
报告 / 披露
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experiencing image-based sexual harassment and abuse (IBSHA), or the sending of unsolicited nude or sexual images and the nonconsensual taking, sharing, or threats to share nude or sexual images, may have severe consequences for victims\' well-being. While seeking help may be beneficial, not every victim seeks help. Little research has been conducted on IBSHA victims\' help-seeking behavior. Therefore, the present mixed-method study examined the help-seeking behavior of IBSHA victims, particularly the barriers and facilitators to seeking help. The study used data from an online survey (N = 163) and interviews (N = 6) among 12-to-25-year-old victims. The quantitative data indicated that the majority of victims disclosed the incident (72.8%), but only a third received help (34.4%). Help-seekers reported greater experienced barriers to help-seeking, when compared to non-help-seekers. The experienced barriers positively predicted victims\' reported help-seeking behavior. From the qualitative data, four types of barriers were identified: (a) individual barriers (e.g., feelings of shame), (b) practical barriers (e.g., affordability of help), (c) interpersonal barriers (e.g., fear of negative reactions from one\'s social environment), and (d) sociocultural barriers (e.g., normalization of IBSHA). Moreover, two types of facilitators were identified: (a) individual facilitators (e.g., the impact of victimization) and (b) interpersonal facilitators (e.g., social support). This suggests victims experience multiple barriers, which altogether can influence their help-seeking behavior. As a help-seeking trajectory is complex and unique to the individual, victims may encounter multiple new hurdles along the way. This may explain why help-seekers reported more barriers. The findings and corresponding implications highlight the importance of providing education on IBSHA and help-seeking on various levels in society.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual violence with its enormous negative consequences has become an epidemic most especially among the young populations. An effective danger-proof reporting system is necessary for curbing this menace including use of the internal whistleblowing mechanism. The study employed a concurrent (parallel) mixed method descriptive design for explaining the sexual violence experiences of university students, the intention of staff and students to blow the whistle, and their preferred whistleblowing strategies. A total of 167 students and 42 members of staff (69% males and 31% females, respectively) were randomly selected from four academic departments (50%) of a university of technology in Southwest Nigeria. An adapted questionnaire containing three vignettes on sexual violence and a focus group discussion guide were used for data collection. We discovered that 16.1% of the students reported to have experienced sexual harassment, 12.3% had attempted rape, and 2.6% had experienced rape. Tribe (Likelihood-Ratio, LR = 11.16; p = .004) and sex (χ2 = 12.65; p = .001) were strongly associated with sexual violence experiences. Also, 50% staff and 47% students had high intention. Regression analysis showed that industrial and production engineering students will be 2.8 times more likely to have intention to internally blow the whistle more than other students (p = .03; 95% CI [1.1, 6.97]). Female staff had 5.73 odds of intention more than male staff (p = .05; [1.02, 32.1]). Also, we observed that senior staff will 31% less likely blow the whistle than the junior staff (Adjusted Odd Ratio, AOR = 0.04; [0.00, 0.98]; p = .05). In our qualitative findings, courage was mentioned as a factor necessary for blowing the whistle while anonymous reporting was emphasized for successful whistleblowing. However, the students preferred external whistleblowing. The study has implication for the establishment of sexual violence internal whistleblowing reporting system in higher education institutions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experiencing sexual violence may have serious long-term consequences for victims. Seeking help may decrease the chances of developing long-term physical and psychosocial problems. Still not every victim seeks help, and especially with victimization of sexual violence, there may be several reasons as to why. The barriers to help-seeking are diverse and may depend on several contextual factors. This study, as part of a larger research project, aimed to determine the barriers that victims of sexual violence experience in their decision to seek help in a non-college setting. This mixed-methods study included an online survey (N = 133) and open-ended survey (N = 207) amongst victims of 18 years and older. The online survey data were analyzed using chi-square tests for independence and t-tests; the open-ended survey data were analyzed using a descriptive approach. The online survey data showed that minimization of the incident was higher for non-help-seekers, whilst distrust toward support providers and issues with the accessibility of help were higher for help-seekers. No further significant associations were found between the decision to seek help and the barriers to help-seeking. From the open-ended survey data, three categories of barriers were distinguished: (a) individual barriers, such as feelings of shame, (b) interpersonal barriers, such as the fear of negative social reactions and (c) sociocultural barriers, such as societal stereotypes regarding sexual violence. The findings suggest that victims experience various, but primarily individual, barriers to help-seeking and that these barriers do not strongly differ between help-seekers and non-help-seekers. This study highlights the importance of addressing barriers to help-seeking on an organizational and societal level to encourage help-seeking.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dating violence (DV) and sexual violence (SV) are pernicious issues among college students that lead to deleterious outcomes, which are more likely when victims receive more negative social reactions (e.g., blaming the victim) and fewer positive social reactions to disclosure (e.g., providing emotional support). Most research studies have examined victims\' reports of social reactions to their assault disclosures, with only a few cross-sectional studies of predictors of disclosure recipients\' provision of positive and negative social reactions to victims. The purpose of the current study was to address these gaps in the literature. Participants were 481 college students (76.4% women, 89.2% White/Non-Hispanic) who reported being a disclosure recipient during the past six months (measured at Time 2 to cross-sectionally and longitudinally predict their social reactions to victims\' disclosures). Results suggested that both victim and disclosure recipient characteristics (e.g., gender, race), disclosure recipient perceptions of victims (e.g., empathy for victim, blame of victim, victims\' coping) and both disclosure recipient and victim behavior at the time of disclosure (e.g., drinking, distress) were related to disclosure recipient social reactions. These findings underscore the need for programs for potential informal disclosure recipients that target psychological variables (e.g., post-traumatic stress disorder) and behavior at the time of disclosure, as well as their perceptions of victims more generally, in addition to improving their knowledge and ability to respond with positive social reactions and avoid negative social reactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After a sexual assault, victims often disclose their assault to an informal support provider (SP) to receive social support. Ample research exists on social reactions of informal SPs to disclosure and how those reactions affect the victim both positively and negatively, but little research exists on how the disclosure impacts a survivor\'s support relationships both in the short and in the long term. This qualitative interview study examined 45 ethnically diverse informal support dyads where women disclosed sexual assault to an informal SP (e.g., friend, family, significant other). Assault disclosure was examined to determine its impact on relationship quality of survivors and their SPs. Results revealed positive and negative effects on survivor-SP relationships of assault disclosure and social reactions. In almost all matched pairs (91%), the survivor, SP, or both remarked on how the relationship had changed following disclosure. Family member SPs spoke of survivors\' risk-taking and poor relationship choices. Significant others spoke of the toll of supporting survivors who sometimes left their needs unmet and strained their relationships with survivors. Friend SPs often appraised how the survivor engaged in other types of relationships, but overall felt that their relationships had become stronger or closer as a result of the disclosure. Implications of this study include acknowledging that informal supporters, particularly significant others, can experience adverse effects after disclosure, and that help is needed not only for survivors but also for their informal support sources. Future research should continue to investigate both the short-term and longitudinal impacts of sexual assault disclosure on survivors\' informal support relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When intimate partner violence (IPV) data are collected from only one partner, they are often subject to considerable reporting bias. However, it is not easy to collect such data from couples, and inaccuracies might result in discrepancies, which needs a resolution. We assessed the concordance on reports of lifetime and previous year physical, sexual, and emotional IPV against wives, as reported by both Nepalese wives and husbands. The association of possible risk factors with discordant reporting of IPV was also analyzed. We conducted a cross-sectional study in two areas in Nepal between August and September 2011. We collected data from 717 randomly selected couples on lifetime and previous year experience of physical, sexual, and emotional IPV against wives, as well as their sociodemographic characteristics. We calculated the kappa coefficients and agreement percentage to assess the concordance on wives\' reports of IPV victimization and husbands\' reports of IPV perpetration. We also performed multiple logistic regressions to identify the factors associated with discordant reporting of IPV among couples. Levels of concordance between wives\' and husbands\' reports of IPV were significantly low, as indicated by kappa coefficients, ranging from .20 (sexual and emotional IPV) to .24 (physical IPV) in lifetime experience and from .15(sexual IPV) to .18 (physical IPV) in previous year experience. Wives\' caste, husbands\' age and education, household income, and place of residence were significantly associated with discordance in IPV reports among Nepalese couples. Discordant reporting about IPV is common among Nepalese couples. Collecting information from both partners might be important to obtain more reliable data on IPV in the Nepalese context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Empirical research has repeatedly examined the social reactions survivors receive from informal and formal support providers. This research has also provided an understanding of social reactions survivors perceive as helpful and hurtful. Advocacy agencies provide supplemental information instructing support providers how to respond to survivors in a positive way. However, these sources-to our knowledge-have not specifically asked survivors how they want to be responded to when disclosing assault and what they need in the aftermath of assault. Furthermore, studies have not asked support providers about how to respond to survivors in a positive way. Thus, the information provided to survivors and support providers on positive support may not be \"survivor informed.\" This study examined recommendations for responding to survivors from two methods. First, as a broader approach, open-ended survey responses from N = 1,863 survivors were examined for unprompted recommendations on what survivors need following assault. Second, in a sample of 45 informal support dyads, survivors and support providers were specifically asked to provide recommendations on responding to survivors in a positive way. Results include recommendations from survivors to informal supporters, formal service providers, and other survivors on what is needed in the aftermath of sexual assault. Results also include recommendations on responding to survivors in a positive way from interviewed support providers to other supporters.





