
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pyometra is a gynecological condition characterized by pus accumulation in the endometrial cavity. It is a rare condition, and it should be included in the differential diagnosis of abdominal pain in postmenopausal women. We present a case of a 65-year-old postmenopausal woman with complaints of foul-smelling white discharge, itching in the perineal region, lower abdominal pain, and postmenopausal bleeding for two to three months. USG of the pelvis was done outside, which revealed heterogeneous ill-defined cervical growth with endometrial fluid collection and multiple uterine fibroids. CT and MRI of the pelvis were done in our hospital, which revealed an ill-defined heterogeneously enhancing growth in the cervix with multiple uterine fibroids and heterogeneous endometrial collection showing restricted diffusion in MRI suggestive of pyometra. Cervical biopsy revealed features suggestive of moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Pyometra is a common disease in intact female canines characterized by an infection of the uterus. If it is not treated immediately, it could result in various complications such as fistulous tract development, sepsis, hemorrhage, uveitis, conjunctivitis, pyelonephritis, urinary tract infection, and myocarditis. In this case report, we highlight the benefits of the application of a topical ointment on wound healing after ovariohysterectomy in canine Pyometra. Following surgical intervention, the dog developed necrosis in her nipples and lost a portion of her mammary tissues. A large cyst formed and later ruptured, leaving the animal with a large wound. The vet applied a topical ointment, AlpaWash, to the affected area and prescribed antibiotic, analgesic, and antiinflammatory drugs to help manage the condition. The vet reported complete healing of the wounds within one month from the commencement of the treatment regimen.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Uterine rupture in the setting of pyometra is a rare occasion, with an incidence of less than 0.5%. The clinical manifestation of a perforated pyometra is non-specific; therefore, it can mimic many other causes of acute abdomen, such as perforated viscus, acute appendicitis, or diverticulitis, which poses unique challenges to diagnosis solely based on clinical information. We reviewed a case of an elderly postmenopausal lady who presented with a sudden onset of generalized abdominal pain, preceded by fever and vomiting. Physical examination revealed a distended abdomen with clinical signs of peritonism. She was initially diagnosed with possible obstructed gastrointestinal carcinoma by clinical examination, with the differential diagnosis of diverticular abscess. Eventually, further abdominal and pelvic contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) study revealed a pyometra with uterine rupture, complicated with pneumoretroperitoneum and pneumoperitoneum. This case emphasizes the value of a CT scan in establishing an accurate diagnosis and early detection of life-threatening complications, such as uterine rupture, as in this case.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Uterine abscess is a rare gynecologic entity and only a few cases have been reported so far. This study aimed to describe our clinical experience in this case. Initially, hematoma was diagnosed without detail previous medical record. Finally, laparotomy was performed due to refractory fever and highly possible diagnosis of uterine abscess. We successfully performed a hysterectomy and the patient had an uneventful recovery.
    METHODS: A 44-year-old nulliparous woman underwent myomectomy in the local hospital, 45 days ago. She complained of irregular fever (up to 40 °C) without abdominal pain since the surgery.
    METHODS: Due to lack of her detail medical record, equivocal images and her strong intention to preserve uterus, she was misdiagnosed with hematoma and treated with antibiotic treatment. Finally, intraoperative findings revealed that the huge myometrial abscess contained a mass of pus.
    METHODS: Laparotomy was performed due to refractory high-grade fever and highly possible diagnosis of uterine abscess. Total hysterectomy was performed to avoid the possibility of life-threatening sepsis.
    RESULTS: The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged 10 days after surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Complete imaging examinations are recommended prior myomectomy to facilitate the differential diagnosis of postoperative complications. In addition, several measures, such as maintaining aseptic conditions during surgery and postoperative drainage, play a critical role in preventing nosocomial infections. Rare uterine abscess is often mistaken for hematoma with fever. If the patient develops high fever after myomectomy, accompanied by a mass in the myometrium, the possibility of infection or even abscess formation should not be excluded. For women who need to preserve their fertility, the early diagnosis and timely administration of appropriate medication is crucial for preventing uterine loss.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Infection by Dialister micraerophilus, an obligate anaerobic gram-negative bacillus, has rarely been described, and its clinical characteristics remain unclear.
    METHODS: We report a case of bacteremia caused by D. micraerophilus, Enterocloster clostridioformis, and Eggerthella lenta in a 47-year-old woman, associated with pyometra. D. micraerophilus was identified using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. D. micraerophilus was detected by polymerase chain reaction using D. micraerophilus-specific primers and E. clostridioformis and E. lenta was isolated from the drainage pus sample obtained from the pyometra uterus. The patient achieved a cure after abscess drainage and 2-week antibiotic treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of D. micraerophilus bacteremia. D. micraerophilus may be associated with gynecological infections. Clinicians should consider both oral and gynecological sites when searching to identify the focus of D. micraerophilus infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of female genital system infiltration of T-cell lymphoma in veterinary literature.
    METHODS: A 1.5-year-old, intact female Golden Retriever was referred due to melena and hyporexia that lasted for three weeks. Fever (40.5℃), tachycardia, tachypnoea, pale mucous membranes, and purulent vaginal discharge were identified on physical examination. Blood analyses revealed leucocytosis, anaemia, hypoalbuminemia, and increased lactate and C-reactive protein levels. On abdominal radiography, the small intestine was moderately deviated because of an oval-shaped mass (13 cm × 8.7 cm) located in the mid-abdomen. An enlarged tubular-shaped structure that had the opacity of soft tissue located in dorsal to the bladder to the middle of the abdomen, and an oval-shaped mass (5.28 cm × 3.26 cm), which was suspected to be a medial iliac lymph node located at the sixth to seventh lumbar level. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed gas and fluid in the lumen of the uterine horn with a severely thickened wall, round enlarged lymph nodes around the genitourinary system, and free fluid in the abdominal cavity. Based on these results, pyometra was suspected, and an exploratory laparotomy was performed for ovariohysterectomy. The resected ovary and uterus were macroscopically hypertrophied. Histopathological examination of the ovary and uterus revealed neoplastic proliferation of large round cells with strong immunoreactivity for CD3, indicating T-cell lymphoma. Therefore, the young dog was diagnosed with genital lymphoma.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present report describes T-cell lymphoma infiltrating the uterus and ovaries in a young dog, which is rarely diagnosed and could aid in the differential diagnosis of genital diseases in young dogs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pyometra is a uterine infection that causes pus to accumulate in the uterine cavity. Pyometra primarily affects postmenopausal women. Multiple aetiologies, including cervical stenosis, have been identified. Medical therapy using intravenous antibiotics and surgical evacuation are the conventional treatment options for pyometra. Here, we present a unique case of a novel therapy for pyometra in a geriatric patient; percutaneous alleviation of the causative cervical stenosis was performed using balloon dilatation, along with endometrial drainage of the infected fluid through her vagina, a natural route. This technique has overcome the need for other invasive therapies. The patient\'s clinical condition improved significantly after this minimally invasive treatment. Percutaneous balloon dilatation of the cervix for stenosis or occlusion in patients with pyometra facilitates drainage of the infected endometrial fluid. This alternative management technique ensured a satisfactory postoperative course and tolerance in the short-term follow-up. Furthermore, the technique ensured good aesthetic results, with its minimally invasive approach in selected patients, compared to other means of evacuation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pyometra is an easily overlooked disease with nonspecific symptoms; however, a delayed diagnosis can lead to severe complications. An 80-year-old frail woman presented to our hospital with a chief complaint of persistent fever for 10 days. Her blood tests showed an elevated inflammatory response, and computed tomography showed a 10-cm cystic lesion in the pelvic floor compressing the bladder. A catheter was inserted from the vagina into the uterine cavity, resulting in pus drainage and pyometra diagnosis. A pus culture was subsequently performed, which detected Achromobacter xylosoxidans, a common cause of respiratory tract infections in cystic fibrosis and bloodstream infections, andγ-streptococcus. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of pyometra caused by Achromobacter xylosoxidans. The patient was treated with drainage and piperacillin-tazobactam administration. Pyometra is especially prevalent in older women with impaired activities of daily living and dementia. Although fever, lower abdominal pain, and increased discharge may occur, symptoms are often nonspecific, and half of such cases are asymptomatic. Furthermore, delayed diagnosis can lead to perforation of the uterus and consequent pan-peritonitis. Thus, the diagnosis of pyometra should be considered in older women presenting with unknown fever, and imaging studies and gynecological consultation should be requested promptly.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common type of cervical carcinoma and is generally derived from a precancerous stage called cervical high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL). Usually, the cancer metastasizes through lymphatic or hematogenous dissemination, but rarely spreads upward into the uterus. Here, we report a case of cervical HSIL extending into the endometrium and finally progressing to SCC in the uterine cavity.
    METHODS: A 57-year-old postmenopausal woman visited our department and requested a routine cervical check-up. Four years ago, she had undergone a cervical loop electrosurgical excision procedure because of HSIL found during the gynecological examination, and she had not been checked again since. This time, a relapse of the cervical HSIL was diagnosed along with uterine pyometra and endometrial polyps. After 2 wk of antibiotic treatment, a laparoscopic hysterectomy was performed, and the final pathological examination revealed that the cervical HSIL had spread directly upward into the uterine cavity, gradually developing into cervical SCC in the endometrium.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cervical HSIL/SCC can directly spread upward into the uterus with the most common symptoms of pyometra and cervical stenosis. More attention should be given to the early detection and prevention of this disease.





