
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The vibration and radiation noise characteristics of the gear transmission system are different under different traction conditions, and the gear modification optimization scheme based on a single working condition is not suitable for the operating environment under all working conditions. To modify the traction gear of a high-speed EMU, an optimized design scheme for noise reduction under multiple working conditions is proposed. A modification plan of the tooth direction in conjunction with the tooth shape was devised using a parametric model of the EMU\'s traction gear transmission system. The radiation noise of the gear transmission system after modification was solved using the acoustic boundary element method under different working conditions. A gear noise prediction model based on the random forest was proposed, and a gear modification parameter combination was constructed to minimize radiation noise. Then, the optimal design scheme of multi-condition modification combination parameters is obtained with the weight of the running time and acoustic contribution under different working conditions. The grey correlation degree evaluation model is established to verify that the multi-condition modification optimization design method can make the traction gear of EMU obtain satisfactory transmission performance and noise reduction effect under different working conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae), a large flightless omnivorous ratite, are farmed for their fat and meat. Emu fat can be rendered into oil for therapeutic and cosmetic use. They are capable of gaining a significant portion of its daily energy requirement from the digestion of plant fibre. Despite of its large body size and low metabolic rate, emus have a relatively simple gastroinstetinal (GI) tract with a short mean digesta retention time. However, little is known about the GI microbial diversity of emus. The objective of this study was to characterize the intraluminal intestinal bacterial community in the different segments of small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum) using pyrotag sequencing and compare that with the ceca. Gut content samples were collected from each of four adult emus (2 males, 2 females; 5-6 years old) that were free ranged but supplemented with a barley-alfalfa-canola based diet. We amplified the V3-V5 region of 16S rRNA gene to identify the bacterial community using Roche 454 Junior system. After quality trimming, a total of 165,585 sequence reads were obtained from different segments of the small intestine (SI). A total of 701 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified in the different segments of small intestine. Firmicutes (14-99%) and Proteobacteria (0.5-76%) were the most predominant bacterial phyla in the small intestine. Based on species richness estimation (Chao1 index), the average number of estimated OTUs in the small intestinal compartments were 148 in Duodenum, 167 in Jejunum, and 85 in Ileum, respectively. Low number of core OTUs identified in each compartment of small intestine across individual birds (Duodenum: 13 OTUs, Jejunum: 2 OTUs, Ileum: 14 OTUs) indicated unique bacterial community in each bird. Moreover, only 2 OTUs (Escherichia and Sinobacteraceae) were identified as core bacteria along the whole small intestine. PICRUSt analysis has indicated that the detoxification of plant material and environmental chemicals seem to be performed by SI microbiota, especially those in the jejunum. The emu cecal microbiome has more genes than SI segments involving in protective or immune response to enteric pathogens. Microbial digestion and fermentation is mostly in the jejunum and ceca. This is the first study to characterize the microbiota of different compartments of the emu intestines via gut samples and not fecal samples. Results from this study allow us to further investigate the influence of the seasonal and physiological changes of intestinal microbiota on the nutrition of emus and indirectly influence the fatty acid composition of emu fat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    1. Sex chromosomes of emus are largely homomorphic. Therefore, the standard methodology for molecular sexing based on screening intron length variations in sex-linked genes is not applicable. However, emu sexing requires costly and time-consuming PCR-RFLP or multiplex PCR methods.2. This experiment used a directed PCR amplification and capillary electrophoresis sexing protocol. Two distinct peaks were observed in females (ZW), while only one peak was observed in males (ZZ).3. This sexing technique proved to be rapid, non-invasive, and highly sensitive and may be useful for verifying the sex ratio and breeding management of emus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emu and other ratites are more informative than any other birds in reconstructing the evolution of the ancestral avian or vertebrate karyotype because of their much slower rate of genome evolution. Here, we generated a new chromosome-level genome assembly of a female emu, and estimated the tempo of chromosome evolution across major avian phylogenetic branches, by comparing it to chromosome-level genome assemblies of 11 other bird and one turtle species. We found ratites exhibited the lowest numbers of intra- and inter-chromosomal changes among birds since their divergence with turtles. The small-sized and gene-rich emu microchromosomes have frequent inter-chromosomal contacts that are associated with housekeeping genes, which appears to be driven by clustering their centromeres in the nuclear interior, away from the macrochromosomes in the nuclear periphery. Unlike nonratite birds, only less than one-third of the emu W Chromosome regions have lost homologous recombination and diverged between the sexes. The emu W is demarcated into a highly heterochromatic region (WS0) and another recently evolved region (WS1) with only moderate sequence divergence with the Z Chromosome. WS1 has expanded its inactive chromatin compartment, increased chromatin contacts within the region, and decreased contacts with the nearby regions, possibly influenced by the spreading of heterochromatin from WS0. These patterns suggest that alteration of chromatin conformation comprises an important early step of sex chromosome evolution. Overall, our results provide novel insights into the evolution of avian genome structure and sex chromosomes in three-dimensional space.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    OBJECTIVE: To compare emu necrotic femoral head micro structure repaired in two different methods.
    METHODS: Fifteen adult emus were divided into 3 groups (all n=5), and the right femoral head was selected to research. The first group was the control group; in the second group, femoral head necrosis was made by cryogen with liquid nitrogen; and in the third group, femoral head necrosis was made by local pure ethanol injection. Right femurs were taken for micro CT examination,then femoral head micro structures were compared among these three groups.
    RESULTS: No infection or unexpected death was found in all groups. Compared with normal group, necrotic femoral heads in cryogen group showed that bone mineral density significantly reduced after repaire (P=0.015), trabecular space significantly reduced (P=0.001), bone volume fraction significantly enlarged (P=0.036), bone surface/volume fraction (P=0.032) and trabecular numbers (P=0.002) significantly enlarged; trabecular thickness showed no significant difference (P=0.060). Compared with control group, necrotic femoral heads in ethanol group showed that bone mineral density significantly enlarged after repaire (P=0.001), trabecular thickness (P=0.003) and bone surface/volume fraction (P=0.022) significantly enlarged, trabecular space (P=0.001) and bone volume fraction (P=0.001) significantly reduced; the trabecular numbers showed no significant difference (P=0.143). Compared with ethanol group, necrotic femoral heads in cryogen group showed significant lower bone mineral density after repair (P=0.001), significantly lower bone volume fraction (P=0.001), significantly lower trabecular thickness (P=0.001), significantly higher bone surface/volume fraction (P=0.022) and higher trabecular numbers (P=0.003); the trabecular space showed no significant difference (P=0.398).
    CONCLUSIONS: Different repair methods make reconstructed femoral head weight bearing area have different bone structure and bone mineral density, along with different bone trabecular quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Steroid-associated osteonecrosis (SAON) may lead to joint collapse and subsequent joint replacement. Poly lactic-co-glycolic acid/tricalcium phosphate (P/T) scaffold providing sustained release of icaritin (a metabolite of Epimedium-derived flavonoids) was investigated as a bone defect filler after surgical core-decompression (CD) to prevent femoral head collapse in a bipedal SAON animal model using emu (a large flightless bird). The underlying mechanism on SAON was evaluated using a well-established quadrupedal rabbit model. Fifteen emus were established with SAON, and CD was performed along the femoral neck for the efficacy study. In this CD bone defect, a P/T scaffold with icaritin (P/T/I group) or without icaritin (P/T group) was implanted while no scaffold implantation was used as a control. For the mechanistic study in rabbits, the effects of icaritin and composite scaffolds on bone mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) recruitment, osteogenesis, and anti-adipogenesis were evaluated. Our efficacy study showed that P/T/I group had the significantly lowest incidence of femoral head collapse, better preserved cartilage and mechanical properties supported by more new bone formation within the bone tunnel. For the mechanistic study, our in vitro tests suggested that icaritin enhanced the expression of osteogenesis related genes COL1α, osteocalcin, RUNX2, and BMP-2 while inhibited adipogenesis related genes C/EBP-ß, PPAR-γ, and aP2 of rabbit BMSCs. Both P/T and P/T/I scaffolds were demonstrated to recruit BMSCs both in vitro and in vivo but a higher expression of migration related gene VCAM1 was only found in P/T/I group in vitro. In conclusion, both efficacy and mechanistic studies show the potential of a bioactive composite porous P/T scaffold incorporating icaritin to enhance bone defect repair after surgical CD and prevent femoral head collapse in a bipedal SAON emu model.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To establish a new animal model of osteonecrosis of the femoral head by local ethanol injection in emu.
    METHODS: Eight milliliter ethanol was injected slowly to the operated femoral head with customized probe in twenty adult male emus. Postoperatively, hip magnetic resonance imaging was performed at 1, 4, 8, 12 weeks. After emus were sacrificed, the femurs were collected for micro-computed tomography and histological analysis.
    RESULTS: No emu demonstrated signs of infection or died unexpectedly. Magnetic resonance imaging examination showed broad edema at proximal femur at 1(th) week, and the edema decreased with time, till local edema at femoral head at the 12(th) week. Histological images showed human-like osteonecrotic changes with active bone repair. There were significant differences in trabecular structure and bone mineral density between the operated and intact femoral heads. No collapse was found 6 months after the operation.
    CONCLUSIONS: This emu model of femoral head osteonecrosis by local ethanol injection can progress to early stage osteonecrosis. The different repair methods may have certain correlation with the results of osteonecrosis of the femoral heads.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study we established a bipedal animal model of steroid-associated hip joint collapse in emus for testing potential treatment protocols to be developed for prevention of steroid-associated joint collapse in preclinical settings. Five adult male emus were treated with a steroid-associated osteonecrosis (SAON) induction protocol using combination of pulsed lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and methylprednisolone (MPS). Additional three emus were used as normal control. Post-induction, emu gait was observed, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed, and blood was collected for routine examination, including testing blood coagulation and lipid metabolism. Emus were sacrificed at week 24 post-induction, bilateral femora were collected for micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and histological analysis. Asymmetric limping gait and abnormal MRI signals were found in steroid-treated emus. SAON was found in all emus with a joint collapse incidence of 70%. The percentage of neutrophils (Neut %) and parameters on lipid metabolism significantly increased after induction. Micro-CT revealed structure deterioration of subchondral trabecular bone. Histomorphometry showed larger fat cell fraction and size, thinning of subchondral plate and cartilage layer, smaller osteoblast perimeter percentage and less blood vessels distributed at collapsed region in SAON group as compared with the normal controls. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) showed poor mineral matrix and more osteo-lacunae outline in the collapsed region in SAON group. The combination of pulsed LPS and MPS developed in the current study was safe and effective to induce SAON and deterioration of subchondral bone in bipedal emus with subsequent femoral head collapse, a typical clinical feature observed in patients under pulsed steroid treatment. In conclusion, bipedal emus could be used as an effective preclinical experimental model to evaluate potential treatment protocols to be developed for prevention of ON-induced hip joint collapse in patients.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To establish a new animal model of osteonecrosis of the femoral head(ONFH) with improved consistency and incidence of femoral head collapse for studies on the mechanism of osteonecrosis. and on the assessment of treatment effectiveness.
    METHODS: Twenty adult male emus were used. Guide instrumentation was constructed to position the customized probe just articularly and at the proximal part of the femoral head. An alternating focal liquid nitrogen freezing and radiofrequency heating was applied. At 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks after surgery, hip magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed. Before the emus were sacrificed, barium sulfate was infused to lower extremities for microangiography. The femoral samples were scanned by micro-computed tomography (Micro-CT) and evaluated histologically.
    RESULTS: No bird demonstrated signs of infection or died unexpectedly. Hip MRI showed changes massive edema at the 4th week, increasingly localized abnormal signals at the 8th\'\" week, and femoral head collapse at the 12\'h week. Micro-CT scans and histological images at the 16th week showed human-like osteonecrotic changes with impaired local blood supply. Bone mineral density of the collapsed head was (380. 31 + 28. 12) mg/cm3 and trabecular spaces were (0. 86 ±0.32) mm; both were significantly lower than those in the control side, which were (415.75 41.28) mg/cm3 and (1. 17 ± 0. 17) mm, respectively (P < 0. 05). Bone volume fraction of the collapsed head was(47.28 ± 17. 14)% and trabecular thickness was (506. 17 ± 220. 58) p.m; both were significantly higher than those at control side, which were (30. 92 ± 4. 01)% and (325. 50 ±44. 53) pm, respectively (P <0. 05). The microangiography at the 16th week showed that vessel volume fraction was (0. 315 ± 0. 055)% , which was significantly higher than the collapsed side [ (0. 142 ± 0. 059)% ] (P <0. 05).
    CONCLUSIONS: The emu model of fem-oral head osteonecrosis was successfully established using focal alternating cooling and heating insults. The models, with improved consistency and incidence of femoral head collapse, can be used in studies on the mechanism of osteonecrosis and on the assessment of treatment effectiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emu, a large bipedal bird with hip joint biomechanics similar to humans, was used to establish an experimental model of femoral head osteonecrosis and subsequent femoral head collapse. Focal lesions were induced in 20 adult male emus using an alternating liquid nitrogen freezing and radiofrequency heating insult. At 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks post-surgery, hip magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed. Before the emus were sacrificed, barium sulphate was infused to the lower extremity to study blood vessel distribution patterns. Femoral samples were scanned by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and evaluated histologically. Hip MRI showed changes from broad oedema to femoral head collapse. Emus developed a crippled gait from post-operative week 6. Micro-CT scans and histology showed human-like osteonecrotic changes with an impaired local blood supply. The protocol resulted in consistent full-range osteonecrosis of the femoral head that may serve as a model for testing potential treatments.





