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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the clear advances regarding the restoration of posterior teeth, especially with the minimally invasive approach, there are still several topics where the available scientific evidence does not provide clear answers in terms of clinical decisions. The indications, differences, and clinical protocols for partial adhesive restorations (onlays, overlays, and endocrowns) and resistance form restorations (full-contour resistive crowns) were presented in Parts I and II of the present article series based on Coverage of susceptible cusps, Adhesion advantages and limitations, Resistance forms to be implemented, Esthetic concerns, and Subgingival management - the CARES concept. Now, in Part III, the focus is on different approaches of managing subgingival areas, gaining \"ferrule\" design, and the role of posts on the restorability strategies of severely compromised teeth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Working Group 5 was convened to discuss and find consensus on the topics of implant placement and loading protocols associated with single missing teeth in the anterior maxilla (aesthetic zone). Consensus statements, clinical recommendations, patient perspectives and future research suggestions were developed and presented to the plenary for discussion and approval.
    METHODS: Two systematic reviews were developed and submitted prior to the conference. The group considered in detail the systematic reviews and developed statements, clinical recommendations, patient perspectives and future research suggestions based on the findings of the reviews and experience of group members. Definitive versions were developed after presentation to and discussion by the plenary.
    RESULTS: Five consensus statements were developed and approved from each systematic review. Twelve clinical recommendations were developed by the group based on both reviews and experience. Three patient perspectives were developed, and five suggestions made for future research.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on the findings of the systematic reviews and experience of group members, the Type 1A protocol (immediate placement and immediate loading), when utilized in the anterior maxilla under favorable conditions, is considered predictable and is associated with high survival rates. The procedure is considered clinically viable and is associated with aesthetic outcomes, although surgical, technical, and biological complications can occur.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Group-2 reviewed the scientific evidence in the field of «Technology». Focused research questions were: (1) additive versus subtractive manufacturing of implant restorations; (2) survival, complications, and esthetics comparing prefabricated versus customized abutments; and (3) survival of posterior implant-supported multi-unit fixed dental prostheses.
    METHODS: Literature was systematically screened, and 67 publications could be critically reviewed following PRISMA guidelines, resulting in three systematic reviews. Consensus statements were presented to the plenary where after modification, those were accepted.
    RESULTS: Additively fabricated implant restorations of zirconia and polymers were investigated for marginal/internal adaptation and mechanical properties without clear results in favor of one technology or material. Titanium base abutments for screw-retained implant single crowns compared to customized abutments did not show significant differences concerning 1-year survival. PFM, veneered and monolithic zirconia implant-supported multi-unit posterior fixed dental prostheses demonstrated similar high 3-year survival rates, whereas veneered restorations exhibited the highest annual ceramic fracture and chipping rates.
    CONCLUSIONS: For interim tooth-colored implant single crowns both additive and subtractive manufacturing are viable techniques. The clinical performance of additively produced restorations remains to be investigated. Implant single crowns on titanium base abutments show similar clinical performance compared to other type of abutments; however, long-term clinical data from RCTs are needed. The abutment selection should be considered already during the planning phase. Digital planning facilitates 3D visualization of the prosthetic design including abutment selection. In the posterior area, monolithic zirconia is recommended as the material of choice for multi-unit implant restorations to reduce technical complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the relationship between prosthodontic treatment and temporomandibular disorders (TMD).
    Two clinical questions have been raised. Can prosthodontic treatment be used as a strategy to manage temporomandibular disorders? Is there any causal relationship between prosthodontic rehabilitation and the onset of TMD? A systematic search was performed in four medical databases to identify Clinical Trials (CT) and Randomized Clinical Trials (RCT) that could answer the two clinical questions.
    Any articles fulfilling the inclusion criteria were found. Therefore, the best available evidence on TMD management and aetiology is discussed in a scoping review with focus on the relationship with prosthodontic treatment.
    Based on current scientific evidence, prosthetic rehabilitation cannot be proposed as a treatment option for TMD patients, based on the effectiveness of other more conservative options as well as the absence of association between features of dental occlusion and TMD. Thanks to the high neuro plastic adaptation skills of the stomatognathic system, prosthodontic rehabilitation cannot be identified as a direct cause of TMD, but clinicians should pay caution when performing relevant occlusal modifications.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    With the rapid development of digital techniques and the lack of reference standards for chairside computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) operation and application, it is imperative to draft guidelines for chairside CAD/CAM restoration techniques for all ceramics. Therefore, the Society of Prosthodontics, Chinese Stomatological Association recruited experts to compose a recommended application guideline based on the relevant literatures and clinical experiences, including the selection of indications, tooth preparation, optical impression making and other key steps. This guideline is aimed at providing a standardized operation procedure to improve the quality and long-term success rate of chairside CAD/CAM rehabilitation for all ceramics.
    数字化技术发展迅速,但椅旁计算机辅助设计与辅助制作(computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing,CAD/CAM)技术的操作和应用缺乏参考标准,制订椅旁CAD/CAM全瓷修复技术指南势在必行。因此,中华口腔医学会口腔修复学专业委员会在广泛征求意见的基础上,结合临床经验和相关文献撰写此推荐性应用指南,内容包括适应证的选择、牙体的预备、光学印模的制取等关键步骤。本指南旨在通过推荐椅旁CAD/CAM全瓷修复技术的标准操作流程,提高椅旁CAD/CAM全瓷修复的质量和长期成功率。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on evidence-based clinical and material researches, the Society of Prosthodontics, Chinese Stomatological Association organized a panel of experts to write a recommended application guideline via in-depth discussion and literature reviewing. This guideline formulates the standardized operation procedures for the clinical usage of chairside computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) rehabilitation with resin-ceramic composites, aiming at guiding and specifying this clinical technique. This guideline will help to improve the quality, the clinical efficacy, and the long-term success rate of chairside CAD/CAM rehabilitation with resin-ceramic composites via standardizing this restoration technique. At the same time, this guideline will contribute to the clinical promotion of this technique.
    中华口腔医学会口腔修复学专业委员会在广泛征求专家意见的基础上,结合临床研究和循证医学依据,制订此推荐性应用指南。本指南旨在通过推荐树脂陶瓷复合材料椅旁计算机辅助设计与辅助制作(computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing,CAD/CAM)修复技术的标准化操作流程,规范该技术的临床应用及提高修复临床疗效,以促进该技术的临床推广并提高长期成功率。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    China has entered an aging society. The incidence rate of dental defects, dentition defects and edentulism in elderly patients is high, and the number of patients is increasing. The physiological and pathological conditions are complex for the elderly. Moreover, the expectation of dental restoration is also increasing, which is a great challenge in clinic. Currently, few relevant guidelines or standards have been issued nationally or internationally. The Society of Prosthodontics, Chinese Stomatological Association, based on extensive solicitation of opinions and reference to relevant literature, has set an application guideline after extensive discussions and revisions. The guideline covers the common clinical treatment scenarios for prosthetic dentistry in elderly patients. The present guideline consists of general principles, basic workflows and important considerations to provide reference for prosthodontist and relevant medical practitioners.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    OBJECTIVE: To report assessments of four systematic reviews (SRs) on (i) clinical outcomes of all-ceramic implant-supported crowns (iSCs), (ii) production time, effectiveness, and costs of computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM), (iii) computer-assisted implant planning and surgery (CAIPS) time and costs, and (iv) patient-reported outcome measures (PROMS).
    METHODS: An author group consisting of experienced clinicians and content experts discussed and evaluated the SRs and formulated consensus on the main findings, statements, clinical recommendations, and need for future research.
    RESULTS: All four SRs were conducted and reported according to PRISMA and detailed comprehensive search strategies in at least three bibliometric databases and hand searching. The search strategies were deemed reproducible. Variation was noted regarding language restrictions and inclusion of grey literature, but the search comprehensiveness appeared persuasive. The SRs included bias risk assessments of the primary studies, and their study methodology impacted the interpretations of the extracted data.
    CONCLUSIONS: (i) There is limited evidence (49 NRCT) showing that veneered and monolithic all-ceramic iSCs have excellent outcomes observed up to 3 years. (ii) There is no evidence evaluating production time and effectiveness comparing subtractive and additive CAM of implant models, abutments and crowns. (iii) There is limited evidence (4 RCT) that CAIPS involves more time and costs when considering the entire workflow and for diagnostics, manufacturing, and insertion of the restoration. Time seems to be the decisive factor for higher costs. (iv) Patients\' comfort increases when optical compared to conventional impressions are used for fabricating iSCs and short-span FPDs (2 RCT, 5 NRCT).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Patients in need of extensive prosthodontic treatment may need restoration of their occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) due to tooth wear, tooth loss, or changes that have occurred to existing prostheses over time. Prosthodontic treatment is based on the clinical application of the available evidence regarding interocclusal distance (IOD), the positional stability of rest vertical dimension (RVD), and the effect of altering the OVD. Hence, the purpose of this consensus document is to examine available data related to IOD, RVD, and alteration of the OVD.
    METHODS: The search was limited to Clinical trials, Randomized Controlled Trials, Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses. Key words were healthy patient, mean, range, interocclusal rest distance; healthy patient, mean, range, freeway space; and dentistry, interocclusal gap, and no citations appeared. Dentistry, interocclusal distance, revealed 5 not relevant citations. Dentistry, inter occlusal rest space, and dentistry, interocclusal rest distance, both had the same single not relevant citation. Dentistry, freeway space revealed over 7,000 citations. Dentistry, occlusal vertical dimension, revealed 253 citations, 7 of which were related to the search question but only 1 which was different from the previous search. Mandible, rest vertical dimension, age changes, found 7 citations, none relative to the question. Expanding the search to include journal article found 260 citations with only one relevant to the question. Mandible, rest vertical dimension, alteration, harm revealed no citations; mandible, occlusal vertical dimension, alteration, revealed 15 citations, 1 of which was relevant; mandible, occlusal vertical dimension, changes, revealed 75 citations, none of which were relevant; mandible, occlusal vertical dimension, rehabilitation revealed 10 citations, none of which were relevant. Expanding the search strategy to include Journal article, mandible, occlusal vertical dimension, alteration, received 159 citations, 4 of which were relevant; mandible, occlusal vertical dimension, restoration revealed 208 citations, 1 of which was relevant. Numerous other articles were culled by going through the reference lists of the aforementioned articles.
    RESULTS: For IOD, 27 articles were found relevant to the search question, which confirmed a mean of 3.0 mm with ranges from 1 to 9 mm. Five articles revealed little evidence as to whether the RVD changes during life. For OVD, 20 articles, including 4 systematic reviews, revealed some evidence that skeletal growth continues from mid adolescence into mid adulthood; strong anecdotal evidence that some unopposed teeth will continue to erupt; no clinical evidence to support the concept that abraded teeth in occlusion in a patient with bruxism will undergo continuous eruption; and some evidence from clinical case reports that restoring OVD in patients with severe abrasion is a successful treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is a range of dimensions for the interocclusal distance (IOD) with many normal dental patients functioning with a higher or lower IOD than the commonly used 3.0 mm average dimension. The resting vertical dimension (RVD) is a 3-dimensional range with little evidence related to changes in the RVD during life. However, aging can cause a decrease in muscle tone which could affect the RVD. The restoration of the OVD can be successfully accomplished if proper diagnosis and treatment planning are performed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This Best Evidence Consensus Statement evaluated the existing Angle\'s classification clinical literature to determine if the Angle\'s classification as historically determined in maximum intercuspal position (MIP) with hand held casts is coincident with the centric occlusion (CO) determined Angle\'s classification. In addition, it explored the value of using Angle\'s classification for edentulous patients MATERIALS AND METHODS: The search strategy was related to the focus questions and limited to Meta-analyses, Systematic Reviews (SR), Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) and Clinical Trials. Searches were completed using the term Angle\'s classification and Boolean Modifiers (AND) with the key terms: dental occlusion, dental occlusion centric, centric occlusion, centric relation, maximal intercuspation, MIP, intercuspal position, and edentulous patient, retrognathia, determination, and prognathia. Additional related articles were culled from the reference lists in the articles found in the PubMed searches.
    RESULTS: The search identified 494 articles related to the selected terminology. Titles were reviewed and selected if related to the focus questions for further review. Seven papers could be identified that addressed the specifics of the questions.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is evidence that the Angle\'s classification for many patients will change when recorded in CO compared to the historical MIP determination/definition. A different Angle\'s classification recorded in CO is potentially a significant diagnostic finding for patients needing complete mouth rehabilitation. The current definitions of Angle\'s Classification are not useful in the management of edentulous patients.





