polygenic risk scores

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spondyloarthropathies (SpA), including ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA), have been shown to have a substantial genetic predisposition based on heritability estimates derived from family studies and genome-wide association studies (GWAS). GWAS have uncovered numerous genetic loci associated with susceptibility to SpA, with significant associations to human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes, which are major genetic risk factors for both AS and PsA. Specific loci differentiating PsA from cutaneous-only psoriasis have been identified, though these remain limited. Further research with larger sample sizes is necessary to identify more PsA-specific genetic markers. Current research focuses on translating these genetic insights into clinical applications. For example, polygenic risk scores are showing promise for the classification of disease risk and diagnosis and future research should focus on refining these risk assessment tools to improve clinical outcomes for individuals with SpA. Addressing these challenges will help integrate genetic testing into patients care and impact clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The genetic composition of embryos generated by in vitro fertilization (IVF) can be examined with preimplantation genetic testing (PGT). Until recently, PGT was limited to detecting single-gene, high-risk pathogenic variants, large structural variants, and aneuploidy. Recent advances have made genome-wide genotyping of IVF embryos feasible and affordable, raising the possibility of screening embryos for their risk of polygenic diseases such as breast cancer, hypertension, diabetes, or schizophrenia. Despite a heated debate around this new technology, called polygenic embryo screening (PES; also PGT-P), it is already available to IVF patients in some countries. Several articles have studied epidemiological, clinical, and ethical perspectives on PES; however, a comprehensive, principled review of this emerging field is missing.
    OBJECTIVE: This review has four main goals. First, given the interdisciplinary nature of PES studies, we aim to provide a self-contained educational background about PES to reproductive specialists interested in the subject. Second, we provide a comprehensive and critical review of arguments for and against the introduction of PES, crystallizing and prioritizing the key issues. We also cover the attitudes of IVF patients, clinicians, and the public towards PES. Third, we distinguish between possible future groups of PES patients, highlighting the benefits and harms pertaining to each group. Finally, our review, which is supported by ESHRE, is intended to aid healthcare professionals and policymakers in decision-making regarding whether to introduce PES in the clinic, and if so, how, and to whom.
    METHODS: We searched for PubMed-indexed articles published between 1/1/2003 and 1/3/2024 using the terms \'polygenic embryo screening\', \'polygenic preimplantation\', and \'PGT-P\'. We limited the review to primary research papers in English whose main focus was PES for medical conditions. We also included papers that did not appear in the search but were deemed relevant.
    RESULTS: The main theoretical benefit of PES is a reduction in lifetime polygenic disease risk for children born after screening. The magnitude of the risk reduction has been predicted based on statistical modelling, simulations, and sibling pair analyses. Results based on all methods suggest that under the best-case scenario, large relative risk reductions are possible for one or more diseases. However, as these models abstract several practical limitations, the realized benefits may be smaller, particularly due to a limited number of embryos and unclear future accuracy of the risk estimates. PES may negatively impact patients and their future children, as well as society. The main personal harms are an unindicated IVF treatment, a possible reduction in IVF success rates, and patient confusion, incomplete counselling, and choice overload. The main possible societal harms include discarded embryos, an increasing demand for \'designer babies\', overemphasis of the genetic determinants of disease, unequal access, and lower utility in people of non-European ancestries. Benefits and harms will vary across the main potential patient groups, comprising patients already requiring IVF, fertile people with a history of a severe polygenic disease, and fertile healthy people. In the United States, the attitudes of IVF patients and the public towards PES seem positive, while healthcare professionals are cautious, sceptical about clinical utility, and concerned about patient counselling.
    CONCLUSIONS: The theoretical potential of PES to reduce risk across multiple polygenic diseases requires further research into its benefits and harms. Given the large number of practical limitations and possible harms, particularly unnecessary IVF treatments and discarded viable embryos, PES should be offered only within a research context before further clarity is achieved regarding its balance of benefits and harms. The gap in attitudes between healthcare professionals and the public needs to be narrowed by expanding public and patient education and providing resources for informative and unbiased genetic counselling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The clinical features and pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPSs) in dementia have been extensively studied. However, the genetic architecture and underlying neurobiological mechanisms of NPSs at preclinical stages of cognitive decline and Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) remain largely unknown. Mild behavioral impairment (MBI) represents an at-risk state for incident cognitive impairment and is defined by the emergence of persistent NPSs among non-demented individuals in later life. These NPSs include affective dysregulation, decreased motivation, impulse dyscontrol, abnormal perception and thought content, and social inappropriateness. Accumulating evidence has recently begun to shed more light on the genetic background of MBI, focusing on its potential association with genetic factors related to AD. The Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype and the MS4A locus have been associated with affective dysregulation, ZCWPW1 with social inappropriateness and psychosis, BIN1 and EPHA1 with psychosis, and NME8 with apathy. The association between MBI and polygenic risk scores (PRSs) in terms of AD dementia has been also explored. Potential implicated mechanisms include neuroinflammation, synaptic dysfunction, epigenetic modifications, oxidative stress responses, proteosomal impairment, and abnormal immune responses. In this review, we summarize and critically discuss the available evidence on the genetic background of MBI with an emphasis on AD, aiming to gain insights into the potential underlying neurobiological mechanisms, which till now remain largely unexplored. In addition, we propose future areas of research in this emerging field, with the aim to better understand the molecular pathophysiology of MBI and its genetic links with cognitive decline.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Debates about the prospective clinical use of polygenic risk scores (PRS) have grown considerably in the last years. The potential benefits of PRS to improve patient care at individual and population levels have been extensively underlined. Nonetheless, the use of PRS in clinical contexts presents a number of unresolved ethical challenges and consequent normative gaps that hinder their optimal implementation. Here, we conducted a systematic review of reasons of the normative literature discussing ethical issues and moral arguments related to the use of PRS for the prevention and treatment of common complex diseases. In total, we have included and analyzed 34 records, spanning from 2013 to 2023. The findings have been organized in three major themes: in the first theme, we consider the potential harms of PRS to individuals and their kin. In the theme \"Threats to health equity,\" we consider ethical concerns of social relevance, with a focus on justice issues. Finally, the theme \"Towards best practices\" collects a series of research priorities and provisional recommendations to be considered for an optimal clinical translation of PRS. We conclude that the use of PRS in clinical care reinvigorates old debates in matters of health justice; however, open questions, regarding best practices in clinical counseling, suggest that the ethical considerations applicable in monogenic settings will not be sufficient to face PRS emerging challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the deployment of specific breast cancer screening strategies, breast cancer incidence rates have escalated significantly over recent decades. In a bid to reverse this trend, scientists have engaged in extensive epidemiological research into breast cancer prevalence, identifying numerous individual risk factors and promoting population-wide health education. Coupled with advances in genetic testing, risk prediction models based on breast cancer genes have been developed, albeit with inherent limitations. In the new millennium, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) as a dominant technological force suggests that breast cancer prediction models developed with AI may represent the next frontier in research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the last decade quantitative and molecular genetic research on sleep has increased considerably. New behavioural genetics techniques have marked a new era for sleep research. This paper provides a summary of the most important findings from the last ten years, on the genetic and environmental influences on sleep and sleep disorders and their associations with health-related variables (including anxiety and depression) in humans. In this review we present a brief summary of the main methods in behaviour genetic research (such as twin and genome-wide association studies). We then discuss key research findings on: genetic and environmental influences on normal sleep and sleep disorders, as well as on the association between sleep and health variables (highlighting a substantial role for genes in individual differences in sleep and their associations with other variables). We end by discussing future lines of enquiry and drawing conclusions, including those focused on problems and misconceptions associated with research of this type. In this last decade our knowledge about genetic and environmental influences on sleep and its disorders has expanded. Both, twin and genome-wide association studies show that sleep and sleep disorders are substantially influenced by genetic factors and for the very first time multiple specific genetic variants have been associated with sleep traits and disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early identification of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is critical for mitigating the many negative functional outcomes associated with its diagnosis. Because of the strong genetic basis of ADHD, the use of polygenic risk scores (PRS) could potentially aid in the early identification of ADHD and associated outcomes. Therefore, a systematic search of the literature on the association between ADHD and PRS in pediatric populations was conducted. All articles were screened for a priori inclusion and exclusion criteria, and, after careful review, 33 studies were included in our systematic review and 16 studies with extractable data were included in our meta-analysis. The results of the review were categorized into three common themes: the associations between ADHD-PRS with 1) the diagnosis of ADHD and ADHD symptoms 2) comorbid psychopathology and 3) cognitive and educational outcomes. Higher ADHD-PRS were associated with increased odds of having a diagnosis (OR = 1.37; p<0.001) and more symptoms of ADHD (β = 0.06; p<0.001). While ADHD-PRS were associated with a persistent diagnostic trajectory over time in the systematic review, the meta-analysis did not confirm these findings (OR = 1.09; p = 0.62). Findings showed that ADHD-PRS were associated with increased odds for comorbid psychopathology such as anxiety/depression (OR = 1.16; p<0.001) and irritability/emotional dysregulation (OR = 1.14; p<0.001). Finally, while the systematic review showed that ADHD-PRS were associated with a variety of negative cognitive outcomes, the meta-analysis showed no significant association (β = 0.08; p = 0.07). Our review of the available literature suggests that ADHD-PRS, together with risk factors, may contribute to the early identification of children with suspected ADHD and associated disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Risk factor-based models fail to accurately estimate risk in select populations, in particular younger individuals. A sizable number of people are also classified as being at intermediate risk, for whom the optimal preventive strategy could be more precise. Several personalized risk prediction tools, including coronary artery calcium scoring, polygenic risk scores, and metabolic risk scores may be able to improve risk assessment, pending supportive outcome data from clinical trials. Other tools may well emerge in the near future. A multidimensional approach to risk prediction holds the promise of precise risk prediction. This could allow for targeted prevention minimizing unnecessary costs and risks while maximizing benefits. High-risk individuals could also be identified early in life, creating opportunities to arrest the development of nascent coronary atherosclerosis and prevent future clinical events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polygenic risk influences susceptibility to cancer. We assessed whether polygenic risk scores could be used in conjunction with other predictors of future disease status in cost-effective risk-stratified screening for cancer.
    We undertook a systematic review of papers that evaluated the cost-effectiveness of screening interventions informed by polygenic risk scores compared with more conventional screening modalities. We included papers reporting cost-effectiveness outcomes with no restriction on type of cancer or form of polygenic risk modeled. We evaluated studies using the Quality of Health Economic Studies checklist.
    A total of 10 studies were included in the review, which investigated 3 cancers: prostate (n = 5), colorectal (n = 3), and breast (n = 2). Of the 10 papers, 9 scored highly (score >75 on a 0-100 scale) when assessed using the quality checklist. Of the 10 studies, 8 concluded that polygenic risk-informed cancer screening was likely to be more cost-effective than alternatives.
    Despite the positive conclusions of the included studies, it is unclear if polygenic risk stratification will contribute to cost-effective cancer screening given the absence of robust evidence on the costs of polygenic risk stratification, the effects of differential ancestry, potential downstream economic sequalae, and how large volumes of polygenic risk data would be collected and used.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To review the current state of genetic risk models for predicting the development of kidney cancer, by identifying and comparing the performance of published models.
    Risk models were identified from a recent systematic review and the Cancer-PRS web directory. A narrative synthesis of the models, previous validation studies and related genome-wide association studies (GWAS) was carried out. The discrimination and calibration of the identified models was then assessed and compared in the UK Biobank (UKB) cohort (cases, 452; controls, 487 925).
    A total of 39 genetic models predicting the development of kidney cancer were identified and 31 were validated in the UKB. Several of the genetic-only models (seven of 25) and most of the mixed genetic-phenotypic models (five of six) had some discriminatory ability (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve >0.5) in this cohort. In general, models containing a larger number of genetic variants identified in GWAS performed better than models containing a small number of variants associated with known causal pathways. However, the performance of the included models was consistently poorer than genetic risk models for other cancers.
    Although there is potential for genetic models to identify those at highest risk of developing kidney cancer, their performance is poorer than the best genetic risk models for other cancers. This may be due to the comparatively small number of genetic variants associated with kidney cancer identified in GWAS to date. The development of improved genetic risk models for kidney cancer is dependent on the identification of more variants associated with this disease. Whether these will have utility within future kidney cancer screening pathways is yet to determined.





