vitreous body

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vitreomacular traction is a tractive foveolar adhesion of the posterior vitreous limiting membrane, resulting in pathological structural alterations of the vitreomacular interface. This must be differentiated from physiological vitreomacular adhesion, which exhibits a completely preserved foveolar depression. Symptoms depend on the severity of the macular changes and typically include reduced visual acuity, reading problems and metamorphopsia. High-resolution spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SDOCT) imaging enables classification of the sometimes only subtle morphological changes. If pronounced vitreomacular traction is accompanied by epiretinal gliosis and alterations to the outer retina, it is referred to as a vitreomacular traction syndrome. Vitreomacular traction has a high probability of spontaneous resolution within 12 months. Therefore, treatment should only be carried out in cases of undue suffering of the patient and with symptoms during bilateral vision and a lack of spontaneous resolution. In addition to pars plana vitrectomy, alternative treatment options, such as intravitreal injection of ocriplasmin and pneumatic vitreolysis are discussed for vitreomacular traction with an associated macular hole; however, ocriplasmin is no longer available in Germany. The best anatomical results in comparative investigations were achieved by vitrectomy. Pneumatic vitreolysis is controversially discussed due to the increased risk of retinal tears. In one of the current S1 guidelines of the German ophthalmological societies evidence-based recommendations for the diagnostics and treatment of vitreomacular traction are summarized.
    UNASSIGNED: Die vitreomakuläre Traktion ist eine traktive foveoläre Adhäsion der hinteren Glaskörpergrenzmembran mit pathologischen strukturellen Veränderungen des vitreomakulären Interfaces. Davon ist die physiologische vitreomakuläre Adhäsion mit einer komplett erhaltenen foveolären Depression abzugrenzen. Typische und vom Schweregrad abhängige Symptome sind Visusminderung, Probleme beim Lesen und Metamorphopsien. Durch die hochauflösende SD(„spectral domain“)-OCT(optische Kohärenztomographie)-Bildgebung wurde es möglich, die manchmal sehr geringen morphologischen Veränderungen zu klassifizieren. Bei ausgeprägten Befunden und zusätzlicher epiretinaler Gliose und Veränderungen der äußeren Netzhaut spricht man dann von einem vitreomakulären Traktionssyndrom. Eine vitreomakuläre Traktion hat eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit einer spontanen Lyse innerhalb von 12 Monaten. Daher sollte Behandlung nur bei entsprechendem Leidensdruck des Patienten und mit Symptomen beim beidäugigen Sehen und ausbleibender Spontanlyse erfolgen. Bei mit einer vitreomakulären Traktion assoziiertem Makulaforamen werden neben der Pars-plana-Vitrektomie auch alternative Behandlungsoptionen wie die intravitreale Ocriplasmin-Injektion und die pneumatische Vitreolyse diskutiert. Der Wirkstoff Ocriplasmin wird gegenwärtig in Deutschland nicht mehr angeboten. Die besten Ergebnisse wurden in vergleichenden Untersuchungen mit der Vitrektomie erzielt. Die pneumatische Vitreolyse wird wegen der erhöhten Gefahr von Netzhautrissen kontrovers diskutiert. In einer aktuellen S1-Leitlinie der deutschen ophthalmologischen Fachgesellschaften werden evidenzbasierte Empfehlungen zur Diagnostik und Therapie der vitreomakulären Traktion zusammengefasst.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) is a type of central nervous system restricted non-Hodgkin lymphoma, whose histopathological diagnosis is majorly large B cell lymphoma. To provide specific, evidence-based recommendations for medical professionals and to promote more standardized, effective and safe treatment for patients with PCNSL, a panel of experts from the Chinese Neurosurgical Society of the Chinese Medical Association and the Society of Hematological Malignancies of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association jointly developed an evidence-based consensus. After comprehensively searching literature and conducting systematic reviews, two rounds of Delphi were conducted to reach consensus on the recommendations as follows: The histopathological specimens of PCNSL patients should be obtained as safely and comprehensively as possible by multimodal tomography-guided biopsy or minimally invasive surgery. Corticosteroids should be withdrawn from, or not be administered to, patients with suspected PCNSL before biopsy if the patient\'s status permits. MRI (enhanced and DWI) should be performed for diagnosing and evaluating PCNSL patients where whole-body PET-CT be used at necessary time points. Mini-mental status examination can be used to assess cognitive function in the clinical management. Newly diagnosed PCNSL patients should be treated with combined high-dose methotrexate-based regimen and can be treated with a rituximab-inclusive regimen at induction therapy. Autologous stem cell transplantation can be used as a consolidation therapy. Refractory or relapsed PCNSL patients can be treated with ibrutinib with or without high-dose chemotherapy as re-induction therapy. Stereotactic radiosurgery can be used for PCNSL patients with a limited recurrent lesion who were refractory to chemotherapy and have previously received whole-brain radiotherapy. Patients with suspected primary vitreoretinal lymphoma (PVRL) should be diagnosed by vitreous biopsy. PVRL or PCNSL patients with concurrent VRL can be treated with combined systemic and local therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to highlight the diagnostic and management challenges of primary vitreoretinal lymphoma (PVRL) through a review of the literature and a European survey on real-life practices for PVRL.
    The care of PVRL patients is heterogeneous between specialists and countries. Upfront systemic treatment based on high-dose methotrexate chemotherapy, with or without local treatment, might reduce or delay the risk of brain relapse.Ibrutinib, lenalidomide with or without rituximab, and temozolomide are effective for patients with relapsed/refractory PVRL and should be tested as first-line treatments.
    The prognosis of PVRL remains dismal. No firm conclusion regarding optimal treatment can yet be drawn. The risk of brain relapse remains high. Diagnostic procedures and assessment of therapeutic responses need to be homogenized. Collaboration between specialists involved in PVRL and multicentric prospective therapeutic studies are strongly needed. The recommendations of the French group for primary oculocerebral lymphoma (LOC network) are provided, as a basis for further European collaborative work.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    OBJECTIVE: To provide recommendations for diagnosis of vitreoretinal lymphoma (VRL).
    METHODS: Literature was reviewed for reports supporting the diagnosis of VRL. A questionnaire (Delphi 1 round) was distributed to 28 participants. In the second round (Delphi 2), items of the questionnaire not reaching consensus (75% agreement) were discussed to finalize the recommendations.
    RESULTS: Presenting symptoms include floaters and painless loss of vision, vitreous cells organized into sheets or clumps. Retinal lesions are usually multifocal creamy/white in the outer retina. Other findings include retinal lesions with \"leopard-skin\" appearance and retinal pigment epithelium atrophy. Severe vitreous infiltration without macular edema is the most likely presentation. Diagnostic vitrectomy should be performed. Systemic corticosteroid should be discontinued at least 2 weeks before surgery. An interleukin (IL)-10:IL-6 ratio > 1, positive mutation for the myeloid differentiation primary response 88 gene and monoclonality are indicators of VRL. Multi-modal imaging (optical coherence tomography, fundus autofluorescence) are recommended.
    CONCLUSIONS: A consensus meeting allowed the establishment of recommendations important for the diagnosis of VRL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new challenges to the health care community. Many of the super-speciality practices are planning to re-open after the lockdown is lifted. However there is lot of apprehension in everyone\'s mind about conforming practices that would safeguard the patients, ophthalmologists, healthcare workers as well as taking adequate care of the equipment to minimize the damage. The aim of this article is to develop preferred practice patterns, by developing a consensus amongst the lead experts, that would help the institutes as well as individual vitreo-retina and uveitis experts to restart their practices with confidence. As the situation remains volatile, we would like to mention that these suggestions are evolving and likely to change as our understanding and experience gets better. Further, the suggestions are for routine patients as COVID-19 positive patients may be managed in designated hospitals as per local protocols. Also these suggestions have to be implemented keeping in compliance with local rules and regulations.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    The diabetic macular edema (DME) treatment paradigm has evolved as the understanding of the disease pathology has grown. Since 2012, four pharmacotherapies have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of DME. First-line treatment of DME with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor [VEGF] agents has become the gold standard; however, an appreciable percentage of patients do not respond to anti-VEGF therapies. In patients who inadequately respond to anti-VEGF therapies, the underlying disease pathology may be mediated by a multitude of growth factors and inflammatory cytokines. For these patients, corticosteroids are an attractive treatment option because they not only downregulate VEGF, but also an array of cytokines. The phase 3 MEAD and FAME trials demonstrated significant visual acuity improvements associated with dexamethasone and fluocinolone acetonide, respectively, in patients with DME; however, class-specific adverse events, including increased intraocular pressure and cataract development, must be considered before use. A panel of experts gathered during the 2015 annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology for a roundtable discussion focused on patient selection and adverse event management associated with the use of the 0.19 mg fluocinolone acetonide intravitreal implant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: New evidence-based Idiopathic Epiretinal Membrane and Vitreomacular Traction Preferred Practice Pattern® (PPP) guidelines, describing recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To review evidence and provide updated guidelines on intravitreal (IVT) injection technique and monitoring.
    METHODS: A review of the published literature on IVT injection from 2004 to 2014 formed the basis for round table deliberations by an expert panel of ophthalmologists.
    RESULTS: The dramatic increase in the number of IVT injections has been accompanied by a comparable increase in evidence surrounding IVT practice patterns and techniques. The expert panel identified a number of areas that have evolved since publication of the original IVT injection guidelines in 2004, the most notable of which were a lack of evidence to support the routine use of pre-, peri-, and postinjection antibiotics to reduce the risk of endophthalmitis, and the role of aerosolized droplets containing oral contaminants from the patient and/or providers as a potential source of infection. The panel emphasized the continued importance of applying povidone-iodine to and avoiding eyelid contact with the intended injection site and needle.
    CONCLUSIONS: Updated guidelines on IVT injection technique and monitoring are proposed based on a review of published literature and expert panel deliberations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Diabetes mellitus is considered the most common cause of blindness in the working population of industrialized countries, with diabetic macular edema being the most common cause of decreased visual acuity and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) being responsible for the most severe visual deficits. We have therefore tried to establish a guide for clinical intervention whose purpose is to provide orientation on the treatment of diabetic retinopathy and its complications. This is necessary at a time when many treatment options have emerged whose role is not yet fully defined.
    METHODS: A group of expert retina specialists selected by the SERV (Vitreous-Retina Spanish Society) assessed the published results of different treatment options currently available, suggesting lines of action according to the degree of diabetic retinopathy present and the presence or absence of macular edema.
    RESULTS: PDR is primarily treated with pan-retinal photocoagulation. For clinically significant diabetic macular edema without signs of vitreomacular traction, the treatment of choice continues to be focal/grid photocoagulation. Similarly, retinovitreal surgery is indicated for both conditions. The use of antiangiogenic drugs was also analyzed but remains inconclusive.
    CONCLUSIONS: Laser therapy is effective in the management of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema. The role of antiangiogenics is not yet sufficiently defined.






  • 文章类型: Comment





