tissue regeneration

  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial
    Background and Objectives: This three-year clinical trial aimed to demonstrate that only the signaling vesicles produced by ADSCa, containing mRNA, microRNA, growth factors (GFs), and bioactive peptides, provide an advantage over classical therapy with adipose disaggregate to make the tissue regeneration technique safer due to the absence of interfering materials and cells, while being extremely minimally invasive. The infiltration of disaggregated adipose nanofat, defined by the Tonnard method, for the regeneration of the dermis and epidermis during physiological or pathological aging continues to be successfully used for the presence of numerous adult stem cells in suspension (ADSCa). An improvement in this method is the exclusion of fibrous shots and cellular debris from the nanofat to avoid inflammatory phenomena by microfiltration. Materials and Methods: A small amount of adipose tissue was extracted after surface anesthesia and disaggregated according to the Tonnard method. An initial microfiltration at 20/40 microns was performed to remove fibrous shots and cellular debris. The microfiltration was stabilized with a sterile solution containing hyaluronic acid and immediately ultrafiltered to a final size of 0.20 microns to exclude the cellular component and hyaluronic acid chains of different molecular weights. The suspension was then injected into the dermis using a mesotherapy technique with microinjections. Results: This study found that it is possible to extract signaling microvesicles using a simple ultrafiltration system. The Berardesca Scale, Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), and Modified Vancouver Scale (MVS) showed that it is possible to obtain excellent results with this technique. The ultrafiltrate can validly be used in a therapy involving injection into target tissues affected by chronic and photoaging with excellent results. Conclusions: This retrospective clinical evaluation study allowed us to consider the results obtained with this method for the treatment of dermal wrinkles and facial tissue furrows as excellent. The method is safe and an innovative regenerative therapy as a powerful and viable alternative to skin regeneration therapies, antiaging therapies, and chronic inflammatory diseases because it lacks the inflammatory component produced by cellular debris and fibrous sprouts and because it can exclude the mesenchymal cellular component by reducing multiple inflammatory cytokine levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In dental implantology, alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) has emerged as a standard technique to address dimensional changes that affect alveolar ridge morphology following tooth loss. Various alternative graft materials, including xenografts, alloplasts, and allografts, have been effectively employed in fresh extraction sites for ARP. Current evidence suggests that these materials primarily serve as bio-scaffolds, which are slowly incorporated, thus necessitating a waiting period of at least 4-6 months before implant placement. Consequently, the ARP technique extends the overall duration of implant treatment by several months. Recently, the incorporation of a form of autologous platelet concentrate, known as platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), has been advocated in conjunction with ARP as a method of bioenhancement of soft- and hard-tissue healing and regeneration. PRF contains platelet-derived growth factors, hormones, and bioactive components like cytokines that have demonstrated the ability to stimulate angiogenesis and tissue regeneration throughout all phases of wound healing. Additionally, the concentration of leukocytes present in the PRF matrix plays a vital role in tissue healing and regeneration as part of the osteoimmune response. The reported advantages of incorporating autogenous PRF platelet concentrates during ARP encompass reduced healing time, improved angiogenesis and bone regeneration, socket sealing through the fibrin matrix, antibacterial properties, and decreased post-extraction pain and infection risk. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to review the existing evidence regarding the application of PRF in alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) following tooth extraction. Two clinical case studies are presented, wherein ARP was enhanced with PRF, followed by implant placement within a relatively short period of 8 weeks. These cases serve as further proof of concept for supporting the adjuvant use of PRF to enhance healing and accelerate implant placement after ARP.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Frostbite is a medically significant form of tissue injury that can lead to the potential need for amputation or necessitate tissue regeneration. It occurs most frequently at cryogenic temperatures in extreme altitude climbing, winter sports, and military activities. While acupuncture and herbal medicine have been reported to possess tissue regeneration effectiveness, there is currently no clinical evidence supporting their use in treating grade 3 frostbite cases at risk of amputation.
    METHODS: Three patients were diagnosed with grade 3 frostbite based on the extent and severity of tissue damage after alpine climbing in the Himalayas. After an urgent treatment, partial body amputation was advised. In order to seek any complementary treatment options and avoid amputation, they were referred to a frostbite expert in traditional Korean medicine. They received a comprehensive treatment consisting of acupuncture, bloodletting, direct moxibustion, and herbal medicine. All the patients showed notable healing of the damaged tissue, which prevented the need for amputation. No adverse effects or other sequelae were observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case series suggests that complementary medicine, primarily acupuncture and herbal medicine, could be effective for severe frostbite. Further studies with larger sample sizes and control groups are needed to determine the efficacy and safety of this treatment modality for frostbite management.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The repair of bone explore wounds is one of the difficult problems in plastic and reconstruction surgery. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a safe and efficient therapeutic option for various trauma, including Osteoarticular, musculoskeletal, and Wound injuries. However, the preparation and storage of PRP becomes challenging for patients with poor systemic status and requiring multi-use of PRP. The availability of safe, reliable tissue bank makes it possible. We report a case of a 42-year-old woman patient with a chronic hip wound combined with ischium bone exploration. And the patient who was treated with long-term glucocorticoids for rheumatoid arthritis has been through the experience of extensive conservative management. Thereafter necrosectomy and Vacuum-Assisted Closure (VAC) surgical procedure failed, and a PRP daily injection was performed at the ischial muscle and soft tissue. Neo-muscle appeared around the explored ischium bone after 8 weeks of injection and Complete wound healing was obtained in 3 months.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In the present case report a 7-year-old male Whippet competing in lure-coursing presented with third-degree recurrent lameness of the right forelimb, pain on palpation of the caudal aspect of the carpus and swelling of the forearm proximally to the accessory carpal bone. Clinical, radiographic, and ultrasonographic evaluation diagnosed a flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) chronic tendinopathy unresponsive to previously attempted conservative treatments such as oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) administration along with padded palmar splint application and rest. The dog was subjected to one injection of autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) obtained using a double centrifugation tube method, followed by two platelet lysate (PL) injections. Treatment was administered at three-week intervals. The healing process was assessed through clinical and ultrasonographic imaging (US) on the day of the first injection (T0), and at week three (T1), six (T2), twelve (T3), fifty-two (T4), and one-hundred-and-four (T5). Fiber alignment score (FAS) and echogenicity score (ES) were developed by modifying a previously published US assessment scale. At T1, ES, and FAS improvement was detected, and at T2, further improvements in ES and FAS were observed. Ultrasonographic results were clinically consistent with the improvement in lameness: lameness grade 3/4 was detected at T0 and grade 2/4 at T1. A lameness grade of 1/4 was detected at T2, and grade 0/4 was observed at T3, T4, and T5. Moreover, at T5, the dog returned to competition, and no history of re-injury was reported. Our results suggest that the treatment of FCU tendinopathy in lure-coursing dogs with a combination of consecutive injections of autologous PRP and PL could be feasible. Additionally, no adverse reactions were observed.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In the present case report a show jumping 10-year-old Sella Italiano gelding, presented with severe lameness, swelling and pain at palpation of the mid-metacarpal region of the left forelimb. Clinical and ultrasound examination diagnosed a chronic tendonitis of the central region of the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT). The lesion was a reoccurrence since it developed from a previously healed injury. The horse had to stop competing and was unresponsive to gold-standard treatments as Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and conservative management after 6 months of therapy. The animal was subjected to repeated intralesional injections of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (AD-MSCs) combined with autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The combined treatment was administered twice in a 1-month interval. The healing process was assessed through clinical examination, ultrasound imaging and quantification of oxidative stress products and inflammatory mediators in blood plasma. After 2 weeks from first injection, a reduction of concentration of oxidative-derived products was observed, together with an increase of anti-inflammatory cytokines and pro-mitotic growth factors. These results were reflected clinically as the horse showed a reduction of lameness along with swelling and pain after 4 weeks. At the 1-year follow-up, the horse showed no signs of lameness and swelling. The ultrasonographic examination highlighted a compact fiber alignment with a normal echogenic tendon as observed in the sound contralateral limb. Moreover, the horse went back to the previous level of competition. Our results suggest the positive effects of a repeated intralesional injection of AD-MSCs and PRP for the treatment of a chronic tendonitis with long-term effects and an improvement for both equine quality of life and athletic performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Burn injuries in newborns are particularly complex cases. Since these patients are rare, there is little experience and no existing standardized treatment.
    METHODS: This report examines a case of accidental second to third-degree burning of the heel and toes on the left foot in a new-born girl. The burns covered an estimated 1% of the total body surface area (TBSA). After an initial debridement and 32 days of non-surgical wound therapy with Adaptic® fat gauze dressings, we were able to achieve an aesthetically and functionally satisfactory result including the complete preservation of all toes. In order to eliminate a scar contracture, we carried out a Z-plasty one year later.
    CONCLUSIONS: Modern wound treatment following the principle of less frequent dressing changes allows the burn wound to have better re-epithelialization. New findings in stem cell research indicate that the high proportion of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in postnatal blood is also involved in the regeneration and healing of burns. To our knowledge, this is the first case report dealing with initial non-surgical combustion therapy in a newborn.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is evidence that newborns have a much higher potential for wound healing than adults. Proper position in long-term immobilization of toes is important to prevent scar contracture and deformity.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Objective To report a case of successful allogeneic grafting of mesenchymal dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) as preliminary findings in a patient with periodontal disease enrolled into clinical trial ISRCTN12831118. Methods Mesenchymal stem cells from the dental pulp of a deciduous tooth from a 7-year-old donor were separated from the pulp chamber and processed via enzymatic digestion and centrifugation. DPSCs were passaged and cultured on a 35 × 13 mm culture dish in minimum essential medium-alpha, without supplementation. After reaching 80% confluency, 5 x 106 allogeneic DPSCs in 250 µl phosphate buffered saline were seeded onto a dry scaffold of lyophilized collagen-polyvinylpyrrolidone sponge placed in the left lower premolar area of a 61-year-old patient with periodontal disease. Surgical access to the lower premolar area was achieved using the flap technique. Results At 3 and 6 months following allogeneic graft, the patient showed no sign of rejection and exhibited decreases in tooth mobility, periodontal pocket depth and bone defect area. Bone mineral density had increased at the graft site. Conclusions Regenerative periodontal therapy using DPSCs of allogeneic origin may be a promising treatment for periodontal disease-induced bone defects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This case report presents the treatment of a 16-year-old boy with a maxillary lateral incisor (tooth #10) presenting with Oehlers type II dens invaginatus and diagnosed with previously initiated therapy and asymptomatic apical periodontitis.
    METHODS: A regenerative endodontic procedure (REP) was performed for the tooth but complicated by apically displaced mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Clinical and radiographic examination was undertaken yearly, and a cone-beam computed tomography scan was taken to investigate further the formation of hard tissues within the root canal. Subsequently, tooth #10 was re-accessed and then root-filled with MTA.
    RESULTS: There was complete periapical healing, thickening of the dentinal root walls, and completed apex formation 3 years after REP. Hard tissue formation was noted within the root canal, on the root canal wall, and the root apex through clinical and radiographic examination. Less hard tissue formation was noted on the labial root canal wall where the displaced MTA was located, which was identified on the cone-beam computed tomography scan.
    CONCLUSIONS: This report demonstrates that REP can potentially provide excellent treatment outcomes for structurally compromised teeth. REP should be considered as a first-line treatment before proceeding with a root filling when root development is incomplete, but attention to technical detail is essential.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: This review and case report present the treatment of a 10-year-old boy with both permanent maxillary lateral incisors demonstrating Oehlers type II dens invaginatus and pulpal involvement. Treatment was complicated by dental anxiety, supraventricular tachycardia, immature tooth development, and facial cellulitis.
    METHODS: An infected necrotic pulp of the permanent maxillary left lateral incisor was treated by apexification and endodontic treatment with mineral trioxide aggregate. The necrotic pulp of the permanent maxillary right lateral incisor was treated with canal debridement and dressing under general anesthesia.
    RESULTS: Periapical healing of both teeth occurred, with the right lateral incisor showing continued root growth, thickening of the dentinal root walls, and completed apex formation. This tooth responded normally to pulp testing. Twenty-eight months after initial treatment, the right lateral incisor displayed progressive sclerosis of the canal.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case demonstrates possible pulpal regeneration of an infected maxillary right lateral incisor with dens invaginatus and an immature apex after minimal canal debridement.





