social behavior

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Group-living animals engage in coordinated vocalizations to depart from a location as a group, and often, to come to a consensus about the direction of movement. Here, we document for the first time, the use of coordinated vocalizations, the \"let\'s go\" rumble, in wild male African elephant group departures from a waterhole. We recorded vocalizations and collected behavioral data as known individuals engaged in these vocal bouts during June-July field seasons in 2005, 2007, 2011, and 2017 at Mushara waterhole within Etosha National Park, Namibia. During departure events, we documented which individuals were involved in the calls, the signature structure of each individual\'s calls, as well as the ordering of callers, the social status of the callers, and those who initiated departure. The \"let\'s go\" rumble was previously described in tight-knit family groups to keep the family together during coordinated departures. Male elephants are described as living in loose social groups, making this finding particularly striking. We found that this vocal coordination occurs in groups of closely associated, highly bonded individuals and rarely occurs between looser associates. The three individuals most likely to initiate the \"let\'s go\" rumble bouts were all highly socially integrated, and one of these individuals was also the most dominant overall. This finding suggests that more socially integrated individuals might be more likely to initiate, or lead, a close group of associates in the context of leaving the waterhole, just as a high-ranking female would do in a family group. The fact that many individuals were involved in the vocal bouts, and that departure periods could be shorter, longer, or the same amount of time as pre-departure periods, all suggest that there is consensus with regard to the act of leaving, even though the event was triggered by a lead individual.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social tension or conflict between household cats is common but, because it often manifests as subtle behavioral changes, it can go unnoticed; it is precisely because most signs are subtle and unrecognized that the term \'tension\' is used. Where associated tension-related chronic fear-anxiety leads to more overt behavioral concerns and stress-associated disease, cats may face relinquishment by caregivers or even euthanasia if the tension is not relieved. The \'2024 AAFP intercat tension guidelines: recognition, prevention and management\' have been authored by a Task Force of board-certified veterinary and applied behaviorists and clinical experts in feline medicine and behavior convened by the American Association of Feline Practitioners. The aim is to support veterinary professionals in understanding social behavior between cats and, more specifically, in recognizing intercat tension, preventing or minimizing its occurrence and managing the stressors. In developing the Guidelines, the Task Force has modified the five pillars of a healthy feline environment to provide a framework to assist the prevention or management of intercat tension in households with two or more cats. Because feline social behavior is often misunderstood, the Guidelines debunk 10 common myths that have the potential to negatively impact the wellbeing of companion cats. Extensively illustrated with visual examples of intercat tension and an Appendix detailing a number of case studies, the Guidelines also include a comprehensive table of psychotherapeutic medications, and a detailed algorithm that outlines a systematic approach to preventing, recognizing and resolving intercat tension. A step-by-step approach to introducing a new cat into a household with one or more resident cats is included to further support veterinarians, and a range of management tools to promote client education accompany the Guidelines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The 24-hour movement behavior (24-HMB) guidelines recommend that children and adolescents (youth) should limit screen time (ST), get an adequate amount of sleep (SL), and engage in sufficient physical activity (PA) to ensure health and healthy development. Meeting 24-HMB guidelines is associated with positive mental health outcomes (e.g., social and emotional function) in the general population. However, it is unclear whether such findings extend to youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Thus, we examined associations of meeting 24-HMB guidelines with social and emotional function in youth with comorbid ASD/ADHD.
    METHODS: Data from the 2020-2021 National Survey of Children\'s Health - a U.S. national, population-based, cross-sectional study - were used. We extracted and analyzed data on youth (aged between 6 and 17 years) diagnosed with comorbidity of ASD/ADHD. Data on movement behaviors (PA, ST, and SL) and specific outcome variables (social function and emotional function) were collected through caregiver-proxy reports. Logistic regressions were performed to examine the associations between meeting 24-HMB guidelines and social and emotional outcomes adjusting for covariates (e.g., age, sex, ethnicity, weight status, birth status, socio-economic status, and receiving medication/behavioral treatment).
    RESULTS: Among 979 children and adolescents with comorbid ASD/ADHD, only 3.8 % met all three 24-HMB guidelines. In total, 45.0 % of participants met at least one guideline, and 25.5 % of those met at least two guidelines. Compared to those who did not meet any 24-HMB guidelines, meeting SL + ST guidelines was significantly associated with lower odds of poorer social function (being bullied: OR = 0.3, 95%CI [0.1-0.7]; arguing: OR = 0.2, 95%CI[0.1-0.4]). Furthermore, meeting PA + ST + SL guidelines was associated with lower odds of poorer emotional function (depression: OR = 0.5, 95%CI[0.3-0.7]).
    CONCLUSIONS: Meeting 24-HMB guidelines was associated with better social and emotional function in U.S. youth with comorbid ASD/ADHD; however, currently very few with comorbid ASD/ADHD meet all 24-HMB guidelines. These results emphasize the importance of promoting adherence to the 24-HMB guidelines among youth facing the challenges of comorbid ASD/ADHD. These cross-sectional findings point to the need for further empirical evidence from longitudinal studies to support our conclusions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Artificial intelligence (AI) shows immense potential in medicine and Chat generative pretrained transformer (ChatGPT) has been used for different purposes in the field. However, it may not match the complexity and nuance of certain medical scenarios. This study evaluates the accuracy of ChatGPT 3.5 and 4 in providing recommendations regarding the management of postprostatectomy urinary incontinence (PPUI), considering The Incontinence After Prostate Treatment: AUA/SUFU Guideline as the best practice benchmark.
    METHODS: A set of questions based on the AUA/SUFU Guideline was prepared. Queries included 10 conceptual questions and 10 case-based questions. All questions were open and entered into the ChatGPT with a recommendation to limit the answer to 200 words, for greater objectivity. Responses were graded as correct (1 point); partially correct (0.5 point), or incorrect (0 point). Performances of versions 3.5 and 4 of ChatGPT were analyzed overall and separately for the conceptual and the case-based questions.
    RESULTS: ChatGPT 3.5 scored 11.5 out of 20 points (57.5% accuracy), while ChatGPT 4 scored 18 (90.0%; p = 0.031). In the conceptual questions, ChatGPT 3.5 provided accurate answers to six questions along with one partially correct response and three incorrect answers, with a final score of 6.5. In contrast, ChatGPT 4 provided correct answers to eight questions and partially correct answers to two questions, scoring 9.0. In the case-based questions, ChatGPT 3.5 scored 5.0, while ChatGPT 4 scored 9.0. The domains where ChatGPT performed worst were evaluation, treatment options, surgical complications, and special situations.
    CONCLUSIONS: ChatGPT 4 demonstrated superior performance compared to ChatGPT 3.5 in providing recommendations for the management of PPUI, using the AUA/SUFU Guideline as a benchmark. Continuous monitoring is essential for evaluating the development and precision of AI-generated medical information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A ubiquitous type of collective behavior and decision-making is the coordinated motion of bird flocks, fish schools, and human crowds. Collective decisions to move in the same direction, turn right or left, or split into subgroups arise in a self-organized fashion from local interactions between individuals without central plans or designated leaders. Strikingly similar phenomena of consensus (collective motion), clustering (subgroup formation), and bipolarization (splitting into extreme groups) are also observed in opinion formation. As we developed models of crowd dynamics and analyzed crowd networks, we found ourselves going down the same path as models of opinion dynamics in social networks. In this article, we draw out the parallels between human crowds and social networks. We show that models of crowd dynamics and opinion dynamics have a similar mathematical form and generate analogous phenomena in multiagent simulations. We suggest that they can be unified by a common collective dynamics, which may be extended to other psychological collectives. Models of collective dynamics thus offer a means to account for collective behavior and collective decisions without appealing to a priori mental structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cattle are gregarious animals able to form social relationships. Dominance is one of the most widely studied social behaviors of dairy cattle, especially cows confined indoors. However, much of the past dairy cattle research has used an unstandardized approach, differing in definitions and conceptual understanding of dominance, as well as their methods of data collection and dominance calculation. The first of the 3 aims of this review is to evaluate how dominance relates to the social behavior of housed dairy cows. Cows engage in agonistic interactions to establish and reinforce dominance relationships. An individual\'s dominance is influenced by intrinsic characteristics, such as personality, and extrinsic factors, including group composition. When competing for resources, agonistic interactions can also be influenced by individual motivational differences, such as hunger, which may diminish the role of dominance in regulating competition. Our second aim is to critically review methods used to assess dominance in cows. This includes discussions on the effect of time and location of data collection on measured values as well as the viability and limitations of some dominance calculation methods. We propose that different methodologies lend themselves to different types of research questions. For example, the use of data stream-based methods that consider the sequence of interactions are useful for estimating how dominance fluctuates with changing conditions and can be used in a dynamically changing group. In contrast, matrix-based methods that aggregate social interactions may be best for identifying the social position of individuals and understanding how social characteristics influence the attributes of a stable hierarchy. Our third aim is to discuss the future of dominance research. We use a flowchart to illustrate guidelines for a more standardized approach to measuring dominance in cattle. We also identify areas in need of further conceptual clarification, suggest practical applications of dominance when managing dairy cattle, and discuss some limitations of dominance research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People regularly make decisions about how often and with whom to interact. During an epidemic of communicable disease, these decisions gain new weight, as individual choices exert more direct influence on collective health and wellbeing. While much attention has been paid to how people\'s concerns about the health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic affect their engagement in behaviors that could curb (or accelerate) the spread of the disease, less is understood about how people\'s concerns about the pandemic\'s impact on their social lives affect these outcomes. Across three studies (total N = 654), we find that individuals\' estimates of the pandemic\'s social (vs. health) impact are associated with an unwillingness to curtail social interaction and follow other Centers for Disease Control guidelines as the pandemic spreads. First, these associations are present in self-report data of participants\' own behaviors and behavior across hypothetical scenarios; second, participants\' estimates of the pandemic\'s impact on social life in their location of residence are associated with movement data collected unobtrusively from mobile phones in those locations. We suggest that perceptions of social impact could be a potential mechanism underlying, and therefore potential intervention target for addressing, disease-preventing behavior during a pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social groups often need to overcome differences in individual interests and knowledge to reach consensus decisions. Here, we combine experiments and modeling to study conflict resolution in emigrating ant colonies during binary nest selection. We find that cohesive emigration, without fragmentation, is achieved only by intermediate-sized colonies. We then impose a conflict regarding the desired emigration target between colony subgroups. This is achieved using an automated selective gate system that manipulates the information accessible to each ant. Under this conflict, we find that individuals concede their potential benefit to promote social consensus. In particular, colonies resolve the conflict imposed by a persistent minority through \"majority concession,\" wherein a majority of ants that hold first-hand knowledge regarding the superior quality nest choose to reside in the inferior one. This outcome is unlikely in social groups of selfish individuals and emphasizes the importance of group cohesion in eusocial societies. VIDEO ABSTRACT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Detailed analysis of infection rates paired with behavioral and employee-reported risk factors is vital to understanding how transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection may be exacerbated or mitigated in the workplace. Institutions of higher education are heterogeneous work units that supported continued in-person employment during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing a test site for occupational health evaluation.
    To evaluate the association between self-reported protective behaviors and prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection among essential in-person employees during the first 6 months of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US.
    This cross-sectional study was conducted from July 13 to September 2, 2020, at an institution of higher education in Fort Collins, Colorado. Employees 18 years or older without symptoms of COVID-19 who identified as essential in-person workers during the first 6 months of the pandemic were included. Participants completed a survey, and blood and nasal swab samples were collected to assess active SARS-CoV-2 infection via quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and past infection by serologic testing.
    Self-reported practice of protective behaviors against COVID-19 according to public health guidelines provided to employees.
    Prevalence of current SARS-CoV-2 infection detected by qRT-PCR or previous SARS-CoV-2 infection detected by an IgG SARS-CoV-2 testing platform. The frequency of protective behavior practices and essential workers\' concerns regarding contracting COVID-19 and exposing others were measured based on survey responses.
    Among 508 participants (305 [60.0%] women, 451 [88.8%] non-Hispanic White individuals; mean [SD] age, 41.1 [12.5] years), there were no qRT-PCR positive test results, and only 2 participants (0.4%) had seroreactive IgG antibodies. Handwashing and mask wearing were reported frequently both at work (480 [94.7%] and 496 [97.8%] participants, respectively) and outside work (465 [91.5%] and 481 [94.7%] participants, respectively). Social distancing was reported less frequently at work (403 [79.5%]) than outside work (465 [91.5%]) (P < .001). Participants were more highly motivated to avoid exposures because of concern about spreading the infection to others (419 [83.0%]) than for personal protection (319 [63.2%]) (P < .001).
    In this cross-sectional study of essential workers at an institution of higher education, when employees reported compliance with public health practices both at and outside work, they were able to operate safely in their work environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adherence to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines varies across individuals.
    This study examined the relations of pseudoscientific and just world beliefs, generalized and institutional trust, and political party affiliation to adherence to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines over three months, as well as the explanatory role of COVID-19 risk perceptions in these relations.
    A U.S. nationwide sample of 430 adults (49.8% women; mean age = 40.72) completed a prospective online study, including an initial assessment (between March 27 and April 5, 2020), a 1 month follow-up (between April 27 and May 21, 2020), and a 3 month follow-up (between June 26 and July 15, 2020). We hypothesized that greater pseudoscientific and just world beliefs, lower governmental, institutional, and dispositional trust, and Republican Party affiliation would be associated with lower initial adherence to social distancing and greater reductions in social distancing over time and that COVID-19 risk perceptions would account for significant variance in these relations.
    Results revealed unique associations of lower governmental trust, greater COVID-19 pseudoscientific beliefs, and greater trust in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to lower initial adherence to social distancing. Whereas greater COVID-19 risk perceptions and CDC trust were associated with less steep declines in social distancing over time, both Republican (vs. Democratic) Party affiliation and greater COVID-19 pseudoscientific beliefs were associated with steeper declines in social distancing over time (relations accounted for by lower COVID-19 risk perceptions).
    Results highlight the utility of public health interventions aimed at improving scientific literacy and emphasizing bipartisan support for social distancing guidelines.






