sex chromosome turnover

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impact of sex chromosomes and their turnover in speciation remains a subject of ongoing debate in the field of evolutionary biology. Fishes are the largest group of vertebrates, and they exhibit unparalleled sexual plasticity, as well as diverse sex-determining (SD) genes, sex chromosomes, and sex determination mechanisms. This diversity is hypothesized to be associated with the frequent turnover of sex chromosomes in fishes. Although it is evident that amh and amhr2 are repeatedly and independently recruited as SD genes, their relationship with the rapid turnover of sex chromosomes and the biodiversity of fishes remains unknown. We summarize the canonical models of sex chromosome turnover and highlight the vital roles of gene mutation and hybridization with empirical evidence. We revisit Haldane\'s rule and the large X-effect and propose the hypothesis that sex chromosomes accelerate speciation by multiplying genotypes via hybridization. By integrating recent findings on the turnover of SD genes, sex chromosomes, and sex determination systems in fish species, this review provides insights into the relationship between sex chromosome evolution and biodiversity in fishes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex chromosomes display remarkable diversity and variability among vertebrates. Compared with research on the X/Y and Z/W chromosomes, which have long evolutionary histories in mammals and birds, studies on the sex chromosomes at early evolutionary stages are limited. Here, we precisely assembled the genomes of homozygous XX female and YY male Lanzhou catfish (Silurus lanzhouensis) derived from an artificial gynogenetic family and a self-fertilized family, respectively. Chromosome 24 (Chr24) was identified as the sex chromosome based on resequencing data. Comparative analysis of the X and Y chromosomes showed an approximate 320 kb Y-specific region with a Y-specific duplicate of anti-Mullerian hormone type II receptor (amhr2y), which is consistent with findings in 2 other Silurus species but on different chromosomes (Chr24 of Silurus meridionalis and Chr5 of Silurus asotus). Deficiency of amhr2y resulted in male-to-female sex reversal, indicating that amhr2y plays a male-determining role in S. lanzhouensis. Phylogenetic analysis and comparative genomics revealed that the common sex-determining gene amhr2y was initially translocated to Chr24 of the Silurus ancestor along with the expansion of transposable elements. Chr24 was maintained as the sex chromosome in S. meridionalis and S. lanzhouensis, whereas a sex-determining region transition triggered sex chromosome turnover from Chr24 to Chr5 in S. asotus. Additionally, gene duplication, translocation, and degeneration were observed in the Y-specific regions of Silurus species. These findings present a clear case for the early evolutionary trajectory of sex chromosomes, including sex-determining gene origin, repeat sequence expansion, gene gathering and degeneration in sex-determining region, and sex chromosome turnover.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Almost all species in the genus Salix (willow) are dioecious and willows have variable sex-determining systems, the role of this variation in maintaining species barriers is relatively untested. We first analyzed the sex determination systems (SDS) of two species, Salix cardiophylla and Salix interior, whose positions in the Salix phylogeny make them important for understanding a sex chromosome turnover that has been detected in their relatives, and that changed the system from male (XX/XY) to female (ZW/ZZ) heterogamety. We show that both species have male heterogamety, with sex-linked regions (SLRs) on chromosome 15 (termed a 15XY system). The SLRs occupy 21.3% and 22.8% of the entire reference chromosome, respectively. By constructing phylogenetic trees, we determined the phylogenetic positions of all the species with known SDSs. Reconstruction of ancestral SDS character states revealed that the 15XY system is likely the ancestral state in willows. Turnovers of 15XY to 15ZW and 15XY to 7XY likely contributed to early speciation in Salix and gave rise to major groups of the Vetrix and Salix clades. Finally, we tested introgression among species in the phylogenetic trees based on both autosomes and SLRs separately. Frequent introgression was observed among species with 15XY, 15ZW, and 7XY on autosomes, in contrast to the SLR datasets, which showed less introgression, and in particular no gene flow between 15ZW and 7XY species. We argue that, although SDS turnovers in willow speciation may not create complete reproductive barriers, the evolution of SLRs plays important roles in preventing introgression and maintaining species boundaries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    African cichlid fishes are known for their high rates of phenotypic evolution. A rapid rate of diversification is apparent also in the diversity of their sex chromosomes. To date, sex determiners have been identified on 18 of 22 chromosomes in the standard karyotype. Here, we use whole-genome sequencing to characterize the sex chromosomes of seven populations of basal haplochromines, focusing on the genus Pseudocrenilabrus. We identify six new sex chromosome systems, including the first report of a cichlid sex-determining system on linkage group 12. We then quantify the rates and patterns of sex chromosome turnover in this clade. Finally, we test whether some autosomes become sex chromosomes in East African cichlids more often than expected by chance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advances in DNA sequencing technology have enabled the precise decoding of genomes in non-model organisms, providing a basis for unraveling the patterns and mechanisms of sex chromosome evolution. Studies of different species have yielded conflicting results regarding the traditional theory that sex chromosomes evolve from autosomes via the accumulation of deleterious mutations and degeneration of the Y (or W) chromosome. The concept of the \'sex chromosome cycle,\' emerging from this context, posits that at any stage of the cycle (i.e., differentiation, degeneration, or loss), sex chromosome turnover can occur while maintaining stable sex determination. Thus, understanding the mechanisms that drive both the persistence and turnover of sex chromosomes at each stage of the cycle is crucial. In this review, we integrate recent findings on the mechanisms underlying maintenance and turnover, with a special focus on several organisms having unique sex chromosomes. Our review suggests that the diversity of sex chromosomes in the maintenance of stable sex determination is underappreciated and emphasizes the need for more research on the sex chromosome cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex chromosome turnover is the transition between sex chromosomes and autosomes. Although many cases have been reported in poikilothermic vertebrates, their evolutionary causes and genetic mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, we report multiple transitions between the Y chromosome and autosome in the Japanese Tago\'s brown frog complex. Using chromosome banding and molecular analyses (sex-linked and autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs, from the nuclear genome), we investigated the frogs of geographic populations ranging from northern to southern Japan of two species, Rana tagoi and Rana sakuraii (2n = 26). Particularly, the Chiba populations of East Japan and Akita populations of North Japan in R. tagoi have been, for the first time, investigated here. As a result, we identified three different sex chromosomes, namely chromosomes 3, 7, and 13, in the populations of the two species. Furthermore, we found that the transition between the Y chromosome (chromosome 7) and autosome was repeated through hybridization between two or three different populations belonging to the two species, followed by restricted chromosome introgression. These dynamic sex chromosome turnovers represent the first such findings in vertebrates and imply that speciation associated with inter- or intraspecific hybridization plays an important role in sex chromosome turnover in frogs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual reproduction is prevalent across diverse taxa. However, sex-determination mechanisms are so diverse that even closely related species often differ in sex-determination systems. Teleost fish is a taxonomic group with frequent turnovers of sex-determining mechanisms and thus provides us with great opportunities to investigate the molecular and evolutionary mechanisms underlying the turnover of sex-determining systems. Here, we compile recent studies on the diversity of sex-determination mechanisms in fish. We demonstrate that genes in the TGF-β signaling pathway are frequently used for master sex-determining (MSD) genes. MSD genes arise via two main mechanisms, duplication-and-transposition and allelic mutations, with a few exceptions. We also demonstrate that temperature influences sex determination in many fish species, even those with sex chromosomes, with higher temperatures inducing differentiation into males in most cases. Finally, we review theoretical models for the turnover of sex-determining mechanisms and discuss what questions remain elusive.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex chromosomes have evolved independently in many different plant lineages. Here, we describe reference genomes for spinach (Spinacia oleracea) X and Y haplotypes by sequencing homozygous XX females and YY males. The long arm of 185-Mb chromosome 4 carries a 13-Mb X-linked region (XLR) and 24.1-Mb Y-linked region (YLR), of which 10 Mb is Y specific. We describe evidence that this reflects insertions of autosomal sequences creating a \"Y duplication region\" or \"YDR\" whose presence probably directly reduces genetic recombination in the immediately flanking regions, although both the X and Y sex-linked regions are within a large pericentromeric region of chromosome 4 that recombines rarely in meiosis of both sexes. Sequence divergence estimates using synonymous sites indicate that YDR genes started diverging from their likely autosomal progenitors about 3 MYA, around the time when the flanking YLR stopped recombining with the XLR. These flanking regions have a higher density of repetitive sequences in the YY than the XX assembly and include slightly more pseudogenes compared with the XLR, and the YLR has lost about 11% of the ancestral genes, suggesting some degeneration. Insertion of a male-determining factor would have caused Y linkage across the entire pericentromeric region, creating physically small, highly recombining, terminal pseudoautosomal regions. These findings provide a broader understanding of the origin of sex chromosomes in spinach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Salicaceae species have diverse sex determination systems and frequent sex chromosome turnovers. However, compared with poplars, the diversity of sex determination in willows is poorly understood, and little is known about the evolutionary forces driving their turnover. Here, we characterized the sex determination in two Salix species, S. chaenomeloides and S. arbutifolia, which have an XY system on chromosome 7 and 15, respectively.
    RESULTS: Based on the assemblies of their sex determination regions, we found that the sex determination mechanism of willows may have underlying similarities with poplars, both involving intact and/or partial homologs of a type A cytokinin response regulator (RR) gene. Comparative analyses suggested that at least two sex turnover events have occurred in Salix, one preserving the ancestral pattern of male heterogamety, and the other changing heterogametic sex from XY to ZW, which could be partly explained by the \"deleterious mutation load\" and \"sexually antagonistic selection\" theoretical models. We hypothesize that these repeated turnovers keep sex chromosomes of willow species in a perpetually young state, leading to limited degeneration.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings further improve the evolutionary trajectory of sex chromosomes in Salicaceae species, explore the evolutionary forces driving the repeated turnovers of their sex chromosomes, and provide a valuable reference for the study of sex chromosomes in other species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In many groups, sex chromosomes change frequently but the drivers of their rapid evolution are varied and often poorly characterized. With an aim of further understanding sex chromosome turnover, we investigated the polymorphic sex chromosomes of the Marsabit clawed frog, Xenopus borealis, using genomic data and a new chromosome-scale genome assembly. We confirmed previous findings that 54.1 Mb of chromosome 8L is sex-linked in animals from east Kenya and a laboratory strain, but most (or all) of this region is not sex-linked in natural populations from west Kenya. Previous work suggests possible degeneration of the Z chromosomes in the east population because many sex-linked transcripts of this female heterogametic population have female-biased expression, and we therefore expected this chromosome to not be present in the west population. In contrast, our simulations support a model where most or all of the sex-linked portion of the Z chromosome from the east acquired autosomal segregation in the west, and where much genetic variation specific to the large sex-linked portion of the W chromosome from the east is not present in the west. These recent changes are consistent with the hot-potato model, wherein sex chromosome turnover is favoured by natural selection if it purges a (minimally) degenerate sex-specific sex chromosome, but counterintuitively suggest natural selection failed to purge a Z chromosome that has signs of more advanced and possibly more ancient regulatory degeneration. These findings highlight complex evolutionary dynamics of young, rapidly evolving Xenopus sex chromosomes and set the stage for mechanistic work aimed at pinpointing additional sex-determining genes in this group.





