
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present the first case of fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS) using indocyanine green (ICG) in a pediatric redo-Nissen fundoplication. The patient is a 17-year-old male with recurrent gastroesophageal symptoms who underwent primary antireflux surgery at 10 months of age. During the redo fundoplication, ICG was intravenously administered to help the visualization during the adhesiolysis between liver, stomach and right crus of the diaphragm and to spare small oesophageal vessels and the left gastric artery. In this case, FGS made the surgery easier than usual and likely reduced the risk of intra-operative complications. Therefore, we believe that this new technology should be regularly used in these types of complex intra-abdominal redo operations.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The intraoperative identification and preservation of the parathyroid glands are vital techniques, which are largely dependent on a surgeon\'s experience. Therefore, a simple and reproducible technique to identify the parathyroid glands during surgery is needed. Parathyroid tissue shows near-infrared (NIR) autofluorescence, which enables the intraoperative identification of the parathyroid gland. We herein present two cases that underwent surgery on the parathyroid glands, which were observed using the NIR fluorescence imaging system LIGHTVISION® (Shimazu, Kyoto, Japan). In a case of papillary thyroid carcinoma, the system was adopted to preserve normal parathyroid glands during left hemithyroidectomy. The left lower parathyroid gland was identified using the imaging system under white light; however, its autofluorescence was visualized more clearly with the excitation light of NIR. In a case of primary hyperparathyroidism due to MEN1, the system was adopted to identify and remove all of the parathyroid glands during total parathyroidectomy. The autofluorescence of diseased glands was weaker than that of normal glands, even with the excitation light of NIR. When the parathyroid glands were irradiated with a red laser pointer, the intensity of autofluorescence significantly increased. However, the largest gland, which was pathologically proven to contain strongly proliferating chief cells, did not show autofluorescence. These results suggest that normal or less diseased parathyroid glands, which are generally small and difficult to identify during surgery, showed relatively strong autofluorescence. A stronger excitation light increases the autofluorescence of parathyroid glands, which enhances sensitivity for detecting parathyroid glands during surgery. In conclusion, LIGHTVISION® is a useful device to identify parathyroid glands and an additional excitation light of a red laser pointer increases the detection sensitivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Content uniformity is a critical attribute for potent and low-dosage formulations of active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) that, in addition to the formulation parameters, plays pivotal role during pharmaceutical development and production. However, when API content is low, implementing a vibrational spectroscopic analytical tool to monitor the content and blend uniformity remains a challenging task. The aim of this study was to showcase the potentials of mid-infrared (MIR), near-infrared (NIR), and Raman spectroscopy for quantitative analysis of alprazolam (ALZ) in a low-content powder blends with lactose, which is used as a common diluent for tablets produced by direct compression. The offered approach might be further scaled up and exploited for potential application in the process analytical technology (PAT). Partial least square and orthogonal PLS (OPLS) methodologies were employed to build the calibration models from raw and processed spectral data (standard normal variate, first and second derivatives). The models were further compared regarding their main statistical indicators: correlation coefficients, predictivity, root mean square error of estimation (RMSEE), and root mean square error of cross-validation (RMSEEcv). All statistical models presented high regression and predictivity coefficients. The RMSEEcv for the optimal models was 1.118, 0.08, and 0.059% for MIR, NIR, and Raman spectroscopy, respectively. The scarce information content extracted from the ALZ NIR spectra and the major band overlapping with those from lactose monohydrate was the main culprit of poor accuracy in the NIR model, whereas the subsampling instrumental setup (resulting in a non-representative spectral acquisition of the sample) was regarded as a main limitation for the MIR-based calibration model. The OPLS models of the Raman spectra of the powder blends manifested favorable statistical indicators for the accuracy of the calibration model, probably due to the distinctive ALZ Raman pattern resulting in the largest number of predictive spectral points that were used for the mathematical modeling. Furthermore, the Raman scattering calibration model was optimized in narrower scanning range (1700-700 cm-1) and its prediction power was evaluated (root mean square error of prediction, RMSEP = 0.03%). Thus, the Raman spectroscopy presented the most favorable statistical indicators in this comparative study and therefore should be further considered as a PAT for the quantitative determination of ALZ in low-content powder blends.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: The potential complications of pulmonary sequestration are serious and may include recurrent pulmonary infection, hemoptysis, and tumorigenesis. Therefore, the gold standard of treatment has been surgery. Although an adequate boundary between the nonfunctional lung and normal lung is required for the resection of pulmonary sequestration, the boundaries have been conventionally identified intraoperatively with inflation/deflation of the target segment by clamping and unclamping the relevant bronchus. The technique of visualizing the demarcation line based on near-infrared fluorescence imaging with indocyanine green was recently developed.
    METHODS: A 42-year-old Japanese woman with right Pryce III intralobar sequestration was admitted to our hospital. We planned video-assisted thoracoscopic wedge resection of the right sequestration using near-infrared fluorescence imaging with indocyanine green because of the small volume of the nonfunctional region. The aberrant artery was recognized in the pulmonary ligament; the artery was cut off after ligation. Indocyanine green at 5 mg/body was rapidly injected into the peripheral vein, and the boundary of the sequestration was clearly identified under near-infrared fluorescence imaging.
    CONCLUSIONS: Near-infrared fluorescence imaging with indocyanine green is safe and useful for the identification of the boundary of a pulmonary sequestration.







  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial
    BACKGROUND: Stereotactic needle biopsy provides a minimally invasive option for the diagnosis of intracranial lesions but is limited by inconclusive diagnoses on frozen pathology. For rapid pathology, 5-aminovelunic acid and sodium fluorescein have previously demonstrated potential as diagnostic adjuvants. Stereotactic biopsy with near-infrared (NIR) fluorophores has not been reported. We identified 5 representative cases using NIR fluorescent dye indocyanine green (ICG) administered in a high dose, delayed manner.
    METHODS: Five patients underwent second window indocyanine green (SWIG)-guided stereotactic biopsy for diagnosis of suspected glioma or tumor recurrence. Up to 5 mg/kg ICG was administered approximately 24 hours prior to surgery. Biopsies were conducted in the standard fashion, targeting regions of suspected tumor using intraoperative frameless navigation. Samples were examined intraoperatively under standard visible light and for fluorescence using conventional NIR imaging platforms. Findings were correlated with frozen and final tumor pathology for all cases.
    RESULTS: A total of 10 biopsy specimens were obtained. Three did not fluoresce and did not demonstrate tumor on preliminary or final pathology, including a non-gadolinium-enhancing sample taken proximal to the final target. The remaining 7 fluoresced, of which 6 contained tumor and 1 contained necrosis. Fluorescence was also noted in a patient with radiation treatment effect. Overall fluorescence characteristics were highly concordant with preliminary and final diagnoses.
    CONCLUSIONS: SWIG provides rapid intraoperative confirmation of pathologic brain tissue by permeating neoplastic or inflammatory brain tissue via a mechanism similar to that of gadolinium enhancement. SWIG-guided stereotactic biopsy can improve surgical efficiency by enhancing confidence in acquisition of target tissue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stroke due to hypoperfusion or emboli is a devastating adverse event of cardiac surgery, but early detection and treatment could protect patients from an unfavorable postoperative course. Hypoperfusion and emboli can be detected with transcranial Doppler of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). The measured blood flow velocity correlates with cerebral oxygenation determined clinically by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) of the frontal cortex. We tested the potential advantage of a spatially extended NIRS in detecting critical events in three cardiac surgery patients with a whole-head fiber holder of the FOIRE-3000 continuous-wave NIRS system. Principle components analysis was performed to differentiate between global and localized hypoperfusion or ischemic territories of the middle and anterior cerebral arteries. In one patient, we detected a critical hypoperfusion of the right MCA, which was not apparent in the frontal channels but was accompanied by intra- and postoperative neurological correlates of ischemia. We conclude that spatially extended NIRS of temporal and parietal vascular territories could improve the detection of critically low cerebral perfusion. Even in severe hemispheric stroke, NIRS of the frontal lobe may remain normal because the anterior cerebral artery can be supplied by the contralateral side directly or via the anterior communicating artery.





