
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Thymidine kinase 2 deficiency (TK2d) is a rare autosomal recessive mitochondrial disorder. It manifests as a continuous clinical spectrum, from fatal infantile mitochondrial DNA depletion syndromes to adult-onset mitochondrial myopathies characterized by ophthalmoplegia-plus phenotypes with early respiratory involvement. Treatment with pyrimidine nucleosides has recently shown striking effects on survival and motor outcomes in the more severe infantile-onset clinical forms. We present the response to treatment in a patient with adult-onset TK2d.
    METHODS: An adult with ptosis, ophthalmoplegia, facial, neck, and proximal muscle weakness, non-invasive nocturnal mechanical ventilation, and dysphagia due to biallelic pathogenic variants in TK2 received treatment with 260 mg/kg/day of deoxycytidine (dC) and deoxythymidine (dT) under a Compassionate Use Program. Prospective motor and respiratory assessments are presented.
    RESULTS: After 27 months of follow-up, the North Star Ambulatory Assessment improved by 11 points, he walked 195 m more in the 6 Minute-Walking-Test, ran 10 s faster in the 100-meter time velocity test, and the Forced Vital Capacity stabilized. Growth Differentiation Factor-15 (GDF15) levels, a biomarker of respiratory chain dysfunction, normalized. The only reported side effect was dose-dependent diarrhea.
    CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with dC and dT can significantly improve motor performance and stabilize respiratory function safely in patients with adult-onset TK2d.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural nucleosides are nonfluorescent and do not have intrinsic labels that can be readily utilized for analyzing nucleic acid structure and recognition. In this regard, researchers typically use the so-called \"one-label, one-technique\" approach to study nucleic acids. However, we envisioned that a responsive dual-app nucleoside system that harnesses the power of two complementing biophysical techniques namely, fluorescence and 19F NMR, will allow the investigation of nucleic acid conformations more comprehensively than before. We recently introduced a nucleoside analogue by tagging trifluoromethyl-benzofuran at the C5 position of 2\'-deoxyuridine, which serves as an excellent fluorescent and 19F NMR probe to study G-quadruplex and i-motif structures. Taking forward, here, we report the development of a ribonucleotide version of the dual-app probe to monitor antibiotics-induced conformational changes in RNA. The ribonucleotide analog is derived by conjugating trifluoromethyl-benzofuran at the C5 position of uridine (TFBF-UTP). The analog is efficiently incorporated by T7 RNA polymerase to produce functionalized RNA transcripts. Detailed photophysical and 19F NMR of the nucleoside and nucleotide incorporated into RNA oligonucleotides revealed that the analog is structurally minimally invasive and can be used for probing RNA conformations by fluorescence and 19F NMR techniques. Using the probe, we monitored and estimated aminoglycoside antibiotics binding to the bacterial ribosomal decoding site RNA (A-site, a very important RNA target). While 2-aminopurine, a famous fluorescent nucleic acid probe, fails to detect structurally similar aminoglycoside antibiotics binding to the A-site, our probe reports the binding of different aminoglycosides to the A-site. Taken together, our results demonstrate that TFBF-UTP is a very useful addition to the nucleic acid analysis toolbox and could be used to devise discovery platforms to identify new RNA binders of therapeutic potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many clinically used antiviral drugs are nucleoside or nucleotide analog drugs, which have a unique mechanism of action that requires intracellular phosphorylation. This dependence on intracellular activation presents novel challenges for the discovery and development of nucleoside/nucleotide analog drugs. Contrary to many small molecule drug development programs that rely on plasma pharmacokinetics and systemic exposures, the precise mechanisms that result in efficacious intracellular nucleoside triphosphate concentrations must be understood in the process of nucleoside/nucleotide drug development. The importance is highlighted here, using the following as case studies: the herpes treatment acyclovir, the cytomegalovirus therapy ganciclovir, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatments based on tenofovir, which are also in use for HIV prophylaxis. For each drug, the specificity of metabolism that results in its activation in different cells or tissues is discussed, and the implications explored. Acyclovir\'s dependence on a viral enzyme for activation provides selective pressure for resistance mutations. Ganciclovir is also dependent on a viral enzyme for activation, and suicide gene therapy capitalizes on that for a novel oncology treatment. The tissue of most relevance for tenofovir activation depends on its use as treatment or as prophylaxis, and the pharmacogenomics and drug-drug interactions in those tissues must be considered. Finally, differential metabolism of different tenofovir prodrugs and its effects on toxicity risk are explored. Taken together, these examples highlight the importance of understanding tissue specific metabolism for optimal use of nucleoside/nucleotide drugs in the clinic. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Nucleoside and nucleotide analogue drugs are cornerstones in current antiviral therapy and prevention efforts that require intracellular phosphorylation for activity. Understanding their cell and tissue specific metabolism enables their rational, precision use for maximum efficacy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Nucleoside analogues are the mainstay of treatment for patients with chronic HBV infection but have no direct effect on covalently closed circular DNA. Long-term HBV viral suppression is now routine, but the desirable endpoint of functional cure is rarely achieved. Newer therapies, targeting other aspects of the replicative life cycle of HBV, present opportunities to deliver finite therapy and HBV \'cure\'. This is an area of keen focus for the HBV community. We describe a severe case of hepatitis B reactivation, occurring shortly after the withdrawal of a nucleoside analogue within the protocol of a clinical trial (REEF-2). Despite best supportive care and prompt re-introduction of tenofovir, the patient developed subacute liver failure, requiring emergency orthotopic liver transplantation. As we strive to achieve HBV cure, this case highlights the potential risks of finite therapy and highlights the need for improved biomarker-driven strategies and re-evaluation of study protocols.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review considers antiviral nucleoside analog drugs, including ribavirin, favipiravir, and molnupiravir, which induce genome error catastrophe in SARS-CoV or SARS-CoV-2 via lethal mutagenesis as a mode of action. In vitro data indicate that molnupiravir may be 100 times more potent as an antiviral agent than ribavirin or favipiravir. Molnupiravir has recently demonstrated efficacy in a phase 3 clinical trial. Because of its anticipated global use, its relative potency, and the reported in vitro \"host\" cell mutagenicity of its active principle, β-d-N4-hydroxycytidine, we have reviewed the development of molnupiravir and its genotoxicity safety evaluation, as well as the genotoxicity profiles of three congeners, that is, ribavirin, favipiravir, and 5-(2-chloroethyl)-2\'-deoxyuridine. We consider the potential genetic risks of molnupiravir on the basis of all available information and focus on the need for additional human genotoxicity data and follow-up in patients treated with molnupiravir and similar drugs. Such human data are especially relevant for antiviral NAs that have the potential of permanently modifying the genomes of treated patients and/or causing human teratogenicity or embryotoxicity. We conclude that the results of preclinical genotoxicity studies and phase 1 human clinical safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics are critical components of drug safety assessments and sentinels of unanticipated adverse health effects. We provide our rationale for performing more thorough genotoxicity testing prior to and within phase 1 clinical trials, including human PIG-A and error corrected next generation sequencing (duplex sequencing) studies in DNA and mitochondrial DNA of patients treated with antiviral NAs that induce genome error catastrophe via lethal mutagenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The poor solubility of many nucleosides and nucleobases in aqueous solution demands harsh reaction conditions (base, heat, cosolvent) in nucleoside phosphorylase-catalyzed processes to facilitate substrate loading beyond the low millimolar range. This, in turn, requires enzymes that can withstand these conditions. Herein, we report that the pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase from Thermus thermophilus is active over an exceptionally broad pH (4-10), temperature (up to 100 °C) and cosolvent space (up to 80 % (v/v) nonaqueous medium), and displays tremendous stability under harsh reaction conditions with predicted total turnover numbers of more than 106 for various pyrimidine nucleosides. However, its use as a biocatalyst for preparative applications is critically limited due to its inhibition by nucleobases at low concentrations, which is unprecedented among nonspecific pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylases.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have developed a dual-app nucleoside analog, 5-selenophene-modified 2\'-deoxyuridine (SedU), to probe the structure and ligand-binding properties of a G-rich segment present in the long terminal repeat (LTR) of the HIV-1 proviral DNA promoter region. The nucleoside probe is made of an environment-responsive fluorophore and X-ray crystallography phasing label (Se atom). SedU incorporated into LTR-IV sequence, fluorescently reports the formation of G-quadruplex (GQ) structure without affecting the native fold. Further, using the environment sensitivity of the probe, a fluorescence assay was designed to estimate the binding affinity of small molecule ligands to the GQ motif. An added feature of this probe system is that it would enable direct correlation of structure and recognition properties in solution and atomic level by using a combination of fluorescence and X-ray crystallography techniques.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selective binding to nucleic acids and, more generally, to biopolymers, very often requires at a minimum the presence of specific functionalities and precise spatial arrangement. DNA can fold into defined 3D structures upon binding to metal centers and/or lanthanides. Binding efficiency can be boosted by modified nucleosides incorporated into DNA sequences. In this work the high selectivity of modified nucleosides towards copper (II) ions, when used in the monomeric form, is unexpectedly and drastically reduced upon being covalently attached to the DNA sequence in single-site scenario. Surprisingly, such selectivity is partially retained upon non-covalent (i.e. intercalation) mixture formed by native DNA duplex and a nucleoside in the monomeric form. Exploiting the electron spin properties of such different and rich binding mode scenarios, 1D/2D pulsed EPR experiments have been used and tailored to differentiate among the different modes. An unusual correlation of dispersion of hyperfine couplings and strength of the binding mode(s) is described.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Acquired Fanconi syndrome has been associated with the long-term ingestion of several nucleoside analogs used to treat chronic hepatitis B virus infection. However, the nucleoside analog entecavir has not been found to cause nephrotoxicity. We report a case of entecavir-induced Fanconi syndrome. Our patient was a 73-year-old man admitted to our hospital because of renal dysfunction. He also presented with hyperaminoaciduria, renal diabetes, phosphaturia, hypophosphatemia, hypokalemia, hypouricemia, and hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, supporting a diagnosis of Fanconi syndrome. In this case, the cause of Fanconi syndrome was most likely entecavir, which had been administered as needed depending on his renal function for 5 years. After drug discontinuation and replacement with tenofovir alafenamide fumarate therapy once a week, the patient\'s kidney function recovered and electrolyte anomalies partially improved. We highlight the fact that entecavir may induce severe renal dysfunction, which can cause the development of Fanconi syndrome; therefore, close monitoring of proximal tubular function is recommended during entecavir therapy.






