sphenoid sinus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The anatomical position of the sphenoidal sinus (SS) is very important for neurosurgeons because of the transsphenoidal approach to the pituitary gland. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the volume and shape of the SS and its relationship with the morphometry of the sella turcica.
    METHODS: This study included CT images of 282 males and 258 females with a mean age of 50.52 years (range 18-75) who underwent head CT. The morphometric values of the sella turcica and the volume of the SS were measured on the included radiologic images. Measurements were made on the sagittal slice closest to the midline in T1 sequence. Morphometric measurements were made with Micro Dicom Viewers software program and volume measurements were made with ITK SNAP software program.
    RESULTS: In this study, 4 types of SS shapes were obtained in the whole population: amorphous, pentagonal, triangular and quadrilateral. The mean SS volume was 7055.88 mm3 in males and 5694.48 mm3 in females and a statistically significant difference was observed (p < 0.001). In addition, a statistically significant difference was found between the sexes in the width and surface area parameters of the sella turcica (p < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the morphometric relationship between the shape of the sinus sphenoidale and sella turcica was demonstrated between men and women. In particular, the shape of the sinus sphenoidale was found to be anthropometrically different between men and women in the Turkish population. It is hypothesised that the data obtained in our study will guide surgeons performing transsphenoidal approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To measure the volume of the sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses and to analyse the asymmetry index values by age/gender.
    METHODS: Three-dimensional (3D) Computed Tomography (CT) images of 150 individuals (75 females, 75 males) of both sexes between the ages of 18-75 were included in our study. Sphenoid and ethmoid sinus volumes were measured using the 3D Slicer software package on these images, and the asymmetry index was calculated.
    RESULTS: In our study, mean sphenoid sinus volume (female right: 4264.4 mm3, left: 3787.1 mm3; male right: 5201.1 mm3, left: 4818.2 mm3) and ethmoid sinus volume (female right: 3365.1 mm3, left: 3321.2 mm3; male right: 3440.9 mm3, left: 3459.5 mm3) were measured in males and females. Left sphenoid sinus values of males were statistically higher than females (p = 0.036). No statistically significant relationship existed between age, sinus volumes, and asymmetry index (p > 0.05). A statistically weak positive correlation existed between males\' left sphenoid and ethmoid sinus volume (rho = 0.288; p = 0.012). There was no statistical relationship between asymmetry index in the whole group (p > 0.05). A statistically weak negative correlation was found between sphenoid and ethmoid sinus asymmetry index in males (rho=-0.352; p = 0.002). There was no statistical relationship between asymmetry index in females (p > 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Knowing paranasal sinus morphology, morphometry, and asymmetry index value will be significant for preoperative and postoperative periods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: A preoperative three-dimensional examination of the sphenoid sinus anatomy, its pneumatization pattern, and its relevance to neighboring neurovascular constructions is crucial to preventing possible complications. In this study, the aim was to evaluate the relationship between sphenoid sinus pneumatization types and the sella turcica using computed tomography (CT).
    UNASSIGNED: CT data from 420 patients referred to the Department of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology were evaluated retrospectively. Sella pneumatization types were classified as conchal, presellar, incomplete sellar, and complete sellar, and they were evaluated. Obtained data were evaluated using the IBM SPSS 25.0 (Armonk, New York, USA) package program.
    UNASSIGNED: CT images of 420 individuals, including 174 women and 246 men with a mean age of 43.87 ± 17.58 years, were included in the study. When the sella turcica morphologies were evaluated, the most widespread morphological type was irregularity in the posterior part of the dorsum sella, in 51.2% of cases. In addition, a statistically significant correlation was found between the pneumatization of the sphenoid sinus and the morphological types of sella (p < 0.05).
    UNASSIGNED: In this research endeavor, the predominant observation comprised the complete sellar sphenoid sinus pneumatization type, exhibiting irregularity in the posterior aspect of the dorsum sella, representing one of the sellar types. Notwithstanding, it is imperative to conduct additional investigations to establish the generalizability of the present study\'s findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of our study was to assess the prevalence of variations and type of sphenoid sinus and its adjacent structures pneumatization and its significance. This prospective study included 114 patients who underwent CT of the paranasal sinuses. The CT scan in axial, coronal and mid sagital section were analysed to assess the type of pneumatization of the sphenoid sinus and its adjacent structures like; anterior clinoid process, greater wing of sphenoid and pterygoid process. The sphenoid sinus pneumatization was classified into Conchal, Presellar, and Sellar types, later comprised of sellar and post-sellar types. Out of 114 cases of pneumatized sphenoid sinus, 5.2% cases were conchal type, 26.3% cases Presellar type and 68.4% cases sellar type. The one or more adjacent structures was pneumatized in 71 (62.2%) of cases. The adjacent structures which found to be pneumatized are anterior clinoid process in 26.3%, Pterygoid process in 23.6%, and greater wing of sphenoid in 12.3% cases. The pneumatization of adjacent structures was more prevalent in sellar type of sphenoid sinus, followed by pre-sellar type and no pneumatization in conchal type. The anterior clinoid process pneumatization was present in 26.1% of cases, in which 3 (2.6%) cases in pre-sellar type and 27 (23.5%) cases in sellar type. It was unilaterally pneumatized in 13 (11.4%) and bilaterally in (17 (14.9%) cases. The pterygoid process pneumatization was present in 27 (23.6%) of cases, unilateral in 16 (14%) cases and bilateral in 11 (9.6%) cases. The Greater wing of sphenoid pneumatization was found in 14 (12.3%) cases, no cases in conchal types, 2 (1.8%) in pre-sellar type, and 12 (10.4%) in sellar type There was no statistically difference found in between right and left side of sphenoid sinus and its structure pneumatization. The extent of pneumatization of the sphenoid sinus has clinical and surgical implications in sinus diseases, sellar and central skull base lesions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cattle disorders affecting the sphenoid sinus are underreported, likely due to difficulties in imaging and lacking topographic knowledge. This study aimed to provide a detailed description of the normal anatomical and morphometric features of the cattle sphenoid sinus. Twelve healthy adult Holstein cow heads were used, and the sinus was examined using CT, anatomical sectioning and 3D modelling. The sinus was bilaterally detected in all animals but exhibited structural asymmetry and significant interindividual differences in morphological characteristics. Three parts of the sinus were defined, namely the rostral, median and alar parts, which conform to the morphological structure of the sphenoid bone. The rostral part was bilateral in shape and located on the orbit wall of the presphenoid bone in all animals. The median part, which pneumatized the body of the sphenoid bone, was observed bilaterally in seven animals, while the alar part, which pneumatized the wing of the sphenoid bone, was formed bilaterally in four animals. The sinus volume and surface area were 11 ± 8 cm3 and 49 ± 30 cm2 , respectively. These findings may aid in the diagnosis of cattle sphenoid sinus disorders and contribute to the knowledge of regional anatomy for radiologists and clinicians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Computerized tomography (CT) of the skull base region has become an indispensable tool for endoscopic sinonasal surgery.
    UNASSIGNED: Fundamental knowledge of the sinus anatomy is crucial for preoperative surgical planning. The aim of this research was to evaluate associations between the anatomical variations sphenoidal sinuses and chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) by using CT.
    UNASSIGNED: A descriptive study was performed on patients with CRS, who were referred to the department of radiodiagnosis and imaging for CT scanning. Parameters were compared between the study and control groups.
    UNASSIGNED: Among the anatomical variations, the presence of bilateral accessory septa within the sphenoidal sinus, and dehiscence and protrusion of the internal carotid artery and optic nerve (ON), were high in men and women in the case group compared with the control group. Among the anatomical variations in the sinonasal region of the male participants, a significant association (p < 0.05) was observed with ON protrusion and ON dehiscence. ON protrusion (OR = 2.168) in men was associated with elevated risk of CRS in the study population.
    UNASSIGNED: Knowledge of the anatomical variations in the sphenoid sinuses enables better understanding of the limits of surgical dissection during the treatment of sphenoid sinus surgeries.
    UNASSIGNED: يعد فهم تشريح الجيوب الأنفية أمرا بالغ الأهمية لتخطيط الجراحة قبل العملية. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم العلاقة بين التغيرات التشريحية للجيوب الجبهية والتهاب الجيوب الأنفية المزمن باستخدام الأشعة المقطعية.
    UNASSIGNED: أجريت دراسة وصفية على المرضى الذين يعانون من التهاب الجيوب الأنفية المزمن، والذين أحيلوا لإجراء الأشعة المقطعية إلى قسم التشخيص بالأشعة والتصوير، وتمت مقارنة المعلمات بين مجموعات الدراسة والسيطرة.
    UNASSIGNED: من بين التغيرات التشريحية، كانت وجود أجزاء مساعدة مكررة داخل الجيب الجبهي، وانحسار وبروز الشريان السباتي الداخلي والعصب البصري مرتفعة في الذكور والإناث من الحالات مقارنة بالمجموعة المرجعية. بين التغيرات التشريحية في منطقة الجيوب الأنفية للمشاركين الذكور في مجموعات الدراسة، كان هناك ارتباط كبير مع بروز العصب البصري وانحساره. أظهر بروز العصب البصري في الذكور خطرا أعلى للإصابة بالتهاب الجيوب الأنفية المزمن بين مجموعة الدراسة.
    UNASSIGNED: توفر المعرفة حول التغيرات التشريحية في الجيوب الجبهية فهما أفضل لحدود الاستئصال الجراحي خلال علاج جراحات الجيوب الجبهية.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background and Objectives: The internal carotid artery (ICA) is a vascular structure that can be easily injured during sinus endoscopic procedures, and surgeons should be familiar with its anatomic variants. The aim of this study was to describe the anatomical variations in the internal carotid artery in relationship to sphenoidal sinuses, using computed tomography (CT). Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study, we evaluated the variations of the ICA in relationship to sphenoidal sinuses in a cohort of 600 patients who were assessed between January 2020 and December 2022 in \'Saint Spiridon\' Emergency Hospital, Iasi, Romania. Descriptive statistics were used to characterize our data. Results: The most prevalent anatomical variant was represented by intrasinusal septa with posterior insertion on the ICA (58.6%), followed by procident ICA (58%) and dehiscent ICA (52%). We could not find any statistical significance regarding demographic characteristics among groups. Conclusions: A thorough CT examination should be performed before functional endoscopic sinus surgery, with the identification of anatomical variants of the ICA, in order to prevent its injury with potentially fatal consequences.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The repair of lateral sphenoid sinus cerebrospinal fluid leaks is routinely accomplished through the use of the endonasal endoscopic approach (EEA) with a transpterygoidal extension. This approach can incur sinus morbidity, damage to the vidian, palatine and trigeminal nerves, and the contents of the pterygopalatine fossa, particularly if the encephalocele is lateral to the foramen rotundum (FR) and V2.
    To investigate the use of the lateral transorbital approach (LTOA) as an alternative approach for repair of lateral sphenoid sinus encephaloceles that avoids the potential morbidity of EEA.
    We performed cadaveric dissections of 2 specimens (4 sides) and present one of the first cases of a lateral sphenoid sinus encephalocele repair lateral to the FR in a patient through an ipsilateral LTOA.
    We find that the LTOA provides a shorter distance to target compared with the EEA (56 vs 89.5 mm, P = .002). The LTOA field of view also affords excellent visualization of both the medial and lateral aspects of V2, whereas the EEA is less effective at exposing lateral to V2, even after sacrifice of the vidian nerve and maximal pterygopalatine fossa content retraction. We report a case of LTOA to repair a meningoencephalocele lateral to V2 in the sphenoid sinus.
    The LTOA to the foramen rotundum is a more direct approach that minimizes the morbidity associated with EEA to repair meningoencephaloceles both medial and lateral to foramen rotundum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea (SCSFR) is the most common type of cerebrospinal fluid leakage and may cause serious cerebral complications. The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between the degree of pneumatization variants of the paranasal sinus and skull base and the incidence of SCSFR.
    In total, 131 patients with SCSFR were analyzed, and 50 patients suffering from the nasal septal deviation were selected as controls. The pneumatization of the paranasal sinus and skull base was observed by CT scan.
    Among the 137 fistulas, 55 (40.15%) were found in the ethmoid sinus. The incidences of Onodi cells (27.27 vs. 8%) and type 3 lateral recess of the sphenoid sinus (LRSS, 70.37 vs. 22%) in the SCSFR subgroups were significantly higher than those in the control group (p < 0.05). Moreover, the occurrence of SCSFR was linearly correlated with the classification of Onodi cells and LRSS (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the incidence of frontal cells, anterior clinoid process pneumatization, and posterior clinoid process pneumatization between the SCSFR patients and the controls.
    The most common site of SCSFR is the ethmoid sinus. The excessive pneumatization of the Onodi cell and LRSS increases the risk for the occurrence of SCSFR in the ethmoid sinus and sphenoid sinus, respectively. The possible association between the paranasal sinus ontogeny and SCSFR pathophysiology needs further studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to investigate the clinical characteristics of sphenoid sinus fungus ball (SSFB) to help increase the accuracy of diagnosis and efficiency of treatment.
    We retrospectively analyzed the data of 77 patients who were histopathologically diagnosed with SSFB.
    The mean age of SSFB patients was 52.4 years (range 25-84), and 47 patients (61.0%) were female. Compared to age-matched and sex-matched chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) patients, headache was more common in SSFB patients (79.2%; p < 0.0001). SSFB patients also had higher prevalence of diabetes than CRS (p = 0.0420). The features of computed tomography (CT) were sphenoid sinus opacification (100%), sclerosis (93.5%), calcification (76.6%), and bone erosion (41.6%). Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) was the best treatment option, and the trans-ethmoid (n = 64, 83.1%) was the most commonly used approach. No one experienced a recurrence of SSFB in 44 successfully contacted patients. Six months after FESS, 91.0% of patients (40/44) established proper drainage in the sphenoid sinus. The recovery rates for headache and nasal symptoms were 91.7% (33/36) and 77.8% (7/9) respectively.
    SSFB is more prevalent in older women and usually presents as unilateral headache. Diabetes is a potential risk factor for SSFB. CT findings provide evidence for diagnosis and suggestions for surgical approaches. FESS is the optimal treatment for SSFB. After FESS, most patients had good prognosis with no recurrence of SSFB. However, regular endoscopic follow-up is required due to the possibility of the postoperative closure of sphenoid ostium.
    3 Laryngoscope, 133:3292-3298, 2023.





