risk perception

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Though, many countries are currently in the COVID post-pandemic era, people\'s health protective behaviours are still essential to protect their health and well-being. This study aims to evaluate people\'s understanding and perceptions of COVID-19 risk characteristics (i.e. threat occurrence, threat severity, perceived susceptibility and exposure), the health risk perception towards COVID-19, and health protective behaviours. The study also aims to estimate the associations among these factors by the analysis of structural equation modelling (SEM).
    METHODS: From 15 October to 9 November 2022, questionnaire surveys were administrated to 521 people living in Bangkok of Thailand by using the convenience sampling technique. The analyses were carried out in three phases including descriptive statistical analyses, a measurement model assessment using a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis.
    RESULTS: The results of descriptive analyses demonstrated that the majority of respondents, 39.9%, had the age between 20 and 30 years old, and 61.4% of them were female. Approximately 52.1% of them had a bachelor\'s degree. Upon analysing individuals\' understanding and perceptions of all risk characteristics, individuals\' understanding of COVID-19 severity did not statistically affect health risk perception towards COVID-19, whereas perceived exposure had the strongest effect and in turn influenced health protective behaviours. Perceived susceptibility and understanding of the threat occurrence also significantly affected health risk perception, and indirectly affected health protective behaviours.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study implies that though the potential health impact of COVID-19 is perceived as less severe, people can still construct a perception of its risk particularly based on their perceived exposure and susceptibility. Thus, communicating people about exposure conditions and susceptibility can greatly contribute to people\' construction of risk perception towards COVID-19 which subsequently leads to the decision to perform health protective behaviours.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Risk assessments are common in multiple domains, from finance to medicine. They require evaluating an event\'s potential severity and likelihood. We investigate the possible dependence of likelihood and severity within the domain of impact-based weather forecasting (IBF), following predictions derived from considering asymmetric loss functions. In a collaboration between UK psychologists and partners from four meteorological organisations in Southeast Asia, we conducted two studies (N = 363) eliciting weather warnings from forecasters. Forecasters provided warnings denoting higher likelihoods for high severity impacts than low severity impacts, despite these impacts being described as having the same explicit numerical likelihood of occurrence. This \'Severity effect\' is pervasive, and we find it can have a continued influence even for an updated forecast. It is additionally observed when translating warnings made on a risk matrix to numerical probabilities.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    BACKGROUND: The rollout of the electronic health record (EHR) represents a central component of the digital transformation of the German health care system. Although the EHR promises more effective, safer, and faster treatment of patients from a systems perspective, the successful implementation of the EHR largely depends on the patient. In a recent survey, 3 out of 4 Germans stated that they intend to use the EHR, whereas other studies show that the intention to use a technology is not a reliable and sufficient predictor of actual use.
    OBJECTIVE: Controlling for patients\' intention to use the EHR, we investigated whether disease-specific risk perceptions related to the time course of the disease and disease-related stigma explain the additional variance in patients\' decisions to upload medical reports to the EHR.
    METHODS: In an online user study, 241 German participants were asked to interact with a randomly assigned medical report that varied systematically in terms of disease-related stigma (high vs low) and disease time course (acute vs chronic) and to decide whether to upload it to the EHR.
    RESULTS: Disease-related stigma (odds ratio 0.154, P<.001) offset the generally positive relationship between intention to use and the upload decision (odds ratio 2.628, P<.001), whereas the disease time course showed no effect.
    CONCLUSIONS: Even if patients generally intend to use the EHR, risk perceptions such as those related to diseases associated with social stigma may deter people from uploading related medical reports to the EHR. To ensure the reliable use of this key technology in a digitalized health care system, transparent and easy-to-comprehend information about the safety standards of the EHR are warranted across the board, even for populations that are generally in favor of using the EHR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research aims to investigate the differences and causes behind distracted driving behavior among drivers with varying income levels. A comparative survey of 1121 drivers in Huainan City, China, was conducted, including 562 drivers from high-end communities representing the high-income group, and 559 drivers from general communities representing the low-income group. Employing social norms, risk perception, and experience as independent variables, the study further examines the role of in-group bias as a mediating variable, with distracted driving behavior serving as the dependent variable, through the construction of two structural equation models for analysis. The study found that among the high-income driver group, in-group bias significantly mediates the impact of social norms, risk perception, and experience on distracted driving behavior; however, this mediating effect is less pronounced in the low-income driver group. This finding is crucial for understanding the potential distracted driving behaviors induced by in-group bias within the high-income driver group and for effectively promoting driving safety. In summary, this research provides new insights into reducing distracted driving behavior among the high-income driver group, thereby enhancing road safety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Home-based healthcare is considered crucial for the sustainability of healthcare systems worldwide. In the homecare context, however, adverse events may occur due to error-prone medication management processes and prevalent healthcare-associated infections, falls, and pressure ulcers. When dealing with risks in any form, it is fundamental for leaders to build a shared situational awareness of what is going on and what is at stake to achieve a good outcome. The overall aim of this study was to gain empirical knowledge of leaders\' risk perception and adaptive capacity in homecare services.
    METHODS: The study applied a multiple case study research design. We investigated risk perception, leadership, sensemaking, and decision-making in the homecare services context in three Norwegian municipalities. Twenty-three leaders were interviewed. The data material was analyzed using thematic analysis and interpreted in a resilience perspective of work-as-imagined versus work-as-done.
    RESULTS: There is an increased demand on homecare services and workers\' struggle to meet society\'s high expectations regarding homecare\'s responsibilities. The leaders find themselves trying to maneuver in these pressing conditions in alignment with the perceived risks. The themes emerging from analyzed data were: \'Risk and quality are conceptualized as integral to professional work\', \'Perceiving and assessing risk imply discussing and consulting each other- no one can do it alone\' and \'Leaders keep calm and look beyond the budget and quality measures by maneuvering within and around the system\'. Different perspectives on patients\' well-being revealed that the leaders have a large responsibility for organizing the healthcare soundly and adequately for each home-dwelling patient. Although the leaders did not use the term risk, discussing concerns and consulting each other was a profound part of the homecare leaders\' sense of professionalism.
    CONCLUSIONS: The leaders\' construction of a risk picture is based on using multiple signals, such as measurable vital signs and patients\' verbal and nonverbal expressions of their experience of health status. The findings imply a need for more research on how national guidelines and quality measures can be implemented better in a resilience perspective, where adaptive capacity to better align work-as-imagined and work-as-done is crucial for high quality homecare service provision.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study examined the associations between biculturalism and cigarette and betel nut use and the potential mediating roles of cigarette and betel nut use risk perception and resistance to peer and adult influence among adolescents in Guam. Participants were 673 ethnically diverse students (49% female; Mage = 12.7, SD = .89) from eight public middle schools. The results showed that biculturalism was not associated with cigarette use directly; however, this association was mediated by cigarette use risk perception and resistance to peer and adult influence. In other words, higher biculturalism was associated with more risk perception and then more resistance to peer and adult influence, which sequentially predicted less cigarette use. Similarly, the association between biculturalism and betel nut use was mediated by betel nut use risk perception and resistance to peer and adult influence. Higher biculturalism was associated with greater risk perception and then more resistance to peer and adult influence, which in turn resulted in less betel nut use. These findings can be used to inform the design and implementation of intervention and prevention programs targeting youth who are vulnerable to substance use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Responses to complaints about low-frequency noise and infrasound at workplaces have not been extensively documented in the literature. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health evaluated low-frequency noise, infrasound, and health symptoms among employees of an organization providing services to homeless persons. The organization\'s campus was evacuated after two loud noise and vibration incidents related to methane flare on an adjacent landfill. Employees were interviewed about health symptoms, perceptions of noise, and how the incidents were handled. Available medical records were reviewed. Sound level and noise frequency measurements taken in vacated campus buildings not during these incidents revealed overall levels across frequencies up to 100 hertz were 64 to 73 dB, well below those associated with adverse health effects. However, an unbalanced frequency spectrum could have contributed to the unusual sounds or vibrations reported before the first incident. Some symptoms predating the incidents are consistent with low-frequency noise exposure but are also common and nonspecific. Most interviewed employees (57%) reported being uncomfortable returning to work on the campus. Multiple factors such as noise characteristics, health effects, and employee perceptions need to be considered when assessing health concerns related to low-frequency noise and infrasound.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic severely hit the tourism industry in China and worldwide. Chinese government adopted extensive nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to control it. COVID-19 has been well under control since April 2020 and China entered into a unique recovering period. The aim of this study is to examine how the COVID-19 pandemic changed residents\' travel behaviors and intentions and investigate the theoretical factors associated with these changes during the pandemic and the recovery period. This study used a mixed-methods approach by combining quantitative surveys (N = 1,423) and qualitative interviews (N = 34). We extended the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to include other emerging factors in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as risk perception, tourist trust, and charitable attitude. Our findings show that COVID-19 changed respondents\' travel preferences in different ways, for example, tend to choose natural/outdoor/uncrowded attractions over cultural/indoor/crowded attractions. Second, respondents\' domestic travel behaviors and intentions were positively associated with constructs in TPB, charitable attitude to contribute to the recovery of the tourism industry, tourists\' trust in domestic COVID-19 control, and awareness of destinations\' promotion strategies, while domestic travel intentions were negatively associated with risk perception. Third, concerns about the international COVID-19 control and travel restrictions were the two major factors affecting residents\' intentions to travel abroad. Finally, we highlighted the management implications including implementing strict preventive measures while improving the effectiveness, increasing tourists\' trust, and adopting diverse marketing and promotion strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To perform a spatial analysis of Road Traffic Crashes (RTCs) and assess road safety issues from the perspective of road users.
    Although many initiatives have been taken to reduce the occurrence and severity of RTCs, they continue to persist. Existing research often investigates the spatial occurrence of RTCs or the perception of road safety issues from the road user. In doing this, only a limited number of factors that contribute to RTCs can be revealed, whereas in most RTC occurrences a multitude of factors plays a role. A more integrated approach combining both knowledge areas can contribute to improving road safety.
    RTCs that occurred from 2018 to 2020 in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, were spatially analyzed. This was performed using Network Kernel Density Estimation (NKDE) analysis. Two zones within the study area were selected to understand road users\' perceptions of road safety through a survey. Furthermore, opinions toward possible recommendations for improving road safety were also collected through key informant interviews.
    NKDE resulted in a hot-spot map of the road segments in the study area that showed the frequency of RTCs using different colors. The road segments were classified based on the number of RTCs from 2018 to 2020, ranging from zero to 17.9 RTCs per kilometer. This led to the selection of a hot and cold spot zone for further analysis. The road user perception survey resulted in the discovery of qualitative responses that can be used to improve road safety in future and the possible recommendations would be well received by them. The key-informant interviews acted as a backup to the opinions given by the road users and provided insights on what is being done in the study area to improve road safety.
    The synthesis of findings unveiled why road users perceive some areas as dangerous and which road policies need to be revised to improve road safety in Rotterdam.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic counseling (GC) traditionally follows a non-directive counseling approach. Although a cornerstone of GC teaching and theory, there has been debate on whether GC is, can be, or should be a patient-led service due to challenges in practice, as well as the advancement and complexity of genetic testing. Personal risk perceptions and patient expectations within particular contexts may further affect how genetic counselors discuss risk information, even while attempting to remain neutral. Less is known about the process of GC communication in non-Western settings. This paper presents empirical evidence from a South African prenatal GC consultation where tensions become apparent due to differing risk perceptions and expectations between a genetic counselor and a patient, which ultimately impacts non-directive communication practice. The case study forms part of a larger qualitative study focusing on risk and uncertainty communication within GC consultations in Cape Town, South Africa. A blended sociolinguistic approach drawing on principles of conversation analysis (CA) and theme-orientated discourse analysis (TODA) provides evidence of the complexity of imparting risk information and challenging patients to reflect on their decision-making, whilst refraining from sharing personal risk perceptions during everyday practice. The case study demonstrates how a genetic counselor may become implicitly and explicitly directive in their communication approach within the same consult which may reveal their personal risk perceptions on the matter discussed. In addition, the case study reveals how a genetic counselor may grapple with the dilemma of honoring the non-directive guidelines of the profession, whilst simultaneously supporting a patient who requests advice. The ongoing debate on non-directive counseling, decision-making, and patient care in GC is important for the reflection and development of the profession to understand how to assist and support patients facing sensitive and difficult decisions, in a meaningful, and contextually-tailored manner.





