
  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Worldwide, ERAS® Society guidelines have ushered in a new era of perioperative care. The purpose of this systematic review is to compare published core elements and pharmacotherapy recommendations embedded within ERAS® Society abdominal and thoracic surgery (ATS) guidelines. Determining whether a consensus exists for pharmacological core items would make future guideline preparation for similar surgeries more standardized and could improve patient care by reducing unnecessary protocol variations.
    From the ERAS® Society website as of May 2023, 16 current ERAS® published ATS guidelines were included in the analysis to determine consensus and differing statements regarding each ERAS® perioperative and pharmacotherapy-related item. The aims were to (a) determine whether a consensus for each item could be derived, (b) identify gaps in ERAS® protocol development, and (c) propose potential research directions for addressing the identified gaps in the literature.
    Core items with consensus included: preoperative smoking and alcohol cessation; avoiding bowel reparation and fasting; multimodal preanesthetic, perioperative analgesia, and postoperative nausea and vomiting regimens; low molecular weight heparins for in-hospital and at-home venous thromboembolism prophylaxis; antibiotic prophylaxis; skin preparation; goal-directed perioperative fluid management with balanced crystalloids; perioperative nutrition care; ileus prevention with peripherally-acting mu receptor antagonists; and glucose control.
    While consensus was found for aspects of 21 current ERAS® guideline core items related to pharmacotherapy choice, details related to doses, regimen, timing of administration as well as unique aspects pertaining to specific surgeries remain to be researched and harmonized to promote guideline consistency and further optimize patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Splanchnic or visceral vein thromboses (VVTs) are atypical thrombotic entities and include thrombosis of the portal vein, hepatic veins (Budd-Chiari syndrome), mesenteric veins, and splenic vein. All VVTs have in common high 30-day mortality up to 20% and it seems to be difficult to diagnose VVT early because of their rarity and their wide spectrum of unspecific symptoms. VVTs are often associated with myeloproliferative neoplasia, thrombophilia, and liver cirrhosis. VVT is primarily diagnosed by sonography and/or computed tomography. In contrast to venous thromboembolism, D-dimer testing is neither established nor helpful. Anticoagulation is the first-line therapy in patients with stable circulation and no evidence of organ complications. Anticoagulation improves significantly recanalization rates and stops the progress of thrombosis. Low-molecular-weight heparin, vitamin K antagonists, as well as direct-acting oral anticoagulants are possible anticoagulants, but it is noteworthy to be aware that all recommendations supporting the off-label use of anticoagulants are based on poor evidence and consist predominantly of case series, observational studies, or studies with small case numbers. When choosing a suitable anticoagulation, the individual risk of bleeding and thrombosis must be weighted very carefully. In cases of bleeding, bowel infarction, or other complications, the optimal therapy should be determined on a case-by-case basis by an experienced multidisciplinary team involving a surgeon. Besides anticoagulation, there are therapeutic options including thrombectomy, balloon angioplasty, stenting, transjugular placement of an intrahepatic portosystemic shunt, liver transplantation, and ischemic bowel resection. This article gives an overview of current diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    These Society for Vascular Surgery Clinical Practice Guidelines describe the care of patients with aneurysms of the visceral arteries. They include evidence-based size thresholds for repair of aneurysms of the renal arteries, splenic artery, celiac artery, and hepatic artery, among others. Specific open surgical and endovascular repair strategies are also discussed. They also describe specific circumstances in which aneurysms may be repaired at smaller sizes than these size thresholds, including in women of childbearing age and false aneurysms. These Guidelines offer important recommendations for the care of patients with aneurysms of the visceral arteries and long-awaited guidance for clinicians who treat these patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE:  Development of a fully evidence-based guideline including all aspects of child abuse.
    METHODS:  In a case-based procedure, 144 primary PICO questions were generated from 476 presented cases of child abuse. Literature research was performed in 5 databases (Pubmed, CINHAL, Embase, PsycInfo, Eric) and in the Cochrane Library. The literature was evaluated according to SIGN and AGREE II.
    RESULTS:  137 recommendations were developed. Those related to imaging procedures are presented and discussed in this article.
    CONCLUSIONS:  The first fully evidence-based German guideline concerning all aspects of child abuse has been established. For imaging, several relevant new approaches have been proposed.
    CONCLUSIONS:   · The average radiation exposure is significantly reduced for the whole group of examined children.. · The pelvic view and lateral spine are no longer basic views of the skeletal survey but are only performed additionally in the case of a positive survey.. · Oblique views and a follow-up survey are performed in the case of a negative skeletal survey and ongoing suspicion of child abuse..
    UNASSIGNED: · Born M, Schwier F, Stoever B et al. The German Evidence-Based Child Protection Guideline - Imaging in Suspected Child Abuse. Fortschr Röntgenstr 2020; 192: 343 - 348.
    ZIEL:  Erstellung einer interdisziplinären, evidenzbasierten Leitlinie (S3) zur Vorgehensweise bei Verdacht auf Kindesmisshandlung.
    METHODS:  Fallbasierte Leitlinienerstellung. Extraktion von 144 primären PICO-Fragen aus 476 durch Fachgesellschaften eingereichten Kinderschutzfällen. Die Literaturrecherche erfolgte in 5 Datenbanken (Pubmed, CINHAL, Embase, PsycInfo, Eric) und in der Cochrane-Library, die Literaturbewertung nach SIGN und AGREE II.
    UNASSIGNED:  Es wurden 137 Handlungsempfehlungen erarbeitet. Die die Bildgebung betreffenden Empfehlungen sollen hier vorgestellt und diskutiert werden.
    UNASSIGNED:  Es liegt erstmals eine vollständig evidenzbasierte deutsche Leitlinie zur Vorgehensweise bei Kindesmisshandlung vor. Für die Bildgebung ergeben sich einige bedeutsame Neuerungen.
    UNASSIGNED:   · Für das Gesamtkollektiv der betroffenen Kinder resultiert eine erhebliche Reduktion der Strahlenexposition.. · Becken- und Wirbelsäulenaufnahmen werden nur noch als Ergänzungsaufnahmen bei positivem Skelettscreening durchgeführt.. · Thorax-Schrägaufnahmen und ggf. eine Wiederholung des Skelettscreenings sollen bei negativem Skelettstatus und begründetem Verdacht auf Kindesmisshandlung erfolgen..
    UNASSIGNED: · Born M, Schwier F, Stoever B et al. The German Evidence-Based Child Protection Guideline – Imaging in Suspected Child Abuse. Fortschr Röntgenstr 2020; 192: 343 – 348.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Guidelines to improve the ease and safety of chest drain insertion recommend using the fifth intercostal space, around the midaxillary line (MAL). This study aimed to assess whether compliance with published guidelines reliably ensured such placement and avoided the potentially serious complications of subdiaphragmatic insertion and peripheral nerve injury.
    METHODS: Three international guidelines were assessed by identifying the intercostal space for chest drain insertion using 16 cadavers (32 sides) at a point 1 cm anterior to MAL. The European Trauma Course method was compared with the British Thoracic Society\'s \'safe triangle\' and the ATLS course technique.
    RESULTS: The level most commonly found was the sixth intercostal space (43%; 41 of 96 sides). Overall the sixth space or below was found in 83% of insertions (80 of 96 sides). In the fifth intercostal space, the long thoracic nerve ran posterior to the marker placed in all cases and the lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves arose anteriorly to the marker in all but one case.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest these guidelines may result in insertion of chest drains below the fifth intercostal space, potentially risking injury to subdiaphragmatic structures. Peripheral nerves of the lateral thoracic wall appear safe from incisions 1 cm anterior to MAL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Small bowel or multivisceral transplant is a relatively new treatment for irreversible intestinal damage, and no published practice guidelines exist. The purpose of this article is to report evidence regarding the best plan of care to achieve adequate nutrition and appropriate development for children.
    METHODS: An integrative review was conducted with 54 articles related to management of this transplant population. A nine-member nursing team integrated the findings.
    CONCLUSIONS: This resulting guideline represents the best research and best practices on which to base staff education and competency validations to manage this medically fragile patient population.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Comment






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    Mycosis fungoides (MF) and Sézary syndrome (SS), the major forms of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, have unique characteristics that distinguish them from other types of non-Hodgkin\'s lymphomas. Clinical trials in MF/SS have suffered from a lack of standardization in evaluation, staging, assessment, end points, and response criteria. Recently defined criteria for the diagnosis of early MF, guidelines for initial evaluation, and revised staging and classification criteria for MF and SS now offer the potential for uniform staging of patients enrolled in clinical trials for MF/SS. This article presents consensus recommendations for the general conduct of clinical trials of patients with MF/SS as well as methods for standardized assessment of potential disease manifestations in skin, lymph nodes, blood, and visceral organs, and definition of end points and response criteria. These guidelines should facilitate collaboration among investigators and collation of data from sponsor-generated or investigator-initiated clinical trials involving patients with MF or SS.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Guideline






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    The term \'mastocytosis\' denotes a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by abnormal growth and accumulation of mast cells (MC) in one or more organ systems. Over the last 20 years, there has been an evolution in accepted classification systems for this disease. In light of such developments and novel useful markers, it seems appropriate now to re-evaluate and update the classification of mastocytosis. Here, we propose criteria to delineate categories of mastocytosis together with an updated consensus classification system. In this proposal, the diagnosis cutaneous mastocytosis (CM) is based on typical clinical and histological skin lesions and absence of definitive signs (criteria) of systemic involvement. Most patients with CM are children and present with maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis (=urticaria pigmentosa, UP). Other less frequent forms of CM are diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis (DCM) and mastocytoma of skin. Systemic mastocytosis (SM) is commonly seen in adults and defined by multifocal histological lesions in the bone marrow (affected almost invariably) or other extracutaneous organs (major criteria) together with cytological and biochemical signs (minor criteria) of systemic disease (SM-criteria). SM is further divided into the following categories: indolent systemic mastocytosis (ISM), SM with an associated clonal hematologic non-mast cell lineage disease (AHNMD), aggressive systemic mastocytosis (ASM), and mast cell leukemia (MCL). Patients with ISM usually have maculopapular skin lesions and a good prognosis. In the group with associated hematologic disease, the AHNMD should be classified according to FAB/WHO criteria. ASM is characterized by impaired organ-function due to infiltration of the bone marrow, liver, spleen, GI-tract, or skeletal system, by pathologic MC. MCL is a \'high-grade\' leukemic disease defined by increased numbers of MC in bone marrow smears (>or=20%) and peripheral blood, absence of skin lesions, multiorgan failure, and a short survival. In typical cases, circulating MC amount to >or=10% of leukocytes (classical form of MCL). Mast cell sarcoma is a unifocal tumor that consists of atypical MC and shows a destructive growth without (primary) systemic involvement. This high-grade malignant MC disease has to be distinguished from a localized benign mastocytoma in either extracutaneous organs (=extracutaneous mastocytoma) or skin. Depending on the clinical course of mastocytosis and development of an AHNMD, patients can shift from one category of MC disease into another. In all categories, mediator-related symptoms may occur and may represent a serious clinical problem. All categories of mastocytosis should be distinctively separated from reactive MC hyperplasia, MC activation syndromes, and a more or less pronounced increase in MC in myelogenous malignancies other than mastocytosis. Criteria proposed in this article should be helpful in this regard.





