
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To summarize current knowledge, gaps, quality of the evidence and show main results related to the role of the autonomic nervous system in lung cancer.
    UNASSIGNED: Studies were identified through electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Embase and Cochrane Library) in October 2023, and a descriptive analysis was performed. Twenty-four studies were included, and most were observational.
    UNASSIGNED: Our data indicated an increased expression of β-2-adrenergic receptors in lung cancer, which was associated with poor prognosis. However, the use of β-blockers as an add-on to standard treatment promoted enhanced overall survival, recurrence-free survival and reduced metastasis occurrence.
    UNASSIGNED: Although the results herein seem promising, future research using high-quality prospective clinical trials is required to draw directions to guide clinical interventions.
    Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer-related deaths in the world, which often goes undiagnosed until it is in an advanced stage. Recently, the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems) has been identified as a regulator of cancer growth and spread, including lung cancer. In fact, preclinical studies have demonstrated that autonomic innervation in lung cancer can trigger tumor progression, metastasis, and resistance to treatment, worsening the prognosis. In this sense, add-on strategies to standard cancer treatments have been investigating and one of them has stood out: the incidental use of β-blockers (patients who used β-blockers for the treatment of hypertension and/or cardiovascular diseases or anxiety) before surgeries or during chemotherapy, which has been associated with improved clinical outcomes. Thus, a scoping review was conducted to summarizing the current knowledge about the quality of evidence, gaps and main results related to the role of the autonomic nervous system in human lung cancer. Data from this review indicated an increase in sympathetic nervous system receptors associated with a worse prognosis in patients with lung cancer. Indeed, those patients who took β-blockers along with lung cancer treatment showed an increase in survival and a reduction in the occurrence of metastases. Although the results herein seem promising, further prospective clinical studies are needed to investigate the effect of the intentional and controlled use of β-blockers as an add-on strategy on the treatment of different types and stages of lung cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The meticulous control of cardiac sympathetic and parasympathetic tone regulates all facets of cardiac function. This precise calibration of cardiac efferent innervation is dependent on sensory information that is relayed from the heart to the central nervous system. The vagus nerve, which contains vagal cardiac afferent fibers, carries sensory information to the brainstem. Vagal afferent signaling has been predominantly shown to increase parasympathetic efferent response and vagal tone. However, cardiac vagal afferent signaling appears to change after cardiac injury, though much remains unknown. Even though subsequent cardiac autonomic imbalance is characterized by sympathoexcitation and parasympathetic dysfunction, it remains unclear if, and to what extent, vagal afferent dysfunction is involved in the development of vagal withdrawal. This review aims to summarize the current understanding of cardiac vagal afferent signaling under in health and in the setting of cardiovascular disease, especially after myocardial infarction, and to highlight the knowledge gaps that remain to be addressed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parental socialization may influence the development of children\'s autonomic nervous system (ANS), a key stress-response system. However, to date no quantitative synthesis of the literature linking parenting and child ANS physiology has been conducted. To address this gap, we conducted a pre-registered meta-analysis. A systematic review of the literature identified 103 studies (n = 13,044 participants) with available effect sizes describing the association between parenting and either parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) or sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity in children. The overall analysis revealed non-significant associations between parenting and child ANS physiology on average. However, moderation analyses revealed a positive association between more positive parenting and higher resting PNS activity that was stronger when a study was experimental rather than correlational, and when the sample included children with a clinical condition. In conclusion, well-controlled experimental studies show that positive parenting is associated with the development of higher resting PNS activity, an effect that may be stronger among children who are at elevated developmental risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effective management of cardiovascular diseases requires knowledge of intrinsic and extrinsic innervation of the heart and an understanding of how perturbations of said components affect cardiac function. The innate cardiac conduction system, which begins with cardiac pacemaker cells and terminates with subendocardial Purkinje fibers, is modulated by said systems. The intrinsic component of the cardiac autonomic nervous system, which remains incompletely elucidated, consists of intracardiac ganglia and interconnecting neurons that tightly regulate cardiac electrical activity. Extrinsic components of the autonomic nervous system, such as carotid baroreceptors and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, modulate sympathetic input to the heart through the stellate ganglion and parasympathetic input via the vagus nerve. There remains a need for additional therapies to treat conditions, such as advanced heart failure and refractory arrhythmias, and a better understanding of autonomics may be key to their development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Theory of mind (ToM) is the human ability to infer the mental states of others in order to understand their behaviors and plan own actions. In the past decades, accumulating evidence has shown that heart rate variability (HRV), an index of parasympathetic control of the heart, is linked to behavioral regulation, social competence, and social cognition abilities, all implicated-to some extent-in ToM. This study aims to systematically review and meta-analyze the available studies, investigating the relation between ToM and HRV in typically developing people. Six studies were eligible for the meta-analysis, yielding a significant association between HRV and ToM of a small-to-medium effect size (g = 0.44). This result was not influenced by publication bias. Due to the small number of studies eligible for the meta-analysis, it was not possible to test for the effect of categorical moderators. The moderating role of sex and quality of the studies was examined by meta-regression analysis. Moderation analysis did not yield any significant effect; however, at a descriptive level, studies yielding the largest effect size were characterized by the use of high frequency-HRV assessment at rest and the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test to evaluate ToM abilities. The results preliminarily suggest that tonic HRV might be used as an indicator of the ability to understand the content of mind of others.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), an index of the parasympathetic nervous system, has recently gained attention as a physiological component of regulatory processes, social connectedness, and health. Within the context of romantic relationships, studies have operationalized and conceptualized RSA in disparate ways, obscuring a clear pattern of findings. This systematic review synthesizes the rapidly developing literature and clarifies the role of RSA in romantic relationships. We evaluate support for three conceptual hypotheses: (1) resting baseline RSA is associated with better quality relationships; (2) phasic RSA is reflective of changes in threat and connection during couple interactions; and (3) physiological linkage in RSA between romantic partners relates to positive or negative relationship functioning depending on the nature of the linkage (e.g., in-phase vs. antiphase). We identified 26 empirical studies that tested associations between RSA and an index of romantic relationships (i.e., relationship satisfaction). Our findings show that higher RSA is not uniformly \"good\" for relationships. Higher resting baseline RSA was contemporaneously associated with better quality relationships, yet higher baseline RSA was also unexpectedly associated with relationship violence. Short-term decreases in RSA were found during relationship conflict, though the opposite-phasic increases in RSA during positive romantic partner interactions-was not found due to mixed empirical support. As expected, evidence for RSA linkage was found, though the connection between linkage and relationship functioning depends on the context in which it was measured. We discuss methodological limitations and directions for future research.
    La arritmia sinusal respiratoria (ASR), un índice del sistema nervioso parasimpático, ha sido objeto de atención recientemente como componente fisiológico de los procesos reguladores, la conexión social y la salud. Dentro del contexto de las relaciones amorosas, los estudios han operacionalizado y conceptualizado la ASR de diversas maneras, ocultando un patrón claro de signos. Este análisis sistemático sintetiza la bibliografía que se está desarrollando rápidamente y aclara el papel que desempeña la ASR en las relaciones amorosas. Evaluamos el respaldo de tres hipótesis conceptuales: (1) una ASR de reposo en el momento basal está asociada con relaciones de mejor calidad; (2) la ASR refleja cambios en la amenaza y la conexión durante las interacciones de la pareja; y (3) la asociación fisiológica en la ASR entre los integrantes de la pareja se relaciona con el funcionamiento positivo o negativo de la relación según la índole de la asociación (p. ej.: en fase frente a contrafase). Identificamos 26 estudios empíricos que evaluaron las asociaciones entre la ASR y un índice de las relaciones amorosas (p. ej.: la satisfacción con la relación). Nuestros resultados indican que una ASR más alta no es uniformemente “buena” para las relaciones. Una ASR de reposo más alta en el momento basal estuvo asociada contemporáneamente con relaciones de mejor calidad, sin embargo, una ASR más alta en el momento basal también estuvo asociada inesperadamente con la violencia de pareja. Se encontraron disminuciones de la ASR a corto plazo durante el conflicto en las relaciones, aunque no se encontró lo opuesto -aumentos fásicos en la ASR durante las interacciones positivas de los integrantes de la pareja- debido a un respaldo empírico ambivalente. Como se esperaba, se encontraron indicios de una asociación de la ASR, aunque la conexión entre la asociación y el funcionamiento de la relación depende del contexto en el cual se midió. Comentamos las limitaciones metodológicas y damos indicaciones para investigaciones futuras.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neural changes underly hyperresponsiveness in asthma and other airway diseases. Afferent sensory nerves, nerves within the brainstem, and efferent parasympathetic nerves all contribute to airway hyperresponsiveness. Inflammation plays a critical role in these nerve changes. Chronic inflammation and pre-natal exposures lead to increased airway innervation and structural changes. Acute inflammation leads to shifts in neurotransmitter expression of afferent nerves and dysfunction of M2 muscarinic receptors on efferent nerve endings. Eosinophils and macrophages drive these changes through release of inflammatory mediators. Novel tools, including optogenetics, two photon microscopy, and optical clearing and whole mount microscopy, allow for improved studies of the structure and function of airway nerves and airway hyperresponsiveness.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is controversial evidence regarding the effect of acute resistance exercise (ARE) on heart rate variability (HRV) parameters, which indicates the activities of the cardiac autonomic nervous system. The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature on the effect of ARE on HRV parameters and identify its possible moderating factors.
    The PubMed-Medline, Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, and Cochrane Library databases were searched. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) declaration was followed, and the methodological quality of the studies was evaluated. The level of significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. Twenty-six studies met the inclusion criteria. Main effect analyses between pre- and post-test interventions demonstrated an increase in normalized units low frequency (p < 0.001; standardized mean difference (SMD) = 0.78; 95% confidence interval (95%CI): 0.46‒1.11) and low frequency/high frequency ratio (p < 0.001; SMD = 0.82; 95%CI: 0.64‒0.99) and a decrease in standard deviation of the normal-to-normal (NN) interval (p < 0.001; SMD = -0.58; 95%CI: -0.85 to -0.30), root mean square of the successive differences (p < 0.001; SMD = -1.01; 95%CI: -1.29 to -0.74), and normalized units high frequency (p < 0.001; SMD: -1.08; 95%CI: -1.43 to -0.73) following ARE in healthy individuals range: 15 ± 1 to 48 ± 2 years; mean ± SD).
    There were differences between the subgroups in the number of sets used in an exercise (p = 0.05) for root mean square of the successive differences, as well as for exercise intensity (p = 0.01) and rest between sets (p = 0.05) for normalized units high frequency. Interestingly, there were differences between the subgroups in training volume for root mean square of the successive differences (p = 0.01), normalized units high frequency (p = 0.003) and normalized units low frequency (p = 0.02).
    Overall, there was a withdrawal of cardiac parasympathetic and activation of cardiac sympathetic modulations following ARE, and these changes were greater with higher training volume ∼30 min after ARE in healthy individuals. Furthermore, the number of sets, intensity, and rest between sets affected HRV parameters. However, gender, body mass index, and training status did not influence the changes in HRV parameters as a response to ARE.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this article, the authors describe a new theory, the Evaluative Space Approach to Challenge and Threat (ESACT). Prompted by the Biopsychosocial model of challenge and threat (BPS: Blascovich and Tomaka, 1996) and the development of the Theory of Challenge and Threat States in Athletes (Jones et al., 2009), recent years have witnessed a considerable increase in research examining challenge and threat in sport. This manuscript provides a critical review of the literature examining challenge and threat in sport, tracing its historical development and some of the current empirical ambiguities. To reconcile some of these ambiguities, and utilizing neurobiological evidence associated with approach and avoidance motivation (c.f. Elliot and Covington, 2001), this paper draws upon the Evaluative Space Model (ESM; Cacioppo et al., 1997) and considers the implications for understanding challenge and threat in sport. For example, rather than see challenge and threat as opposite ends of a single bipolar continuum, the ESM implies that individuals could be (1) challenged, (2) threatened, (3) challenged and threatened, or (4) neither challenged or threatened by a particular stimulus. From this perspective, it could be argued that the appraisal of some sport situations as both challenging and threatening could be advantageous, whereas the current literature seems to imply that the appraisal of stress as a threat is maladaptive for performance. The ESACT provides several testable hypotheses for advancing understanding of challenge and threat (in sport) and we describe a number of measures that can be used to examine these hypotheses. In sum, this paper provides a significant theoretical, empirical, and practical contribution to our understanding of challenge and threat (in sport).







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cardiovascular and respiratory parameters change during sleep and wakefulness. This observation underscores an important, albeit incompletely understood, role for the central nervous system in the differential regulation of autonomic functions. Understanding sleep/wake-dependent sympathetic modulations provides insights into diseases involving autonomic dysfunction. The purpose of this review was to define the central nervous system nuclei regulating sleep and cardiovascular function and to identify reciprocal networks that may underlie autonomic symptoms of disorders such as insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder, and narcolepsy/cataplexy. In this review, we examine the functional and anatomical significance of hypothalamic, pontine, and medullary networks on sleep, cardiovascular function, and breathing.





