
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Over the past few decades, diabetes has become a serious public health concern worldwide, particularly in Bangladesh. The advancement of artificial intelligence can be reaped in the prediction of blood glucose levels for better health management. However, the practical validity of machine learning (ML) techniques for predicting health parameters using data from low- and middle-income countries, such as Bangladesh, is very low. Specifically, Bangladesh lacks research using ML techniques to predict blood glucose levels based on basic noninvasive clinical measurements and dietary and sociodemographic information.
    OBJECTIVE: To formulate strategies for public health planning and the control of diabetes, this study aimed to develop a personalized ML model that predicts the blood glucose level of urban corporate workers in Bangladesh.
    METHODS: Based on the basic noninvasive health checkup test results, dietary information, and sociodemographic characteristics of 271 employees of the Bangladeshi Grameen Bank complex, 5 well-known ML models, namely, linear regression, boosted decision tree regression, neural network, decision forest regression, and Bayesian linear regression, were used to predict blood glucose levels. Continuous blood glucose data were used in this study to train the model, which then used the trained data to predict new blood glucose values.
    RESULTS: Boosted decision tree regression demonstrated the greatest predictive performance of all evaluated models (root mean squared error=2.30). This means that, on average, our model\'s predicted blood glucose level deviated from the actual blood glucose level by around 2.30 mg/dL. The mean blood glucose value of the population studied was 128.02 mg/dL (SD 56.92), indicating a borderline result for the majority of the samples (normal value: 140 mg/dL). This suggests that the individuals should be monitoring their blood glucose levels regularly.
    CONCLUSIONS: This ML-enabled web application for blood glucose prediction helps individuals to self-monitor their health condition. The application was developed with communities in remote areas of low- and middle-income countries, such as Bangladesh, in mind. These areas typically lack health facilities and have an insufficient number of qualified doctors and nurses. The web-based application is a simple, practical, and effective solution that can be adopted by the community. Use of the web application can save money on medical expenses, time, and health management expenses. The created system also aids in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly in ensuring that everyone in the community enjoys good health and well-being and lowering total morbidity and mortality.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Due to resistance and intolerance to chemotherapy, localized lesion resection may be required in some patients with Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN), which may lead to massive bleeding. In this case report, we describe the successful use of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) as an effective pretreatment method for surgical procedure in a patient with GTN to reduce the perioperative risk and the impact on fertility.
    UNASSIGNED: A 26-year-old woman was diagnosed with high-risk GTN (FIGO Stage III: 12 prognostic scores) after a hydatidiform mole. The fifth chemotherapy cycle was interrupted due to severe chemotherapy toxicity. However, the uterine lesion was still present and the beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) level was not restored to normal. Therefore, ultrasound-guided HIFU was performed as a pretreatment method to shrink the lesion and prevent massive bleeding during localized lesion resection. The effectiveness of ablation was evaluated immediately using contrast-enhanced ultrasound and Color Flow Doppler ultrasonography. One month after HIFU treatment, the uterine lesion was completely resected under hysteroscopic surgery. During the surgery, HIFU was found to have shrunk the lesion and there was minimal bleeding (5 mL). The uterine cavity morphology and menstruation returned to normal after surgery. The patient has showed no signs of recurrence as of one-year follow-up.
    UNASSIGNED: Ultrasound-guided HIFU ablation may be a new choice for high-risk GTN patients with chemoresistance or chemo-intolerance. As a noninvasive pretreatment method, HIFU can shrink the uterine lesion, and reduce the risk of bleeding with no obvious effect on fertility.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cerebral blood flow (CBF) autoregulation (AR) can be monitored using invasive modalities, such as intracranial pressure (ICP) and arterial blood pressure (ABP) to calculate the CBF AR index (PRx). Monitoring PRx can reduce the extent of secondary brain damage in patients. Rheoencephalography (REG) is an FDA-approved non-invasive method to measure CBF. REGx, a CBF AR index, is calculated from REG and arm bioimpedance pulse waves. Our goal was to test REG for neuromonitoring. 28 measurement sessions were performed on 13 neurocritical care patients. REG/arm bioimpedance waveforms were recorded on a laptop using a bioimpedance amplifier and custom-built software. The same program was used for offline data processing. Case #1: The patient\'s mean REGx increased from - 0.08 on the first day to 0.44 on the second day, indicating worsening intracranial compliance (ICC) (P < 0.0001, CI 0.46-0.58). Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) was 5 on both days. Case #2: REGx decreased from 0.32 on the first recording to 0.07 on the last (P = 0.0003, CI - 0.38 to - 0.12). GCS was 7 and 14, respectively. Case #3: Within a 36-minute recording, REGx decreased from 0.56 to - 0.37 (P < 0.0001, 95%, CI - 1.10 to - 0.76). Central venous pressure changed from 14 to 9 mmHg. REG pulse wave morphology changed from poor ICC to good ICC morphology. Bioimpedance recording made it possible to quantify the active/passive status of CBF AR, indicate the worsening of ICC, and present it in real time. REGx can be a suitable, non-invasive alternative to PRx for use in head-injured patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Presurgical mapping of eloquent cortex in young patients undergoing neurosurgery is critical but presents challenges unique to the pediatric population, including motion artifact, noncompliance, and sedation requirements. Furthermore, as bilingualism in children increases, functional mapping of more than one language is becoming increasingly critical. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a noninvasive brain stimulation technique, is well suited to evaluate language areas in children since it does not require the patient to remain still during mapping.
    METHODS: A 13-year-old bilingual male with glioblastoma multiforme involving the left parietal lobe and deep occipital white matter underwent preoperative language mapping using magnetic resonance imaging-guided TMS. Language-specific cortices were successfully identified in both hemispheres. TMS findings aided in discussing with the family the risks of postsurgical deficits of tumor resection; postoperatively, the patient had intact bilingual speech and was referred for chemotherapy and radiation.
    CONCLUSIONS: The authors\' findings add to the evolving case for preoperative dual language mapping in bilingual neurosurgical candidates. The authors illustrate the feasibility and utility of TMS as a noninvasive functional mapping tool in this child. TMS is safe, effective, and can be used for preoperative mapping of language cortex in bilingual children to aid in surgical planning and discussion with families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The kinetics of carbon dioxide elimination (VCO 2 ) may be used as a surrogate for pulmonary blood flow. As such, we can apply a novel use of volumetric capnography to assess hemodynamic stability in patients requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). We report our experience of pediatric patients requiring ECMO support who were monitored using volumetric capnography. We describe the use of VCO 2 and its association with successful decannulation. This is a prospective observational study of pediatric patients requiring ECMO support at The Children\'s Hospital at Montefiore from 2017 to 2019. A Respironics NM3 monitor was applied to each patient. Demographics, hemodynamic data, blood gases, and VCO 2 (mL/min) data were collected. Data were collected immediately prior to and after decannulation. Over the course of the study period, seven patients were included. Predecannulation VCO 2 was higher among patients who were successfully decannulated than nonsurvivors (109 [35, 230] vs. 12.4 [7.6, 17.2] mL/min), though not statistically significant. Four patients (57%) survived without further mechanical support; two (29%) died, and one (14%) was decannulated to Berlin. Predecannulation VCO 2 appears to correlate with hemodynamic stability following decannulation. This case series adds to the growing literature describing the use of volumetric capnography in critical care medicine, particularly pediatric patients requiring ECMO. Prospective studies are needed to further elucidate the use of volumetric capnography and optimal timing for ECMO decannulation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    De Winter pattern is associated with acute occlusion in the left anterior descending coronary artery combined with upsloping ST-segment depression at the J point in leads V1 through V6 without ST-segment elevation. The ECG changes in this case were illustrated by an up-sloping ST-segment depression in the V1 to V6 leads, followed by tall and symmetrical T waves. Changes from de Winter to ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) are rare.
    Our case illustrated an evolutionary de Winter sign that changed to STEMI; the patient underwent cardiac catheterization in time.
    Patients who have an electrocardiogram showing de Winter changes may require primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Emergency physicians and cardiologists should not ignore these changes.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Noninvasive encapsulated anaplastic thyroid carcinomas (NE-ATCs) have been described in few case reports, and consistently associated with favorable outcome compared to the classical ATCs.
    UNASSIGNED: Our aim is to remark a rare histological finding in ATCs, encapsulation, which has been associated with a favorable outcome.
    UNASSIGNED: We have documented a rare case of an NE-ATC with its clinical, pathological, and molecular features. We also provided a thorough discussion of all the encapsulated ATCs reported in the literature.
    UNASSIGNED: A 50-year-old woman with an unremarkable medical history, who presented with a thyroid nodule, and diagnosed as \"follicular lesion of undetermined significance\" by fine needle aspiration biopsy. The patient was lost to follow-up for six years and revisited upon her neck disturbances and underwent total thyroidectomy.
    UNASSIGNED: Sections of the right lobe revealed a grossly encapsulated nodular lesion, measuring 75x55x55 mm. Histologically, the tumor consisted of both carcinomatous and sarcomatous components supported by immunohistochemical stains. Necrosis and atypical mitotic figures were evident. Capsular and/or vascular invasion was not identified. There were no BRAF codon 600, KRAS, NRAS mutations and RET/PTC rearrangement. During three-month follow-up, the patient was free of disease without adjuvant therapy.
    UNASSIGNED: Encapsulated ATCs tend to follow a favorable clinical course and may deserve conservative treatment approaches.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We investigated the effectiveness of the ClearSight system for hemodynamic management during kidney transplantation for a recipient. The recipient was to receive a kidney transplant from his mother under general anesthesia. We used continuous noninvasive finger-cuff-based monitoring of blood pressure, provided by the ClearSight system, and stroke volume variation to predict fluid responsiveness. We used of a balanced anesthetic technique and stringent monitoring standards to ensure a successful outcome for the patient. This case demonstrated that ClearSight has the potential to improve patient monitoring in hemodynamically stable patients who received kidney transplantation under general anesthesia. J. Med. Invest. 65:139-141, February, 2018.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Cysticercosis is an infection with the larval (cysticercus) stage of Taenia solium. It is difficult to diagnose cysticercosis on ultrasonography. Ultrasonography was done on Logiq 500 Pro machine with convex probe at 3.5 MHz frequency and diagnosed as cysticercosis with surrounding inflammation in the right vastus medialis muscle of thigh with a linear probe at 9.6 MHz frequency. In this case, we are discussing the role of high resolution sonography which helped in non-invasive diagnosis and treatment.
    METHODS: A 12 years old male patient presented with a swelling on the medial aspect of the right thigh. There was complaint of pain in the right thigh for the last one week with history of fever since three days. On local examination, a single swelling of size approximately 4x5 cm in the right medial aspect of thigh was present. On ultrasonography there was a well defined isolated cystic lesion of size 3.3 × 2.5 cm intermuscular area. We have successfully managed the patient conservatively with albendazole and steroids only.
    CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that intermuscular cystic swelling in thigh can be diagnosed on high resolution sonography with a great confidence to manage it conservatively. Cost of investigations also reduced. Ultrasonography plays an important role. Child is doing well in follow-up.





