinghaus illusion whose magnitude is an index of context sensitivity. The results demonstrated that, relative to HSF faces, prior exposure to LSF faces increased the illusion magnitude for younger participants, but it reduced the illusion magnitude for older participants. Significant age group difference was observed only with prior exposure to LSF faces but not to HSF faces. Moreover, similar patterns of results were observed when the filtered faces were rendered invisible with backward masking, and the magnitude of age-related decline was comparable to the visible condition. Our study reveals that LSF-related enhancement of context sensitivity declines with advancing age, and this age-related decline was independent of the awareness of the spatial frequency information. Our findings support the right hemi-aging model and suggest that the magnocellular projections from subcortical to cortical regions might also be vulnerable to age-related changes.






