spectral domain optical coherence tomography

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Congenital retinal macrovessels (CRMs) are a rare entity. They are usually unilateral, abnormally large, and aberrant vessels. Although the majority of the patients are asymptomatic, CRMs may affect vision if they are associated with pigmentary changes at the macula, foveolar cysts, central serous retinopathy, macular hemorrhage, or if the macrovessel crosses the fovea. Here, we present the case of a young female who came for a routine ophthalmological evaluation. She was asymptomatic, and the macrovessel was an incidental finding. Visual acuity and slit lamp examination were normal, and dilated fundus evaluation was normal except for CRM in the right eye. Optical coherence tomography angiography imaging helped visualize the depth of the vessel and the analysis of the architecture of the foveal avascular zone.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present a 65-year-old woman who developed sudden and severe vision loss in her left eye one day after the administration of the second dose of COVID vaccine. The best corrected visual acuity in this eye was 1/10. Diffuse paracentral acute middle maculopathy was detected on spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT). OCT angiography images revealed concurrent vascular flow defects consistent with acute macular neuroretinopathy in the deep retinal capillary plexus and choriocapillaris layers. At the end of the six-month follow-up, there was no improvement in visual acuity, and atrophy and thinning developed in all layers of the retina.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: The cardinal diagnostic signs of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) are Lisch nodules of the iris and optic pathway gliomas. Retinal mi-crovascular alterations have been described but with uncertain signi-ficance. Choroidal nodules, detectable with near-infrared reflectance (NIR) imaging, are present in most cases and have been proposed as a new diagnostic criterion. Recently, a study reported the presence of unusual dilated choroidal vessels, visible through NIR examination. We report a case of a 65-year-old patient with NF1. Best-corrected visual acuity was 20/20 with a refractive error of +2.75 diopters in both eyes. Anterior segment examination revealed Lisch nodules in both eyes. At NIR imaging the patient presented typical choroidal alterations in both eyes. No retinal vessel anomalies were detected. The patient presented enlarged choroidal vessels in the left eye, first detected by NIR and then analyzed through enhanced depth imaging spectral domain optical coherence tomography (EDI-SDOCT). These vessels extended from the choroidal-scleral junction to the outer border of the retinal pigment epithelium/Bruch\'s layer. The choriocapillaris layer was absent above the dilated vessels. The presence of enlarged choroidal vessels may be considered as a novel distinctive ophthalmologic aspect of NF1, but further studies are necessary.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Background and Objectives: To document, through multimodal imaging, the post-procedural clinical course and visual outcome of a patient who received intra-arterial tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) for acute iatrogenic branch retinal artery occlusion (BRAO), and to review the literature and guidelines regarding the use of tPA for retinal arterial occlusions. Methods: A 28-year-old female patient who sustained an iatrogenic BRAO and subsequently received intra-arterial tPA was followed through her post-interventional course of 3 months with serial exams and multimodal imaging, including color fundus photography, visual field testing, spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), and OCT angiography (OCT-A). Results: A patient with history of left internal cerebral artery (ICA) aneurysm and baseline visual acuity (VA) of 20/20 developed an acutely symptomatic BRAO after undergoing a neuroendovascular procedure and was acutely treated with tPA through the left ophthalmic artery. At two weeks follow-up, a central posterior pole hemorrhage was noted although VA was preserved. A superior altitudinal defect was shown on automated perimetry. VA dropped to 20/50 at 7 weeks follow-up and hyperreflective material deep to the attachment between the posterior hyaloid and the internal limiting membrane (ILM) consistent with hemorrhage was noted on SD-OCT. At 11 weeks follow-up, VA returned to 20/20, SD-OCT revealed a membrane bridging the foveal depression, OCT-A showed decreased vascularity in the inferior macula, and the visual field defect was stable by automated perimetry. Conclusions: Intraocular hemorrhage is a possible complication of intra-arterial tPA administration for BRAO, and a careful analysis of risks, benefits, and goals of this procedure must be considered by both provider and patient before such intervention.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: This study aims to report a case of idiopathic epiretinal membrane (ERM) spontaneously separated from the retinal surface even in eyes with a macular pseudohole, which was immediately followed by resolution of visual deterioration and morphological findings.
    UNASSIGNED: A 66-year-old man presented with visual deterioration and metamorphopsia in the right eye. An ERM with a macular pseudohole in the right eye was shown by fundus examinations and optical coherence tomography (OCT) images. We intended to perform vitrectomy to remove the ERM, but within 2 months after the initial visit, the ERM spontaneously separated from the retina. Fundus photograph showed that the ERM and the macular pseudohole were absent and the fundus looked almost normal, and OCT image showed no ERM and an almost normal appearance of the retina without remaining undulations. After the ERM separation, his vision improved to 20/15.
    UNASSIGNED: Cases with an ERM-associated macular pseudohole should be carefully monitored for the possibility of a spontaneous separation of the ERM from the retina.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Conjunctival infestation of ticks is not a common event, even in endemic regions. We presented a case of conjunctival tick attachment treatment guided by spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). This patient experienced a two-day history of pain, itching and redness in the right eye. Anterior segment examination revealed a tick body in the lower bulbar conjunctiva. No invasion of the sclera was confirmed with anterior segment SD-OCT. Tick was removed with conjunctival excision. We would like to state that the use of SD-OCT can be useful in clinical practice for safe and complete removal of conjunctival ticks.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Self-separation or peeling of an idiopathic epiretinal membrane (ERM) in an eye with partial posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) is a rare event. A 56-year-old woman presented to our clinic with complaints of floaters in her right eye. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 9/10 in this eye. Fundus examination and Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) revealed an idiopathic ERM and Grade 3 PVD in this eye. Four months later, she had complaints of metamorphopsia in her right eye. BCVA was 7/10, while SD-OCT images of the right macula were similar to previous images. One week after the last visit, she presented again due to the sudden disappearance of her metamorphopsia complaints. BCVA had improved to 10/10. Fundus examination demonstrated that the ERM had spontaneously separated from the retinal surface as a flap floating in the vitreous and the foveal contour had returned to normal. The etiologic mechanism may be explained as the contracting forces within an immature ERM being stronger than its adhesion to the retina.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: To describe a unique case of pigmented paravenous retinochoroidal atrophy that developed several years after Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease.
    METHODS: A 28-year-old woman presented with gradual vision loss in both eyes and nyctalopia for 2 years. Past medical history was relevant for Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease since the age of 19 and positive HLA-DR4. Funduscopic examination revealed perivascular pigmentary clumping and atrophic changes radiating from the optic disks. Spectral domain optical coherence tomography through the macula demonstrated perifoveal outer retinal layers loss with cystic degeneration. Fundus autofluorescence showed zonal areas of hypoautofluorescence corresponding to the areas of atrophy. Full-field electroretinogram identified mildly reduced scotopic and photopic responses. The patient was diagnosed with pigmented paravenous retinochoroidal atrophy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pigmented paravenous retinochoroidal atrophy may be acquired after Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. Pathogenesis of pigmented paravenous retinochoroidal atrophy may involve inflammatory-related precursors on a background of genetic predisposition.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: To present a patient with bilateral choroidal hemangioma in Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) and highlight multimodal imaging techniques for early detection and management of ocular alterations.
    METHODS: A 37-year-old woman with diagnosis of SWS presented to our unit. The patient had been treated with pulsed dye laser for bilateral nevus flammeus and had right leptomeningeal angiomatosis. She had glaucoma, but ultrasound biomicroscopy did not show anterior chamber or ciliary body alterations.
    RESULTS: Enhanced depth imaging (EDI) spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) showed bilateral diffuse choroidal hemangiomas in both eyes with choroidal thickness above 1000 μm. B-scan ultrasound examination showed diffuse choroidal hemangioma in both eyes, with a choroidal thickness of 1.53 mm and 1.94 mm in the right and left eye (RE, LE), respectively. Peripapillary retinal nerve fiber evaluation showed thinning of the retinal nerve fiber layer in both eyes.
    CONCLUSIONS: This report highlights multimodal imaging techniques for the critical assessment of patients with SWS, especially in rare cases with bilateral choroidal hemangioma of the choroid. Novel imaging modalities enable optimal management and follow-up of rare conditions, and our case adds further evidence to the existing literature.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Pigmented paravenous retinochoroidal atrophy (PPRCA) is an unusual retinal degeneration, and its performance on optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is unclear. We report a Chinese female case of PPRCA and her OCTA features.
    METHODS: A 66-year-old female patient was referred to the author\'s center for gradual progressive loss of vision in both eyes and photophobia of 2 years duration. She reported having no family history of inherited ocular diseases. The funduscopic examination revealed bone-spicule pigmentation and retinochoroidal atrophy along the retinal veins. This patient was diagnosed with PPRCA which is a rare disease, uncommon in females, more commonly affecting the paravascular fundus. Noninvasive imaging techniques features of this patient was described, including ultra-wide field fundus autofluorescence, spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), OCTA (SSADA), etc. The en face OCTA images demonstrated areas of flow void beneath the retinal pigment epithelium-Bruch membrane layer suggestive of choriocapillaris hypoperfusion that corresponded with indocyanine green angiography (ICGA). Further studies should be conducted to clarify the relationship between choriocapillaris hypoperfusion and the development of PPRCA.
    CONCLUSIONS: The OCTA features in patients with PPRCA has not been described previously in the literature. This case might provide preliminary information regarding the pathophysiology of PPRCA and improve our understanding of the nature of this disease.






