pituitary tumor

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ectopic pituitary adenoma is rare in clinical practice. This article reports a case of ectopic pituitary adenoma of sphenoid sinus, and summarizes the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and management. A 54-year-old female patient complaining with occasional head distension without dizziness and headache for more than 1 month was admitted due to sinus mass on conventional physical examination. Imaging examination revealed a mass in the occipital slope and bilateral sphenoid sinus. The patient underwent endoscopic resection of the mass under general anesthesia. Postoperative histopathological examination showed \"pituitary neuroendocrine tumor\". Postoperative recovery was good and no complications occurred. She was followed up for 2 months without relapse.
    摘要: 异位垂体腺瘤在临床上较为罕见,本文报告1例蝶窦异位垂体腺瘤病例,总结其病例特点,并梳理其诊疗过程。54岁女性患者,因“体检发现鼻窦肿物1个月余,偶伴头胀,无头晕及头痛”就诊,影像学检查提示枕骨斜坡、双侧蝶窦内占位。患者于全身麻醉下行鼻内镜下经蝶窦脑病损切除术。术后病理提示为垂体神经内分泌肿瘤。术后恢复良好,无并发症,随访2个月,肿瘤未见复发。.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    X-linked acrogigantism (X-LAG) is a rare form of pituitary gigantism that is associated with growth hormone (GH) and prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas/pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs) that develop in infancy. It is caused by a duplication on chromosome Xq26.3 that leads to the misexpression of the gene GPR101, a constitutively active stimulator of pituitary GH and prolactin secretion. GPR101 normally exists within its own topologically associating domain (TAD) and is insulated from surrounding regulatory elements. X-LAG is a TADopathy in which the duplication disrupts a conserved TAD border, leading to a neo-TAD in which ectopic enhancers drive GPR101 over-expression, thus causing gigantism. Here we trace the full diagnostic and therapeutic pathway of a female patient with X-LAG from 4C-seq studies demonstrating the neo-TAD through medical and surgical interventions and detailed tumor histopathology. The complex nature of treating young children with X-LAG is illustrated, including the achievement of hormonal control using a combination of neurosurgery and adult doses of first-generation somatostatin analogs.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: English Abstract
    The objective of this work is to raise the issue of contamination of covid 19 disease during endoscopic endonasal surgery for pituitary tumor. This is a 32-year-old patient with a body mass index at 49,38 seen in an outpatient clinic for headache, erectile dysfunction and gynecomania, a CT scan revealed a pituitary macroadenoma. The preoperative workup was unremarkable including the rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test was negative. The endonasal approach was decided for surgery. The tumor was removed by aspiration. The postoperative course was straightforward until the fifth day when the patient presented a dry cough with a fever at 38 ° 5 associated to respiratory discomfort. The thoracic CT-scan showed \"ground glass\" opacities located at peripheral and bilateral, and essentially posterior suggesting covid 19 disease. A second test was performed. Before the result, the anticoagulant treatment associated with third generation cephalosporin was done. The test results came back after 72 hours and was positive. Azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine, and oral vitamin C have been used for 11 days. The outcome was favorable and the patient was discharged from the hospital on the twelfth day after the negative PCR test.
    L\'objectif de ce travail est de poser la problématique d\'une contamination de la maladie à covid 19 lors L\'objectif de ce travail est de poser la problématique d\'une contamination de la maladie à covid 19 lors d\'une chirurgie endoscopique endonasale pour tumeur hypophysaire. Il s\'agissait d\'un patient de 32 ans avec un indice de masse corporelle à 49,38 vu en consultation pour céphalées, dysfonctionnement érectile et gynécomanie, la tomodensitométrie avait mis en évidence un macroadénome hypophysaire. Le bilan préopératoire était sans particularité incluant le test rapide « réaction en chaine par Polymérase » (PCR) qui était négatif. La voie endonasale a été décidée pour la chirurgie. La tumeur a été évidée par aspiration. Les suites opératoires ont été simples jusqu\'au cinquième jour ou le patient a présenté une toux sèche avec une fièvre à 38°5 associée à une gêne respiratoire. Le scanner thoracique a visualisé des opacités « en verre dépoli » de topographie périphérique et bilatérales et essentiellement postérieure évoquant la maladie à covid 19. Un deuxième test a été effectué.En attendant le résultat le traitement anticoagulant associé à la céphalosporine de troisième génération a été instauré. Les résultats du test sont revenus positifs après 72 heures. L\'azithromycine, l\'hydroxychloroquine, et la vitamine C par voie orale ont été associées pendent 11 jours. L\'évolution a été favorable et le patient est sorti de l\'hôpital au douzième jour après la négativité du test PCR de contrôle.






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2023.1219372.].






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pituitary adenomas are benign tumors of the anterior pituitary gland for which surgery or pharmacological treatment is the primary treatment. When initial treatment fails, radiation therapy should be considered. There are several case reports demonstrating radiation-induced vascular injury. We report an adult patient who presented with headache and diplopia for 6 months and a sellar tumor with optic chiasm compression. The patient received transnasal surgery, and the tumor was partially removed, which demonstrated adenoma. Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) was arranged. However, owing to progressive tumor growth, the patient received further transnasal surgery and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). After 14 years, the patient reported the sudden onset of headache and diplopia, and a ruptured fusiform aneurysm from the left internal carotid artery with pituitary apoplexy was diagnosed. The patient received transarterial embolization of the aneurysm. There were no complications after embolization, and this patient was ambulatory on discharge with blindness in the left eye and cranial nerve palsies. Aneurysm formation may be a complication of SRS, and it may occur after several years. Further research is needed to investigate the pathogenesis of radiosurgery and the development of cerebral aneurysms.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Pituicytomas are rare tumors of the pituitary gland derived from the ependymal cells and line the pituitary stalk and posterior lobe. These tumors are located in the vulnerable regions of the brain: Either in the sellar or suprasellar area. The location marks the difference in the clinical features of the tumor. Here, we report a case of histopathologically diagnosed pituicytoma of the sellar region. Literature is also reviewed and discussed to gain a better understanding of this rare disease.
    UNASSIGNED: A 24-year-old female presented to the outpatient department with complaints of headache, diplopia, dizziness, and decreased vision in the right eye for 6 months. Computed tomography scan brain without contrast showed a well-defined hyperdense lesion in the sella without associated bony erosion. Her magnetic resonance imaging showed well defined rounded lesion in the pituitary fossa which was isointense on T1-weighted image and hyperintense on T2-weighted images. A presumptive diagnosis of pituitary adenoma was made. She underwent endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal resection of pituitary mass. Intraoperatively, normal pituitary gland was visualized and there was a grayish-green-colored, jelly like tumor which was pulled gently. On 9th postoperative day, she presented with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhea. She underwent endoscopic CSF leak repair. Her histopathology was concluded to be Pituicytoma.
    UNASSIGNED: Pituicytoma is an uncommon diagnosis. The surgical aim is to completely excise the tumor which results in complete cure, but incomplete resection may be performed due to high vascularity of this tumor. In case of incomplete excision, recurrence is common and adjuvant radiotherapy may be administered.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Mature cystic teratoma (MCT) is a benign germ cell tumor, histologically comprising components derived from mesoderm, ectoderm, and endoderm layer tissue. MCT usually has foci of intestinal components and colonic epithelia. Pituitary teratomas containing complete colon features are very rare. Here, we present three cases of sellar teratoma in two men aged 50 and 65 years and a woman aged 30 years. All patients presented with asthenia, adynamia, and loss of strength. A pituitary mass was incidentally observed on magnetic resonance imaging. Histological features showed a mature teratoma formed by gut and colonic epithelium, extended lymphoid tissue with the formation of Peyer\'s patches, and muscular layer vestiges with a fibrous capsule. The immunohistochemical panel showed reactivity to cytokeratin (CK)7, CKAE6/AE7, carcinoembryonic antigen, octamer-binding transcription factor 4, cluster of differentiation (CD)20, CD3, vimentin, muscle actin, and pituitary tumor-transforming gene 1 in isolated cells. However, alpha-fetoprotein, beta-human chorionic gonadotropin, human placental lactogen, CK20, tumor suppressor protein 53, and Kirsten rat sarcoma were negative. This article describes the clinical and histological features of rare sellar masses as well as survival after therapy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Spindle cell oncocytoma (SCO) of the pituitary gland is increasingly established with improvements in histological and immunohistochemical examination. However, the diagnosis was often mistaken based on imaging studies and nonspecific clinical manifestations.
    UNASSIGNED: This case is presented to provide an overview of the characteristics of the rare tumor as well as to demonstrate the difficulties in diagnosis and current treatments.
    UNASSIGNED: The pathogenesis of SCO remains unclear, and a possible origin was described. Further research is needed to optimize pre-operative diagnosis and surgical strategy.
    UNASSIGNED: SCO should be considered when images indicate some features. Gross total resection (GTR) after surgery seems to have better long-term tumor control, and radiotherapy may help decrease tumor progression in patients with non-GTR. Regular follow-up is advised because of the higher recurrence rate.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Acromegalic patients always demonstrate a wide range of clinic manifestations, including typical physical changes such as acral and facial features, as well as untypical neuropsychiatric and psychological disturbances. However, there is still a lack of clinical guidance on the treatment for acromegalic patients with psychiatric comorbidities. We therefore share this case to provide a reference for clinicians to manage the acromegalic patients with psychiatric symptoms. This case report describes a 41-year-old male with an 8-year history of acromegaly due to growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenoma, the maximum cross-sectional area of which was 42 mm × 37 mm demonstrated by pituitary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The patient received conservative medicine treatment by regularly injecting with Sandostatin LAR 10 mg per month. Two days before admission, he suddenly presented with an acute psychotic episode. In addition to the typical acromegaly-associated changes, his main clinical presentations were olfactory/auditory hallucinations, reference/persecutory delusions, instable emotion and impulsive behavior. Considering the schizophrenic-like psychoses and course features, he was diagnosed with Brief Psychotic Disorder according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5) after a multidisciplinary consultation and evaluation. He was prescribed Aripiprazole, which had less extrapyramidal symptoms and minimal influence on prolactin elevation, with the dose of 5 mg per day to control the psychiatric symptoms and he responded quite well. At the time of discharge and the follow-up 2 month later, the patient was stable without recurrence of any psychotic symptoms. The levels of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) 1 week after discharge were 2.22 ng/mL [normal range (0-2.47 ng/mL)] and 381 μg/L [normal range (94-284 μg/L)], respectively, which were similar to those before the psychotic episode. Results from this report further supported that small dose of Aripiprazole had little influence on hormonal levels and the development of pituitary macroadenoma. This particular case emphasizes the importance for the clinician to master and carefully identify the possible symptoms of mental disorders associated with acromegaly, and also highlights the need for further investigation in more efficient treatment strategies for acromegalic cases with psychiatric comorbidities.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pituitary carcinoma (PC) is extremely rare, with its incidence only accounting for 0.1%-0.2% of pituitary tumor (PT). Existing histological features, including invasiveness, cellular pleomorphism, nuclear atypia, mitosis, necrosis, etc., can be observed in pituitary adenoma (PA), invasive PA (IPA) and PC. Invasion is not the basis for the diagnosis of PC. The diagnosis of PC is often determined after the metastases are found, hence early diagnosis is extraordinarily difficult. Owing to the conventional treatment for PC may not be effective, a large portion of patients survived less than one year after diagnosis. Therefore, it is of great significance to find an efficacious treatment for PC. We report a rare case of sparsely granulated somatotroph carcinoma with cerebrospinal fluid dissemination showing a favorable treatment response to temozolomide (TMZ) combined with whole-brain and spinal cord radiotherapy.





