
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The \"facie sympathique\" is a vital sign first described by Etienne Martin in 1899 referring to unilateral miosis, with or without ptosis, at the opposite side from the knot in hanging. This mark is scarcely reported in legal medicine textbooks and scientific papers. Moreover, when cited, it is referred to differently from its original meaning, both as unilateral contraction (miosis) and dilatation (mydriasis) of the pupil depending on the antemortem firmness of the ligature\'s neck pressure in hanging with little attention to ptosis. Due to the sympathetic nervous pathway supplying the eye, the review of this ocular sign in hanging supports the importance of revitalizing the \"facie sympathique\" in research on lesion vitality in mechanical asphyxia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The clinical utility of ophthalmic pilocarpine-induced pupil constriction to help overcome image blur of close-up targets in patients with failing accommodation is examined.Pilocarpine in low-concentration ophthalmic solution eye drops constricts the pupil to approximately 2 mm and thus reduces defocus blur. To gain regulatory approval of this drug for the treatment of presbyopia, clinical trials were conducted with 1.25% pilocarpine. Near vision was improved in a modest proportion of early presbyopes: between 12 and 22% more patients reached criterion near visual acuity than with a placebo, depending on conditions. The drug is well tolerated, and its effect has onset of only minutes and lasts several hours. Small pupils will cause diminished night vision and may have an impact on distance acuity to which possible minor drug-induced accommodative spasms could contribute. The therapy has a role for patients who want to postpone or briefly pause dioptric supplementation of their failing accommodation. No convincing case has been made for one version of ophthalmic pilocarpine over another.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Xylazine is not a controlled substance; it is marketed as a veterinary drug and used as a sedative, analgesic and muscle relaxant. In humans, it could cause central nervous system depression, respiratory depression, bradycardia, hypotension, and even death. There have been publications of 43 cases of xylazine intoxication in humans, in which 21 (49%) were non-fatal scenarios and 22 (51%) resulted in fatalities. Most of the non-fatal cases required medical intervention. Over recent years xylazine has emerged as an adulterant in recreational drugs, such as heroin or speedball (a cocaine and heroin mixture). From the 43 reported cases, 17 (40%) were associated with the use of xylazine as an adulterant of drugs of abuse. Its chronic use is reported to be associated with physical deterioration and skin ulceration. Literature shows some similar pharmacologic effects between xylazine and heroin in humans. These similar pharmacologic effects may create synergistic toxic effects in humans. Therefore, fatalities among drug users may increase due to the use of xylazine as an adulterant. Xylazine alone has proven harmful to humans and even more when it is combined with drugs of abuse. A comprehensive review of the literature of non-fatal and fatal xylazine intoxication cases including those in which the substance was used as adulterant is presented, in order to increase the awareness in the forensic community, law enforcement, and public health agencies.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    We describe here a paradigmatic case of mushroom poisoning mimicking a stroke. A 64-year old male was referred to the emergency department (ED) for a car accident. He was found diaphoretic, hypotensive, bradycardic, and slightly confused at presentation. No signs of trauma were observed on physical examination. The patient had weakness of the right limbs and bilateral severe myosis. The lab tests were normal, except for leukocytosis, mild hyperglycemia, mild hyperazotemia and moderate hypokalemia. The clinical picture, with the exception of miosis, was thereby suggestive for a stroke, which was also considered the cause of the car accident. The patients\' wife, who was brought later to the ED, reported that the husband had suffered a stroke 4 years earlier, with residual right hemiparesis. She also referred that the patient showed signs of diaphoresis and confusion, and the car was intentionally driven into the ditch. Among other details, she referred that the husband ate mushrooms that she had personally collected 2 hours before taking the drive. Two mg of atropine, intravenous rehydration and potassium were hence administered in the suspicion of a cholinergic toxydrome, and complete clinical remission was rapidly obtained. Among the mixture of mushrooms eaten by the patient, a mycologist identified Armillaria Mellea (an edible mushroom) and notably Inocybe Fastigiata, a toxic muscarine-containing mushroom, easily confounded with Armillaria. After observation and oral rehydration, the patient was discharged.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hemicrania continua (HC) is an indomethacin responsive primary headache disorder. Secondary or symptomatic HC is associated with another neurological or non-neurological disease. We report three patients with secondary HC. We also review the literature to identify the clinical predictors of an underlying disease entity. Intracranial structural lesion, head and neck vessel pathology, and carcinoma lung should be suspected in every patient. The factors that may suggest a secondary pathology are: elderly age, male sex, smoking habit, constitutional symptoms, symptoms related to respiratory system, frequent and short-lived exacerbation, nocturnal exacerbation, HC evolving from remitting form, recent neck and/or head trauma, miosis, elevated ESR, and fading effect of indomethacin. We recommend MRI brain in all the patients presenting with HC or HC like headache. Angiography and CT chest are two other investigations that may be supplemented in patients with high risk for head/neck vessel pathology and carcinoma lung.





