Capacity Building

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One Health is dedicated to maintaining and fostering a dynamic balance among humans, animals, and the environment. Since 2013, it has seen considerable developments globally. This review aims to encapsulate the history of One Health, as well as chart its future trajectory. Numerous research institutions founded under the principles of One Health have been established, and several pragmatic projects are currently underway. While it is imperative to solidify foundational education, further policy support is required to cultivate the One Health paradigm. Identifying research directions at a political level is necessary to provide the technical support needed for practical application. The future of One Health envisions a comprehensive approach to primary prevention, the utilization of open and shared data sets, as well as real-world surveys and interviews. This integrated approach is encapsulated in the concept of One Health Delivery. At this stage, One Health Delivery needs to build a systematic framework that focuses on integrating and communicating across disciplines and training researchers with complete practical skills.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Malaria and schistosomiasis are highly prevalent in Burkina Faso, whereas China has successfully eliminated malaria as well as schistosomiasis as a public health problem. To implement the China-Africa health cooperation initiative, a series of activities were launched since 2019 to enhance understanding and cooperation among malaria and schistosomiasis professionals in China and Burkina Faso. This study described the achievements of the First Virtual Symposium of China-Burkina Faso Cooperation on Schistosomiasis and Malaria Control. Pre- and post-test questionnaires were employed to study the knowledge changes of participants regarding malaria and schistosomiasis control and elimination, explore capacity-building priorities, and identify potential challenges. Chi-squared statistics were used to compare the differences between sub-groups, and p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Participants ranked their preferences for challenges and capacity-building priorities in future cooperation. The responses of participants from both China and Burkina Faso indicated effective improvement in their general knowledge about the diseases whereas the improvement in professional knowledge on malaria and schistosomiasis was limited. The total correct response rate increased from 54.08% to 66.78%. Chinese participants had better schistosomiasis knowledge than Burkina Faso participants did, but the same result was not found for malaria. Diseases control strategies, surveillance and response system, and diagnostics techniques were identified as the top three priorities for future capacity building. Participants from China and Burkina Faso shared almost the same views about challenges except with respect to pathogens, which the former saw as a major challenge and the latter did not. The study findings will help policymakers, health managers, and researchers to understand the future cooperation between Burkina Faso and China on malaria and schistosomiasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Population history-focused DNA and ancient DNA (aDNA) research in Africa has dramatically increased in the past decade, enabling increasingly fine-scale investigations into the continent\'s past. However, while international interest in human genomics research in Africa grows, major structural barriers limit the ability of African scholars to lead and engage in such research and impede local communities from partnering with researchers and benefitting from research outcomes. Because conversations about research on African people and their past are often held outside Africa and exclude African voices, an important step for African DNA and aDNA research is moving these conversations to the continent. In May 2023 we held the DNAirobi workshop in Nairobi, Kenya and here we synthesize what emerged most prominently in our discussions. We propose an ideal vision for population history-focused DNA and aDNA research in Africa in ten years\' time and acknowledge that to realize this future, we need to chart a path connecting a series of \"landmarks\" that represent points of consensus in our discussions. These include effective communication across multiple audiences, reframed relationships and capacity building, and action toward structural changes that support science and beyond. We concluded there is no single path to creating an equitable and self-sustaining research ecosystem, but rather many possible routes linking these landmarks. Here we share our diverse perspectives as geneticists, anthropologists, archaeologists, museum curators, and educators to articulate challenges and opportunities for African DNA and aDNA research and share an initial map toward a more inclusive and equitable future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationships among caregiver burden, family resilience, and caregiver capacity in the care of stroke survivors. We hypothesised that family resilience would mediate the relationship between caregiver burden and caregiver capacity.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study design was used.
    METHODS: The study was conducted in a tertiary care setting in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China.
    METHODS: The study involved 413 stroke survivors and their primary caregivers.
    METHODS: The primary caregivers completed the Shortened Chinese Version of the Family Resilience Assessment Scale, Zarit Caregiver Burden Interview and Family Caregiver Task Inventor and provided their sociodemographic information. Stroke survivors were assessed for activities of daily living, and their sociodemographic information was provided. Data were analysed, controlling for sociodemographic variables and focusing on the mediating effect of family resilience.
    RESULTS: Caregiver burden was influenced by the activities of daily living of stroke survivors, caregiver age and caregiver health status (p<0.05). Higher caregiver burden was associated with lower family resilience (p<0.01). Lower caregiver capacity corresponded to heavier caregiver burden (p<0.01). Family resilience mediated the relationship between caregiver burden and caregiver capacity (b=0.1568; 95% CI: 0.1063 to 0.2385).
    CONCLUSIONS: Enhancing family resilience can reduce caregiver burden and improve caregiver capacity in stroke care. These findings underscore the importance of developing interventions focused on nursing skills and family resilience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Benchmarking has been increasingly used on drug regulatory systems to achieve sustainable pharmaceutical system strengthening. This study aimed to identify the scope, tools and benefits of benchmarking regulatory capacities and the most recent development in such phenomenon. Method: This study employed an integrative and critical review of the literature and documents on benchmarking drug regulatory capacities identified from 6 databases and 5 websites of related organizations and government agencies in compliance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review (PRISMA) guidelines.
    RESULTS: Forty-three studies and 6 documents about regulatory benchmarking published between 2005 and 2022 were included in this review. Five benchmarking assessment tools or programmes recommended or adopted by international organizations or government agencies had been identified, which collectively covered 12 major regulatory functions (4 at system level and 8 at operational level) involving 9 indicator categories and 382 sub-indicators. Benchmarking drug regulatory systems was reportedly employed at national, regional and international levels for either internal assessment (mostly on regulatory system establishment, drug review process and post marketing surveillance) or external evaluation (mostly on regulatory standards, drug review process and pharmacovigilance systems) to assess current status, monitor performance, determine major challenges and inform actions for capacity building. Priority of actions in areas such as regulatory process, resources allocation, cooperation and communication, and stakeholder engagement have been suggested for strengthening drug regulatory systems. Nevertheless, the evidence about benchmarking in optimizing regulatory capacities remained underreported.
    CONCLUSIONS: This integrative review depicted a framework for decision-makers about why and how benchmarking drug regulatory systems should be undertaken. For effective benchmarking, well-informed decisions about the goals, the scope, the choice of reference points and benchmarking tools are essential to guide the implementation strategies. Further studies about the positive effects of regulatory benchmarking are warranted to engage continuous commitment to the practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Despite the increasing focus on strengthening One Health capacity building on global level, challenges remain in devising and implementing real-world interventions particularly in the Asia-Pacific region. Recognizing these gaps, the One Health Action Commission (OHAC) was established as an academic community for One Health action with an emphasis on research agenda setting to identify actions for highest impact.
    METHODS: This viewpoint describes the agenda of, and motivation for, the recently formed OHAC. Recognizing the urgent need for evidence to support the formulation of necessary action plans, OHAC advocates the adoption of both bottom-up and top-down approaches to identify the current gaps in combating zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance, addressing food safety, and to enhance capacity building for context-sensitive One Health implementation.
    CONCLUSIONS: By promoting broader engagement and connection of multidisciplinary stakeholders, OHAC envisions a collaborative global platform for the generation of innovative One Health knowledge, distilled practical experience and actionable policy advice, guided by strong ethical principles of One Health.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To understand the current status of capacity building in schistosomiasis control institutes in schistosomiasis-endemic provinces (municipality, autonomous region) of China.
    METHODS: The responsibilities and construction requirements of various schistosomiasis control institutions were surveyed by expert discussions, and field interviews and visits during the period between May and June, 2023, and the questionnaire for capacity maintenance and consolidation in schistosomiasis control institutions was designed. An online questionnaire survey was conducted in county-, municipal-, and provincial-level institutions that undertook schistosomiasis control and surveillance activities through the Wenjuanxing program. The distribution of schistosomiasis control institutions, the status of institutions, departments and staff undertaking schistosomiasis control activities and the translation of scientific researches on schistosomiasis control in China were analyzed. The laboratories accredited by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) were considered to be capable for testing associated with schistosomiasis control, and the testing capability of schistosomiasis control institutions was analyzed.
    RESULTS: A total of 486 valid questionnaires were recovered from 486 schistosomiasis control institutions in 12 endemic provinces (municipality, autonomous region) of China, including 12 provincial-level institutions (2.5%), 77 municipal-level institutions (15.8%) and 397 county-level institutions (81.7%). Of all schistosomiasis control institutions, 376 (77.4%) were centers for disease control and prevention or public health centers, 102 (21.0%) were institutions for schistosomiasis, endemic disease and parasitic disease control, and 8 (1.6%) were hospitals, healthcare centers or others. There were 37 713 active employees in the 486 schistosomiasis control institutions, including 5 675 employees related to schistosomiasis control, and the proportions of employees associated with schistosomiasis control among all active employees were 5.9% (231/3 897), 5.5% (566/10 134), and 20.6% (4 878/23 682) in provincial-, municipal-, and county-level institutions, respectively. There were 3 826 full-time employees working in schistosomiasis control activities, with 30.5% (1 166/3 826), 34.6% (1 324) and 34.9% (1 336/3 826) at ages of 40 years and below, 41 to 50 years and over 50 years, and there were 1 571 (41.0%) full-time schistosomiasis control employees with duration of schistosomiasis control activities for over 25 years, and 1 358 (35.5%) employees with junior professional titles and 1 290 with intermediate professional titles (35.5%), while 712 (18.6%) full-time employees working in schistosomiasis control activities had no professional titles. The three core schistosomiasis control activities included snail control (26.3%, 374/1 420), epidemics surveillance and management (25.4%, 361/1 420) and health education (18.8%, 267/1 420) in schistosomiasis control institutions. The Kato-Katz method, miracidium hatching test with nylon gauzes, and indirect haemagglutination assay (IHA) were the most commonly used techniques for detection of schistosomiasis, and there were less than 50% laboratories that had capabilities or experimental conditions for performing enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), dipstick dye immunoassay (DDIA), dot immunogold filtration assay (DIG-FA), loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. During the period from 2018 to 2022, schistosomiasis control institutions had undertaken a total of 211 research projects for schistosomiasis control, with a total funding of 18.596 million RMB, published 619 articles, participated in formulation of 13 schistosomiasis control-related criteria, and applied for 113 schistosomiasis control-related patents, including 101 that were granted, and commercialized 4 scientific research outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of independent specialized schistosomiasis control institutions is low in schistosomiasis control institutions in China, which suffers from problems of unsatisfactory laboratory testing capabilities, aging of staff and a high proportion of low-level professional titles. More investment into and intensified schistosomiasis control activities and improved capability building and talent cultivation in schistosomiasis control institutions are recommended to provide a powerful support for high-quality elimination of schistosomiasis in China.
    [摘要] 目的 了解我国血吸虫病流行省 (直辖市、自治区) 血吸虫病防治机构能力建设现状。方法 2023年5—6月, 通过专家研讨及现场访谈、实地走访等方式了解各类血吸虫病防治机构职责任务和建设要求, 设计血吸虫病防治能力维 持和巩固专题调查问卷。采用问卷星APP对我国承担血吸虫病防治和监测任务的县级、市级及省级卫生机构开展线上 问卷调查, 分析我国血吸虫病防治机构分布、血吸虫病防治任务承担机构、部门和员工数量及血吸虫病防治科研转化情 况; 以通过中国合格评定国家认可委员会 (China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment, CNAS) 认可为实 验室有能力开展相应检测工作, 分析血吸虫病防治机构检测能力水平。结果 累计收到我国12个血吸虫病流行省 (直 辖市、自治区) 的486家血吸虫病防治机构的有效问卷, 其中2.5% (12/486) 为省级机构、15.8% (77/486) 为市级机构、81.7% (397/486) 为县级机构; 77.4% (376/486) 为疾病预防控制中心或公共卫生中心, 21.0% (102/486) 为血吸虫病、地方病 或寄生虫病防治专业机构, 1.6% (8/486) 为医院、卫生院或其他。486家血吸虫病防治机构共有在职员工37 713人, 其中 血吸虫病防治相关员工5 675人。省、市、县级机构血吸虫病防治相关员工数占机构在职总人数的比例分别为5.9% (231/3 897)、5.5% (566/10 134) 和20.6% (4 878/23 682)。累计有专职血吸虫病防治员工3 826名, 其中年龄≤ 40、41 ~ 50岁及> 50 岁员工比例分别为30.5% (1 166/3 826)、34.6% (1 324/3 826) 和34.9% (1 336/3 826); 血吸虫病防治工作年限> 25年专职 员工占41.0% (1 571/3 826); 初、中级职称分别占35.5% (1 358/3 826) 和33.7% (1 290/3 826), 18.6% (712/3 826) 的血吸虫 病防治专职员工不具有专业技术职称。血吸虫病防治机构最核心的3 项血吸虫病防治工作任务分别为钉螺控制 (26.3%, 374/1 420)、疫情监测与管理 (25.4%, 361/1 420) 及健康教育 (18.8%, 267/1 420)。各级血吸虫病防治机构具备的 血吸虫病检测技术中, 改良加藤厚涂片法、尼龙绢袋集卵孵化法及间接红细胞凝集试验 (indirect hemagglutination test, IHA) 占比较高。具备酶联免疫吸附试验 (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA)、胶体染料试纸条法 (dipstick dye immunoassay, DDIA)、金标免疫渗滤试验 (dot immunogold filtration assay, DIGFA)、环介导等温扩增技术 (loop-mediated isothermal amplification, LAMP) 和聚合酶链式反应 (polymerase chain reaction, PCR) 等检测技术能力或实验条件的实验室比 例均< 50%。2018—2022年, 我国血吸虫病防治机构累计承担血吸虫病防治科研项目211项, 总经费1 859.6万元; 累计 发表论文619篇; 参与制定血吸虫病防治相关标准13项; 申请相关专利113项, 获批101项; 成果转化4项。结论 我国 血吸虫病防治机构中, 独立血吸虫病防治专业机构比例较低、实验室检测能力有待提高、员工年龄结构较老化且职称构 成偏低。应加大血吸虫病防治投入和工作力度, 加强血吸虫病防治机构能力建设和人才培养, 为高质量开展血吸虫病消 除工作提供有力支撑。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: As an integral part of emergency medical rescue teams during public health events, understanding the core competencies that nursing personnel should possess-including theoretical knowledge, practical skills, comprehensive abilities and personal traits-can provide a practical basis for better preparation and targeted training for future emergency rescue works. Thus, this study aims to provide a scientific and applicable reference for perfecting the routine training strategy of nursing personnel assembled by emergency medical rescue teams and improving the overall guarantee ability level of this group.
    METHODS: This is a qualitative study conducted using individual semi-structured interviews. All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim for the purpose of thematic analysis and extraction.
    METHODS: Participants were recruited from February to March 2023, from four comprehensive hospitals in Chongqing China with the highest number of emergency relief works.
    METHODS: A sample of experts (N=15) with extensive experience in emergency relief works was recruited in Chongqing, China.
    RESULTS: 60% of the experts held master\'s degrees or higher, 73.3% held senior or higher titles, 36.7% had participated in work execution more than five times and 73.3% held leadership positions in their current units and in the execution of emergency relief works. Four main themes and 22 corresponding subthemes were derived for the core competencies required for nursing personnel selected for emergency medical rescue teams in public health events, including theoretical knowledge, practical skills, comprehensive abilities and personal traits.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study revealed that through interviews with 15 experts with extensive experience in the public health event, the essential elements of core competencies for nursing personnel assigned to emergency medical rescue teams during the public health event were identified. These can serve as a reference standard for the selection of nursing personnel in public health events, and provide a basis for the cultivation and evaluation of competency for nursing personnel assigned to emergency medical rescue teams in the public health event in China and globally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    External technical assistance has played a vital role in facilitating the transitions of donor-supported health projects/programmes (or their key components) to domestic health systems in China and Georgia. Despite large differences in size and socio-political systems, these two upper-middle-income countries have both undergone similar trajectories of \'graduating\' from external assistance for health and gradually established strong national ownership in programme financing and policymaking over the recent decades. Although there have been many documented challenges in achieving effective and sustainable technical assistance, the legacy of technical assistance practices in China and Georgia provides many important lessons for improving technical assistance outcomes and achieving more successful donor transitions with long-term sustainability. In this innovation and practice report, we have selected five projects/programmes in China and Georgia supported by the following external health partners: the World Bank and the UK Department for International Development, Gavi Alliance and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. These five projects/programmes covered different health focus areas, ranging from rural health system strengthening to opioid substitution therapy. We discuss three innovative practices of technical assistance identified by the cross-country research teams: (1) talent cultivation for key decision-makers and other important stakeholders in the health system; (2) long-term partnerships between external and domestic experts; and (3) evidence-based policy advocacy nurtured by local experiences. However, the main challenge of implementation is insufficient domestic budgets for capacity building during and post-transition. We further identify two enablers for these practices to facilitate donor transition: (1) a project/programme governance structure integrated into the national health system and (2) a donor-recipient dynamic that enabled deep and far-reaching engagements with external and domestic stakeholders. Our findings shed light on the practices of technical assistance that strengthen long-term post-transition sustainability across multiple settings, particularly in middle-income countries.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The development of respiratory medicine has evolved from the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis in 1950 s to the care of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and corpulmonale disease in 1970 s. In the past 20 years, it has further advanced into the integration of pulmonary medicine (PM) and critical care (CC), becoming a dominant form of global disciplines in respiratory medicine. The subspecialty training system of pulmonary and critical care medicine (PCCM) is a decisive measure to ensure the standardized development of respiratory medicine, and medical intensive care unit (MICU) is the most important clinical practice field for respiratory medicine in China, which plays a crucial role in promoting the substantial construction of the critical care medical system within the PCCM subspecialty, thus contributing to the development of the discipline.





