rumen fermentation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Greenhouse gas emission from the activities of all productive sectors is currently a topic of foremost importance. The major contributors in the livestock sector are ruminants, especially dairy cows. This study aimed to evaluate and compare 21 equations for predicting enteric methane emissions (EME) developed on the basis of milk traits and fatty acid profiles, which were selected from 46 retrieved through a literature review. We compiled a reference database of the detailed fatty acid profiles, determined by GC, of 992 lactating cows from 85 herds under 4 different dairy management systems. The cows were classified according to DIM, parity order, and dairy system. This database was the basis on which we estimated EME using the selected equations. The EME traits estimated were methane yield (20.63 ± 2.26 g/kg DMI, 7 equations), methane intensity (16.05 ± 2.76 g/kg of corrected milk, 4 equations), and daily methane production (385.4 ± 68.2 g/d, 10 equations). Methane production was also indirectly calculated by multiplying the daily corrected milk yield by the methane intensity (416.6 ± 134.7 g/d, 4 equations). We also tested for the effects of DIM, parity, and dairy system (as a correction factor) on the estimates. In general, we observed little consistency among the EME estimates obtained from the different equations, with exception of those obtained from meta-analyses of a range of data from different research centers. We found all the EME predictions to be highly affected by the sources of variation included in the statistical model: DIM significantly affected the results of 19 of the 21 equations, and parity order influenced the results of 13. Different patterns were observed for different equations with only some of them in accordance with expectations based on the cow\'s physiology. Finally, the best predictions of daily methane production were obtained when a measure of milk yield was included in the equation or when the estimate was indirectly calculated from daily milk yield and methane intensity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ruminal fermentation is a natural process involving beneficial microorganisms that contribute to the production of valuable products and efficient nutrient conversion. However, it also leads to the emission of greenhouse gases, which have detrimental effects on the environment and animal productivity. Phytobiotic additives have emerged as a potential solution to these challenges, offering benefits in terms of rumen fermentation modulation, pollution reduction, and improved animal health and performance. This updated review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the specific benefits of phytobiotic additives in ruminant nutrition by summarizing existing studies. Phytobiotic additives, rich in secondary metabolites such as tannins, saponins, alkaloids, and essential oils, have demonstrated biological properties that positively influence rumen fermentation and enhance animal health and productivity. These additives contribute to environmental protection by effectively reducing nitrogen excretion and methane emissions from ruminants. Furthermore, they inhibit microbial respiration and nitrification in soil, thereby minimizing nitrous oxide emissions. In addition to their environmental impact, phytobiotic additives improve rumen manipulation, leading to increased ruminant productivity and improved quality of animal products. Their multifaceted properties, including anthelmintic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and immunomodulatory effects, further contribute to the health and well-being of both animals and humans. The potential synergistic effects of combining phytobiotic additives with probiotics are also explored, highlighting the need for further research in this area. In conclusion, phytobiotic additives show great promise as sustainable and effective solutions for improving ruminant nutrition and addressing environmental challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eight rumen additives were chosen for an enteric methane-mitigating comparison study including garlic oil (GO), nitrate, Ascophyllum nodosum (AN), Asparagopsis (ASP), Lactobacillus plantarum (LAB), chitosan (CHI), essential oils (EOs) and 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP). Dose-dependent analysis was carried out on selected feed additives using a meta-analysis approach to determine effectiveness in live subjects or potential efficacy in live animal trials with particular attention given to enteric gas, volatile fatty acid concentrations, and rumen microbial counts. All meta-analysis involving additives GO, nitrates, LAB, CHI, EOs, and 3-NOP revealed a reduction in methane production, while individual studies for AN and ASP displayed ruminal bacterial community improvement and a reduction in enteric CH4. Rumen protozoal depression was observed with GO and AN supplementation as well as an increase in propionate production with GO, LAB, ASP, CHI, and 3-NOP rumen fluid inoculation. GO, AN, ASP, and LAB demonstrated mechanisms in vitro as feed additives to improve rumen function and act as enteric methane mitigators. Enzyme inhibitor 3-NOP displays the greatest in vivo CH4 mitigating capabilities compared to essential oil commercial products. Furthermore, this meta-analysis study revealed that in vitro studies in general displayed a greater level of methane mitigation with these compounds than was seen in vivo, emphasising the importance of in vivo trials for final verification of use. While in vitro gas production systems predict in vivo methane production and fermentation trends with reasonable accuracy, it is necessary to confirm feed additive rumen influence in vivo before practical application.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For sustainable development, better performance, and less gas pollution during rumen fermentation, there is a need to find a green and safe feed additive for ruminants. Cysteamine (CS) is a biological compound naturally produced in mammalian cells. It is widely used as a growth promoter in ruminants because of its ability to control hormone secretions. It mainly controls the circulating concentration of somatostatin and enhances growth hormone production, leading to improved growth performance. CS modulates the rumen fermentation process in a way beneficial for the animals and environment, leading to less methane production and nutrients loss. Another beneficial effect of using CS is that it improves the availability of nutrients to the animals and enhances their absorption. CS also works as an antioxidant and protects the cells from oxidative damage. In addition, CS has no adverse effects on bacterial and fungal alpha diversity in ruminants. Dietary supplementation of CS enhances the population of beneficial microorganisms. Still, no data is available on the use of CS on reproductive performance in ruminants, so there is a need to evaluate the effects of using CS in breeding animals for an extended period. In this review, the action mode of CS was updated according to recently published data to highlight the beneficial effects of using CS in ruminants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rumen ecosystem harbours a galaxy of microbes working in syntrophy to carry out a metabolic cascade of hydrolytic and fermentative reactions. This fermentation process allows ruminants to harvest nutrients from a wide range of feedstuff otherwise inaccessible to the host. The interconnection between the ruminant and its rumen microbiota shapes key animal phenotypes such as feed efficiency and methane emissions and suggests the potential of reducing methane emissions and enhancing feed conversion into animal products by manipulating the rumen microbiota. Whilst significant technological progress in omics techniques has increased our knowledge of the rumen microbiota and its genome (microbiome), translating omics knowledge into effective microbial manipulation strategies remains a great challenge. This challenge can be addressed by modelling approaches integrating causality principles and thus going beyond current correlation-based approaches applied to analyse rumen microbial genomic data. However, existing rumen models are not yet adapted to capitalise on microbial genomic information. This gap between the rumen microbiota available omics data and the way microbial metabolism is represented in the existing rumen models needs to be filled to enhance rumen understanding and produce better predictive models with capabilities for guiding nutritional strategies. To fill this gap, the integration of computational biology tools and mathematical modelling frameworks is needed to translate the information of the metabolic potential of the rumen microbes (inferred from their genomes) into a mathematical object. In this paper, we aim to discuss the potential use of two modelling approaches for the integration of microbial genomic information into dynamic models. The first modelling approach explores the theory of state observers to integrate microbial time series data into rumen fermentation models. The second approach is based on the genome-scale network reconstructions of rumen microbes. For a given microorganism, the network reconstruction produces a stoichiometry matrix of the metabolism. This matrix is the core of the so-called genome-scale metabolic models which can be exploited by a plethora of methods comprised within the constraint-based reconstruction and analysis approaches. We will discuss how these methods can be used to produce the next-generation models of the rumen microbiome.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    The present study evaluated the effect of the inclusion of cassava fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeasts on performance, feed intake, nutrient digestibility, rumen microorganisms and ruminal fermentation of cattle through a systematic review and meta-analysis. The effects of yeast-fermented cassava (YFC) in the diet of cattle were evaluated using the mean difference as a measure of the effect size, considering a confidence interval of 95%. Subgroup and meta-regression analysis were performed to investigate the origin of heterogeneity. The database included eight experiments. Three studies were related to dairy heifers, three related to dairy cow and the remaining two studies were associated to beef heifers. The inclusion of YFC in the bovine diet increased the dry matter intake %BW (P < 0.01) and nutrient digestibility (P < 0.05). We observed an increase in mean ruminal pH (P < 0.01), volatile fatty acid (P < 0.01) and propionic acid concentration (P < 0.01). There was a significant increase in the population of bacteria (P < 0.01) and fungi (P < 0.01), and a reduction in the protozoan count in the rumen fluid (P < 0.01) in the animals fed with YFC. Lactating cows fed YFC produced 1.02 kg/day more (P < 0.01) milk than non-supplemented cows. In addition, there was an increase of 7.4% in the fat (P = 0.03), 6.3% in the protein (P < 0.01) and 2.8% in lactose (P = 0.02) of milk of cows supplemented with YFC. The results of the present meta-analysis showed that the total or partial inclusion of YFC in cattle concentrate improves fermentation and rumen efficiency, dry matter intake, nutrient digestibility, milk yield, and milk composition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the nature of ruminant nutrition and digestion is essential to improve feeding management and animal production. Among many approaches, manipulating ruminant nutrition and fermentation through feed supplementation is being practised and researched. Over the last decade, the utilization of vegetable oils in feed formulation and their effects on various aspects of ruminants have been reported by many researchers. It is important to understand the lipid metabolism in ruminants by microorganisms because it affects the quality of ruminant-derived products such as meat and milk. Majority of vegetable oil supplementation could reduce rumen protozoa population in ruminants due to the effects of medium-chain fatty acids (FAs). However, vegetable oil also contains unsaturated FAs that are known to have a negative effect on cellulolytic bacteria which could show inhibitory effects of the fibre digestion. In this paper, the physiology of nutrient digestion of ruminants is described. This paper also provides a current review of studies done on improvement and modification of rumen fermentation and microbial population through vegetable oil supplementation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review aims to give an overview of the efficacy of yeast supplementation on growth performance, rumen pH, rumen microbiota, and their relationship to meat and milk quality in ruminants. The practice of feeding high grain diets to ruminants in an effort to increase growth rate and weight gain usually results in excess deposition of saturated fatty acids in animal products and increased incidence of rumen acidosis. The supplementation of yeast at the right dose and viability level could counteract the acidotic effects of these high grain diets in the rumen and positively modify the fatty acid composition of animal products. Yeast exerts its actions by competing with lactate-producing (Streptococcus bovis and Lactobacillus) bacteria for available sugar and encouraging the growth of lactate-utilising bacteria (Megasphaera elsdenii). M. elsdenii is known to convert lactate into butyrate and propionate leading to a decrease in the accumulation of lactate thereby resulting in higher rumen pH. Interestingly, this creates a conducive environment for the proliferation of vaccenic acid-producing bacteria (Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens) and ciliate protozoa, both of which have been reported to increase the ruminal concentration of trans-11 and cis-9, trans-11-conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) at a pH range between 5.6 and 6.3. The addition of yeast into the diet of ruminants has also been reported to positively modify rumen biohydrogenation pathway to synthesise more of the beneficial biohydrogenation intermediates (trans -11 and cis -9, trans -11). This implies that more dietary sources of linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and oleic acid along with beneficial biohydrogenation intermediates (cis-9, trans-11-CLA, and trans-11) would escape complete biohydrogenation in the rumen to be absorbed into milk and meat. However, further studies are required to substantiate our claim. Therefore, techniques like transcriptomics should be employed to identify the mRNA transcript expression levels of genes like stearoyl-CoA desaturase, fatty acid synthase, and elongase of very long chain fatty acids 6 in the muscle. Different strains of yeast need to be tested at different doses and viability levels on the fatty acid profile of animal products as well as its vaccenic acid and rumenic acid composition.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methane (CH4) is a greenhouse gas (GHG) produced and released by eructation to the atmosphere in large volumes by ruminants. Enteric CH4 contributes significantly to global GHG emissions arising from animal agriculture. It has been contended that tropical grasses produce higher emissions of enteric CH4 than temperate grasses, when they are fed to ruminants. A number of experiments have been performed in respiration chambers and head-boxes to assess the enteric CH4 mitigation potential of foliage and pods of tropical plants, as well as nitrates (NO3-) and vegetable oils in practical rations for cattle. On the basis of individual determinations of enteric CH4 carried out in respiration chambers, the average CH4 yield for cattle fed low-quality tropical grasses (>70% ration DM) was 17.0 g CH4/kg DM intake. Results showed that when foliage and ground pods of tropical trees and shrubs were incorporated in cattle rations, methane yield (g CH4/kg DM intake) was decreased by 10% to 25%, depending on plant species and level of intake of the ration. Incorporation of nitrates and vegetable oils in the ration decreased enteric CH4 yield by ∼6% to ∼20%, respectively. Condensed tannins, saponins and starch contained in foliages, pods and seeds of tropical trees and shrubs, as well as nitrates and vegetable oils, can be fed to cattle to mitigate enteric CH4 emissions under smallholder conditions. Strategies for enteric CH4 mitigation in cattle grazing low-quality tropical forages can effectively increase productivity while decreasing enteric CH4 emissions in absolute terms and per unit of product (e.g. meat, milk), thus reducing the contribution of ruminants to GHG emissions and therefore to climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meat and milk from ruminants provide an important source of protein and other nutrients for human consumption. Although ruminants have a unique advantage of being able to consume forages and graze lands not suitable for arable cropping, 2% to 12% of the gross energy consumed is converted to enteric CH4 during ruminal digestion, which contributes approximately 6% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, ruminant producers need to find cost-effective ways to reduce emissions while meeting consumer demand for food. This paper provides a critical review of the substantial amount of ruminant CH4-related research published in past decades, highlighting hydrogen flow in the rumen, the microbiome associated with methanogenesis, current and future prospects for CH4 mitigation and insights into future challenges for science, governments, farmers and associated industries. Methane emission intensity, measured as emissions per unit of meat and milk, has continuously declined over the past decades due to improvements in production efficiency and animal performance, and this trend is expected to continue. However, continued decline in emission intensity will likely be insufficient to offset the rising emissions from increasing demand for animal protein. Thus, decreases in both emission intensity (g CH4/animal product) and absolute emissions (g CH4/day) are needed if the ruminant industries continue to grow. Providing producers with cost-effective options for decreasing CH4 emissions is therefore imperative, yet few cost-effective approaches are currently available. Future abatement may be achieved through animal genetics, vaccine development, early life programming, diet formulation, use of alternative hydrogen sinks, chemical inhibitors and fermentation modifiers. Individually, these strategies are expected to have moderate effects (<20% decrease), with the exception of the experimental inhibitor 3-nitrooxypropanol for which decreases in CH4 have consistently been greater (20% to 40% decrease). Therefore, it will be necessary to combine strategies to attain the sizable reduction in CH4 needed, but further research is required to determine whether combining anti-methanogenic strategies will have consistent additive effects. It is also not clear whether a decrease in CH4 production leads to consistent improved animal performance, information that will be necessary for adoption by producers. Major constraints for decreasing global enteric CH4 emissions from ruminants are continued expansion of the industry, the cost of mitigation, the difficulty of applying mitigation strategies to grazing ruminants, the inconsistent effects on animal performance and the paucity of information on animal health, reproduction, product quality, cost-benefit, safety and consumer acceptance.





