occupational burnout

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis to systematically review the relationship between occupational burnout and work pressure among Chinese police officers. Additionally, the study explored the mediating role of coping styles using a meta-analytic structural equation model. The investigation involved a thorough search of CNKI, PubMed, PsychInfo, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases, resulting in the identification of a total of 39 studies with 124 effect sizes and 14,089 police officers. The findings revealed a positive correlation between work pressure and occupational burnout among Chinese police officers (r = 0.410, 95% CI = [0.347, 0.469]). Furthermore, negative coping styles mediate the relationship between work pressure and occupational burnout. Importantly, these conclusions held true across various work regions for police officers. These results provide insights into the relationship magnitude between work pressure and occupational burnout in Chinese police work and shed light on the underlying mechanisms. Based on these findings, it is recommended that interventions focusing on reducing work pressure and fostering positive coping styles be implemented to mitigate occupational burnout among police officers.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    In the absence of internationally recognised standardised criteria, several patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) have been developed to measure occupational burnout. The aim of this study was to extend our 2021 review of the psychometric validity of five PROMs to the Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure (SMBM) and the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT). To do that we ran a systematic literature search in the MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Embase databases following our previous methodological framework and the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN). We assessed the level of evidence using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) guideline. We identified 694 publications on SMBM and 421 on BAT, but the final review includes eight papers on SMBM and three on BAT. Of the seven psychometric properties assessed for SMBM, content, structural, and criterion validity were rated as insufficient, whereas the quality of evidence for construct and internal consistency was high and moderate, respectively. Of the nine psychometric properties assessed for BAT, content, structural, criterion, and construct validity was moderate and internal consistency was high. One limitation of this study is that we did not assess cross-cultural validity, because the number of studies reviewed is too small and content validity can only be assessed based on the original PROM version rather than translation. To conclude, BAT is superior to SMBM in terms of psychometric validity, but the quality of evidence for some properties is low or very low, suggesting a need for additional validation studies.
    U nedostatku međunarodno priznatih standardiziranih kriterija osmišljeno je nekoliko mjera ishoda koje opisuje pacijent (engl. patient-reported outcome measures, krat. PROM) za mjerenje profesionalnog izgaranja. Cilj je ovog ispitivanja bio proširiti naš prethodni pregled psihometrijske valjanosti pet PROM-ova iz 2021. na upitnike Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure (SMBM) i Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT). U tu smo svrhu sustavno pretražili literaturu dostupnu u bazama podataka MEDLINE, PsycINFO i Embase, služeći se metodološkim okvirom iz prethodnog ispitivanja te tzv. COSMIN standardima za odabir mjernih instrumenata temeljenima na konsenzusu (izv. COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement Instruments). Razinu dokaza ocjenjivali smo pomoću smjernica Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE). Pretragom su izdvojene 694 publikacije za SMBM te 421 za BAT, no ovaj konačni pregled obuhvaća osam članaka o SMBM-u i tri o BAT-u. Od sedam ocijenjenih psihometrijskih svojstava za SMBM, valjanost sadržaja i strukture kriterija ocijenjeni su nedovoljnom ocjenom, a kakvoća dokaza za konstrukt odnosno interna konzistencija ocijenjeni su kao snažni odnosno umjereni. Od devet psihometrijskih svojstava za BAT, valjanost sadržaja te strukture kriterija i konstrukta ocijenjeni su umjerenima, a interna konzistencija snažnom. Jedno od ograničenja ovoga ispitivanja svakako je činjenica da nismo ocjenjivali međukulturnu valjanost (engl. cross-cultural validity) budući da je količina pregledanih ispitivanja premalena, a valjanost sadržaja može se ocijeniti isključivo na temelju izvorne inačica PROM-a, a ne njezina prijevoda. Zaključno, BAT ima bolju psihometrijsku valjanost od SMBM-a, no kakvoća je dokaza za pojedina svojstva niska ili veoma niska, što upućuje na daljnja istraživanja valjanosti.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Occupational burnout is particularly widespread amongst surgical professionals. During the past 10 years, both the awareness and the ability to reliably measure and classify \"burnout\" in medical professionals have increased. The purpose of this systematic review was to summarize the current evidence on the burnout levels of general surgeons. Online searches were carried out using the scientific search engines PubMed, Embase, Cinahl, and Google scholar, from 2010 to 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic. Articles that met the inclusion criteria were critically evaluated using the critical appraisal skills programme (CASP) tool. Five studies pertaining to 669 subjects were included in this review. As expected, \"burnout syndrome\" was mainly due to the exhaustive and demanding conditions of working life and was strongly observed in general surgeons. The incidence of the burnout syndrome increased with their years of service, compromised their quality of life, and had detrimental effects on their mental and physical health. Personal achievements and emotional satisfaction were protective for the occurrence of the syndrome. We conclude that valid recognition and prevention of the burnout syndrome are necessary. Further research is needed to manage this phenomenon within the healthcare settings and the surgical departments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Occupational burnout is particularly common among nurses due to their work being associated with stress, showing understanding, compassion, and commitment, along with the simultaneous need to maintain the necessary emotional distance. The aim of this review was to assess the occurrence and characterization of burnout among nurses working within neurology, geriatric care, intensive care units and with patients infected with the novel COVID-19 virus. PRISMA guidelines were used to conduct the review. The search for literature was limited to articles meeting the inclusion criteria and published from 2017 to 2022 in PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, Google Scholar, and Wiley. A total of 768 articles from this category have been found. Ultimately, after in-depth analysis, 20 articles were included in the study. The group of respondents ranged from 49 to 3100 participants. According to the data, the percentages of nurses suffering from burnout in the presented research ranged from 14.3% to 84.7%, with the highest value of burnout among nurses who worked in the ICU during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are certain factors among nurses that significantly affect the occurrence of burnout. These include, among others, working time, age, exposure to infection and contact with infected patients, lack of training on COVID-19 prevention, providing care to an increased number of COVID-19 patients per shift, lack of personal protective equipment, lack of support of administration, lack of pay satisfaction, intrinsic motivation and turnover intention.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Burnout can be defined as an occupational syndrome resulting from poorly managed chronic workplace stress. It is characterized by three dimensions: feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one\'s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one\'s job; and reduced professional efficacy. Teachers are among the human service professionals particularly vulnerable to occupational burnout. Teaching is a highly demanding and challenging task, in that requires constant confrontation with different stakeholders (students and their parents, administrators). Among teachers, physical education teachers have been particularly understudied even though a recently published systematic review has found that they are exposed to high levels of stress. To better explore burnout syndrome among physical education teachers, the present systematic review was undertaken, searching up to six languages. Fifty-six studies were included in the present review. The reported rate of high emotional exhaustion ranged from 11.52 to 60.6%, according to the single study. Pooling together 12 studies and totaling 2,153 physical education teachers, the prevalence rate of high emotional exhaustion was computed to be 28.6 [95% CI 21.9-35.8]. The reported rate of high depersonalization ranged from 3.6 to 45.2%, according to the single study. Pooling together 11 studies and totaling 2,113 physical education teachers, the prevalence rate of high depersonalization was computed to be 14.5% [95% CI 8.0-22.4]. The reported rate of low personal accomplishment ranged from 13.63 to 55.6%, according to the single study. Pooling together 12 studies and totaling 2,153 physical education teachers, the prevalence rate of low personal accomplishment was computed to be 29.5% [95% CI 23.8-35.4]. The reported rate of overall burnout ranged from 10.0 to 51.6%, according to the single study. Pooling together 7 studies and totaling 1,101 physical education teachers, the prevalence rate of overall burnout was computed to be 23.9% [95% CI 13.6-36.0]. No evidence of publication bias could be found, both visually inspecting the funnel plot and conducting the Egger\'s linear regression test. Burnout imposes a significant burden among physical education teachers. Based on the information contained in the present systematic review and meta-analysis, tailored interventions could be designed to mitigate such a burden. However, due to the limitations of the studies included in the present systematic review and meta-analysis, further research in the field is urgently warranted. Systematic Review Registration: https://osf.io/69ryu/, identifier: 10.17605/OSF.IO/69RYU.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Occupational Burnout (OB) is currently measured through several Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) and some of them have become widely used in occupational health research and practice. We, therefore, aimed to review and grade the psychometric validity of the five OB PROMs considered as valid for OB measure in mental health professionals (the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), the Pines\' Burnout Measure (BM), the Psychologist Burnout Inventory (PBI), the OLdenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) and the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI)).
    METHODS: We conducted systematic literature searches in MEDLINE, PsycINFO and EMBASE databases. We reviewed studies published between January 1980 and September 2018 following a methodological framework, in which each step of PROM validation, the reference method, analytical technics and result interpretation criteria were assessed. Using the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement Instruments we evaluated the risk of bias in studies assessing content and criterion validity, structural validity, internal consistency, reliability, measurement error, hypotheses testing and responsiveness of each PROM. Finally, we assessed the level of evidence for the validity of each PROM using the GRADE approach.
    RESULTS: We identified 6541 studies, 19 of which were included for review. Fifteen studies dealt with MBI whereas BM, PBI, OLBI and CBI were each examined in only one study. OLBI had the most complete validation, followed by CBI, MBI, BM and PBI, respectively. When examining the result interpretation correctness, the strongest disagreement was observed for MBI (27% of results), BM (25%) and CBI (17%). There was no disagreement regarding PBI and OLBI. For OLBI and CBI, the quality of evidence for sufficient content validity, the crucial psychometric property, was moderate; for MBI, BM and PBI, it was very low.
    CONCLUSIONS: To be validly and reliably used in medical research and practice, PROM should exhibit robust psychometric properties. Among the five PROMs reviewed, CBI and, to a lesser extent, OLBI meet this prerequisite. The cross-cultural validity of these PROMs was beyond the scope of our work and should be addressed in the future. Moreover, the development of a diagnostic standard for OB would be helpful to assess the sensitivity and specificity of the PROMs and further reexamine their validity.The study protocol was registered in PROSPERO (CRD 42019124621).







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to the nature of their work, physicians are exposed to chronic stress. This may potentially lead to the widespread occurrence of occupational burnout syndrome (BS). The aim of this systematic review study was to summarize available published data concerning the prevalence of BS in Polish doctors. The literature search was performed using the following databases: PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) and Google Scholar. The last search was performed on September 27th, 2019. Only articles in English or Polish on graduated doctors practicing in Poland were taken into account. All types of original research were considered eligible. However, review articles, book chapters, case reports, case series, conference papers, study protocols and articles in languages other than English and Polish were excluded. There were no restrictions on age, seniority or specialty of study participants. The literature search revealed a total of 21 studies that met the inclusion criteria. The results of individual studies were very diverse, which makes it difficult to draw specific conclusions. However, the problem of burnout among Polish doctors is valid and worth special attention from society, health policy leaders, and doctors themselves. High-quality research is essential to for a better understanding of this topic.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The implementation of the electronic health record (EHR) across the globe has increased significantly in the last decade. Motivations for this trend include patient safety, regulatory requirements, and healthcare cost containment. However, the impact of regulatory requirements and new EHRs on clinicians has increased the incidence of documentation burden and may lead to burnout syndrome. It is important to understand the extent of documentation burden and potential solutions such as EHR user-interface redesign and the use of scribes to assist healthcare providers across the world.





