
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A four-year-old Labrador Retriever was presented for intermittent tachycardia. The electrocardiogram showed sinus rhythm conducted with ventricular pre-excitation and short runs of orthodromic atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia. Four months later, the rhythm degenerated into a symptomatic sustained tachycardia, suspected to be pre-excited atrial fibrillation, a potentially life-threatening rhythm in the presence of an accessory pathway with a short refractory period. Two days after initiating oral diltiazem, the dog deteriorated and represented with sustained orthodromic atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia, which was terminated by a precordial chest thump. It proceeded to sinus rhythm with ventricular pre-excitation followed by an episode of pre-excited focal atrial tachycardia. A bolus of lidocaine IV successfully restored sinus rhythm and sotalol treatment was started. The dog clinically recovered but died spontaneously 24 h later. This is the first case report that describes spontaneous pre-excited focal atrial tachycardia.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    In 1930, Wolff, Parkinson and White described the syndrome that bears their names. The mechanisms of supraventricular tachycardias were analyzed by brilliant electrocardiography interpretation by Pick and Langendorf. Wellens and Durrer using electrophysiologic studies analyzed the tachycardia mechanism invasively. In Germany the group by Seipel and Breithardt as well as Neuss and Schlepper studied the tachycardia mechanisms and response to antiarrhythmic drugs invasively by electrophysiological studies. Following the first successful interruption of an accessory pathway by Sealy in 1967, surgeons and electrophysiologists cooperated in Germany. Two centers, Hannover and Düsseldorf were established. Direct current (DC) ablation of accessory pathways was introduced by Morady and Scheinman. Because of side effects induced by barotrauma of DC, alternative strategies were studied. In 1987, radiofrequency ablation was introduced and thereafter established as curative therapy of accessory pathways in all locations.
    UNASSIGNED: Wolff, Parkinson und White beschrieben 1930 das Syndrom, das nach ihnen benannt wurde. Die Mechanismen der supraventrikulären Tachykardien wurden schon durch brillante Interpretation des Oberflächen-EKGs durch Pick und Langendorf erforscht. Wellens und Durrer analysierten invasiv mittels programmierter Stimulation die Rhythmusstörungen beim WPW-Syndrom. In der BRD waren die Arbeitsgruppen um Seipel und Breithardt sowie Neuss und Schlepper aktiv in der Erforschung der Tachykardiemechanismen und der Effekte von Antiarrhythmika. Nach der ersten operativen Durchtrennung einer akzessorischen Leitungsbahn durch Sealy 1967 etablierten sich operativ tätige elektrophysiologische Teams auch in der BRD, u. a. in Hannover und Düsseldorf. Die Gleichstromkatheterablation hielt Einzug in der kurativen Therapie des WPW-Syndroms durch Morady und Scheinman. Wegen der Nebenwirkungen des Barotraumas bei Gleichstromablation wurden alternative Therapiestrategien erforscht. 1987 hielt die Radiofrequenzablation (RF-Ablation) Einzug in die nichtpharmakologische Therapie des WPW-Syndroms und hat sich seither als Therapiestandard von akzessorischen Leitungsbahnen in allen Lokalisationen etabliert.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the utility of simultaneous multi-catheter cryotherapy for the treatment of APs that were previously resistant to standard radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation.
    BACKGROUND: Catheter ablation is established in the treatment of accessory pathways (AP), with high rates of permanent procedural success with a single attempt. However, there are still instances of acute procedural failure and AP recurrences with standard RF and cryotherapy methods.
    METHODS: Seven consecutive cases of pre-excitation syndromes with prior failed RF catheter ablation had the novel treatment. Cryotherapy was delivered using two 8 mm tip focal cryoablation catheters (Freezor® Max, Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA).
    RESULTS: Accessory pathway localisation was septal in 5 cases, left posterolateral in 1, right lateral in 1. In all cases, ablation of the AP was acutely successful with no procedural complications. Median procedure and fluoroscopy durations were 199 and 35 min, sequentially. Median Procedure duration fell significantly in the second half of series (174 min) compared to the first half (233 min, P = 0.05). One patient had evidence of a recurring AP conduction with pre-excitation at 5-week follow up. After a median follow up of 66.8+-6.5 months, 6 out of 7 patients remained asymptomatic and free of pre-excitation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Simultaneous multi-catheter cryotherapy is feasible, safe and can provide definitive cure of accessory pathways that were previously resistant to standard radiofrequency ablation. Further study is required in the assessment of this novel form of advanced cryotherapy to treat complex and resistant arrhythmias.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Danon disease is a rare and fatal disease caused by a mutation in the lysosome-associated membrane protein 2 gene. Impaired intracellular autophagy causes lysosomal vacuoles to accumulate mainly in myocardial and skeletal muscle cells, leading to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, skeletal myopathy, and varying degrees of intellectual disability. Two distinct childhood presentations of Danon disease are described in this report.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Post ablation of the accessory pathway (AP), the patient is observed in the catheterization laboratory for a variable period for resumption of pathway conduction. Aim of the study was to determine whether the administration of intravenous adenosine at 10 min after ablation of AP would have the same diagnostic accuracy as waiting for 30 min in predicting the resumption of AP conduction.
    This was a prospective interventional study conducted in two centers. Post ablation of the AP, intravenous adenosine was administered at 10 min to look for dormant pathway conduction. The response was recorded as positive (presence of pathway conduction), negative (absence), or indeterminate (not able to demonstrate AV and VA block and inability to ascertain AP conduction).
    The study included 110 procedures performed in 109 patients. Adenosine administration at 10 min showed positive result in 3 cases (2.7%), negative result in 99 cases (90%) and indeterminate result in 8 cases (7.3%). Reconnection of accessory pathway at 30 min postablation was seen in 8 cases (7.3%). Of these 8 cases, 10 min adenosine administration showed positive test in 3 patients and negative test in 5 patients. Adenosine test at 10 min has a sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of 37.5%, 100%, 100%, and 94.9% in identifying the recurrence of accessory pathway conduction at 30 min, respectively.
    Absence of pathway conduction on administration of adenosine 10 min postablation does not help predict the absence of resumption of conduction thereafter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Patients with WPW syndrome have an increased mortality rate compared to the general population. Although asymptomatic preexcitation has previously been considered benign, recent studies have found that also asymptomatic patients have clinical and electrophysiological factors associated with increased risk of sudden cardiac death. This study compares the baseline electrophysiological characteristics of accessory pathways in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients with preexcitation. We hypothesized that a significant proportion of asymptomatic patients has inducible orthodromic tachycardia during programmed electrical stimulation.
    METHODS: This retrospective study includes 1853 patients with preexcitation who underwent invasive electrophysiological testing in two Swedish University Hospitals between 1991 and 2018. The mean age was 36 ± 17 years with a range of 3-89 years. Thirty-nine percent was women. A total of 269 patients (15%) were children younger than 18 years. Electrophysiological data included effective refractory period of the accessory pathway (APERP, in 1069 patients), tachycardia cycle length, inducibility and type of tachycardia, and AP localization.
    RESULTS: A total of 1703 (93%) patients reported symptoms suggesting tachyarrhythmias before the study and 128 (7%) were asymptomatic. The proportion of potentially dangerous pathways with short APERP (≤ 250 ms) were similar in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients (187/949, 20% vs. 25/108, 23%) (P = 0.40) as was the mean APERP (303 ± 68 ms vs. 307 ± 75) (P = 0.61). The proportion of patients who had inducible arrhythmia was larger in the symptomatic group (64% vs. 31%) (P < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study strengthen the present guideline recommendation (IIA) to consider invasive risk assessment in patients with asymptomatic preexcitation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 79-year-old Caucasian male was referred to cardiology clinic because the electrocardiogram showed premature atrial complexes and pre-excitation (delta waves) thought to be consistent with Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome. He did not report symptoms of palpitations or syncope. Careful analysis of the electrocardiogram revealed a fascicular-ventricular pathway (FVP) responsible for pre-excitation. Differentiating FVP from WPW syndrome is essential as the risk profile is different with each. Electrocardiographic observations that could help identify the presence of an FVP and its diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic implications are presented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surgeons, when dividing bypass tracts adjacent to the His bundle, considered them to be \'anteroseptal\'. The area was subsequently recognized to be superior and paraseptal, although this description is not entirely accurate anatomically, and conveys little about the potential risk during catheter interventions. We now describe the area as being para-Hisian, and it harbours two types of accessory pathways. The first variant crosses the membranous septum to insert into the muscular ventricular septum without exiting the heart, and hence being truly septal. The second variant inserts distally in the paraseptal components of the supraventricular crest, and consequently is crestal. The site of ventricular insertion determines the electrocardiographic expression of pre-excitation during sinus rhythm, with the two types producing distinct patterns. In both instances, the QRS and the delta wave are positive in leads I, II, and aVF. In crestal pathways, however, the QRS is ≥ 140 ms, and exhibits an rS configuration in V1-2. The delta wave in V1-2 precedes by 20-50 ms the apparent onset of the QRS in I, II, III, and aVF. In the true septal pathways, the QRS complex occupies ∼120 ms, presenting a QS, W-shaped, morphology in V1-2. The delta wave has a simultaneous onset in all leads. Our proposed terminology facilitates the understanding of the electrocardiographic manifestations of both types of para-Hisian pathways during pre-excitation and orthodromic tachycardia, and informs on the level of risk during catheter ablation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mid-paraseptal region corresponds to the portion of the pyramidal space whose right atrial aspect is known as the triangle of Koch. The superior area of this mid-paraseptal region is also para-Hisian, and is close to the compact atrioventricular node and the His bundle. The inferior sector of the mid-paraseptal area is unrelated to the normal atrioventricular conduction pathways. It is, therefore, a safe zone in which, if necessary, to perform catheter ablation. The middle part of the mid-paraseptal zone may, however, in some patients, house components of the compact atrioventricular node. This suggests the need for adopting a prudent attitude when considering catheter ablation in this area. The inferior extensions of the atrioventricular node, which may represent the substrate for the slow atrioventricular nodal pathway, take their course through the middle, and even the inferior, sectors of the mid-paraseptal region. In this review, we contend that the middle and inferior areas of the mid-paraseptal region correspond to what, in the past, was labelled by most groups as the \'midseptal\' zone. We describe the electrocardiographic patterns observed during pre-excitation and orthodromic reciprocating tachycardia in patients with pathways ablated in the middle or inferior sectors of the region. We discuss the modification of the ventriculo-atrial conduction times during tachycardia after the development of bundle branch block aberrancy. We conclude that the so-called \'intermediate septal\' pathways, as described in the era of surgical ablation, were insufficiently characterized. They should not be considered the surrogate of the \'midseptal\' pathways defined using endocardial catheter electrode mapping.





