
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Interferon (IFN)-a is often used in combination with psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA) in patients with mycosis fungoides (MF) refractory to skin-targeted therapies in early or advanced stages. The main objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of combined PUVA and low-dose IFN-α-2a therapy in patients with early- and advanced-stage MF.
    METHODS: Sixty-eight patients who received a combination of PUVA twice or thrice a week and INF-a 3 MU thrice a week for at least 3 months were reviewed retrospectively. The treatment response was evaluated as complete remission (CR), partial remission, stable disease, or progression.
    RESULTS: At the initiation, the majority of patients (66.2%) had early-stage disease. In 27.9% of cases, this was the initial treatment administered following the diagnosis of MF. The median duration of combination therapy was 11 months. Complete remission was achieved in 45.6% of the patients with an overall response rate of 60.3%. The mean duration of response was 5 months. Complete remission was statistically significantly higher in early-stage patients (p < .05). No statistically significant correlation was observed between CR and gender, histopathological features, or laboratory parameters. In patients with CR, 80% experienced relapse, significantly higher in early-stage patients (p < .05). However, there was no significant difference in disease-free survival between early and advanced stages (p > .05).
    CONCLUSIONS: The study results indicated that PUVA + low-dose INF-a combination therapy was more effective in the early stage than in the advanced stage. Additionally, there was a high relapse rate after the cessation of treatment in patients who achieved CR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This literature review explores atopic dermatitis and its management, with a focus on phototherapy as a treatment modality. The primary objectives are to elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, and epidemiology of atopic dermatitis. Additionally, it seeks to explain phototherapy mechanisms, different modalities, and other therapeutic approaches. In this review, we comprehensively examine atopic dermatitis by synthesizing findings from diverse sources over the past 20 years. We investigate the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, and role of phototherapy in treatment. We conduct thematic analysis, compare phototherapy modalities, consider contextual factors, and integrate patient perspectives while upholding ethical considerations. Limitations include potential publication bias, language barriers, temporal constraints, subjectivity, and limited generalizability. Atopic dermatitis has a complex pathogenesis and can be managed with diverse modalities. Phototherapy emerges as an effective and safe treatment, particularly when other therapies prove ineffective.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Phototherapy has gained popularity in the recent decades for the treatment of various immune-mediated dermatological conditions since it is more-cost effective and less toxic compared to systemic therapies. This systematic review aims to inform dermatology providers of the risks and benefits of phototherapy, especially in patients at risk for malignancies. Ionizing energy from phototherapy results in DNA photolesions, namely of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and 6-4 photoproducts (6-4PPs). Without adequate repair, these mutations increase the risk for carcinogenesis. Additionally, phototherapy can also indirectly cause DNA damage through the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which damage of several structural and functional proteins and DNA. When choosing a phototherapy modality, it also important to take into consideration the side effect profiles associated with each modality. For instance, a 10-fold higher dose of NB-UVB is required to produce a similar amount of CPDs compared with BB-UVB. Patients who undergo UVA with psoralen (PUVA) can be susceptible to developing skin malignancies up to 25 years after receiving their last treatment. It would behoove providers to consider optimal radiation dosage given each patients\' level of skin pigmentation and potential for photoadaptation. Additionally, there are measures have been proposed to minimize deleterious skin changes, such as a 42-degree Celsius heat treatment using a 308nm excimer laser prior to UVB phototherapy and low frequency, low intensity electromagnetic fields along with UVB. However, as performing routine skin exams, remain paramount in the prevention of phototherapy-induced neoplasia.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Phototherapy is a standard treatment for moderate-to-severe psoriasis. However, concern remains regarding the associated cutaneous carcinogenic risk. Our objective is to conduct a systematic review of skin cancer risk for psoriasis patients treated with phototherapy. To achieve our goal, we searched Cochrane, PubMed, and Embase databases. We aimed to evaluate existing literature (from July 1, 2010, to December 31, 2020) on phototherapy for all Fitzpatrick skin phototypes (FSP) which includes 71 articles, and eight articles being categorized in this review. Five studies did not report an increased skin cancer risk with narrowband-ultraviolet blue (UVB) and unspecified UVB for FSP II through VI, with one study not reporting FSP. Three studies did report an increased risk of skin cancer with narrowband-UVB and broadband-UVB for FSP I-VI, with one study also not specifying skin phototypes or UVB phototherapy type. Additionally, a study with psoralen and ultraviolet A with and without narrowband-UVB demonstrated an increased risk of skin cancer in phototypes III and IV. The most commonly reported secondary outcomes with phototherapy were actinic keratosis (123) and solar lentigines (10). Numerous patients were also on additional therapies including methotrexate, acitretin, and biologics. Study limitations include publication bias due to limited number of studies published on this topic in the last ten years along with heterogeneity in reporting. The relationship between phototherapy, psoriasis, and cutaneous oncogenic risk remains contradictory. While phototherapy for psoriasis is an efficacious therapy, further studies are needed to understand the cutaneous oncogenic risk based on FSP to help clinicals tailor treatment recommendations based on skin phototypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phototherapy is an extremely effective and established therapeutic modality in a variety of dermatological disorders. However, there has been a constant concern with respect to its long-term usage as some of the studies have identified the risk of cutaneous malignancy associated with phototherapy. The carcinogenic potential of PUVA has been demonstrated in most US studies; however, the studies done on Asian and Arabian-African population have not corroborated similar findings, thus suggesting that the darker skin may confer protection against the development of cutaneous malignancy following phototherapy. The main aim of the present study was to assess the safety of phototherapy (bath PUVA and NBUVB) in Indian population (Fitzpatrick skin types IV and V) with respect to its carcinogenic potential and to determine the maximum cumulative dose that our patients could tolerate without developing any untoward complications such as cutaneous malignancy. All patients who received phototherapy between January 2006 and October 2016 were enrolled in the study. Details such as cumulative dose, number of phototherapy sessions received, indication for phototherapy, adverse effects such as pigmentary changes, new growths on the skin surface following the therapeutic sessions were entered in a predesigned proforma. This ambispective study had 1300 patients who had received phototherapy over a period of 10 years. A total of 929 patients had received PUVA, and the remaining 371 patients had received NBUVB for various dermatological indications. The average follow-up period for PUVA was 3 years and 6.5 years for NBUVB. The maximum cumulative dose of UVA and UVB that could be safely administered in our patients was 2085 J/cm2 and 1985 mJ/cm2, respectively. None of our patients developed any features of cutaneous malignancy during their follow-up. Both bath-PUVA and NBUVB are safe and efficacious in treating patients of darker skin types (IV and V). The risk of developing cutaneous malignancy is negligible in this subset of patients. However, more studies need to be done on the Asian population to substantiate the same.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phototherapy is a recommended treatment regimen for different scleroderma spectrum disorders, but so far it has been included neither by European nor by worldwide experts committee in recommendations for the treatment of systemic sclerosis (SSc). The aim of the study was to revisit the utility of dermatological phototherapy in patients with SSc. PubMed using medical subject headings was searched to identify studies evaluating response to dermatological phototherapy in SSc patients. Both UVA1 (340-400 nm) and PUVA (psoralen plus UVA) treatments were found to reduce skin thickening and increase skin elasticity, therefore allowing for the improvement of joint tension mobility, especially in hands. At least several papers showed efficacy of phototherapy in patients who remained non-responsive to previous immunosuppressive therapies. The most probable mechanisms of action of phototherapy in SSc include inhibition of T-cells and prevention from dermal fibrosis. Although most data on the efficacy of phototherapy come from small experimental studies and case reports, phototherapy based on UVA of wavelength manifests relatively mild spectrum of side effects and this should be considered as a treatment option for SSc with dominant cutaneous involvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Granuloma annulare (GA) is challenging to treat, especially when generalized. A systematic review to support the use of light and laser-based treatments for GA is lacking.
    METHODS: We performed a systematic review by searching Cochrane, MEDLINE and Embase. Title, abstract, full text screening and data extraction were done in duplicate. Quality appraisal was performed using the Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal tool for case series.
    RESULTS: Thirty-one case series met the inclusion criteria, representing a total of 336 patients. Overall, psoralen ultraviolet light A (PUVA) showed the greatest frequency of cases with complete response (59%, n=77/131), followed by photodynamic therapy (PDT) (52%, n=13/25), ultraviolet light B (UVB)/ narrow-band UVB (nbUVB)/excimer laser (40%, n=19/47), UVA1 (31%, n=27/86), and lasers (29%, n=8/28). Overall, across treatment modalities, higher response rates were seen in localized GA compared to generalized GA.
    CONCLUSIONS: The body of evidence for light and laser-based treatment of GA is sparse. Our results suggest that PUVA has a high clearance rate for GA but its use may be limited by concerns of carcinogenesis. Although PDT has the second highest clearance rate, adverse effects, small sample sizes, impractical treatment delivery (especially with generalized disease), and long-term concerns of carcinogenesis may limit its use. Although UVB/nbUVB/excimer laser appeared slightly less effective than other light therapies, we recommend UVB/nbUVB/excimer laser therapy as a first-line treatment for patients with generalized GA given wider availability and a favorable long-term safety profile.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We review developments in the field of phototherapy in terms of the treatment wavelength, dosimetry and phosphor used for different dermatoses. We attempt to categorize skin lesions and diseases by morphology, focusing on conditions that can be treated using phototherapy and photochemotherapy. Recent research and review articles are studied, the treatments explained and information on phototherapy that is applicable to psoriasis and other diseases is tabulated. The clinical features, epidemiology, epitalogy and various types of psoriasis, together with the therapies available to treat them are reported. Needs-based research has been carried out on narrow and broad band UVB wavelength-emitting phosphors and psoralen combined with UVA (PUVA) depending upon the disease undergoing treatment. Somewhat detailed descriptions of the different types of therapies used in the treatment of psoriasis are given. Phototherapy is shown to be a good therapeutic option for various types of skin diseases. The use of natural therapy has diminished as more people move towards artificial phototherapy like narrow band UVB, broad band UVB, PUVA and targeted phototherapy. The main advantages of these treatments are that they are safe and reduce erythema following treatment. Regarding safety issue the targated phototherapy pay more attention towards researcher.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phototherapy is the use of non-ionizing radiation, primarily in the ultraviolet spectrum, to treat disease. In dermatology, ultraviolet (UV) phototherapy remains an established, lower cost, and often preferred option for many common skin conditions, despite the introduction of newer potent biologics. This article introduces a principal therapeutic modality in the treatment of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis (eczema), vitiligo, and morphea among other diseases where oral manifestations may be present, providing basic information about the use of UVA, UVB, and PUVA. Practical considerations and side effects of phototherapy are described. Phototherapy is an effective treatment for many illnesses and carries a relatively benign side-effect profile.






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    OBJECTIVE: Cutaneous chronic graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) is a common complication of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Phototherapy is a therapeutic option for patients with skin involvement and for those who require high doses of corticosteroids. We analyze the cases treated in our department and review the literature.
    METHODS: All patients with GVHD treated with phototherapy in the dermatology department of Hospital Universitario y Politécnico la Fe in Valencia, Spain between March 2011 and October 2014 were identified. Data were gathered retrospectively.
    RESULTS: There were 16 patients: 10 treated with psoralen-UV-A and 6 with narrowband-UV-B. Complete response was achieved in 9 patients and partial response in 7; 2 patients with partial responses relapsed after treatment. Ten patients were able to decrease their dose of corticosteroids during treatment, and a further 3 decreased the number of other immunosuppressant drugs. No serious adverse effects occurred.
    CONCLUSIONS: Phototherapy is a good therapeutic option for patients with chronic GVHD with extensive cutaneous involvement, as well as for those who fail to respond to topical treatment or who have become steroid-dependent. The main benefits are that, as the treatment targets the skin, it reduces corticosteroid requirements and has a good safety profile. Treatment must be individualized and, in our experience, both the initial dose and the maximum dose per session can be lower than for other diseases.





