sex determination

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Underlying disorders of the maxillary sinus (MS), including a history of sinus surgeries, chronic sinusitis, or congenital anomalies can potentially impact sinus function and structure, necessitating careful evaluation and management. Moreover, intact sinuses are crucial in gender determination in forensic anthropology. The present study was undertaken to check the accuracy and reliability of MS in gender determination using morphometric parameters.
    METHODS: This retrospective study was carried out on 74 lateral cephalograms (37 males and 37 females) aged between 18 to 50 years from the North Indian population. The MS area was measured using a NewTom CBCT machine (NewTom, Imola, Italy) with slicer software. The anatomical landmarks for the sinus were identified, and the area was calculated in square millimeters (mm2).
    RESULTS: In terms of surface area, females had a mean of 13,210.40 mm2 with a standard error of 713.46. Males, however, exhibited a higher mean surface area of 18,713.82 mm2, but with a significantly larger standard error of 3,371.70. The difference in MS area between males and females was statistically significant (p<0.01). In the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, the area under the curve (AUC) was 0.77, suggesting good discriminative ability.
    CONCLUSIONS: The MS area on lateral cephalograms shows significant sexual dimorphism. Overall, the findings suggest that the MS surface area can be a useful anatomical feature for distinguishing between male and female North Indian subjects, given the statistically significant difference and the good discriminative performance indicated by the ROC curve analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction Determination of gender can be highly accurate with a complete adult skeleton, but in scenarios like mass disasters, only fragmented bones might be available. In such cases, identifying gender relies significantly on which parts of the skeleton are found. The mandible is a notably distinct bone in the skull and can be key in determining gender, especially when the entire skull is not available. The mandibular features provide clues that can help forensic experts determine the gender of an individual. Aim of the study This preliminary study aimed to determine the gender of an individual using mandibular parameters such as coronoid ramus height, condylar ramus height, projective ramus, minimum ramus breadth, and maximum ramus breadth. The objectives of this study were to (i) determine the gender of an individual using various mandibular parameters, (ii) evaluate the effectiveness of these mandibular parameters in distinguishing between male and female individuals, and (iii) establish a reliable method for gender identification based on the measured mandibular parameters. Materials and methods Since it was a preliminary study, the sample size calculation was done using G*Power software (Version; Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany). The sample size was determined to guarantee a 95% statistical power at a significance level (alpha error probability) of 0.05. To ensure sufficient statistical power, a total of 100 samples were included, with a projected sample size of 92. A total of 100 samples, evenly split between 50 males and 50 females aged 20 to 30 years, were analyzed. Orthopantomograms (OPGs) showing pathologies, fractures, developmental disturbances of the mandible, and edentulous mandibles were excluded from the study. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for Windows, Version 16.0 (Released 2007; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Additionally, an accuracy test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), multiple regression, and discriminant analysis for gender were performed on individual data. Results In this study, five mandibular parameters were analyzed for gender such as coronoid ramus height, condylar ramus height, projective ramus, minimum ramus breadth, and maximum ramus breadth showed a positive correlation comparatively, and a novel formula was developed.  Conclusion According to the present study, panoramic radiography can be considered a valuable tool in sex determination (with an accuracy of 90%), and all parameters of the mandible exhibited sexual dimorphism, showing they are reliable parameters with a total accuracy of 90%. However, coronoid ramus height, projective ramus, and maximum ramus breadth played a significant role in identifying gender in this particular study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Gender determination is critical to forensic science and medico-legal applications. Given that it is the most dimorphic bone in the skull and is frequently found intact, the mandibular bone may be extremely important in determining gender. Orthopantomograms (OPGs) are quite helpful in accurately estimating age and sex in this regard. It is a laborious task for forensics to determine the gender of victims of mass casualties, natural disasters, and severely dismembered bodies. The mandible, which is susceptible to development spurts, has a high degree of accuracy for determining sex. Aim  This study aims to evaluate the potential use of coronoid height and condylar height as reliable anatomical markers for determining gender. Materials and methods In this study, 100 samples were used as study samples, 50 of which were male and 50 of which were female, in the age group of 20-30 years. The OPGs were obtained using a Planmeca Promax Scara 3 Digital OPG Machine (Planmeca, Helsinki, Finland), with settings of 70 kVp, 8 mA for 0.9 seconds, ensuring a 1:1 ratio. The images were then transferred to Planmeca Romexis® Viewer Software, Version 6.0 (Planmeca Oy, Helsinki, Finland) for measurement recording. Results Descriptive statistical analysis was done for this study and discriminant analysis was also done to create a population-specific formula. Results showed that the standard mean error for males concerning condylar height was 2.3 and coronoid height was 0.7. The standard mean error for females by condylar height was 1.6 and coronoid height was 0.6. The p-value was significant for coronoid height in both males and females. The p-value was not clinically significant for condylar height in both males and females. Conclusion The study\'s findings indicate that a larger mandibular angle is advantageous for gender assessment and helps with gender dimorphism. Out of both the parameters evaluated, coronoid height has shown statistical significance in both males and females. Hence, the study concludes that the parameter, coronoid height can be utilized to assess the gender of an individual.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aim and objective This study aims to assess the accuracy of gender estimation using gonial and antegonial angles and determine the gender of the given samples using gonial and antegonial angles. Introduction An essential component of the human skull, the mandible, exhibits sexual dimorphism, making it a valuable tool in forensic and anthropological investigations for detecting sex. This procedure can be especially difficult in situations where there are large numbers of casualties, natural disasters, or widely dispersed remains. The mandible is an accurate indicator of age and sex because it responds to patterns of growth. Sex determination through the gonial angle and antegonial angle involves analyzing the angles formed by the lower jaw bone in individuals. Examining these angles contributed to remarkable accuracy. Materials and methods A total of 500 samples, 250 male and 250 female panoramic radiographs, were carefully chosen for the study. The chosen samples ranged in age from 20 to 30 years. Orthophantomograms were measured in Planmeca software (Planmeca Romexis®, Version 6.0, USA INC.) and the descriptive statistics (paired t-test) were performed in SPSS Statistics version 16.0 (SPSS Inc. Released 2007. SPSS for Windows, Version 16.0. Chicago, SPSS Inc.). Results Gonial angle for males obtained the highest value of 127.27±5.29, followed by females at 127.08±5.18. This was followed by the antegonial angle for males of 10.74±3.14, and the least value was obtained by females of 10.67±3.30. The p-value for the gonial angle showed no statistical significance for males or females (p=0.679). Antegonial angle showed statistical significance in both males (p=0.008) and females (p=0.001). Conclusion Among both the parameters considered, the antegonial angle showed significance in determining the gender of the given samples. Hence, to assess the accuracy of gender estimation, the antegonial angle can be used as a parameter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aim This study aims to examine five mandibular parameters: coronoid ramus height, condylar ramus height, projective ramus height, minimum ramus breadth, and gonial angle, using orthopantomography (OPG). Introduction The mandible, a crucial part of the human skull, demonstrates sexual dimorphism, which makes it an important tool for determining sex in forensic and anthropological investigations. Its form and structure are relatively resistant to significant changes after death. Among all skeletal components, the mandible stands out as a primary indicator of sexual differences. In forensic investigations, establishing the age and sex of an individual is considered a crucial initial step. This process can be particularly challenging in scenarios involving mass casualties, natural calamities, or extensively fragmented remains. Due to its responsiveness to growth patterns, the mandible is adept at accurately determining both age and sex. Materials and methods This study employed a sample size of 500 individuals, split equally between males and females, with 250 participants each. The age bracket chosen for this cohort ranged from 20 to 30 years, considering that bone growth characteristics within this range can assist in sex determination. The height of the mandibular ramus was assessed using Planmeca software, and subsequent data analysis was conducted using SPSS. Results When estimating age, the condylar ramus height exhibited the smallest standard error (0.010), whereas the maximum standard error for the gonial angle was 0.028. Positive t values were observed for the gonial angle (1.182), minimum ramus breadth (0.114), and coronoid ramus height (0.733). In terms of determining sex, the gonial angle, coronoid ramus height, and projective ramus height demonstrated positive coefficient functions, specifically 0.676, 0.090, and 0.286, respectively. Conversely, both the minimum ramus breadth and the condylar ramus height displayed negative values of -0.385 and -0.126, respectively. Conclusion Among the parameters evaluated, condylar ramus height emerges as the most suitable choice for estimating age, while gonial angle, coronoid ramus height, and projective ramus height are preferable for determining sex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the crucial steps in the process of identification of human remains is sex determination of an unknown individual. Sex can be determined using the human skeleton, especially by examining the pelvis and skull. Odontometric analysis and assessment of sexual dimorphism of the human dentition has been less investigated, especially in primary dentition. Hence, this research was designed to verify the presence of sexual dimorphism through odontometric approach in paediatric population of Tamil Nadu, India. The present study was performed on 229 females and 244 males between 3 and 6 years of age. Linear measurements such as maximum mesio distal width, maximum bucco lingual width and clinical crown length were measured in all the primary teeth. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for Social Science version 20.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Mann-Whitney-U test was used to check the statistical significance of the differences observed between males and females. Six equations were derived by discriminant function analysis for practical use. Sexual dimorphism existed in odontometric parameters of primary dentition. The maximum sexual dimorphism was observed in maximum bucco lingual width of 51 and maximum bucco lingual width of 75. The equations derived using discriminant function analysis yielded a jackknife accuracy ranging between 87.5% and 99.8%. These equations may be used to assess the sex from the children of Tamil Nadu, India.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Measurement of craniofacial parameters plays an important role in sex determination in forensic science. The present study was done using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans to evaluate the morphologic structure of the frontal sinuses and compare it with the width of nasal, cranial, maxillary and mandibular width which might help us in sex determination. Methods: A cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted using 142 full field of view (FOV) scans of patients archived from the department. The width of the nose, cranium, maxilla, and mandibular width was measured and compared with the frontal sinus between the two sexes. Results: A paired t-test was done to compare the linear measurements for both sexes\' right and left frontal sinuses. The measurements were higher in males when compared to females. There was a statistically significant asymmetry (larger dimension on the left side) of the anterioposterior (p-value of 0.012) and superior-inferior dimensions in males (p-value of 0.135). Spearman\'s correlation showed that frontal sinus correlated with other craniofacial parameters like nasal, cranial, maxillary and mandibular width among both sexes. The frontal sinus, nasal, cranial, maxillary and mandibular widths were higher in males when compared to females (independent t-test). Discriminant function scores showed 66-68% accuracy to discriminate sex, using the anteroposterior dimension and mandibular width. Conclusions: The measurement of craniofacial parameters using CBCT can aid in determining the sex of unidentified and decomposed bodies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In forensics, predicting the sex is a crucial step in identification. Many studies have aimed to find an accurate and fast technique to estimate the sex. This study was conducted to determine the accuracy of volumetric and linear measurements of three-dimensional (3D) images of the mandible obtained from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) radiographs, using different machine-learning (ML) models for sex identification. The CBCTs of 104 males and 104 females were included in this study. The radiographs were converted to 3D images, and the volume, surface area, and ten linear measurements of the mandible were obtained. The data were evaluated using statistical analysis and five different ML algorithms. All results were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05, and the precision, recall, f1-score, training accuracy, and testing accuracy were used to evaluate the performance of the ML models. All the studied parameters showed statistically significant differences between sexes p < 0.05. The right coronoid-to-gonion linear distance had the highest discriminative power of all the parameters. Meanwhile, Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB) showed the best performance among all the ML models. The results of this study revealed promising outcomes; the sex can be easily determined, with high accuracy (90%).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The morphology of crista galli (CG) varies from one individual to another and its structure may be pneumatized or compact bone. This study purposed to investigate the morphometry of the CG on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans, to apply morphological classification based on the characteristics of the CG morphometry and to analyse the association of morphological and morphometric features with sex.
    METHODS: The width, length, and height of the CG were calculated on the CBCT scans of 400 patients (233 females, 167 males). The CG was categorised into three morphological types and the presence of the CG pneumatization and the Keros classification were examined.
    RESULTS: The average length of the CG was 12.93 ± 2.12 mm, the average width of CG was 4.79 ± 1.54 mm, and the average height of CG was 16.21 ± 2.73. There was no statistical difference between sexes in both height and length values. The mean CG width of female patients was found to be statistically significantly higher than that of male patients. No statistically significant difference was determined between the morphological types of CG and sex. For width only, the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve was found to be significantly higher than 0.5 and the cutoff value for the width parameter was determined as 4 mm.
    CONCLUSIONS: The morphologic and morphometric features of CG, presence of pneumatization and relation of the anatomy of olfactory region to CG can be analysed in detail using CBCT. The mean CG width of female patients was found significantly higher than that of male patients. However, further studies with different populations and modalities are needed to evaluate the relationship between morphologic and morphometric features of CG and sex.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    This study aims to determine pelvic anthropometry characteristics and logistic regression formula for adult sex identification obtained from adult three-dimensional pelvic computed tomography images. This study was an observational analytical study with retrospective regression and cross-sectional approach. The population was all patients at Radiology Installation of Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital as referral hospital in East Indonesian region, from September to December 2019 who underwent 3D pelvic CT examination. Then, age distribution and pelvic measurements data were obtained. In this case, statistical analysis was conducted for all the data obtained. A number of 204 samples were included in this study. All radiologic components were also significantly different between sexes (p < 0.05) except for transverse diameter of sacral segment (p = 0.180). Moreover, the conjugate pelvic inlet diameter (CPID), the left innominate height (LIH), and sub pubic angle (SPA) showed significant values for regression formula to determine an adult\'s sex using 3D pelvic CT. The calculation result > 0 is a prediction for female while < 0 is a prediction for male. From logistic regression model calculation, a high validity value (91.05%) was found with 100% sensitivity to identify male sex and 81.1% specificity to identify female sex. There were differences on radiometric variable characteristics in pelvic anthropometric study among adult Indonesians at Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Surabaya. The estimated values of pelvic measurements using 3D CT images could develop a pelvic model with a regression formula with high accuracy value using CPID, LIH, and SPA values.





