respiratory therapy

  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Perioperative pulmonary rehabilitation may effectively reduce the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications and improve the quality of life of lung cancer patients and its clinical application value in lung cancer patients has been widely recognized. However, there is still no international consensus or guideline for pulmonary rehabilitation regimen, lacking standardized criteria when pulmonary rehabilitation applied in perioperative clinical practice for lung cancer. The consensus provides implementation regimen and process of pulmonary rehabilitation, aiming to promote the reasonable and standardized application of perioperative pulmonary rehabilitation training in clinical practice, sequentially enable patients to maximize benefits from the rehabilitation.
    【中文题目:肺癌围手术期肺康复训练中国专家共识】 【中文摘要:围手术期肺康复能有效降低术后肺部相关并发症的发生并提高肺癌患者术后的生活质量,在肺癌患者中的临床应用价值已被广泛认可。然而肺康复方案仍然没有形成国际共识和指南,运用于肺癌围手术期临床实践时缺乏规范和标准。本共识将通过提供围手术期肺康复训练的实施方案、流程,促进围手术期肺康复训练在临床实践中更合理、更规范地应用,最终能够使患者最大程度地从中获益。
】 【中文关键词:肺肿瘤;围手术期肺康复;专家共识】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), marked by acute hypoxemia and bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, has been defined in multiple ways since its first description. This Delphi study aims to collect global opinions on the conceptual framework of ARDS, assess the usefulness of components within current and past definitions and investigate the role of subphenotyping. The varied expertise of the panel will provide valuable insights for refining future ARDS definitions and improving clinical management.
    METHODS: A diverse panel of 35-40 experts will be selected based on predefined criteria. Multiple choice questions (MCQs) or 7-point Likert-scale statements will be used in the iterative Delphi rounds to achieve consensus on key aspects related to the utility of definitions and subphenotyping. The Delphi rounds will be continued until a stable agreement or disagreement is achieved for all statements.
    METHODS: Consensus will be considered as reached when a choice in MCQs or Likert-scale statement achieved ≥80% of votes for agreement or disagreement. The stability will be checked by non-parametric χ2 tests or Kruskal Wallis test starting from the second round of Delphi process. A p-value ≥0.05 will be used to define stability.
    BACKGROUND: The study will be conducted in full concordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and will be reported according to CREDES guidance. This study has been granted an ethical approval waiver by the NMC Healthcare Regional Research Ethics Committee, Dubai (NMCHC/CR/DXB/REC/APP/002), owing to the nature of the research. Informed consent will be obtained from all panellists before the start of the Delphi process. The study will be published in a peer-review journal with the authorship agreed as per ICMJE requirements.
    BACKGROUND: NCT06159465.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    As an important component of disease management, pulmonary rehabilitation delays disease progression, alleviates symptoms, improves exercise tolerance and quality of life (QOL) in patients with chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) and other types of respiratory dysfunction. Due to the disease characteristics of patients with respiratory dysfunction, patients generally have problems such as reduced exercise tolerance and impaired airway mucus clearance capability during pulmonary rehabilitation. Inhalation therapy has a unique and significant role in the treatment of respiratory diseases, complementing and promoting each other with pulmonary rehabilitation. Rational application of inhalation therapy can effectively prevent and treat the loss of exercise tolerance and improve the effect of airway clearance in pulmonary rehabilitation,while pulmonary rehabilitation techniques can help to improve the strength of inspiratory muscles, patient self-management, and improve the safety and effectiveness of inhalation therapy. However, there are still difficulties in clinical application due to different knowledge systems of clinical medicine and rehabilitation medicine. In order to further promote the discipline integration and better guide clinical practice,the Respiratory Branch of the Chinese Geriatrics Society (CGS) and the China Rehabilitation Hospital Association (CRHA) organized respiratory and rehabilitation experts to jointly formulate the Chinese expert consensus on the application of inhalation therapy in pulmonary rehabilitation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the non-adherence level of Spanish clinical practice to guideline recommendations for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and to estimate the potential impact on pharmaceutical expenditure resulting from transitioning current treatment patterns according to guidelines.
    METHODS: A model was developed to compare current prescribing patterns with two alternative scenarios: the first aligned with the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD 2020) recommendations, and the second with the Spanish Guidelines for COPD (GesEPOC 2017). Current treatment practice was obtained from publications that describe treatment patterns by pulmonology departments in Spain. The economic impact between patterns was calculated from the perspective of the Spanish National Health System (NHS), considering the annual pharmacological costs of COPD inhaled maintenance therapy. Two additional analyses were performed: one that included current prescribing patterns of patients managed by pulmonology and primary care centers in Spain (published aggregated data); and another that only considered the appropriate use of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) treatment according to guidelines.
    RESULTS: It was estimated that 54% and 38% of patients were not treated in line with GOLD and GesEPOC recommendations, respectively, mainly due to a broader use of ICS-based therapies. Adapting treatment to recommendations could provide a potential annual cost-saving of €17,792,022 (according to GOLD) and €5,881,785 (according to GesEPOC). In scenario analysis 1, a 26% of non-adherence to GesEPOC guideline was observed with a potential annual pharmacological cost-saving of €2,707,554. In scenario analysis 2, considering only inappropriate use of ICS treatment, an annual cost-saving of €17,863,750 (according to GOLD) and €9,904,409 (according to GesEPOC) was calculated.
    CONCLUSIONS: More than a third of treatments for COPD patients in Spain are not prescribed in accordance with guideline recommendations. The adaptation of clinical practice to guideline recommendations could provide important cost-savings for the Spanish NHS.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    The pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus declared by the WHO in March 11th 2020, affects a small number of pediatric patients, who mostly present mild respiratory compromise and favorable evolution. However began to be observed in previously healthy children, an increase in cases defined as \"Multisystemic Inflammatory Syndrome\" (MIS-C) or \"Kawasaki-like\" post-COVID 19 (KLC) that evolve to shock and require hospitalization in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. MIS-C and KL-C are characterized by fever; signs of inflammation, gastrointestinal symptoms, and cardiovascular dysfunction, associated with sever forms of presentation with higher incidence of hypotension and/or shock. In the laboratory, markers of inflammation, hypercoagulability and myocardial damage are observed. Firstline drug treatment consists of intravenous immunoglobulin plus oral acetylsalicylic acid. A multidisciplinary approach is recommended for an accurate diagnosis and an early and effective treatment, in order to reduce morbidity and mortality.
    La pandemia ocasionada por el nuevo coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), declarada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud OMS) en marzo de 2020, afecta a un reducido número de pacientes pediátricos, quienes presentan, en su mayoría, compromiso respiratorio leve y evolución favorable. Sin embargo, en niños previamente sanos, comenzó a observarse un aumento de casos definidos como síndrome inflamatorio multisistémico (SIM-C) o similar a Kawasaki (Kawasaki-like) asociado a la enfermedad por el nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) (KL-C) que evolucionan al shock y requieren internación en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Los cuadros de SIM-C y los KL-C se caracterizan por fiebre, signos de inflamación, síntomas gastrointestinales y disfunción cardiovascular; las formas graves de presentación tienen mayor incidencia de hipotensión y/o shock. En el laboratorio se observan marcadores de inflamación, hipercoagulabilidad y daño miocárdico. El tratamiento farmacológico de primera línea consiste en la administración de inmunoglobulina por vía intravenosa más ácido acetilsalicílico por vía oral. Se recomienda un abordaje multidisciplinario para un diagnóstico certero y un tratamiento temprano y eficaz para disminuir la morbimortalidad.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The treatment applied for children admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) for severe acute bronchiolitis may differ from general recommendations. The first objective of our study was to describe the treatments offered to these children in a Spanish tertiary PICU. The second objective was to analyse the changes in management derived from the publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) bronchiolitis guideline in 2014.
    METHODS: This was a retrospective-prospective observational study conducted during two epidemic waves (2014-2015 and 2015-2016). The AAP guidelines were distributed and taught to PICU staff between both epidemic waves.
    RESULTS: A total of 138 children were enrolled (78 male). In the first period, 78 children were enrolled. The median age was 1.8 months (IQR 1.1-3.6). There were no differences between the management in the two periods, except for the use of high-flow oxygen therapy (HFOT); its use increased in the second period. Overall, 83% of patients received non-invasive ventilation or HFOT. Children older than 12 months received HFOT exclusively. In comparison, continuous positive airway pressure and bi-level positive airway pressure were used less during the period 2015-2016 (P=0.036). Regarding pharmacological therapy, 70% of patients received antibiotics, 23% steroids, 33% salbutamol, 31% adrenaline, and 7% hypertonic saline. The mortality rate was zero.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our PICU did not follow the AAP recommendations. There were no differences between the two periods, except in the use of HFOT. All children older than 12 months received HFOT exclusively. The rate of using invasive mechanical ventilation was also low.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    Post COVID-19 sequelae includes breathlessness, weakness, fatigue, decreased exercise tolerance and impaired quality of life. Physiotherapy based rehabilitation program is an essential component for post COVID-19 patients in facilitating maximum functional recovery. Expert consensus statements are available from the developed countries. There is a need for a guidelines to manage post COVID-19 sequelae in Indian context. The objective of this consensus statement is to provide evidence informed guidelines for post COVID-19 physiotherapy management as a component of pulmonary rehabilitation. This consensus statement was developed by expert panel across India. Published literatures were appraised and used to prepare the recommendations. This is the first of its kind of work providing preliminary guidelines for post COVID-19 physiotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Definite evidence has shown that the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) could be transmitted from person to person, so far more than 1 700 bedside clinicians have been infected. A lot of respiratory treatments for critically ill patients are deemed as high-risk factors for nosocomial transmission, such as intubation, manual ventilation by resuscitator, noninvasive ventilation, high-flow nasal cannula, bronchoscopy examination, suction and patient transportation, etc, due to its high possibility to cause or worsen the spread of the virus. As such, we developed this consensus recommendations on all those high-risk treatments, based on the current evidence as well as the resource limitation in some areas, with the aim to reduce the nosocomial transmission and optimize the treatment for the COVID-19 pneumonia patients. Those recommendations include: (1)Standard prevention and protection, and patient isolation; (2)Patient wearing mask during HFNC treatment; (3)Using dual limb ventilator with filters placed at the ventilator outlets, or using heat-moisture exchanger (HME) instead of heated humidification in single limb ventilator with HME placed between exhalation port and mask; avoid using mask with exhalation port on the mask; (4)Placing filter between resuscitator and mask or artificial airway; (5)For spontaneous breathing patients, placing mask for patients during bronchoscopy examination; for patients receiving noninvasive ventilation, using the special mask with bronchoscopy port to perform bronchoscopy; (6)Using sedation and paralytics during intubation, cuff pressure should be maintained between 25-30 cmH(2)O(1 cmH(2)O=0.098 kPa); (7)In-line suction catheter is recommended and it can be used for one week; (8)Dual-limb heated wire circuits are recommended and only changed with visible soiled; (9)For patients who need breathing support during transportation, placing an HME between ventilator and patient; (10)PSV is recommended for implementing spontaneous breathing trial (SBT), avoid using T-piece to do SBT. When tracheotomy patients are weaned from ventilator, HME should be used, avoid using T-piece or tracheostomy mask. (11)Avoid unnecessary bronchial hygiene therapy; (12) For patients who need aerosol therapy, dry powder inhaler metered dose inhaler with spacer is recommended for spontaneous breathing patients; while vibrating mesh nebulizer is recommended for ventilated patients and additional filter is recommended to be placed at the expiratory port of ventilation during nebulization.
    自首例新型冠状病毒肺炎确诊以来,已有大量人传人的病例,其中超过1 700例医护人员遭受了感染。对危重症患者进行呼吸治疗时有大量高危操作,例如气管插管、简易呼吸器辅助通气、无创正压通气、高流量鼻导管治疗、气管镜检查、吸痰以及转运等均可引起或加重患者气道内呼出病毒的大量传播。因此,我们根据目前最佳证据以及国内现有条件制定了本防范建议,旨在降低医护人员感染风险的同时为患者提供最佳治疗。.






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    To evaluate the association of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program, Seventh Edition changes on term infants born with meconium-stained amniotic fluid (MSAF).
    We evaluated the effect of no longer routinely intubating nonvigorous term infants born with MSAF in 14 322 infants seen by the resuscitation team from January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017 in a large, urban, academic hospital.
    Delivery room intubations of term infants with MSAF fell from 19% to 3% after the change in guidelines (P = <.0001). The rate of all other delivery room intubations also decreased by 3%. After the implementation of the Seventh Edition guidelines, 1-minute Apgar scores were significantly more likely to be >3 (P = .009) and significantly less likely to be <7 (P = .011). The need for continued respiratory support after the first day of life also decreased. Admission rates to the NICU, length of stay, and the need for respiratory support on admission were unchanged.
    Implementation of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program, Seventh Edition recommendations against routine suctioning nonvigorous infants born with MSAF was temporally associated with an improvement in 1-minute Apgar scores and decreased the need for respiratory support after the first day of life. There was also a significant decrease in total intubations performed in the delivery room. This has long-term implications on intubation experience among frontline providers.





