small bowel

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    While bowel obstruction is the most common surgical disorder of the small intestine, small bowel obstruction due to Meckel\'s diverticulum is a relatively rare occurrence. We encountered a compelling case of small bowel obstruction that turned out to be more complex than anticipated, involving a Meckel\'s diverticulum with some unforeseen findings. We followed standard guidelines for history-taking, examination, investigations, and management of the intestinal obstruction. After exhausting conservative treatment options, we opted for surgical intervention, and the unexpected cause of the obstruction took us by surprise. This case report highlights an exceedingly rare entity: Meckel\'s diverticulum precipitating uncommon complications.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) of the small bowel are rare but clinically significant due to their challenging diagnostic pathways and potential for insidious progression. Early identification is critical for effective management and improved prognosis in these cases.
    METHODS: Here, we present a case of a 75-year-old patient with no significant medical history who presented acutely with diffuse abdominal pain, vomiting, and signs of bowel obstruction. Diagnostic workup, including CT imaging, revealed a distal ileal neuroendocrine mass with mesenteric lymphadenopathy, necessitating urgent surgical intervention.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case underscores the diagnostic complexities and therapeutic challenges associated with small bowel NETs. Surgical resection with meticulous lymph node dissection remains the cornerstone of treatment, aimed at achieving complete tumor excision and optimal disease control. The role of imaging modalities and biochemical markers in guiding clinical decisions and postoperative management strategies is discussed considering the patient\'s clinical course.
    CONCLUSIONS: Timely recognition and intervention are crucial in the management of small bowel NETs, given their potential for late presentation and nonspecific symptoms. Despite diagnostic and procedural challenges highlighted in this case, early surgical intervention and comprehensive follow-up are essential for achieving favorable outcomes and minimizing recurrence risks in patients with small bowel NETs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Hemangiomas of the small intestine are rare and usually present in young people. They are very difficult to diagnose preoperatively. We report a rare case of mixed intestinal hemangioma (IH) causing intussusception in a pediatric patient.
    METHODS: A 3-month-old girl, with no prior medical or surgical history, was admitted with rectal bleeding and paroxysmal crying due to intermittent abdominal pain. An urgent abdominal ultrasound revealed ileo-ileal intussusception. Operative findings confirmed the intussusception, and a segmental resection of the intussuscepted jejunum was performed. Histopathological examination found a mixed hemangioma. The postoperative course was uneventful.
    CONCLUSIONS: Clinical presentation may include intestinal bleeding leading to anemia, obstruction, intussusception and perforation. Intussusception caused by small bowel hemangioma is extremely rare. Notably, we didn\'t find any cases of small bowel hemangioma revealed by intussusception in children. The main treatment for hemangiomas is surgical resection of the affected segment. No evidence in the literature on postoperative recurrence of hemangiomas.
    CONCLUSIONS: Intussusception secondary to intestinal hemangiomas is extremely rare. Preoperative diagnosis is challenging as they are often undetectable with traditional techniques. Enhanced awareness and understanding of this condition can facilitate earlier diagnosis and improve management outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 46-year-old man presented with a small bowel prolapsing through the anus after straining on the toilet, which was starting to become ischaemic. He admitted to inserting a plastic object in his rectum about half an hour before straining. The bowel was kept moist by placing an intravenous drip line with saline dripping onto a wet swab. In theatre, the bowel was found to be prolapsing through a hole in the upper rectum and out through the anus. It was reduced back into the abdominal cavity through the same perforation, which was 4 cm long, without needing to extend it. This was sutured with polydioxanone (PDS) 2-0 as there was no contamination with faeces or pus. Due to improvement in the appearance of a small bowel and an extremely bruised mesentery, a re-look was planned in 24 hours. At the re-look the small bowel appeared healthy, therefore no resection was performed. However, a loop colostomy was fashioned to protect the upper rectal perforation repair. This shows that resection is not always required in such cases.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Obesity is a major global health issue with serious consequences, including death. The intragastric balloon (IGB) is a bariatric surgery option but is limited to 6-12 months due to risks such as deflation, migration, and, rarely, intestinal obstruction. These complications are difficult to diagnose and manage.
    METHODS: A 46-year-old woman with an intragastric balloon for ten months experienced gastric distension, excessive salivation, and nausea, leading to hospitalization. Abdominal radiography and a CT scan revealed a small bowel obstruction caused by the balloon, located 40 cm before the ileocecal junction. A laparotomy was performed to explore the surgical site further. An ileotomy was conducted to remove the balloon during the surgery. The patient was discharged in stable condition after five days.
    CONCLUSIONS: Complete small bowel obstruction due to intragastric balloon migration in bariatric surgery is very rare. Initial symptoms include mid-gut dilation, nausea, and vomiting. A CT scan is the best method to locate and identify the cause of intragastric balloon migration. Laparoscopy can be challenging in acute obstruction cases due to limited space, increasing the risk of iatrogenic bowel injury. Therefore, laparotomy with a semi-circular ileotomy is a safe treatment option.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ileal obstruction due to intragastric balloon migration is a rare but serious complication of bariatric surgery, which requiring immediate surgical intervention. The use of a semi-circular ileotomy during laparotomy has proven to be an effective and safe treatment option for complete obstruction.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Intussusception is a rare condition in adults, unlike in children, with a variety of etiologies. In most cases, it is secondary to tumors. acute intussusception on lipoma is very exceptional. We report a case of 68-year-old female patient, diagnosed with intestinal intussusception on lipoma.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Malrotation of the gut is a congenital anomaly of foetal intestinal rotation and it\'s principally discovered in early childhood as acute intestinal obstruction. This condition is veritably rare and constantly silent in adults. Intestinal malrotation in adults is frequently asymptomatic and is diagnosed as a casual finding during a radiological examination performed for other reasons. Infrequently, it can be diagnosed in adults, associated with an acute abdomen. Adult patients rarely present with acute midgut volvulus or internal hernias caused by Ladd\'s bands. We present a case of an admitted 18-year-old female with a small bowel obstruction due to an intestinal volvulus complicating intestinal malrotation in the presence of Ladd\'s band. Laparotomic Ladd\'s procedure was performed successfully with division of Ladd\'s band, adhesiolysis, appendicectomy, and reorientation of the small bowel on the right and the cecum and colon on the left of the abdominal cavity; the postoperative evolution was favorable. Although it is a rare pathology, it should be kept in mind in cases of patients presenting small bowel obstruction.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Primary squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the colon is an exceptionally rare diagnosis. The etiology and pathogenesis of this entity remain unclear. It usually presents in patients as an emergency, typically with the tumor in the advanced stage. We report a case of SCC of the cecum presenting with perforation, initially diagnosed as SCC of unknown origin. The patient underwent a limited right hemicolectomy and end ileostomy outside our center. The patient was referred to us for further workup and possible adjuvant chemotherapy. She was assessed clinically and found to have had poor appetite and anorexia for a month, with an intermittent fever documented at 39 degrees. Thus, the patient was elected to get admitted for a septic workup and re-staging by CT scan and tumor biomarkers. CT showed a phlegmon and abscess formation at the right iliac fossa that was attached to surrounding structures, including the abdominal wall. Drain placement at the site of the phlegmon was attempted but failed due to bowel overlapping. Therefore, the patient was booked for surgical exploration and drainage, where all structures were resected en bloc. Histopathological examination revealed well-differentiated keratinized SCC with lymph node metastasis. The diagnosis of primary SCC of the cecum was confirmed after investigations to rule out primary sources were negative. Surgical resection remains the mainstay of management, with a possible role for chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The prognosis in these cases is usually poor. This warrants early diagnosis and management. Studies are needed to establish a management protocol for this entity.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Dieulafoy\'s lesion (DL) is a vascular malformation that can lead to massive gastrointestinal bleeding. It\'s usually found in the stomach. However, DL\'s occurrence in atypical sites such as the small bowel and colon is exceptionally rare, posing significant management challenges.
    METHODS: In this report, we present two cases of DL occurring in uncommon sites, each managed with distinct approaches. Case 1 is a 50-year-old man admitted to the emergency department due to massive GI bleeding and hemodynamic instability. The diagnosis of DL was established through computed tomography angiography and confirmed by histopathological examination after emergency surgery. Case 2 involves a 68-year-old woman presented with melena due to a colonic DL. This case was successfully managed through an endoscopic hemostasis approach.
    CONCLUSIONS: Dieulafoy\'s lesions (DL) were first identified as a large submucosal artery lacking typical gastric ulcer characteristics in three of Paul Georges Dieulafoy\'s patients. This lesion is responsible for approximately 1-2 % of all cases of gastrointestinal bleeding. Endoscopy is the preferred method for diagnosing and managing DL lesions, especially in cases of active bleeding that is accessible. However, if endoscopic treatment or angiographic embolization fails, a surgical approach may be needed.
    CONCLUSIONS: DL presents a diagnostic challenge due to its rarity and is not usually included in the differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal bleeding, particularly when occurring in unusual sites. Endoscopy is the preferred method to identify DL and a possible therapeutic approach in active bleeding. However, if endoscopy hemostasis fails, angiographic embolization or surgical intervention may be required.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Despite being the longest and containing a greater proportion of the gastrointestinal tract\'s mucosal surface area, the small bowel is where <2 % to 5 % of gastrointestinal cancers can occur. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is the rarest risk factor for the development of small intestinal cancers. Here we report a case of perforated poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the jejunum for which Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is identified.
    METHODS: A 25-year-old male patient presented to the emergency department with generalized peritonitis caused by a perforated jejunal mass. The patient underwent an emergency exploratory laparotomy. There was 800 ml of thin pus in the peritoneal cavity and 5 cm by 6 cm perforated mass over the jejunum which extends to the mesentery. Palpable intraluminal polyps with an inverted serosal surface for some of them were identified. The pus was sucked out, and the mass was resected with its mesenteric lymph nodes and segments containing polyps. Subsequently, end-to-end hand-sewn anastomosis was performed, and the abdomen was closed. The histopathology report showed poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, stage IIIC (PT3, PN2), and Peutz-Jeghers polyps, suggesting Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.
    UNASSIGNED: Even though small bowel malignancy is a rare entity, early detection is a challenging issue, especially when it happens below the ligaments of the trietz. Surgical resection offers the only potential cure for small bowel malignancy.
    CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that patients with long-term, nonspecific abdominal complaints are good candidates for evaluation and investigation without overlooking small bowel malignancy. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome was a potential risk factor in our case.





