polymyalgia rheumatica

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The last British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) guideline on PMR was published in 2009. The guideline needs to be updated to provide a summary of the current evidence for pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of adults with PMR. This guideline is aimed at healthcare professionals in the UK who directly care for people with PMR, including general practitioners, rheumatologists, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, pharmacists, psychologists and other health professionals. It will also be relevant to people living with PMR and organisations that support them in the public and third sector, including charities and informal patient support groups. This guideline will be developed using the methods and processes outlined in the BSR Guidelines Protocol. Here we provide a brief summary of the scope of the guideline update in development.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    Not available.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    Not available.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: to provide evidence-based up-to-date recommendations for the management of patients with a definite diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR).
    METHODS: A systematic literature review was performed to find the existing clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) on PMR and the framework of the Guidelines International Network Adaptation Working Group was used to appraise (AGREE II), synthesize, and customize the recommendations according to the needs of the Italian healthcare context. Rheumatologists on behalf of the Italian Society of Rheumatology (SIR) and from the SIR Epidemiology Unit joined the working group and identified the key health questions on PMR to guide the systematic literature review. Physicians, including general practitioners and specialists, and health professionals who manage PMR in the clinical practice were the target audience. The final recommendations were rated externally by a multi-disciplinary and multi-professional group of stakeholders.
    RESULTS: From the systematic search in databases (Medline, Embase) and grey literature, 3 CPGs were identified and appraised by two independent raters. Combining the statements and the evidence from these CPGs, 9 recommendations were developed by endorsement or adaptation in response to the initial key health questions. The quality of evidence was graded and the working group discussed the final recommendations in view of their implementation in the Italian healthcare context.
    CONCLUSIONS: In absence of national guidelines so far, these recommendations are the first to provide guidance for the management of patients with a diagnosis of PMR in Italy and they are expected to ensure the best evidence-based clinical practice for this disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) underpin patient care, and ideally authors of these guidelines would be free from outside influence. However, it has been shown many times that authors of professional society CPGs receive large sums of money from industry drug companies, creating financial conflicts of interest. This study investigated industry payments catalogued in the Open Payments Database (OPD) that have been received by authors of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) CPGs.
    Guidelines on the ACR web site that were published during or after August 2014 were used to retrieve the list of authors. All general, research, associated research, and ownership payments reported on the OPD between the date of publication of the CPG and 12 months prior were extracted in a parallel and blinded manner by 2 investigators.
    Of the 89 US-based physician-authors from the 5 ACR CPGs identified within the study timeframe, 56 (62.9%) had received at least 1 payment according to OPD records. These 56 authors had received a median of $522 (interquartile range $119-2,500), which, combined, was a total of $9,728,751. Nineteen authors had received at least 1 industry payment relevant to the CPG recommendations, for a median amount of $748 and a total of $1,961,362 in relevant payments. Of the total relevant payments received, a significant proportion was undisclosed (for ACR CPGs during or after August 2014, undisclosed payments were $699,561, or 35.7% of the total).
    Fewer than one-half of the US-based physician-authors of ACR CPGs during or after August 2014 had received guideline-relevant industry payments. Nonetheless, a substantial proportion of the money received was not disclosed. Conflict of interest disclosure is a bare minimum requirement, and more permanent solutions may include divestiture or inclusion of more nonconflicted authors.






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    文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) occurs almost exclusively in persons aged 50 years or older and it is the second most common inflammatory rheumatic disease in older people after rheumatoid arthritis. Since there are no specific tests for PMR, the exclusion of clinically similar differential diagnoses is essential to ascertain the diagnosis. These recommendations for the management of PMR assume an already established diagnosis of PMR. It is recommended to initiate treatment with glucocorticoids immediately after diagnosis and to provide appropriate patient information and education about the impact of the disease and its treatment. Methotrexate should be considered in patients at high risk for relapse and/or glucocorticoid-related adverse events. These guidelines have been elaborated because there is significant heterogeneity in the management of PMR in clinical practice in Germany (but also Europe and worldwide), despite the large number of patients with this disease. These guidelines are primarily based on the 2015 EULAR-ACR recommendations for the management of PMR, which were updated by the guideline committee and adapted to the German speaking countries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the past years, ultrasound imaging has become an integral element of the diagnostic process in rheumatic diseases. It enables the identification of a range of inflammatory changes in joint cavities, sheaths and bursae, and allows their activity to be assessed. In 2012, experts of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology prepared recommendations concerning the role of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases. Ultrasound was considered the method of choice in imaging peripheral synovitis. Moreover, ultrasound imaging has been popularized thanks to the new classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis issued by the American College of Rheumatology and European League Against Rheumatism in 2010. They underline the role of ultrasound imaging in the detection of articular inflammatory changes that are difficult to assess unambiguously in the clinical examination. These criteria have become the basis for recommendations prepared by experts from the European League Against Rheumatism concerning medical imaging in rheumatoid arthritis. Nine of ten recommendations concern ultrasonography which is relevant in detecting diseases, predicting their progression and treatment response, monitoring disease activity and identifying remission. In the new criteria concerning polymyalgia rheumatica from 2012, an ultrasound scan of the shoulder and pelvic girdle was considered an alternative to clinical assessment. Moreover, the relevance of ultrasonography in the diagnosis and monitoring of peripheral spondyloarthropathies was widely discussed in 2014 during the meeting of the European League Against Rheumatism in Paris.
    Badanie ultrasonograficzne stało się w ostatnich latach integralnym elementem diagnostyki chorób reumatycznych. Umożliwia rozpoznanie spektrum zmian zapalnych w jamach stawów, pochewkach i kaletkach wraz z oceną ich aktywności. W 2012 roku eksperci Europejskiego Towarzystwa Radiologii Mięśniowo-Szkieletowej opracowali rekomendacje dotyczące roli badań ultrasonograficznych w diagnostyce chorób układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego. Ultrasonografię uznano za metodę z wyboru w obrazowaniu zapalenia błony maziowej stawów obwodowych. Do upowszechnienia badania ultrasonograficznego przyczyniło się ponadto ustanowienie w 2010 roku nowych kryteriów klasyfikowania reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów według Amerykańskiego Kolegium Reumatologicznego i Europejskiej Ligi do Walki z Reumatyzmem, w których podkreślono rolę ultrasonografii w identyfikacji zmian zapalnych w stawach trudnych do jednoznacznej oceny klinicznej. Kryteria te stały się podstawą do sformułowania przez ekspertów Europejskiej Ligi do Walki z Reumatyzmem zaleceń dotyczących wykorzystania badań obrazowych w reumatoidalnym zapaleniu stawów. Dziewięć z dziesięciu rekomendacji dotyczy ultrasonografii, która ma znaczenie w rozpoznawaniu chorób, przewidywaniu ich progresji i odpowiedzi na leczenie, monitorowaniu aktywności choroby oraz określeniu remisji. W nowych kryteriach polimialgii reumatycznej z 2012 roku ujęto badanie ultrasonograficzne stawów obręczy barkowej i biodrowej jako alternatywę oceny klinicznej. Podkreśla się również znaczenie ultrasonografii w diagnostyce i monitorowaniu aktywności spondyloartropatii obwodowej, co szeroko dyskutowano na zjeździe Europejskiej Ligi do Walki z Reumatyzmem w Paryżu w 2014 roku.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The British Society for Rheumatology and British Health Professionals in Rheumatology (BSR-BHPR) guidelines for management of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) were published in 2010, aiming to provide guidance for diagnosis, management and disease monitoring. A national study was conducted across multiple rheumatology units throughout the UK in order to study the level of adoption of guidelines in clinical practice.
    METHODS: This study was a retrospective analysis of patient records with a diagnosis of PMR from multiple centres across the UK. The primary objective was to explore the national compliance of PMR management according to BSR guidelines.
    RESULTS: We included 81 responses across 10 rheumatology units in the UK. The guideline core inclusion criteria were followed in more than 90% in making the diagnosis of PMR, but limited concordance was observed with respect to excluding PMR-mimics, the initial recommended glucocorticoid dosage (74%), steroid taper (41%), treatment of relapse (76%), bone protection (84%) and patient follow-up (43%).
    CONCLUSIONS: We observed a wide variation in clinical practice and limited adherence to BSR-BHPR guidelines in the UK. This study highlights the need for robust multilayered and multifaceted implementation strategies involving the providers and the consumers for apposite dissemination of guideline-based practice and consistency of care. We believe that the findings of this study have significant relevance for formulation and dissemination of PMR guidelines in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





