
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: This case report contributes to the medical literature by highlighting the successful management of a neglected femoral neck fracture in a patient with renal osteodystrophy and secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPTH) who was on dialysis due to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). It underscores the efficacy of parathyroidectomy (PTX) in restoring bone mineral density (BMD) and promoting fracture healing, addressing a significant complication in ESRD patients.
    METHODS: A 36-year-old female with renal osteodystrophy and on dialysis due to ESRD presented with a history of left patellar tendon rupture and later, a right achilles tendon avulsion fracture. Persistent right hip pain led to the discovery of a neglected right femoral neck fracture, which was initially overlooked due to the patient\'s complex medical history. Two months post-achilles tendon repair, the patient underwent PTX to manage the refractory SHPTH. The postoperative course included rehabilitation and weight-bearing exercises. Remarkably, 2 years after osteosynthesis, radiographic assessments indicated a solid union of the periprothesis fracture and significant improvement in BMD, showcasing the efficacy of the treatment approach.
    CONCLUSIONS: PTX, combined with appropriate rehabilitation, is crucial for improving BMD and fracture healing in ESRD patients with SHPTH.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT), which is characterized by increased parathyroid hormone secretion, typically manifests as hypercalcemia and hypertension. Here, we report a case of severe hypotension following tracheal intubation during anesthesia induction in a patient with PHPT, in contrast to the expected hypertensive response.
    METHODS: A 52-year-old man presented with nausea after eating, leg pain when walking, and headaches.
    METHODS: Based on the blood test and computed tomography results, he was diagnosed with PHPT.
    METHODS: The patient underwent parathyroidectomy under general anesthesia. After induction anesthesia and tracheal intubation, severe acute hypotension and tachycardia suddenly developed. To treat hypotensive shock, we immediately administered ephedrine and phenylephrine and infused Ringer solution.
    RESULTS: The symptoms of hypotensive shock were alleviated by this intervention.
    CONCLUSIONS: We speculate that the cause of his severe hypotension was vasodilation due to the transient release of parathyroid hormone from mechanical stimulation by anesthetic procedures, such as tracheal intubation, combined with hypercalcemia-induced severe dehydration. Moreover, we speculate that fluid resuscitation stabilized his condition and helped achieve a successful surgical outcome. The possibility of severe hypotension after anesthesia induction should be anticipated, and management of cases with severe dehydration should be optimized during the anesthetic management of patients with PHPT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hungry bone syndrome (HBS) is defined as prolonged hypocalcemia caused by a sudden decrease in parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels after parathyroidectomy (PTX). Multiple fractures after PTX due to HBS in an end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patient on chronic hemodialysis (HD) are challenging and rare medical conditions presented in this study.
    METHODS: A 42-year-old ESRD patient on HD 3 times a week presented to Shariati Hospital, Tehran, Iran, complaining of worsening bone pain and loss of appetite. Laboratory data revealed an intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) concentration of 2500 pg/mL, an alkaline phosphatase (Alp) level of 4340 IU/L, a phosphorus (P) level of 9 mg/dL, and a calcium (Ca) concentration of 7.2 mg/dL. Sestamibi scintigraphy revealed parathyroid adenoma. The findings suggested tertiary hyperparathyroidism (HPT-III), and the patient was scheduled for total PTX. Approximately one month after surgery, the patient was referred due to convulsions, leg mobility problems, and worsening bone pain. There was bilateral femoral ecchymosis. The Ca concentration was 5.8 mg/dL, and radiological evaluations revealed multiple skeletal fractures. HBS after PTX was suggested for this patient. After several days of hospitalization, he suffered subcutaneous emphysema followed by rib fractures and passed away.
    CONCLUSIONS: Multiple fractures after PTX due to HBS following HPT-III in ESRD patients are rare and demanding, highlighting the necessity of timely diagnosis and management of patients with HPT-III. Severe hypocalcemia following PTX can cause skeletal disorders. However, the surgical treatment of parathyroid adenomas may be more important than the risk of complications associated with bone health.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Multiple endocrine neoplasias (MENs) are a group of hereditary diseases involving multiple endocrine glands, and their prevalence is low. MEN type 1 (MEN1) has diverse clinical manifestations, mainly involving the parathyroid glands, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and pituitary gland, making it easy to miss the clinical diagnosis.
    METHODS: We present the case of a patient in whom MEN1 was detected early. A middle-aged male with recurrent abdominal pain and diarrhea was admitted to the hospital. Blood tests at admission revealed hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia, and emission computed tomography of the parathyroid glands revealed a hyperfunctioning parathyroid lesion. Gastroscopy findings suggested a duodenal bulge and ulceration. Ultrasound endoscopy revealed a hypoechoic lesion in the duodenal bulb. Further blood tests revealed elevated levels of serum gastrin. Surgery was performed, and pathological analysis of the surgical specimens revealed a parathyroid adenoma after parathyroidectomy and a neuroendocrine tumor after duodenal bulbectomy. The time from onset to the definitive diagnosis of MEN1 was only approximately 1 year.
    CONCLUSIONS: For patients who present with gastrointestinal symptoms accompanied by hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia, clinicians need to be alert to the possibility of MEN1.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Primary hyperparathyroidism is a common endocrinological condition, which is usually caused by solitary parathyroid adenoma. The aim of this article is to present a case of double adenoma presenting as one and literature review on this topic.
    UNASSIGNED: 56 years old female suffering from generalized fatigue, bone pain, unstable body weight and palpitations was diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism. Further investigation revealed elevated parathyroid hormone (PTH), ionized and total calcium levels. Imaging showed two adenomas merging into one. Parathyroidectomy was performed and final intraoperative PTH (IOPTH) decreased by 71.6%. Parathyroid adenoma measuring 40 mm x 15 mm x 11 mm and weighing 1 g 483 mg was excised. 7 weeks after surgery patient was feeling well but her PTH level was elevated again.
    UNASSIGNED: As far as we know, the double parathyroid adenoma presented in this case report is the largest reported in the Northern Europe and the first one that presents as one mass within the region. Double adenoma increases the risk of recurrent primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) and requires more careful and longer follow up after surgery than solitary adenomas. Final IOPTH must decrease by at least 50% within 10 minutes. This case shows that despite final IOPTH drop by more than 50%, after few weeks normocalcemic elevated parathyroid hormone (NCePTH) phenomenon was noticed. This phenomenon does not indicate surgical failure.
    UNASSIGNED: Pirminis hiperparatiroidizmas – tai dažna endokrininė būklė, kurios pagrindinė priežastis yra pavienė prieskydinių liaukų adenoma. Šio darbo tikslas – pristatyti klinikinį atvejį apie dvigubą prieskydinių liaukų adenoma, kuri pasireiškia kaip vientisas darinys, ir atlikti literatūros apžvalgą šia tema.
    UNASSIGNED: 56 metų moteriai, besiskundžiančiai bendru nuovargiu, kaulų skausmais, besikeičiančiu kūno svoriu, širdies plakimu, buvo diagnozuotas pirminis hiperparatiroidizmas. Atliekant ištyrimą buvo nustatytas padidėjęs parathormono (PTH), jonizuoto ir bendro kalcio kiekis. Vaizdiniais tyrimais buvo aptiktos dvi adenomos, susiliejančios į vieną. Buvo atlikta paratiroidektomija ir galutinis intraoperacinis PTH (IOPTH) sumažėjo 71,6 proc. Pašalinta prieskydinių liaukų adenoma buvo 40 mm x 15 mm x 11 mm dydžio ir svėrė 1 g 483 mg. Praėjus 7 savaitėms po operacijos pacientė jautėsi gerai, bet tyrimuose PTH lygis vėl buvo pakilęs.
    UNASSIGNED: Kiek mums žinoma, šiame darbe apibūdinama didžiausia Šiaurės Europoje aprašyta dviguba prieskydinių liaukų adenoma ir pirmoji, pasireiškianti kaip vientisas darinys. Dėl dvigubos adenomos didėja pirminio hiperparatiroidizmo (PHPT) pasikartojimo rizika, todėl šiuo atveju reikalingas atsakingesnis ir ilgesnis stebėjimas po operacijos nei pavienės adenomos atveju. Galutinis IOPTH turi sumažėti bent 50 proc. per 10 minučių. Šis atvejis rodo, kad nepaisant galutinio IOPTH sumažėjimo daugiau nei 50 proc., po kelių savaičių buvo pastebėtas normokalceminis padidėjusio parathormono (NCePTH) fenomenas. Šis fenomenas nereiškia, kad operacija buvo nesėkminga.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) are at risk for severe hypocalcemia (SH) following parathyroidectomy (PTX), but limited data exist on the predictors of SH. We aimed to identify risk factors for early postoperative SH after PTX in patients with PHPT and to evaluate the predictive value of clinical parameters.
    METHODS: A retrospective review of patients with PHPT who underwent PTX between January 2010 and December 2022 was performed. A total of 46 patients were included in the study, with 15 (32.6%) experiencing postoperative SH, 19 (41.3%) having calculi in the ureter or kidney, and 37 (80.4%) having osteoporosis. Patients were divided into SH and non-SH groups based on postoperative serum calcium levels. Preoperative biochemical indicators, bone turnover markers, and renal function parameters were analyzed and correlated with postoperative SH.
    RESULTS: Statistically significant (P < 0.05) differences were found in preoperative serum calcium (serum Ca), intact parathyroid hormone, serum phosphorus (serum P), serum Ca/P, percentage decrease of serum Ca, total procollagen type 1 intact N-terminal propeptide, osteocalcin (OC), and alkaline phosphatase levels between the two groups. Multivariate analysis showed that serum P (odds ratio [OR] = 0.989; 95% confidence interval [95% CI] = 0.981-0.996; P = 0.003), serum Ca (OR = 0.007; 95% CI = 0.001-0.415; P = 0.017), serum Ca/P (OR = 0.135; 95% CI = 0.019-0.947; P = 0.044) and OC levels (OR = 1.012; 95% CI = 1.001-1.024; P = 0.036) were predictors of early postoperative SH. The receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed that serum P (area under the curve [AUC] = 0.859, P < 0.001), serum Ca/P (AUC = 0.735, P = 0.010) and OC (AUC = 0.729, P = 0.013) had high sensitivity and specificity.
    CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative serum P, serum Ca/P and osteocalcin levels may identify patients with PHPT at risk for early postoperative SH after PTX.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Disorders of the mineral balance often determine the symptoms, the severity of the course and the prognosis of many diseases. Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is a common endocrine disease caused by increased secretion of parathyroid hormone as a result of primary damage to the parathyroid glands. Diagnosis of PHPT is often difficult. Clinical signs of PHPT appear months or years after the onset of the disease, however, the presence of hypercalcemia serves as an early indication of the disease of the thyroid gland. Often, patients are observed for a long time by related specialists (rheumatologists, traumatologists-orthopedists, oncologists), which gives rise to a lot of problems consisting in the lack of adequate treatment and its result, the progression of the disease, disability, and a decrease in the quality of life. Often, patients are observed for a long time by related specialists (rheumatologists, orthopedic traumatologists, oncologists) under the \"masks\" of various pathologies (osteoporosis, recurrent urolithiasis, etc.), which gives rise to a lot of problems, consisting in an erroneous diagnosis, lack of adequate treatment and its result, progression of the disease, disability, and a decrease in the quality of life. Late diagnosis of PHPT leads to the development of severe complications (osteoporetic fractures, renal failure) and an increased risk of premature death. A clinical case of late diagnosis of PHPT at the stage of pronounced bone complications of the disease, which proceeded under the guise of osteoarthritis, is considered. According to the results of laboratory and instrumental studies, the following were revealed: hypercalcemia, a significant increase in the concentration of PTH, adenoma of the left lower parathyroid gland, hyperparathyroid osteodystrophy, and a decrease in bone mineral density. Surgical treatment was performed - selective parathyroidectomy with the development of hypocalcemia in the early postoperative period, which was stopped by taking calcium supplements and active vitamin D metabolites and is designed to help practitioners of various specialties to understand the issues of diagnosis of PHPT and effective care for patients.
    Нарушения минерального баланса нередко определяют симптоматику, тяжесть течения и прогноз многих заболеваний. Первичный гиперпаратиреоз (ПГПТ) – распространенное эндокринное заболевание, обусловленное повышенной секрецией паратиреоидного гормона в результате первичного поражения паращитовидных желез. Диагностика ПГПТ нередко вызывает сложности. Клинические признаки ПГПТ возникают через месяцы или годы от начала заболевания, наличие гиперкальциемии служит ранним указанием на заболевание паращитовидных желез. Пациенты могут длительно наблюдаться у смежных специалистов (ревматологов, травматологов-ортопедов, онкологов), болезнь может носить «маски» различных патологий (остеопороза, рецидивирующей мочекаменной болезни и др.), что порождает массу проблем, заключающихся в ошибочном диагнозе, отсутствии адекватного лечения и его результата, прогрессировании заболевания, потере трудоспособности, социальной активности, снижении качества жизни. Поздняя диагностика ПГПТ приводит к развитию тяжелых осложнений (остеопоротических переломов, почечной недостаточности) и повышенному риску преждевременной смерти. Рассматривается клинический случай поздней диагностики ПГПТ на этапе выраженных костных осложнений заболевания, протекавшего под «маской» остеоартроза. По результатам лабораторного и инструментального исследований выявлены: гиперкальциемия, значительное повышение концентрации паратиреоидного гормона, аденома левой нижней околощитовидной железы, гиперпаратиреоидная остеодистрофия, снижение минеральной плотности костной ткани. Проведено оперативное лечение – селективная паратиреоидэктомия с развитием в ранний послеоперационный период гипокальциемии, которая купирована приемом препаратов кальция и витамина D. Клиническое наблюдение подчеркивает важность своевременного выявления заболевания и его симптомов до развития инвалидизирующих осложнений, характерных для длительно нелеченного ПГПТ, и призвано помочь практикующим врачам различных специальностей разобраться в вопросах диагностики ПГПТ и эффективной помощи пациентам.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to establish the standardized procedure of trans-areola single site endoscopic parathyroidectomy (TASSEP), and to compare the performance of TASSEP with that of conventional open parathyroidectomy (COP).
    METHODS: This study enrolled 40 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) who underwent TASSEP, and included 40 of 176 PHPT patients who underwent COP based on propensity score matching. The retrospective analysis was conducted based on prospectively collected data. Perioperative outcomes, including surgical profile, surgical burden and cosmetic results and follow-up were reported. The learning curve was described using a cumulative sum (CUSUM) analysis.
    RESULTS: 40 TASSEPs were completed successfully without conversions or severe complications. There was no statistically significant difference in operation time between TASSEP and COP groups (80.83 ± 11.95 vs. 76.95 ± 7.30 min, p = 0.084). Experience of 17 cases was necessitated to reach the learning curve of TASSEP. Postoperative pain score and traumatic index (C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate) in TASSEP were apparently lower than those in COP group (p < 0.05). During the proliferation and stabilization phases, TASSEP was associated with significantly better incision recovery and cosmetic scores. Postoperative serum calcium and PTH levels throughout the follow-up period indicated satisfactory surgical qualities in both groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on precise preoperative localization and intraoperative planning facilitated by three-dimensional (3D) virtual modeling, TASSEP can be feasibly performed on selected patients with satisfactory success rates and low complication rates, providing preferable cosmetic results and alleviating the surgical burden to a certain extent.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Case Reports
    Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is characterized by elevated levels of calcium and parathyroid hormone (PTH). However, the interpretation of diagnostic tests, such as serum calcium and PTH levels, is complex in pregnant women. The aim of this report is to present a case of PHTP in a pregnant adolescent, with a special emphasis on an uncommon complication, as well as diagnostic and treatment strategies. A 17-year-old pregnant female presented with hyperemesis gravidarum and neurological symptoms, leading to the diagnosis of cerebral venous thrombosis. Further investigations revealed hypercalcemia and persistently elevated PTH levels, consistent with PHPT. After localization studies, the patient underwent an emergency parathyroidectomy with a diagnosis of parathyroid adenoma. During follow-up, intrauterine growth restriction and severe preeclampsia developed, necessitating an emergency cesarean section. Both the mother and neonate had favorable outcomes. PHPT is an infrequent condition in the pregnant population, and its diagnosis can be challenging due to the overlap of symptoms with normal physiological changes during pregnancy. The occurrence of uncommon complications, such as thrombotic phenomena, highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to ensure early detection and management. In most cases, parathyroidectomy is the treatment of choice.
    El hiperparatiroidismo primario (HPTP) se caracteriza por niveles elevados de calcio y hormona paratiroidea (PTH). Sin embargo, la interpretación de pruebas diagnósticas, como los niveles de calcio sérico y PTH, es compleja en mujeres embarazadas. El objetivo de este reporte es presentar un caso de HPTP en una adolescente embarazada, con especial hincapié en una complicación infrecuente, así como en las estrategias diagnósticas y de tratamiento. Una mujer embarazada de 17 años presentó hiperémesis gravídica y síntomas neurológicos, lo que llevó al diagnóstico de trombosis venosa cerebral. Posteriores investigaciones revelaron hipercalcemia y niveles persistentemente elevados de PTH, consistentes con HPTP. Tras la realización de estudios de localización, la paciente fue sometida a una paratiroidectomía de emergencia con diagnóstico de adenoma de paratiroides. Durante el seguimiento, se desarrolló restricción del crecimiento intrauterino y preeclampsia grave, lo que resultó en la necesidad de realizar una cesárea de emergencia. Tanto la madre como el neonato evolucionaron favorablemente. El HPTP es una condición infrecuente en la población embarazada y su diagnóstico puede ser desafiante por la superposición de síntomas con los cambios fisiológicos normales del embarazo. La aparición de complicaciones infrecuentes, como fenómenos trombóticos, resalta la necesidad de un abordaje integral para garantizar la detección y el manejo temprano. En la mayoría de los casos, la paratiroidectomía es el tratamiento de elección.





